Scott Road Partners, LLC Material and Labor Bond PM36597 CMS0338322Ft^ I Iry MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.2) Surety RLI ln surance Com Address 801 S. Fiqueroa St. Suite 900 Scott Road Partners LLPrincipal Address 24 Coroorate Plaza. Suite 100 C City/State Los oeles.CA City/Statezipcode 90017 Ztp 92660Phone2187-2035 Phone (949) 70&8055 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee, State of California,and Scott RoadPartners LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into,or are about to enterinto, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the abovedesignatedGing, Erosion Control & WQMP relating to PM36597 , which agreement(s),dated , rs/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof;and, of Hun Th Tho n enH n F n 00 Dollars,563.750.00 for materi als furnished or labor thereon of any kin d, or for amounts due underthe Unemployment lnsu rance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will paythe same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth,and also in case surtis brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and wHEREAS, under the terms.of said agreement(s), principal is required, before entering uponthe performance of the work, to file a good and sufiicient payment bond with tne -city orMenifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Tltle- S (commencing with Seition9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code of the State of California; Now THEREFoRE, said princlpal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are firmlybound unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, materialsuppliers, and other persons employed in the performance of the agreement(s) and referredto I ttle 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil io'de in the sum $ reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the city ofMenifee in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by thL court, indto be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit ofany and all persons, companies and corporations entifled to file claims under Tifle 3(commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void: otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. FOR: Grading/Drainage $ 134.OOO.OO parcel Map pM36S97 .Er_osion Control $ 98.?50.00 Omer eroie@WQMP $ 491.500.00 Bond No. qMSo3aE322 - Total $ 663.7s0.00 premium $ffi Newport Beach. CA MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, oraddition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the specifications accompanying the sameshall in anywise afiect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice 6f any suchchange, extension of time, alteration, or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 ot the Civil Code arenot a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. IN WTNESS above named, WHEREOF, this on Mav 11 instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety 2021 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Scott R PartneB LLC a Delaware lim d liabilitv comoa NV AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By JUptTERADV|SORS, LLC a Califomia limited liability company Its Man er By: q^ Name: Edmond F. St. Geme Title: lts: Manager (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: R n AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: T.ThorsenltsAttorney-in-Fact Title (lF coRPoRAT|ON. AFFrX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPALAND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. a CALIFORNIA ALL.PUNPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT clvlL coDE 5 1189 Anotary public orotherofficercompleting thls certificate ver,fles onlythe ldentity ofthe individualwho signed ihe document to which thls certific8te is afiacied, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, orvalidity of that document, State of Caltfornla Los Anqelea On n (, r(zl before me, sonia Vizcarrondo, Notary Public Here trr"rt Noool TiiJlGffi-Dote personally appeared Margareta T. Thorseo Nome(s) of Signer(s) ) who proved to me on the basis of saus'factory evldence to be the person(s) whose name(s) ls/are subscribedto the within instrument and acknowledged to me that r:e/she^hey execu'ted the same In liis/her/theirauthorized,capaciMies), and that by hivher^herr signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or ttre entityupon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the lnstrument, Ploce Notdry Seol qnd/o( Stomp Above I certiry under PENALTY OF PER. URY under the laws of the State of California thal the foregoing paragraph Is true End correct WITNESS my hand and officiat seal. Slgnature Signdture of Public s0N ra vltcai RoN DONotrryPlbJt.. Cr forntr Lor Anie $ County c0f hltllcn, 2256117n! (orln, [r9lr.r sep 24, 20?2 a OPTIONAL DocumentDate: Number of pages:_ Signe(s) Othrr Than Nsmed Above: Capaclty(les) Clslmed by Signe(8) Signe/s Name:Signer's Name: O Corporate Ofncer - Tltle(s):tr Corporete Offr'cer - T-rtle(s):tr Partner - tr Limited EI General E lndlvidual tr Attorney in FBcttr Trustee o Guardian ofconservstor D Other: Signer is Representing tr Partner - O Limited Cl Generaltr lndivldual tr Attorney in Facto Trustee tr Guardian of Conservator tr Other 2017 National Notary Association Slgner is Representing: County of Completing this informotJon con detet dlErotjon of the document atfrdudulent reattochment of this form to on untntended document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document _ POWER OF ATTORNEY RLI Insurance Company Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company 9025 N. Lindbergh Dr. Peoria,IL61615 Phonc: 300-645-2402 Knoi' All Men by These Prc$en*: That this Power of Attomey is not valid or in effect uDless attached to the bond which it autborizes executed, but may be detacbed by the approving ofEcer if desired. That RLI Insurance Company an(yor Contrsctors Bonding rnd ltrsuronce Company. each an lltinois corporation. (separately and togetber, the "Company") do hereby make, constitute and appoint: Marsareta T Tltorsen in rhe Cig nf pasadena full powcr and authority hcreby confcrrcd. to sign, bonds and undertakings in an amount not to exceed( $ ) for any single obligation. qtate .'f Califomia its tnre and lawfirl Agent(s) and Attorney(s) in Facr, with cxccute. acknowledge and dcliver for and on its behatf as Surety, in gencral, any and all TwcntY Fivr Million Dollars The acknowledgment aod execution ofsuch bond by the said Anomey in !'act shall bc as binding upon the Company as ifsuch boDd had been executed and achowledgcd by the regularly elected ofiicers ofthe Compar_./. RLI Insursnce Company and/or contrtctors Bonding and lnsurance Company, as applicable, bave each further ccrtificd that thcfollowing is a true and exact copy ofa Rcsolution adopted by the Board of Directors ofeach such corporation, and is now in forcc. to-wit: "All bonds. policies, undertakings, Powe6 of Atlomey or other obligatioos of tbc corporation shall be executed in the corporatc name of the Company by the President, Sccretary, any Assistant Secretary. Treasurer, or any Vice Presidcrrt, or by such other omcers as the Boardof Directo$ may authorize, The President any Vice Preside'nt, Secretary. any Assistant Secr€tary, or thc Treasurer may appoint Attomeys in Fact fi Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, poticies or undertakiDgs in the name ofthe Company. The corporatc seal is oot necessary for the validity ofany bonds, policics, undertakings. Powers of Attomey or other obligations ofthe corpordtion. The signaturc ofaDy such officer and the corporate seal may be printcd by facsimile.,' lN WITNESS wtlEREOF, the RLI lrsurance Company and,/or Contrsctors Bonditrg and lnsurance Company, as applicable, havc uaucd thcsc prescnts to bc cxccutcd by its rcspectivc irlcrrt with its corporatc scal afllxed tbis lSth day ol M arch 2tt2t RLI lrtsurooce CoDpiny Contrsctors Booding rDd Ins[rrnce CompaDy.g#ila;z --''n oo.*a.,r..32 z i snnl; .i %;iiN 6/a_By State oflllinoi( County ol Peoris Bsnon W. Di',,is ltrsurlice Company and/or Comps.o) this lll!_ day of Vice President Contrsctors Bondhg and lNurance m2l Corporste Secrstary )I SS On this lSth day of March 2021 . before me, I Notary Public, peNonally .ppcarcd Banon W. Dsvis , who being by me duly swom, acknowledged dut he signed the above Power of Attomey as the aforesaid officer of the RLI Inluratrce CompaDy and./or Co[tractors Booding srdInsuranc. Comp.try alltl ackuowledged :aid iishrmeut to bc dre volu bry act and deed ofsaid corpomtioD. CERTIFICATE I, the undeEigned ofhcer of RLI ltrlurorce CoDp.ry and,/or Cotrtrrctors Botrdltrg rDd hiursocr Cortp.try, do hercby ceni! thst the sttached Power of A$omey is itl full forc€ aod efi'ert snd is irrevocable: and funhennore. that rhe R.solutiotr of fie Company assct ftrnh in the Po\rcr of l\nomcy, is nuw in forcc. ln tesdmony whcrsol, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the RLI C*-.^,\0*t Notarv Public RLI I.rurroca Company Contracton Boldlrlg arld Itrsuratrce Compady D YyColY Er OfFEUL AIAI|.dtAr*-boa By Catherine D. Glover By Jetlrcy AmiSDl9 .i$:fl"k ln!*l:t uorte!lossv tueloN leuo[eN 6!ozo s 6urluasardag sr rau6rg .roqlo D role^rasuol r0 uerprPn9 D aatsnrl trpeJ ur Aau]ouv D lenpr^rpul D le]auae tr pallurl'l o -rauued D (s)allr1 - Jatrr]jo alerodrol D euel s.rauOrg alsard LIJI 6!s6ur1uaou sr .rau ralllo tr roleruasuo] ro uerpren9 tr aalsn.rl trpej ur ^aurouv D lpnpr^lpul tr lerauae tr pollu.rl'l tr -iauued o'p,r!tqw (s)allrl - ratrrrro alerodrof, El aLUeN s,iauOrS (sa!)Ar!redeJ )W-!) JS ':{ g Nrot{,/O, :- (s)rau6rs Aq paurPlC :a^oqv paureN ueql ror.llo (s)reuOrS z-:se 6ed lo raqunN g :aleo luaurn)oo 'lualun)op papualutun uD oJ wto| srll lo luauq)D Dd lualnpnD4 ro uaLun)op aq) lo uotlDJa D le]€p uD) uo\Du. olut slLll 6ulplduJo2 'lvNotJ.do stqnd tuDtoN lo nl3u6ts a^oqv duqs rc/puo oas tuDtoN a)otd nleu6rS leas lerf,pue pueq ^u sslNI|M 'lra,]]ol pue an.rl sr qdeJ6ered 6uto6aro1 aql ]eql e!urolrlpf to alels or.lt ]o smpl aql rapun UnfUld jO ,\ItVNld rapun llya: I '.,::'#il,lffi$@ I1 ^r,rua aq,o '(ruos,ad aqr ruaun,lsu, "11",:H::[XT""Hr"J:r,fi['fHil,:":pT,'^il$j:j::::i:::4elVVlltstU ur aures aql palntaxo Ap(Vllslaq leql au o1 pa6pelmoul:e pue iuaunrlsur utqlrM or.ll ol paqrrlsqns ?rtist {,)aueu asoqrvy[6)uosrad aqt aq ol atruapr^a tuo]f,e]srles 10 srseq aql uo alu o] pa^old oq^ (srau6$ ]o (s)awoN 1wz2 ' tt ') Onvsruffi tarup aql lo afillpuo awDN uasut a]aH 'eu a]ojaq pareadde Alleuosrad atoa t-2.o'2 w uo Tiz*VO to ^lunolerurojrlel lo alels luauln)op lptll lo lltpr;er ro 'rbptn::e 'ssaulnlqlntl aql lou pue ,paqlp[e st ale)Utua] sl.ll qltqM ol luaunrop aql pau6rs oq^ lenpr^tput aql lo ^lltuap! aql Iluo sallua^ ale)U!Ua) slqt 6ullalduroJ lalrjjo .laqlo .ro )rtqnd tuetou V +ffip*f***frafir1ft4fl+Ge@ 68tl g lootr 'rn t3 lNsncotlmoN)tcv vtNuojtlvJ { L :luor.lntroo 1o ad^l ro a|1r1 luaunfoO paqfel}V to uorldrrrseq