2021/05/10 Richmond American Homes of Maryland, Inc. Model Home Complex Ageement for "Noble" TM 36485-Feql ol xalduroc euroH lepou\ aql utqui\^ soutlleMp lenpt^lput eul lo uollcnllsuocel Jo uotleculpour 'lueulpueure 'le^ouroJ aql esnec ro 'lcnrlsuocal ro Etpour 'puau.te 'e^oureJ ol seeioe Jedole^ec 'lcv sorirlrqesrc qirM suecrJeuv alll rllrM ocuerlduroc 'uorlBur.r,Il lnoqlt/v\ 6utpnlcut 'suotleln6eJ leJepe] pue elels lle qlt/r'\ acuetldluoc ut eq lleqs uotlcnJlsuoc lle pue sJeu^ oeulorl i eu se llo/r^ se 'sluerlc/sJatlolsnc lo nlejes eql arnsuo o] se Jauueut e qcns ut pelcntlsuoc pue ^lt3 aqt ^q pe^ordde eq lsnur eseqd qceo 'pemolle eq lleqs lueu./dole^ap,o Outseqd altLl1 lueuoal6v srql repun pa^oJdde xeldLuoC euroH lepou\ aq] llst^ ,(eu 1eq1 sluatle/slauiolsnc lo ,(]a1es lecrs,{qd eql aJnsue lleqs redolana6 ctlqnd aq} o1 xa1du.ro3 auloH lepof{ eq1 ouluedo og tor.rd ,!t3 eql Aq patdacce pue pano.rdde ^lleug ueeq eneLl sluaue^ordrxt qcns Jaqlaq/vr 1o sse;pte6at 'luauryedac 6uuaaur6u3 s,A1r3 aq1 Jo uoqcelstles aql o] eJeld ut aq lteqs Aerr-1o-s1q6u cllqnd paldecce pue panotdtur '6ur1srxe uto-r,r xalduoC auroH lepo!\l eq1 o1 ssa.rOe pue ssel6ur eles eq] Jot paJrnber slueue^oJdrut eJnlcntlsellur crlqnd gecrs^qd ||e 1eq1 peeLoe pue poolslapun st ll 'lueuaetoy stLll ut quol las suotlelndtls pue sluetua:rnbel eql ol lcalqns pue ute]eLl pept^otd se Durlrm ur pepuoya sselun stear{ (t) ae:qt peecxa ol lou poued e lol 'luatlaa:6y xelduloC au.loH lepon srql Japun setngeal lecrd,le qcns lo uotleJado pue uotlcntlsuoc /\4olle ol see.l6e ii1r3 aq1 'c1a 'Ourcue1 detl pue suotlepouluJocce ecgo se qcns 'solnleeJ lecrdAle ssessod osle llrM qcrLliv\ 'acr#o seles (;) auo pue auoq pJepuels e lo esoq] uoll selnleel lecrd{1e ssassod 1eq1 sDurllarnp uteluoc llt/v\ xelduloC euloH lapohl eLll asnecag lcv dey! uotstltpqns etu.loltle3 ]o elels aq]:apun papnotd se deyl 1ce:1 e,o uorlepjocet pue le^oJdde &!C qllm ,lol papJocel .rad euo 's6urlleinp r{1rr,ue;-e16urs lenptAtput }o eles pue uot}cnllsuoc aq} Molle suoIeu6rsepueld lereueC pue 6uruoz qcns (60Z oN ueld crlcadg) ue16 crlrcadg qcueg ,iqdtnyl arpnv eql lo t B Z eety 6uruuel6 lo esn puel ueld leroueC B seq puP (602 oN ueld cutceds) ue16 crlcadg qcueu Aqdln4 atpnv eLll lo 0 B Z eelv Ouruueld peuoz r{11uasetd st l3elf aql 'lueuaetby srql ut quol ]as suotltpuocpue slr,uel aql lo uotlaldLuoc uodn (,,dey1 lce.ll, Jo ,,1cer1,, eq1) l-ggtgg .oN lce]l ullill^ ,rL-t tlol 'se pelecol Apedold uo luer,ueatOy stql ol I lqtqxf uo qpo] las se (,,xelduoC euroH lepon,eq1) sarlrlrcel paletcosse pue xeldLloc euJoq lepolu e.lo1 sltulad 6urplrng enssr o1 seerOe ii1r3 pue poo6 totr e6ueqcxa ur paopalr oulce ^qelaq st qctq/ ]o ldtecel uotleJaptsuoc alqenle^ (,,serUed,, aq] ^la^rlcalloc) (,;edo1enaq,,)'uorlelodloC pueltuey1 e 'cu1 'puegfuey1 jo sauo ue9uor]..]v puor-ur_lclu pue (,,,i1r3,,) aa1rue11 jo ^lt3 aql ueemleq puertq'tzoz ]o Aep -S- srql apeur sr (.1uaueet6y,,) lueuealDe srql l-ggrgt 'oN dey\ ]3erl ,,elqoN,, toJ luouoa:6y xeldr.uoc aruoH lepou\ luauuedao luaudola^ao ^llunuuoS f SJINf 1t lO AJC f,sltNaW DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D IVlodel Home Complex Agreement for "Noble" Tract No. 36485-F level and degree necessary to ensure that such structures are clearly identifiable as a typical home within the surrounding neighborhood of the dwelling units upon full occupancy (less the model homes), but in no case more lhan sixty (60) days from the close of escrow of the final (productaon) dwelling sold by Developer within Tract No. 36485-F, unless othen ise agreed to in writing by the City. At a minimum, Developer shall remove any trap fencing, all signage or other displays, attraction or directional devices used to direct individuals to the lvlodel Home Complex, remove any parking surface utilized as a parking lot for the Model Home Complex, remove thetrailer operating as the sales office, infill any access ways within or through block walls or fences to the Model Home Complex, remove any landscaping/associated irrigation, install City required driveway surfaces where needed, and remove all other ancillary items atypical of a single-family residential dwelling. The above-noted removal, amendment, modiflcation or reconstruction of the individual dwellings within the lvlodel Home complex shall be completed within sixty (60) days from the close of escrow of the final dwelling (less the model homes) within the approved rract, or by the close ofescrow of any dwelling within the Model Home Complex, whichever comes first, unlessotheMise mutually agreed in writing by and between the City and Developer. In no case, however, shall the modifications agreed to under this Agreement remain in place beyond three (3) years from the date of this Agreement, unless otherwise extended by mutual agreement of the Parties in writing. The location of the dwellings subject to this lVlodel Home Complex Agreement is lot specific and the approvals granted herein shall not be transferable between lots. This limitation, however, does not preclude the City and property owner from amending this Agreement, in writjng, to establish alternative location(s) for the Model Home Complex, or individual dwellings within a l\,4odel Home Complex. A surety, in a form acceptable to the City It/anager of the City of lVlenifee, is herewith provided in a sum as detailed below for the express purpose of the removal/modifications/reconstruction of the l/odel Home Complex as detailed below, shall be provided prior to and as an tntegral part of entering into this Agreement. Developer shall notify City of completion of any removal/modification/reconstruction undertaken pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and City shall inspect and review the [ri]odel Home Complex within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notification. lf the City determines and is satisfied that Developer has removed, amended, modified or reconstructed, or caused the removal, amendment, modification or reconstruction of the individual dwellings within the [/odel Home Complex to the level and degree necessary to ensure that such structures are clearly identifiable as typical homes within the surrounding neighborhood of the dwelling units, any surety, cash deposit or release of bonds in the possession of the City directly associated with the individual dwellings within the lvlodel Home Complex following such removal, amendment, modification or reconstruction shall be returned to the undersigned within thirty (30) days of the written notiflcation by the property owner or his/her representative of the completion of such work. lf the property owner, or a represenlative, or agent thereof, fails to remove, amend, modify or reconstruct, or cause the removal, amendment, modification or reconstruction of the individual dwellings within the l\ilodel Home Complex to the satisfaction of the City, the undersigned authorizes the City, its employees, representatives or agents, to enter the property, physically remove, amend, modify or reconstruct, the dwellings within the l\/odel Home Complex to a level and degree necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Any and all costs ancurred by the City, including any fees from agencies other than the City, including Page 2 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D [,4odel Home Complex Agreement for "Noble" Tract No. 3648S-F attorney fees, for said removal, amendment, modification or reconstruction shall be deducted from the surety noted above and written notice thereof provided to the property owner. Any costs incurred by the City in excess of the surety established herein and on file with the City shall be reimbursed to the City within thirty (30) days of the written notification to the property owner of the completion of such work. Neither a Certificate of Occupancy nor Final lnspectionshall be issued or conducted upon the dwellings subject to this lvlodel Home complexAgreement until such reimbursement has been provided to the city. Any excess surety, cashdeposit or release of bonds still in the position of the city following any removal, amendment, modification or reconstruction of the above noted dwellings shall be returned to the undersigned within thirty (30) days of the completion of such work. No Certificate of Occupancy or Final lnspection shall be requested or granted for any individual dwelling subject to this Model Home complex Agreement prior to the conversion of thedwellings within the Model Home complex until such time as the dwellings are removed, amended, modified or reconstructed, as identified herein. A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued to allow the furnishing, preparation of work for display, display and use as office space of the Model Homes to potential buyers. ln compliance with the above, the Developer shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers or employees for any judgment, court costs and aftorney's fees which the City, its agents, officersor employees may be required to pay as a result of such action. The City may, in its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action, but such participation shall not relieve the undersigned of its obligations under this requirement. The Developer shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless, the City and any agency or instrumentality thereof, and/or any of its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims,actions, demands and liabilities arising or alleged to arise as the result of the applicant'sperformance or failure to perform under this agreement, or from any proceedings against or brought against the city, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of their officers, employees and agents, to attack, set aside, void, annul, or seek monetary damages resultingfrom an action by the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the city, concerning this agreement. This agreement is in reference to the lots and dwellings constructed thereon, Tract No. 36485-F: Lot '14 - Plan 4 "Holbrook" Craftsman Lot '13 - Plan 3 "Julia" Cottage Lot 12 - Plan 1 "Melody" Spanish, Sales Offlce Lot 11 - Parking Lot listed below within 1 . Removal of parking lot; $5,000.002. Removal of sales office; $5,000.003. Removal of all other ancillary items not incidental of a typical single-family resident unit $10,000.00 Page 3 of 4 Itemized list of removal, amendment, modification or reconstruction required by this Agreement and associated anticipated costs for surety purposes: Total: $20,000.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D Model Home Complex Agreement for "Noble" Tract No. 36485-F This Agreement represents the full and entire agreement of the parties and shall be effective as of the date first set forth above. Richmond American Homes of Maryland, lnc ("Developer") Dated: t <-- Dated By Gfui\/4-- I @4n-6xlaa- (Print Name) vlr ru:vq Pp'll{re$eNr 51rc [zt By Approved as to Form Jeffrey T. lvlelching City Attorney (Title) (Signature for Secretary or other Category 2 Officeo (Print Name) (Title) Cheryl Commun elo t Directoren By CITY OF I\iIENIFEE ("City") Dated Page 4 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D l, Joseph H. Fretz, as Secretary of Richmond American Homes of Maryland, lnc.,a Maryland corporation (the "company"), do hereby certify on behalf of the companythat the following resolutions were adopted by the Board pursuant to Minutes of Actiondated as of February 10,2020, and that such resolutions are in full force and effect asof the date of this Certificate of Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Company hereby appoints Edgar Gomez as VicePresident - Project Management (Land) (Riverside Division), effective as ofJanuary 18, 2020, to serve until his successor is duly appointed or until theearlier of his resignation, retirement, termination of his employment, or death; and it is CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION RICHMOND AMERICAN HOMES OF MARYLAND, lNC., a Maryland corporation By: Joseph retz, Se ry FURTHER RESOLVED, that Edgar Gomez as an officer of the Companyis authorized hereby to enter into and execute and deliver, on oehalf oi thecompany, any and all documents necessary or advisabre in connection with hisposition as Vice President - Project Management (Land) (Riverside Division). Executed at Denver, Cotorado tni, -!I?"y of February 2020 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D NOBLE AT AUDIE MURPHY RANCH TRACT 36485, PA2 & 3, LOTS 11 . 14 MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA MODEL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS REMSIONS !E NOTIS CONMUCTON NOTES VIONTIY MAP CONSUTTANTS [,nUfl6 Ai I Eh-<$'{* hPROftCT I/'slfE It/11K_lf --- --.,4= 1 /-1 1 ( .I alqlEgr SHEEI INDE( MODEL SITE SHEtTNO, 3HEET OE3CfuPnON coNsnucrrc4 .lfout PA,l corvsrAr/cno / sPEqFc,r,o{s tfiAgrtlo{ UYOU| FLrrl ] RA,6ANON S P€CIE')TIONS PMNG SPEOF'CAIIO{S ,! "-XI.?:?*t t(n e6 a t;trM1rffiEtr I TL I ar ,8i ieEE . i:IE = !EPg EHX E:#l I>ta 9ElT EE]r E il.E ?:E $r qig YTE9 sHEr toc-^ltoN MAP SMI DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D iiiiiiliiiii mararr !ro{Jdar. vs l*xmsa illfB r3lBlt tnll tol rat sSr4roH NYCrU3rrll olioll|]llu vtlo]rnol+r€nI'!e rl.ral l1lrloll!tYdRMEtrFEI'N.. 'NY IY -EON 6 Yla TaOUAUINOa :Btaaoln 1,OOr ! 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I I! ! i !I \ \ !- t!qtio , : n !t DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D iri tii lir;!ir iti' Ir t: itii cazsa.gu aioH!ca,a v5 lllodolsa lxm r.iEBlt rwtr r{J}orJ l.e satrcH Nvct83tllY oNOl|lHCE SNYU l€Uanu$tOt ldrcaofrl ]300fivreo3nvS l:urx*t$ .lru r.!rotttzvd F5NEIRlItmalk -Y 1v 3 rEoxa 6N x. p: !e E E I.E rl .ll:ii!3t ! 3 3 @ isEtl !: "!i; rI 3D!f!: 6: t;:i l ,] I ,] ;l It- " ! i I ! ,. 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R o lrr!i !ii i!ri, i ! t i t t: !rit IE !E I t liiiiiiiii IirIi!lili Eiitiiiiiii; : ,lli iiliilil.! tl iili iiii ilitliliiii E I I I:tr tE! ;iff ir!i ili ! r;i I;il!lt t,:tll !iii !!i I !di { i ^llr rltt iiiiii !rir!t IItflr t III I! ! Il- ri I II ! ,I I E I !I ! t; 1il E ? IF i i I I I t E a c $ F N I; ! tI I ! g 6 I E ! xI I , I It I ! I al IIII I r I EII iiti 6FiadlII! ifil i!ii!3r! li !! i lr: ii ii :t:d !!!i II I I !rI ,it II aI l I r e !:rr,islitit!tE; Bilr el!ir !EEIi:illl irliE EiE;i i!iH; i.#lldE;] i!!,liilE*hli II c I I il IErl a t ! E ! t \ iF 6E 1* EE6i i? ;F ;i:l p E Eii ilirts :{P $pEeil Ei: 3FF ?{ !3 33 EPll i: BB r., Ii!I e BI ! t I trr ct9r*' Trltr ii!9 Ii ET iEe !iE :IEftE ; E , aL!Foz zIF o8 E ozL!ot! zotr it ti;Ei F:n: 6) 29 B lrii ti iit:rl Ti. t: EI r!isl3l!i ta:llr t!i I !rt; iiiill t HgEI e{riII ilii !;:i IilEb! g! i6-:;! ;EE iEE:rr DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D ,ffi---I t-l. _- a: ::# sl RsrcrE co{rRor vavE i- -tl -- -0 HI L I DRIP AIR RELIEF VAIVE !!FP , lssrr.EiE-- t=l SMI , a ;E EE " ;:gg E IEI 9X<d ta IET E 3EE "rE-8 SrEs TEsE 9:Eq to-2 _E t u ; i.I.filttlt E-r.- s'g:- -lla. EIEE!- #*s-' \\;s//_.--_-ffi #:-=gE4 [TllltEttt-tllltl t;L IlII l<l<l<l<l<l DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D iiiiiiiiiiii ii,, iii' v!V lgaalrrxr ;uorto,t a ll ltoc<'l 90, irrE r-5ltli rftr Hlro| ra 8:IlO8 NVCId]frY ONOIIHC|U €r{fl3 floll3rul.aroa :raYJ€oxYr Tx,o{It dolTrtc :rllltl3r9c16 rl.Yu n{ 1o1 ! l t Ya H'NVS'AEiIsltN IUNYrTEOft 3 3r!;iI EH! *F a i.-t 3; o I,: ! {@ IsEi,E tI-II; iFr IF't I r! ii iilrillit til t I I I lillrlIi:lll rl llir !i ll rirr li Irii !iii iiir I i'I Ii II I I I I t. t!rtl ir ii ri It rii I !! I I I ir :r ll iiri it !r il ii,l I I!I t! it ri il I i t I lli' t I I!II i&tt III li illl irri iiI II I rri rir iii iii ii r! il iilit, ii i!tt iiiiii iHil iiilii I iillillIlll irl, !lii iiti ii ti lt rl llr iti I !tt ir li !tll till ,t iiil lr irll ti ti !i riiiIti! ilii llI liii iiiii iiiiii iil tirtii iii I' il iliirll lrlriili ii,iii liliiii I I i I li, iiii llii liii!!lr iil, iiiii fl!liii I IIItI r!rl li !l i I J iiii ill II iilil iriiiii, ! rill it It II liiiiiiilil t I i It I II I !l lr I II ,ir tii iril I li ii!tI I I I ri ii rl!t t! il ti il II I tii iiltil ilir ilii iriii i t: ii i!,i ir ii ii I IiI t il ii ti |llllillllr II ,ii iiiliii iiii iiii iiti ir iir ir ir iiiir.ll iiil ilii iiiiii ilriii iiiiiir ,tt iilr itil ii'ii,-! ! I irll ii ii li rl ll rl ii tilr ri !i iii ii,l ii,ii ilril i rlli iiiiiii I I I t t i I II I I I hrl riti liiii iiiiil|t lt lliii I I It I h rl i!rl !!i il iii ili tiiI h lrrl ll I itliI t i !il!til =a I t I t I iri; iilt tII r!!iii iiriii ili ititl! !ih iiii lirii rlllr;i!t lirl:tl ilt!trtl !iii iriiii tliiii lilllll iii iit iii, iiti iiii lliir tli!i'lrlr I I ! I I it ii ri iI rl li ii il it I II II I i I I Isi!il I I I I II II I illliillil i t ir iii iii iiiril iiit!l fii I I ! ! It I I I I I I I I Itl il ii ii iI i !llll,,t ir ii II I DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D Fo- St,tllgu zflol1Jlna E tr.6rbas, :!ff r.;Gruri t,llr Huron raa slhtoH NYctu3tlv 0toru38 ;-;-;-Tr 'E P i.nl :i[3; i* I F. E E3 E IEM fit liii iiil ir B il I r;lltutlhlh l!ll! l! l! r, l'l h & fri,!,ii$ iririril[tfiu*iili ,u, a x x 916. O l< r..l! \. t r F * r;r ir'l ir, il rl r* i ri,r rl t ffiffitffiiluftiii,Lfififfi,ffi irll t. lt!t. ,,)!r! !$ 19i![: t2 iii, il!,!4tl lli E t 3 f,lt ttti? 3S g! I HI: tr: i.,.l! a 2 6 : ,',.' ,.,'. rlr iqIl rl ;l iili :i i!ii {! ir!!:! lr:t !! E 3 E 5 @ !sE TIJ :eo o oee r-r,t---- Z t .4rs Eo L o ov I o-v22 uJ o2 \ \ \ o Is, a ) tl - ,l l_ r) > ,., s nd xnr,3rtlrtxoo tdYJSoxtt 1loofi,tuolnv9 liurEtr9rr$ arrll nlrtolllaYa R5fr if u.-^rgunnilirni-f :flON I { Ii \\ tr C ! ? tlLOt il o I DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D =a lir, iiir iIl iiirll ! , iiil:!l ii 8HYl! r€rJ,5na$ @ :taY*tltvl TxronvlluotnyJ :!BI€lernt.].5va1 i1r lo't ! i rYd*lifrW IFI8nR:IO,iTIY fiEON Erlll lir'k (\ Fo- t r,lttI:!ti:,i l! l,:r,l*l! #tk*ltdr: rlatl ll i u * i, [ fr il iu !i $ ir $ fu fr [ [ ii ii * ii fi ,, + a xzla'tol< r r. a\. I t!a t I i,ilii rl! iii illi;i ifiirii !Etlii! !i::t-i!i,iiE;i:ii l.iiI !l li -B il? tl!! q :II ,i ii$iiiriffimnlilfii,fui -i.. g t? l= 3 ! i! ti 8* I 3 i-t l._,/9: g 2 3 3 ..''','., ltilliifi$fi { 0 3 ! !eF! _N IIJ o d I l .--N.- Nr) I yl llf dtc,",r1'3 ! I I / / !t o ou a- f: r! o5 I r.it6 L l-'l-_ !i tI tL r :rl ;ilt!I I a 1 ,tt'rl L lel6!19u allorld ac. YC .ViOllOa s.lrrrr,!EI{!i{Borh s:lltolt NYclalm oNofiHaxa I II ! I I@ Ir I I ----l l i I I n r- DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D I I IIttttI AUDIE MURP HY ROAD I >-- It_ I \r \r \rll \, t I ,! ! 4 5 3 2 I EI I AR ROYO DRIVEr {o I I'tL It I r 'l// I ror 12 | PL^a sran rx€Lmv sPNsn . rsrNc ror o sffisF-*" LOr 13 | PN S2/r (JuLrA COTrAGE) o @oo Lor i4 IrA 53r 3 (rlo(laool< tFuFrsaN) GENERAI PtANTiNG NOTES te*1rleMrffiElE5ffiE r!l-l-rl# SM+ gE E:EEI irf 3 Ei!t EEE dzfI>t IflI TCl: E =H?urE-a SrEE r q3E d]:E Ex]rte ciiE- *EIr* -** s"; -'_16fu'5-i61@ PS-1 IIIIIIItI ffiDocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D o SNYU t{O(anA$N@ 3aYiB{ rl T:lOOllvruolnvc !:.ttuttrrerl..DYar'n{rottIzYa X.NYE FJEM.EK'._Y IV ETSON i: di l*""J -. ItZ 2..[:st3: Viitt lill iiil i1 II iltl E O-r 2 1 b i ddi! I ilt r ,,bllfull illitiiiti @ oooo 4 ; I l!rir r r! ilti$lll oooo[ t, , E d t a I !i rilill lrl iiiril ooE t "i ,i I a l* i!t!ft li z 3 !, t,: Eti i5il!rt!l Jil_;!;r! iHt:tn ii."ilii1!;!irll iii!lli ih ilhiii prl tl5[ iltu!ii I[iHiffififfiiiffi it,riii! ffiiiiffi $! tiallj sliiiHii t t! 3 3 iEl! !i t5!il!t :tl ir! !i: i$ E 3 ! { ; E!! -N I IIJ : e. o ou. v. I ! Nr) ? yl d/c,a,r1'3 I I \ l I I o ou o-e : L qJ o t-sd.rtfHs3fs fNnHct a!r A ! ;ifi; ) li ; 11. t tr.a ,t r.t t uz-t I. rarsarc$ iiloHae Ya lt{ouoa,sa:um !IE13 rmr HuoN 6G srhoH NYcuenv oNonHcE 6 I I I i I I IIIi I c I ti I t I !t I I luii rl itil 1! itiiiih iisi :ili @ ! i I l I l I tr I flIJ n r! DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D ; a lir iir'iiiiiiiiiiiii arrttglot iiorara,. l, lrlolcE$a :ulr3',-r.l:rtr3 llfrn l{rrlor l!?stfloH ltY5la:ltv oxoxH.la alrYld rcu,dlallNOJ :ldYJ.Onrl EOonvntoJIra liljrNlll.e*.lflr'i{1orltzYar${vt ^Hdunil lionvlYSliloN 2a 3E oo. 't i Hi, Ii!'t ;iiilil;iirt II u.l lotr.lIoaF LIJ co Foztrz 3c b d E t E ! F i I x! I n) 3 I ,aiE;! IEF EEE !r::!tEr IF:i E !.!: ! r-I;!d ;t z I Ei ,;t8fit3i! ,t=6 I iilrll iEiii!! riiai;!qr,.,-,iriiii!ilt!!!lqi !!,il!!t! !t! ?rl:anltaa*i tsr!ltttlttlBEEE!EEEEUBEyt[[utp!!P!! : fii I T f,t it I t I z 5 :i I1 T3 I : I a t eE!E rrlii Tt $t E :I : ! B I ![ t! !I el ri! EII !iii t!r t !lEil iEtii 6r Sl:r($r 2 oI i t 5I I UJ u,.ltF u,.lY F uJJ(oloo H ! E 6 E iF iI fuB EIH!.QEI I I:5 6 6I q ozFzJat a0lx.Ia hiIti ;I{!lt ti r; it I!i 8 F i !a61thil d a: i I 3 F I i 1 ! ; Fild! L& I oz Fz 0- Lllu.ldF !rIt:Taiii 6 : 6! I II I t IrlIt iEiIi : o u,l o_oJ(/)zoozFz 5 uII E 3 ,'i" "'1| 'i ------1) IJ fllr Il ozFz1o uJ1 oo ooo { o@e oooo \ lE-lil!l EISr E:I iE! -E!El!l l.l DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D =a 9llru9!6 ircru eza Y! Yxo{@nz :l1lr}l ]l; rt Htn {rlor ra6s3toH YCrUlr{Y oNOrHrr SNYra io[rurSNoJ *YleoflYt ]jx|orlYUlOlnyJ ,:t3rrallr9916 .ravBr 'r! rol t I , YriaNu IRlEtrn -ronY[Eiion zo-I 3 ,le B I;a tl t p 6itE Eid? EEtia,t{tbEtl Fi EB EE.I lEElq EiE'riEq iEEEH, EcEE- iEi iilEfuiffffEEEEEEEE iff iiiiiiiii iiiiiiii*iiii I Ii iI I 1 t II I,i Iiii iiiiiiiii !!iii,iiiii, II!I ! I I !i ii ii !iil;! sl. i!! iirlrlir ili!l!'ll iilr riii lir Iti iii ,lr I rillil llliiillitlii liiiiliiir I I I IIIIII I t I :t lII t I II I I II rl !li!r iii iiiii itili I t I I Ii I I ! !II i I I I Ii I III III I .t ttit !t ii rt itr!IrItttIt ItI IIIt I I I I : liil iiii !iiiIt ! I iitilt ;!l. llt:itil I T I f I 1 II t !l ii ,iiir !Il ii!t iiiiI, a II I( I,( I I i !tIII !I ItI I I ! I I Ii I ! Iilliliiili ! II I I l.il,iliilliiiitiiit I! i I lI i ll I I lrii;r !l ir:l iitItI iiH ri !i t: il, lr t iii !!l tii iii r!i It ii til!t;,lIt !;iillliiiiillrlilii E I iii'*iiiiiiiiiifiil= iiiiilil DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705A8B7-40F4-498E-8E60-733CACCFB96D