Jesus Alday Faithful Performance Bond GP20-039 72342602st,s6 pue slsoc se pexel eq o] ile 'uorlBorrqo qons ourcrolu",,{11n1"oon"T':5}1::il:y?iltfiiiil E:il]::i'sael s,rauolp alqeuosea.r ourpnlcur 'seeJ puB sesuedxa elqeuosEer pue slsoc papnlcur sq lleqsaraq] 'elolaloql pegtoads )unoLUe aoe1 eql oI uorltppe ur pue i(qareq petnces uorp6rJqo eql yo yed e sy 'lcale pue ecio1 llry ut utetuer lleqs lt 'es!^ reqlo :pto^ pue llnu euocsq lleqs uorpBrlqo stql uaq) .peplndus unrcql se'saa{o;dtua pue s1ua6e 'slao!}o sU 'eeltuay\l lo IUJ eql ssaluleq a^es pue ,!;uuepur llBLls pue '6uruBeu pue luelul arul reql o1 ourprocce slcedseJ lle ur pue 'peurceds uEJeql rauueuaq] ur pue eurl eqt 1e peuropad pue 1da1 aq o] 'ued Jetll ro srrl uo 'paprnord uercql se speu.J ]oalalll 9o!]elalle (ue pue (s)1uauae.r6e pres aql ur suorsnotd pue suotltpuoc .slueue^o3 eq] uLto,Llad pupdael A1n.r1 pue rp^ pue'rtq aprqe pue ol puEls s6urql fle ur 1;eqs'su6rsse ro sJosseJcns isroprl=,r,-pe 'srolncexa 'sJraq sr ro srq 'ledrsuud pepuoq e^oqe eq] j! lBql qcns sr uorleor;qo su.l+ Jo uorlrpuoc aql 'sroler,.rur.,,pe pup srolncaxa ,srossecons ,sraq rno ,"^?'rT3.,3ff'#[jlt'*{ffi:ffi:rg],,"i Il"Jr.lclrtr jo luauled eq] Jo] 'salels pe1lun aLll 1o r(euour In;,,,^et fOI.OOgE-f tfl- se1jo6 ,ffii3 FITp-EEEISUjf,t ]o urns leuad eqt ur eelruat4 1o r{1r3 aq1 o}un punoq iiutru pue pi.q'ele .,{1arni "" ' pue ;edrcuud eq1 ar,3g6g3gjH1 .MON aq1ro1 (s)puoq qsrurnl ol (s)lueuaar6e pres,.o surar "r,.,i(rtlETiil?:',fijffi;:yJ:#glifi pue ol paJre]6r rqe:aq areysr ' palpp ,(s)lueuaer6e qcrqm ,lts[-76ffii[i1jiS,";fi] 'lcetord ourppro pelEuorsep e^oqe eql alelduoc puB llelsur o1 seer6a ledrcur.ld (qeraqm (sjluau.rear6epeqceue etil 'olut .lelua ol lnoqe ajp Jo 'olut psjoluo eAeq (,.ledrcuud,, se paleu6rsap re4eutereq) ,4ep1y snsel Pue 'eruJolrle3 Jo alels 'eeltue6 p ,(13 eq1lo prcuno3 r{y3 eql ,S\13UfHM euo[.]d 9,!!--(;dtz-------------f,TI e1e67Iy3 rC cEruolod 66(/;ssalppv ledrcuu3{ep1y snsci rl( ) s8!5 unr ua:6----Q-6-[[!gl- 11 o6ec Irl-)alelS/AlrC rool qu t 'ul{nEJ,l quoN l!l ssarppv ,TN}'d'^IOJ .tIfi NS NI[IJS:I,I\Alerng lelol dwoM loJluoc uotsolS a6eurergT6urpelg :cNtovdc uol ( )\Sr )-9gl-\( '!)auoqd apoc dr79O9('9 oN puo8-s s;{r9aiEit 6e0-02d5 o6 1ce[or3 raqlg 00 009'9T sdeyl 1ecre6 00 000'? $ ( t. OOtgS uortces apo3 luaurutanog) vrNuojnvc lo ltvls '3lJtNMl Jo A1t3 SINI W3AOUd 1r'll IdVOSONV'l UO'rouINoS Notsou3 uo / oNv slc3toud gNtovug uoJoNoS S3NVWUOJU3d''tnlHltvJ v'.,a IEEfl Ft^E FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND OR/EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEM ENTS The surely hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, exlension of time, alteration oraddition lo the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work to be performed there under or thespecifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alleration or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work or to the specifications. Surety furlher stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of conslruction are not condilions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. when the work covered by the agreement(s) is complete, the city of Menifee will accept the work and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is be released. IN WITNESS WH above named, on EREOF, this instrument has been duly exFebruan lT ecuted by the principal and surety , lo:l NAME OF pRlNClpAL: Jesus Alday AUTHORTZED StcNATURE(S): By, le. (rF coRPoRATtoN, AFFTX SEAL) NAME oF SURETY: WESTERN SLTREIY COMPANY AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE,I.IKY VN Its e act Title (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. 9/8i I 5 sd[, GALIFORNIA ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California ) County of LoS P<uea-g5 On . I rtq, >o) I before me NA \lUz t.'lUINP.{ Rlg,rC personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of sati name{q1,r(lare subscribed to the withi sfactory evidence to be the person whose n instrument and acknowledged to me that I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ux0coMM. 1232784 tLolr, Public . C.titornit Ios zao Notary Public Signature (Notary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Thislorm conplic: $|th current Calilornia statutes regarding ndary wordint< and, iJ needed, should he umpleled a\d atoched to the documenl Acknowledgncnts from orher srares na1 be !:onplete.l for docunents being senl to that state so long as the \rodingdoes not require the California notary toiolate Cdlilomio notan . Slale and County infomation must be the Stale and County where the document signe(s) personally appcared before the [otary public for acknowledgmmt.. Date ofnotarization must be rhe dale that the signer(s) personally appeared which nrusl also be the same dale the ackno\rledgment is complered.. The notary public must print his or her name as it appeam within his or her commission followed by a comnra and then your title (notary public).. Prinl the name(s) of document signe(s) who personally appear at lhe time of notadzation, DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCU[/llENT Bonto (Title or descriplion of attached document) (Title or descripUon ol atlached document continued ) Number of Pages 3 Document DatecDl ( tl2ctll :if.r 1 r! t/,)r'..ii.)n v,ir,JJ N0l.rr(llrsreli col]i it0lj-3?lj-!lid5 lndicate the conecl singular or plural forms by crossing off incorect forms (i.e. he/shdth€yr is /6r€ ) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection ofdocumen( recording. The notary seal inrpression must be clear and photographically reproducible. lmpression must not cover texl or lines- lf seal impression smudges, re-seal if a suflicient area permils, otherwise complele a different acknowledgmenl form. Signalure ofthe nohry public mu$ match the signature on file with the oflice of the county clerk..! Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is nol misused or attach.{ to a different docummt..l Indicate tille or type ofattached document, number ofpages and date.,, Indicate the capacity claimed by the signcr. lfthe claimed capacity is a corpor.lc olllcer, indicatc the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). Securely attach this document to the signed docutnent with a staple. (Tifle) Partne(s) Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other u ! ! n (He'6 'nsea namo and li{d onFe afidrT- he/shCtky executed thgsame in his/herltheir authorized capacity(iesf, and that by his/her/tlf6ilsignature(sfon the instrument the persoryp,f, or the entity upon behalf of which the personJgfacted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER B lndividual (s) E Corporate Officer A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or valldity of that document. State of California County of L.rs On \?)o)\before me,Gn*,\,oI*P,t\,. personally appeared who proved to me on (U the basis of atisfa ry evidence to be the person(e) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/s.helthey executed the same in his/hertthei+authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/he#th€ir signature(s) on the instrument the person($), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(e) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ffi:.fr,}*',:;ru, Notary Public Signature (Notary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION TNSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THtS FORM Thisforn .'onplies $ith current Calilornia statutes regarding notary ||ording and, ifreeded, should bc ompleted an.l auached to the document. Ackno*lelgmenrs lrom other states mar hc .ompleted.for dounents being seht to that state so long os the $,ording does not requirc the Califotkia notary to violote Caldomia notary . Stare and County information must be rhe State and County where the document signe(s) personally appcared before the notary public for acknowledgmcnt.. Datc ofnotarizalion musl be rhe dale that lhe si8ner(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the ackno*ledgrnent is complelcd.. fhe nolary public musl print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed hy a comma and then your title (notary public).. Prinr $c namqs) ol document signe(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization-. lndicate the correct singular or pluml forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. h€/shdt$€yr is /a+€ ) or circling the correct forms. Failurc to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection ofdocument rccording.. The nolary seal inrprcssion mu$ be clear and photographically reproducible. lmpression must not cover texl or lines. Ifseal impression smudges, re-seal ifa sumcient area permils, otherwise compleie a differenl acknowledgment form.. Signalure ofthe notary public musl match the signature on nle with the office of the counly clerk..:. Additional information is not required bul could help to cnsurc this acknowledgrnent is nol misused or attached to a diflerent document.., lndicate title or type ofattached document, number ofpages and date.* lndicate the capacity claimed by rhe signer. lfthc claimed capacity is a corporale officcr, indicate $e tille (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretar) ).. Securely attach this docum€nt to the signed documenl with a staple. DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCU[/ENT Br") (Title or desciption of attached document) (TiUe or descriplion ol atlached documenl continued) Number of pages -:L oo"u^"nto"t" L/fif Ll 01 fi Ve...io.r !'r&al i\j lnryc:ins$e..1 ccil ;li)i:-ir.71.i.9t65 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER tr lndividual (s) D Corporate Officer lrilref Partner(s) Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other ! E ! n CALIFORNIA ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) ) Western Surety C-ompany PO\\ER OF ^{'TTORNEY ('ERTIFIT]I) COPT Bourl No 1 23 4 26A? Know All Men By These Prcsents that WTISTERN SIIRRTY COMPANY, a corporation drrly orsarized and existing Dnder rh. laws of the State of South Dalota. and havins its principal ofEce iD Sioux Falls. South Dakora (the "Company"), does by these presents m3ke, constrtutc and appoint HEIJRY UNL] its true and lawfirl attorney(s)-in-fact, with firll power and authoriry hereby conferred, to execure, acknowtedge ard detiver for and on irs hehalf as Surety, bonds for: Amount: S 1, 0 00, OOO . OO 3nd to biDd the Company theleby as flrlly and to the same exteDt as if srrh bonds were signed by the llce Presideni, seal€d w|rh rhe corporate seal of the Company ard du.ly attested by its Secretary, hereby rati&'ing and con6rrnittg a.ll that the said attomey(s)-in-facr mqv do withh tL€ above stated limitations. gaid appoirtment is made u-rrder ard by authority of the followins bylaw ofwestern Suretv Comparlv which remaiIl: in flr]l force arrd effect . "Section ?. All bonds, policies, udedakings, Pow€rs of Attorney or oth€r obtications of the corporation lhall be executed m rhe corporate name of the Company by the President, Secretart,, any Assistant Secretaiy. Treasurer, oi ar\y Vice President or by such other o6cerc as thc Board ofDrrectors may authorize. The President, any Vice President, Serretail, any Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurpr may appoint Attorneys in Fact or agents who shall have authonty to issuc bonds, policies, or urdertakings in the narnc ofthc Companv. The corporatc seal is not necessarv for the validity of any bonds, policics, undertakings, Powers of Attorney or other obligations of thecorporation. The signature of ar\y such o6cer and the corporate seal may be printed by facsimite." Principal: Jesus A.l day Oblrgeer City of Menifee Tf Rond No 2 17r,h dav is not issued on or before 'nidnight of February rLl CO\,{PANY Paul T at, \rice Presidenl , before me, a notary public, personally appeared authority conlered in tbrs Porver of Attorney shall €xpire and terminate ern Surety 7l .dCompany has the prcsents to b€ signed by its Vice President, Paul T. Bruflet, and itsuarv 2027 S U RE It,F \\TEST (.) ) J of , in the yerir Paul T. Bruflat. \i'ho being to me duly srvorn. ackno*,I \ES'iERN SI-RETY, (.Nll'AN\ and rkno\leJged. dt5.r5.r..5.r.r\5ss$.,rrrbhbr.r.irrb + -i u. aeNr i i@!gs,['J^l:]fi@i the above Powel of Attomey as rhe aforesaid om.er ofal6tirr i.t and deed of sad.pprporatronn 6,#edged that he signed instn rnent to b€ the v +ib5.r.r5.r+t\.r.rbrrr.r\.rrr....ir 0My Crnrmi r:ion Expires Md.Lch :, ./0:6 I the udersigned o6cer of Western Surety Company, a stock corporation of th€ State of South Dalota, do hereb) certify tMt the attached Power of Attorney is in fi l folce and eff€ct and is iEevocable, and firthermore, that Section ? ofthe bylaws ofthe Compan! as set forth in the Power of Attorney is now in force. Notary Pul,li( -South D,rk,,ta l rllr - day ofset my hard 3nd sea.1 ofwestern Sr[etv Company this WEST SLIRE I] o N{ P A N Y Pad T iuflat. Vice Pres'dent To validate bond authenticity, go to $-r!"rv.cnasuretv.com > Owner/Obligee Serrices > Validate Ilond Coverage. Fom F5306.11"2020 On ths In testimony whereof, I have hereuntoFeLruarr,_ )l)1