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2021/05/01 Sceizi Enterprises, Inc.
SCELENT-01 LR CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE 1 ril/1 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsoment(s). PRODUCER License # OE02096 NAM£ CT Laura Ray DiBuduo & DeFendls Insurance Brokers, LLC PHONE FA% P.O. Box 5479 Wc,.Ne,>?.xl)I 6650 INC Hn)!(W) 437-6651 Fresno, CA 93755-5479 1 : %&m.1aum.rav0dIbu.c*m INSURED Scelzi Enterprises, Inc. INSURER 2266 E. Date Ave' INSURER Fresno, CA 93706 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. R TYPE OF INSURANCE I POLICY NUMBER .POLICY Eby F POLICYEM LIMITS X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE 1,000,0 CLAIMS -MADE OCCUR X JUSCO15795210 5/1/2021 1 5/1/2022 DAMAGE TO RENTED 100,0 PRFMIRFR lFa nrniinenes,i $ G9NL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE X POLICY JECT LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OPA OTHER: B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY sMB�IOIN INGLE LIMIT X! ANY AUTO :SCV0097492101 5/1/2021 5/1/2022 OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY Par ersc AIURRTEEOS ONLY rA�UUTTO�Syy Ep BODILY INJURY LPersrcld . X AUT03 ONLY X:] AUTOB OHf�ELY IPer erii MAW X UMBRELLA LIAB X EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE IUSCO1183321U 5/1/2021 a 5/1/2022 DED I I RETENTION $ 0 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y� ANY PROPRIIETgO�RR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE EXCLUDED? N / A M1225504 3/1/2021 3/712022 RU-7lory In NH) If ves. dwedbe under B Garagekeepers LlabB B Dealer Physical Damg DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 07 5/1/2021 5/112022 Direct Primary 01 5/1/2021 5/1/2022 Comp/Coll $500 Ded rN OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS f VEHICLES (ACORD iOl. Addlllorlsl Remarks Schsduls, may be •tlaehad If more space Is requlradl II(fee and Its officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers are named additional insured with respect to General Liability and is primary and non-contributory per attached form CG7193 0319. CERTIFICATr- Nni nFR CANCEUAT30N I I I I I I I II II I I I II I"I I I I I I I I I I III I I I' l I I I l I"I' I I I I' 1111111111111 «««..""..•SNGLP 936 Tray 1 : Piece 171 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 1712 SP 0.710 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Menifee ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 29844 Haun Rd AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Sun City CA 92586-6539 ACORD 25 (2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Allianz Ali MultiCovere - Without Medical Payments - CG 71 493 03 19 Policy Arriend►nentlsj Commercial General Liability Coverage Farm Your Commercial General Liability Coverage Form is revised as follows' 1_ Broaderted Tamed Insured A. SECTION 11-WHO IS AN INSURED, item 3. , is delated and replaced by ft following, 3_ Any organization that you own at the inception of this policy, or newly acquire or form -during the policy period. and over which you maintain during the policy period majority ownership or majority interast_ will qualify as a Named fnstara+d if: a. There is no other similar Insurance available to that organization: and b. The rirst Naffm i Insured shown in the DeclaTaligns has tha mspansIbility of placing insurance for that organization-- and c. That organization is incorporated Dr ortganazed under the laws of the finked States of Arnsiica. However: � 1 � Coverage tender 4h€is provision 3 is afforded only until the nex# occurring annual an nPrersary at the beginning of the policy period Ehgwn to ft DKIs atigns. or the and of the policy period, whichever earlier_ and q2) Coverage, A does not apply tg bod My injury or property damage that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization, and (3) Coverage B does riot apply to personal and advertising inju€y,ansing out Of an offense Wornitted before you acquired gr figrrd the orpasrrizatign. B.. SECTION]] -WHO fE AN INSURED, the last paragraph, is deleted and Tepla,2ed by the following: No person, or organization is an insured with respect to the curiduct of any curn:nl or past partnership, Joint venture, ©r limited tiabilo company that is not ,ilia vn as a gamed Insured in the Declaration_ However, this does not app y !io a limited liab4ilt-r company that meets all of the conditions in Section It - Who Is An lnsurad. item 3__ above. 2. Additional tasured If an Additional Insured endrrsament is attached to this policy that specifically names a person or organization as an :additional Insured, then this Section 2. Additional insured does not apply to such person or organization. SECTION 11- WHO IS AN Ih SUR ED, su bsecliion 2.e., is; added as fobDws, e_ Any person or orgarrizatmn is included as an additional insured, but only to the extent such person or organization is legally obligated to pay for bodily Injury. property damage or personal and advertlsing Injury caused by your acts or omissions. With respect to the insurance afforded to sutrh additional insured. all of the following additional provisions apply: �1 b You have agreed in a written Insured contract that such person or organizabon be added as an additIDnal insured under this policy, r� (2) The bodily injury, property damage or personal and al"eTtlsing Injury for which said person or organization is legally obligated to pay occurs subsequent to the exec4ition a( such insured contract, � (3 $ The most we w it pay is the lesser of either the amount of insurance available under the applicable Limits � of Insurance shown in the Declarations or the limits of insurance required by the Insured contiracti d4) The insurance afforded to such addkianal insured only applies to the extent perrnitied by taw; 5`.1114 t: J1 A At'.,ra la*& %.b �J= Moue u� ':nn€ou�7 �fns res�e-,ws •'CLze.ePf.i Tia30-a h=, we to PV1_a _" Alfloanz @ J5� Such person ororganization is an additional insured ordywdh respell 1D: (a) Their ownership, maintenance, or use of that part of the prernises, or land, owned by, rented to, or leased to you, except such person or organization is not an insured Mth respect to sfruduraI :alterations, nee construction or demolition operatibns perfornwd by or on behalf of such person or nrganizationr (b d Yiyura,ngoing operations performed for that insured; 4c) Their financial control of }au� except suchparson or organization is not an insured with respect to structural alterations, new rGnstruUi4n or demolition operations perlDrmed try or on behalf ofStich person or organization, �d� The maintenance; operation or use by you of equipment ;ieased to you by such person or organization; ion; fie) Operatiors perforrned by you or an your be -bait and fur which a slate or political subdivision figs issued a permit, provided such operations are not parorrned for such state or poihical subdi-visicn, and .are not included mthin 1t►e products -completed operations lhaxard, or (f) Their liability as a grantflr of a frarr._hise tip yaU. (63 This insuran-ve does not apply to hadily Injury, property damage, personal and ,advertising Injury, occurrence or offense_ $A Which takes placa at a particular pramisas after you cease to be a tenant ofthat premises; thl Which takes place after ,all Work, Inclurtin€1 materials, parts or equipment Furnished in connection with such Work to be permcmeauv or on oehj3lf of the addidorial insured at the site of the covered operations, has been completed; $cp Which takes plane after that portion of your work out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any other person or organization ether than another cuntractor or subcontractor engaged In perforrning operations for a principal as part of the same ,project; or ld� Which takes place after the expiration of any equipment lease to which �4'kdy above applies; $T � With respect to arcnriecrs, engineers or survey ors, coverage does not apply to bodily injury, property damage or personal .and advartialog injury anteing out of the rendering or failura to reviler any professional services by or for you, including: (a) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or ,approve, maps, shnp.drav,ings, opinions, reports, surveys, field pr"rs. charme orders, ordravAngs and specifications'. or (b) Superyisom inspection, architectural. or engineering services. These exduslons apply even if fe claims against any Insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the sJupervision, hiring, employn-mrvt, training orrnonitrsring ol'others by thatin.sure+d. lithe occurrence which caused the bodily injdr+y or propeety+darnaW, or the offense which caused the penal or advertising Injury, inYolved the rendering of or the €e shire to render any professional services by or for you, 3_ Additional insured -Vendors If an additional Insured Vendors endorsement is attached to this policy that specifically names a perwn or organization as an additional insured, then this Section 3. Additional Insured - Vendors ryas not apply to that person or organization. Unless the products -completed operations hazard is excluded: from this policy, SECTION 11 - WHO IS AN INSURED, item 3_f_ is added as follows: f_ Any v n&r of yours fs included as an additional Insured. but only with respect to bodily injury or properly damage caused by your produce which are distributsd or sold in the: regular course of the vendor's business, subject to the Following additional exclusions: C�;"r1wU7 iU C.rj�arl iV Ml— iscb. �d�i-.o G': e-s�au,ce W�TrG coil Ai: as °�. •aer•rs^.� nal.1r+ LAIN e.c %t' "p 1ir tar Afflanz ili $1 � The insurance arf Drded such vendor cloes not apply to: (a) Bodily injury or property damage for which the vendor is obligated to pay damages by reason of the assumpdan ci liability- in a contract or agreament, This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages that the vendor would have in'ie absenze of the contract or agreement: Ib h Any express warranty unautharized by you; sc9 Any physical or chemical change in the product made intentionally try the vendor: (d) Repackaging, unless unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or the subsfiitutron: of parts under instructions from the manufacturer, and then repac-kaged rn the onginai container, (e� Any failure to make such inspecbans, adfustmems, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual oourse of business. in connection with the distribution or sale of the products, - if) Liiemvnstradon, Installation. servicing or repair ooeralt+ans, .except such operations performed by the vendor in full compliance with the manufacturet's atnKen instsuctiorrs at the vendor's premises in connection with the safe of the produLt; $g), Products tivhrch. after distri ubon or safe by voU. have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient 0 any other thfnq Dr sub sfanoe by nr for the vendor,or �h) Bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ffa.btiity of the vendor for its own acts or, omissions or those of ifs employees or anyone else acting on its behalf. (2? This insurancedces not app4y to any Ensured person or organizador) from wharrt ybu have acq aired such products or any ingredient part or container, entering into, accompanying or containing such products- (3) The mast ►ts will pay is the lesser of either t" amount of insurance available under the apWica.ble Limits of lnsuranoe shown in (he Declarations or the limpits of insurance required by the cuntracl or agreement:, and �4) The insurancaafforded to such vendor only applies to the extent permitted by law. 4_ Additk al Insured a Limited Prfrnary and Noncontributory Provision The following is added as a second paragraph to Section FV Conditions, Condition 4. Other insurance, fotbwjng paragraph b.(21_ however. if you have added and+ person, organLzation or vendor of yours as an additional insured to this policy by way o'f this MultiCoverf endorsernent and have agreed in a written irvsured contract that this insurance is primary and ion-corilribuiciry with other insurance available to that additional insured, this insurance is primary and we will not seek cantrbulion from such additional insureds other insurance, provided that the add hDrial insured is a Blamed Insured under such other insurance. 5. Waiver of Subrogation SECTION iV - COMMERCi.AL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, item 8_, is deleted and replaced by the fcilcwing: 8_ Transfer of bights of Racovery Against Others to Lis and Blanket Waiver of Cubrogadon a. if the insured has rights to recover all or part of any payment -we have made under this Coverage Part. those Tights are traneferred to us_ The insured must do nothing after the kiss to impair those rights. At our request, the Insured Will bring suit or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce them. b_ if required by a written Insured contract executed p oT to the Dccurrence or offense., we waive any right of recovery we may have against any person or organization narned in such insured contract, because of payments we make for Injury or damage arising cKit of your opsTafions or your work far th.sI pevrsrsn or organizaWn. VGrl 03v7 sa L.F!it%rA L 10 l'J AM*- Q4ha liu►aS,=-.a- o ,nd-4 1 'n .66 of U tree..M m "4r .m Pw. 5 e, T Afflanz Ali 6. Cancelliation - 90 Days Comntinn Policy Conditions andorsernestt 11-001T, A. Cancellation, dam 2_b. is deleted and replaced by the following: b. gg daps before the effective date of cancellation if we cancel for any oftr reason- 7- Llberaltaatlari SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIASIL" CONDITIONS, the Vlowmg. is added as an additional Condition: Liberalization Ifwa adopt a change in our forms or rules which would broaden they cowerage prxvided bj any €arm that is a part of this policy without an extra prensiurn charge, the txaadar voverage will apply to this. pdicy. This extension is effective upon the approval of such brxaa+der coverage in your state:. 8_ Fire, Explos6an, Sprinkler Leakage, or Lightning Legal Liability Coverage A. SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY" AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILfTY, 2 Ekclusis_ the last paragraph, is deleted and replaced by the f+vCbwinct Exclusions c_ through n. donatapply to damage by Trrs� explosion, sp.rinkte r leakage, orlightning to premises while: I. Dented: to you, Temporarily occupied by you wan ins mTmissivn or owner. or 3, Managed by you tinder a Wicrerr agreemem with the wooer: A separate limit of insurance appe'lless to this coverage as described in, Section III - LtMFTS OF INSURANCE- S_ SECTION Ill - LIM FTS OF WSURANCE, item G., is deleled and replaced by the fivilinr[ng_ b. Subjecl.to 5. above, the Damage to Premises Rented To You Limit shown In the Declarations. !or property damage to any one premises while ranted to you, or in the case I damage by fore, explosion, sprinkler leakage, or lightrrtng while rarked to you_ temporarily occupied by you With, the permission of the iyAmer. Df tnartaoed by v ou under a written agreement with the cr, wrier, Is the greater of: a. $1,1300,000 Any One Premises. or b_ The Damage To Prarnises Herded To YDu Limit shown. iri 1}ie Declarations. C. SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, 4. Other Insurance, b. 'Excess Insurance, (1)(a)« items (I) and trii)a are deleted and replaced by the fol[owinag: (j) That is Fire, EXplosionb Sphrtklar Leakage or Lightning insurance for premises while rented to you - temporarily occupied by ynu with permission of the owner, or managed by You Holder a w illen agreement with the owner: Oil) That is insurance purchased by YOU to rover your liability ,as a tenant for property damage to premises rerded to you. temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner, or managed by you under a written agreement with the owner: or D. SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, g_ Insured iCantracL item; a., Is deleted and replaced by the following: (a� A contract lior a leap of poemises. ftweloer, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies any persona or organization for damage by Firs+, explosion, sprinkler leakage. or ligti"fig, to premises while rented to you, temporarily occupied by goU with permission of the awner, or managed by 3Mou under a written agreement With the owner: is not an Insured contract,- 9- Damage to Invitees,* Automobiles from Failing Trees. or Tree Limbs -Limited Coverage r.'PI.li 03 ]b ors^)rr,FJ i Jd lI N.Yr CY_b+l i�F.e l"c. i^-au�n: a tirye�[wU JAL -Z�� •aarntt lrA#.am r=-dMa-ozT.it = 0+i m k _sip n gn rs , R" 4 t�l T Allianz ili This ocverage applies to +direct physical damage to automobiles owned by inviteas subject to all of the following- t. Provlded such damage originates from trees on premises owned, managed. learned or rented by an insured- 2 Coverage applies only to invitees of an Insured or an Insured's tenant. 3. Such damage is directly caused by wind drrven falling trees or tree limbs; 4 _ The rnQst we wrtl pay for any one loss is the lowest of: a_ the aci=" cash value of lfia damaged automobile as of the time at the loss; or b. the cost of repairing the damaged automobile; or c. the cast of replacing the damaged automobile with another a utornobile of like kind and quality - Regardless or tine number of occurrences, losses of claims, this coverage is subject to a Irm.rt of S25.000 In any one policy period; 5. This coverage 4s.not subject ic, the Genial Liability Generi Aggregate Limit and fa_ We will make °payments under this coverage without ren and to fault. 10. Non -Owned or Chartered Watercraft 'SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE -A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY. 2. Exclusions, item g. Aircraft, Auto, or Wa.tarcrafl; item J2 j, ls,del.eted and replaced by the foltovOng: (2) A watercraft you do not own that Is. (a? Less than 51 feet lo; and M Not being -used for public transportation or as a common corner, 11- Chartered Aircraft SECTION f - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY. 2_ Exclusions, g. Aircraft, Aubo Or Walercraft, item (6), is added as follows: �6) An aircraft in which your have rya ownership interest and thai you have chartered with crew. 12. Coverage Tenilory -Broadened SECTION V - DEFINITIONS. item 4.a., is deleted and replaces by the rulbowing: a. The United States of Arnatica (including its Lerritorlas and possessions), Puerto Rico, Canada, ,Bermuda_ the Bahamas, The Cayman Islands and the f ribsh Virgin Islands, 13, Personal and Advertising injury - Contractual Unless personal and adwerusing injury is excluded from this policy the follrnving applies: SECTION I - COVERAGES. COVERAGE R. 2. Exclus[ons, Kem e., is delayed_ 14. Fe[kYw Employee Coverage SECTf0N 11- WHO i:S A14 INSURED, 2.a-, Ita.m (1) is deleted and replaced by the Following- �1) Personal and advertising Injury. kl®Kvver, subsections (ay, (b), I'c) and �dj of item �1) xemain uncharged. 15. Bodily injury Definition - Broadened SECTMN V - DEFINTIONS, 3_ Bodily Injury is deleted and raph3c43d by the following= Bodily injury means bossily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person ioddding death urmental anguish resulting from any cf these at any t`2 _:MEnlal anguish means any type of menfai or er nat oral illness or disease 115a. Expected or intended Injury = Amendment to Exclustnn € w4 ,rT1' 21v AF c: .:le8r .�1.0, L*� -anw . udr.M oar "--oassebrs af>� LON. k .14 av Fs.IMP-1 p e Allianz ili SECTION I_ CovuageA Bodily Injury and Property Darnage Uability. 2- EXCLU a1ONS, a EXpected or tmended ]Nury, ms deleted and replaced by the IblifyMng: a Expected or Intended Injury Boffily Injury or property damage expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured, _ This exclusion does not apply in bodily injury or pr€rpedy darna$e resurldrig from the use of reasonable force ire protect persons or property. 17, Unintentional Failure to Disclose hazards SEC-RON IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITMONS, item 5. Representations, the following is added. d_ If you unintenlionrally fail to disclose any hazards existing at the incepitan dale of this policy„ we will not ,deny coverage under this, Coverage Form because of such failure. However, this provision does not affect our right in collect additional prarmurn or emercise our right of cancellation or non -renewal. 1g_ Supplementary Payments -Increased Limits SECTION I - COVERAGES. SUPPLEMENTARY PAY MElff S -COVERAGES A AND E, items I.b. and 1 _d., are dilated and. replaced by the foliowing- b. The cost of ball bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehOe tc which the Bodily injury Llabittty Colterao@ aoolias. We do not have to fundish these• bonds. d. Adl: reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at out request to assist us in the Investigation or defense of the claim or suit, including sUbstaM ated loss of eammgs up to $500 a day because of time off from Work 199 Duties in the Eve nt; of an Occufferwe, Offense. Claim or Suit - Amended SECTION IV - COM MERCIAI_ GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS. item 2.a- is deleted and replaced by the following: (14 You must see to it that." or any licensed agent of ours are notified of a General Liability occurrence or offense which may result in a claim as, scion as praciicabie after it becomes known to: (a) You, if you afe an I nu fuual; (b) Your partner or memDer, n you area partnership sir joint ve-nhfre; Ici Your msmber, if you area Ifmfte d liability company: (d � Your executive officer IFyou are an organization other than a, partnership, joint venture or limited fiabtlity company: or Vie) Your authorized reprwentative or insUrance manager. Knowledge of an occurrence or offense by persons other than these listen above idles not imply that tdtaee listed above also have such knowiedge_ {, j To the extent possible, notice shouts incidde- (a� Flow, whan and where the occurrence, or offerrA tools place: (b) The names and addresses of any injured liaisons and %Tfnesses; and Icj The nalure and location of any injury or damage arising out of the occurrence or offense. 20. Non Employment Diis rlmination Liability Unless personal and advertising injury is excluded from, this policy the following applies: A_ SECTION V -DEFINITIONS. 14. Personal and advertising Injury, item h_ is added as follows: h„ Discrimination. Eh S. BECT104 V - DEFINITIONS, iterh 23_ is added as follows: 61; p1 d] U7 J� Lw?=-A L I'd PkiC: 4R*h. Slaw US r�eiarsore %rr�m,i �'idss •�arsea �erl.Jw —. O. K rani 6. rf �rx LWI . by _. h n 011r=11 Pam 12 =1 T Afflanz Ali 23- ENserirnination meerns the unlawful, treatment eat a person or class of persons because of their specific race, color, religion, gender, ege, or nationid erigin in samparison to one or afore persons who are not members of the specified class- C. SECTON I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE B PERSONAL AND ,ADVERTISING INJURY LIABIUTi', 2_ Exclusiorns„ the foilloerring are added: Discrimination directly or incilreclly related to they Fast emplayrnent, employment or pro"ctive employment of any person or clam of persons by any Insured, r_ Discrirn[naltlon directly or indirectly related to the sale, rental, lease or sublease or prospectaae safe. rental, lease or sublease of any dwelling or permanent lodging by or at thoe di-rec4on of any Insured; s. GiscArninaiion. Illinsutance thereofisprohibited bylaw. or t_ Ftnes, pionnalties5 specific performance, or injure ions levied or Imposed by a governments! entity. governmental code. laser, or statute because of discrirrilnallion. AN other terms and cwdifiarns_of the paficy-apply. cr-¢1 Y]ill0 (-�nri t2ONALWa Gels Rum ia�'krr�rm:a N_nr�nq, ,.,f�x�cit. n...a�rs WO —I .. * ussiw al.r .Mx Nh■ hi. pry ja j Pam P a! r