Security Signal Devices, Inc. dba Pacific Alarm Services Faithful Performance Bond 107354403Bond # 107354403
Executed in Triplicate
WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, Coun
action passed Fpr.. Zb,At?.,l has awarded
ty of Riversidto Securi
e, State of Califo
Siqnal Devices.
rnia, by minute
lnc dba Pacifict
Alarm Services hereinafter designated as the "Principal", a Contract for construction ofthe Menifee Police Deoartme nt: Additional Came ras and Recordino Sto raoe lnstallation
Services project together with appurtenances thereto, and
wHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said contract to furnish a
bond for the faithful performance of said Contract.
NOW, THEREFORE,we Securi Siq nal Devices, Inc dba Pacific Alarm
Services as Principal,and Travelers Casualtv and Suretv Comoanv of America
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut
, and
duly authorized to transact business under the laws of california, as surety, are held and
firmly bound unto the City of Menifee
sum of one hundred percent (100%)
hereinafter called the Contra
of the amount of TwentV
cting City, in the penal
Nine Thousand Eiqht
Hundred Sixtv Five and 63/100 Dolla rs ($ 29.865.63 ), lawful money of the
United Stated of America, for payment of which sum well and kuly to be made, we bind
ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, joinfly and severally,
firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITION OF THE OBLIGATION lS SUCH that, if the hereby bounded
Principal, his/hers or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in
all things stand to and abide by and well and truly keep and perform all the undertakings,
terms, covenants, conditions and agreements in said contract and any alteration thereof,
made as therein provided all within the time and in the manner therein designated and in
all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall faithfully fulfill the one-
year guarantee of all materials and workmanship after final acceptance; and shall
indemnify and hold harmless the City of Menifee, its officers and agents, as therein
stipulated, then this obligation shallbecome null and void, othenarise it shall be and remain
in full force and virtue.
FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that
no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of
the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,
and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or
modification of the Contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder.
No final settlement between the Principal and the Contractor hereunder shall
abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied.
Bond # 107354403
Executed in Triplicate
Notices, papers and other documents required by Chapter 2 of Ti e 14 of parl2
of code of civil Procedure, or by any other law, regulation, or requirement of the contract
may be served upon Principal at this address: '1740 N Lemon St. Anahe tm cA 92801
and upon Surety at this address :One Tower Square.S202A, Hartford. CT 06 183
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identicat counterpa
of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof
rts of this instrument, each
, have been duly executed
by the Principal and Surety herein named on the 1gth day of A ril_,2021_
Securitv Siqnal Devices. lnc dba Pacific Alarm Services
tn nbe / Attorn -ln-F
The name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and thesepresents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of its
governing body.
Travelers Casualtv and Suretv Companv of America
Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America
Travelers Casualty and Surety Company
St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thal Travelers Casualty and Surely Company of America, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and St.
P^aul Fire and l\,'larine lnsurance Company are corporalions duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticui (herein collectivety ;albd the'companies"), and thal the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Justin GJuenberg, of Newport Beach, Catifornia, their tn-re and lawfulAttomey-in_Facl to sign, execule, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional undertakings and olher writings obligatory inthe nalure lhereof on behalf of the Companies in lheir business of guaranteeing lhe fidehly of persons guaranteelng lhe performan;e ol c;ntra;hand execuling or guaranleeing bonds and undertakings required or permilled in any actjons or proceedingi allowed bylaw
lN wlTNEss wHEREOF, lhe companies have caused lhis insttument lo be siqned, and their corporate seats to be hereto afllxed, this 3rd day of F€bruary,2017.
Stale of Connecticul
City of Harlford ss.
Robert L. Raney. Se Vice President
On this the 3rd day of February, 2017, before me personally appeared Robsrt L. Ranoy, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice president ofTravelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Sl. Paul Firc and Marine lnsurance Company, and
that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed lhe foregoing inslrumenl for the purposes lherein contained by signing on behalf ofthe corporationsby himself as a duly authorized otficer.
ln Witnoss Whoroof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal
My Commission expires lhe 30th day of June, 2021
Ir4a C. Telreaull, Notary Public
This Pov€r of Atlomey is granted under and by the auihonty of the followng resolulions adopled by the Eoards of Directors of Traveters Casualty andSu.ely Company of Amedca, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and St. Paul Fire and Marine tnsurance Company, which resolutions are now infullforce and effect, reading as follows:
RESOLVED, that the, the President, any Vic€ Chairman, any Execulive Vice P,esidenl, any Senior Vice President, any Vice president, anySecond Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attomeys-in-Fact an;Agents to act for and on behalf ofthe Company and may give such appointee such aulhonty as his or her ce(ificale of authority may prescribe to sign wilhthe Company's name and sealwith the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracb of indemnily, and other writings obligaiory in the natuie of abond, recognizance, or condilional undertaking, and any of said offcers or lhe Board of Darectors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke
the povJ€r given him or her; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vic€ Chairman, any Executive Vice Presidenl, any Senior Vice Presidenl or any Vice
Presidenl may delegate all or any part ofthe foregoing authority to one or more officers oremployees ofthis Company, provjded thal each such delegationis in wriling and a copy thereof is llled in the ollice of Ihe Secretary; and il is
FURTXER RESOLVEO, lhat any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnily, or writing obligatory in lhe nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditionat
undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company \/ien (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any SeniorVice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the, any Asgislant Treasurer, the Co.porale Secretary or any Assistant
Secretary and duly attested and sealed with lhe Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistanl Secrelary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by
one or more Attomeys-in-Fad and Agents pursuant to the po\,er prescribed in his or her certillcale or their cerlificates of aulhority or by one or more
Company officec pursuant to a written delegation of aothorityi and jt is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following ofilcers: Presidenl, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice
President, any Assistant Vice Presidenl, any Secrelary, any Assistant Secrelary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power
ofAttorney orto any certificate retating therelo appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assislanl Secretaries or Atto.neys-in-Facl for purposes only
of executing and attesling bonds and undertakangs and other wrilings obligatory in lhe nature thereof, and any such Power ofAtlomey or certillcate bearing
such lacsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and cerlified by such facsimile
sagnature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respecl to any bond or understanding to which it is attached.
l, Kovin E. Hughes, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of Travelers Casualty and Surely Company of America, Travelers Casually and Surety
Company, and St. Paul Fire and Marine lnsurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power ofAtlomey executed by said Companies, which remains in full force and effecl.
Dated this tgtn dayof Apd 2o2l
cd! c $fra.d*
Kevin E. Hughes, Ass Secretary
lo verily tfie autlrenticity of this Power of Altor.reh pleasc all us at 7-8OO-42I-388O.
Please tebr to the above-named Attornefin-Fact and the deta s of the bond to which the power ls altached,
Bond # 107354403
Executed in Triplicate
Civil Code of the State
of California, Section 1188, CERTIFICATE OF
An officer taking the acknowledgment of an instrument must endorse thereon or attach
thereto a certificate substantially in the forms hereinafter prescribed.
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
ay of _, in the year 2_, before me,
personally appeared , personally known to me
(or proved to me on the basis factory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name
acknowledged that
subscribed to the within instrument and
executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and cial seal.
Notary Public - State of California
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
On this tn the year 2
before me, personally appeared , personally known
to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who
executed the within instrument as president (or secretary) or on behalf of the corporation
therein named acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it.
WITNESS my hand and official seal
Notary Public - State of California
On this
day of
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
Notary Public - State of California
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
On this day of
before me, personally appeared
me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the
subscribed to this instrument as the attorney in fact of
, in the year _,, personally known to
person whose name is
and acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
thereto as principal, and his/her own name as attorney in
Notary Public - State of California
I E..orl Urknown docum!.t p.op.rt] nrm../f, rmrl Urkrosn
document property nrme.-Ermr! Unknown documenr
0r.o.! Unknovo documenl pmp.rty Error: tjrl(nown
document Dropefiy nrmc. a04l16/21 Page I
- On this day of
in the year Z_,
before me, personally appeared perso;ally known tome (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executedthe within instrument on behalf of the partnership and acknowledged to me that thepartnership executed it.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
.(k-4ffi ;ffi .l.r:aricrx)cf)c..c.rrc|cc.<).rria-ari{
A notary public or other oflicer comdeling this certificale verifies only the identrty o, the individual who signed the
document to which lhis certificate is attached, and not the truthtulness, accuracy, or validity oI that document.
State of Califomia
County of orange
On 04119t202',1 before me, Trishe Engplhart. Notery Puhlic
personally appeared
Here lnseft Name and Title of the Officer
NaneF4lof SigndL
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persprsf whose nameffiV6rqf
subscribed. to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that nel$d/tli* executed the same rn
his/b{^Mr(r authorized capacityGd, and that by hiV@ir signatur@/ori tniinstrument tnJ d;;"e(or the entity upon behall of which the person$/acted, executed the instrument.
Nolary Public _ Calibmia
ComnrssLon 1221160
lty Comm. Ex!,es lhc 6. 2C21
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJUBY under the laws
of the State ol California that the foregoing paftlgraph
is true and con6ct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Signature of Public
Place Notary Seal Above
Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or
fnudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document.
Description o, Attached Document
Title or Type of Document:Performance Bond
Document Date:04t1912021 Number of Pages:5
Signer(s) Other Than Named Above:
Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signe(s)
Signer's Name:Signer's Name:
n Corporate Officer - Title(s)tr Corporate Officer - Title(s):
nPanner - n Limited tr General
n lndividual dAttomey in Fact! Truslee ! Guardian or Conservator
tr Other:
! Partner - tr Limited n General
n lndividual tr Attomey in Fact
n Trust€€ E Guardian or Conservatorn Other:
Signer ls Representing: Travelers Casualtv and
Surety Co of America
Signer ls Representing:
02015 National Notary Aqsociation . . 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6824 ltem #5907