Scott Road Partners, LLC Faithful Performance Bond CMS0338321 GP12-004FAlTHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND / OR EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR GRADING: Grading/Drainage Erosion Control WQMP Total Surety RLI ln rance Com Address 801 S. Fioue St. Suite 900 LLC (hereinafrer designated as "principal" attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees ) have entered into, or are about to enter into, the to install and complete the above designated grading Principal Address Scott Road Partners LLC 24 ate Plaza. S ite 100 City/State Los Anqeles. CA City/State Newport Beach. CAzipcode 90017 zip 92660 Phone (2'13)787-2035 Phone (949) 70&8055 WEREAS, the City Council of the Ciiy of Menfee, State of Califomia, and project, 5 to (Parcel Map)e Pointe which agreement(s), datedL, is/are hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and, VVIIEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to fumish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW THEREFORE, we the principal and RLI nsurance Comnanv AS surely. are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of One Hu ndred Fiftv Eioht Thousand Seven Hundred and no/l00, States, for the payment of which sum will and tru Dollars ($ 158.700.00 ) laMul money of the United ly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the crvenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement(s) and any alleration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respec{s aecording to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full torce and efiect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, lhere shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees, incurred by the City of Menifee in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as cosits and included in any judgment rendered. 9/8/15 MENIFEE $ 145.600.00 Parcel Map Commerce Pointe I & ll$ 'l 3,100.00 Other Project No. GP12-0M Bond No. CMS033B32.l$ 15o.7oo.oo premium $172gro- Scott Road Partners a- E E FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND OR/EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED SIcNATURE(S); By JUptTERADV|SORS, LLC a Califomia limited liability company Its Manager +kh,- B Rrr Name: Edmond F. St. Geme Title: lts: Manager SURETY: RLI lnsurance Company a areta T. Thorsen, Attorney-in-Fact (tF coRPoRAION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-!N.FACT. 9/8/15 The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration oraddition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work to be performed there under or thespecifications accompanying the same shall in anywise afiect its obligation on this bond, andit does hereby waive notice of any such change, eitension of time, alteration or addition to theterms of the agreement(s) or to the work or to the specifications. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2B4S ol the Civil Code andcommencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunderand are hereby waived by surety. \Men the work covered by the agreement(s) is complete, the city of Menifee will accept thework and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is be released. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and suretyabove named, on Mav 11 ,2021 NAME oF PRINCIPAL: scott Road partners LLC a Delaware limited liabilitu comoanv CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACXNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE 51189 EBW A notaty publlc or olher oflicer (ompletlng this certlficate verifies onlythe ldentity orthe individualwhosignedthe document to which this certificBte is attached, Bnd notthe truthfulness, acculacy, or validity of that document. State of Californla County of LosAngelea On (((zr before me, Sonia Vizcarondo, Notary Public Here lnsert Nome ond Title of the OfrcetDote personally appeared Margareta T. Thorsen None(s) of Signe4s) ) ( who proved to me on the basls of satlsfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) Iyare subscribedto the withln instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same ln hls/her/theirauthorized capacMles], and that by his/her/thalr slgnature(s) on ihe instrument the person(s), or the enity upon behalt of which the person{s) acted, executed the instrument. l0NrA VTZCAmONOO llotary tub|r . C. fornh [ot Anlelor (o!ity C0infftrltDn r llt6liT Conltt. Erpirp! scp 11, 2Or2 e I cenly under PENALTY OF PER URY under the lsws of the State of California that the foregolng paragraph is true and correct WITNESS my hand and offrcial seal. Irr-{.tEri<F! Signature Pldce Notory Sesl ond/o. Stomp Abave Signoture tory Public OPTIONAL Completing this informotlon con deter dltero$on of the document ar froudulent teqttochment of this fDrm to on untntended documenL Desc ptlon of Attached Document Title or Type of Document DocumentDale Number ofPages:- Siqoe(s) Other Than Named Above: Capaclty(ies) ClElmed by Signr(s) Slgner's Name Slgner's Name: tr Corporate Officer - Tltle(s):tr Corporate Officer - Irtle(s): d-. tr Partner - tr Limited tr Generalo lndlvidual E Attorney in FBct tr Trustee o Guardian of Conservator Slgner is Representing: tr Partner - tr Llmited El General tr lndlvldual Er Attorney in Fact E Trusitee tr Guardian of Conservator tr Orher: 02017 National Notary Associalion Slgner is Representing tr Other: POWER OF ATTORI\EY RLI lnsurance Company Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company 9025 N. Lindbergh Dr, Peoria,lL 616t5 Phonc: S00-645-2402 Xnow AA Men by Th6e Pr{5,ena: Tbat this Power of Attomey is not valid or in effect unless attached to thc bond which it authorizes executed, but may be detached by theapproving ofiicer if desired. That RLI Insurance Company and./or Contractors Bonding and ltrsurance Company. each an lltinois corporation. (separately and together, the "Company") do hereby make, constitule and appoint: Marsareta . Thorsen in thc City,rf Pasadena . q161s full power and authority hereby confened. to sign, bonds aud undertakings in an arnouot not to exceed( ) for any single obligarion. of Califomia its tnre and lawtrl Agent(s) and Atorney(,s) in Fa execute, acknowledge and delivcr for and on its behalf as Surety, in generat, any Tw(,ntv \l illion ct, with and all Dollars The ackrowledgment aod execution ofsuch bond by tbe said Attomey in F'act shall be as binding upoo the Compauy as ifsuch bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly etected officers ofthe Companv. RLI lnsursnce Company ard/or Contrsctors Bonding end lnsurance Company. as applicablc, bave each further certified that thcfollowing is a tmc and exacl copy ofa Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors ofeach suci corporatioo. and is now in force, to-wit; ,A tbe ll bonds, policies, undertakings, Powels of Attomcy or other obligarions ofthc corporation shall be Company by the President, Secrstary, any Assistant Secretary, Treasuer. or any Vice presideDt, orof Directors may authorize. The PrEsident. aoy Vice president, Secretary,any Assistant SecrEtary, or the Treasurcr may appoitrtAttomeys in Fact or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies or undcrtakings in the name ofthe Company. The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds. policies, undertakings,Powqs of Attomey or other obligations ofthe corporation. The gnature ofany such officer and the corporate seal may be printcd by facsimilc.,' executed in the corpo.t. ru." of Iby such other officers as the Board lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the RLI lnsumnce causud tlrcse prcsetls to bc $xrcutgd by its rcspectiMarch 2021 Company and./or Contractors Bonding ond Insurance Company, as applicablc, havc Vice Prcsident with ib corporate scal allixed this 160r day of .j.+#;fiti 1 i SEA I,.J J "'-;io',}i'J -.r2 /'bft u.# RLI lnsur!trce Compsny Contrf,ctors Bordlng etrd Insurance Compatry tsy state oflllinni{ County of Peoria Brnon W. Devis Cbmlrrn, this llll__ day of RL[ lnsunncc Company Contmctors Bondlng snd lnsursnce Compony \/ice Prcsident . 2021 CorpoEte Secretary tf SS On this -l&h- day of MsrLh 2021 . b€tb.e me, a Notary Public, penionally appeared _Bgllgtr_llt-Dlyi!_' who being by me duly swonq acknowledged dut he signed the above Power of Attomey as the atbresaidoflicer of tie RLI ltrsurrtrce Companl ard,/or Co[tractoE Bondl[g sDd Insurence Compatr) arrJ a.irru*l(Igetl .air.l in'rrurueirt r. bu rJrc rolunLrry act and deed ofsaid corporation. CERTIFICATE t, the undersigned officer of RLI losuratrce Compatry and/orContrlctort Bondlng atrd ltriuraDcc Company, do hereby cenify that the attached Power of Attomey is in full force and eftlct aDd is irrevocable; and funhermorc, that the Resolution of the Company asncl lonh in thc Por*er of Attumcy, is nou in firrue. in Lcsrimon;,\,vhercof; I have hereulto scr my hand and the seal of rhe RI-t It|Euraoce Compaoy and/or Contractors Bondlng snd IDsurance C*",.; C"* Notary Publi! D cl Xf Colnn-b.t OfFrcU[8Etl.,lrrAJnt..ltC Byi Catherine D. Clover tsy: Jeftiey AMJSDI9 uolle!fossv fueloN leuolleN 6Lozo 6urluasa.rdoU sr rau6rS 6urluasa.rdau sr Jau6rs raqto o roletuosuo]ro uerpren9 tr aalsnrl trpel ur ^aurollv D lenpr^rpul o leraue9 o pallull o -]euued o roletuasu0J ro uerpren9 tr lf,el ur Aaurouv o leraua9 tr po :]oqlo tr aalsnrl tr lenpr^rpul tr lrLUr',t n - rou]lP.] - (s)allrf - raluo ale.rodroJ tr "11Ht1d4W (s)altrl - rolrJ]o alero eLuep s,lauE15 S )aLueN s dro3{ ,rau6r5 w (s)rou6!S Aq paur!EtC (so!)^IrBdeC :a^oqv palueN ueql raqto (s)rauOrS 2 soOed lo roq[unN lt o aleo luaunf,oo .rflrr,Qd@vvq odcE{ ,)ento)44 ^ lJlr&+tJ:l|Jaunroo ,o adII ro allU tualUnfoO paqlellv lo uolldu)seo luaunlop papualutun uo ol u.1oj s|11lo luawLl)DllDal lualnpnuJ )o )uaan)op aql lo uoljDla D )alap uDtr uotlDw)oJut s|ll du\alduo) 'lVNOtJ,dO )Uqnd i.totoN lo aJnlDubts a^aqv dwols )o/puo oes fuotoN a)oH nle u 6rS leas ler o 'lloJrof, pue anJl sr qdeJOsred 6uro6aro] aql lelp eluroJllel lo alels aql ]o s^\el aql ropun lunfdld JO ltVNld iapun Alruar I ".ltifr'$idF@ I 'luauinrlsur aLll palnf,axa 'pape rE)uosrad aqt qlrLlM lo Jleqaq uodn Alrlua aql ro 'Is)uosrad aqt tuau]nrlsur aql uo {a')arnleuOrs UCqtlr\,Sl'I ^q leqt pue '('dt)&1:ede: pazrroqlne lagll)A\Fllur aues aql paln:axa ,{p{17ag(/aq lpq} aur ol pa6palmoulle pue luaurnllsut utqu^ aql ol paqu:sqns /eTsrldaueu asoqar ()uosrad aql aq ol aluapr^a fuottejsrtes ]o srseq aql uo aul ol po^ord oqm (srau6tS lo (s)awoN ?to2 'rS ,J O*avtQa pareadde ,(;leuosrad ./aJ aql ]o alM puo awoN uesul aJaH aloo'n'1 tz ht uo 2nrt+'?O lo ^lunoferu.rollel lo slels 'luaurnf,op teql lo Itprlp^ ro 'Ilernlle 'ssaulnlqtnrt aql lou pue 'paqlelle st alelrlrual srql q)rq/v\ ol luaurnlop aql pauOrs oqM lenpr^rpur aql lo &uuapraql,!uo sarlrraa alelrJrual srql 6u[alduo] laltgo Jaqlo Jo )rlqnd fue1ou y tr#ffi l**l[!+*ekfr **G**lt*r**fr *nt**rl*arfi *{*k}r**tHtg*ttGft e{$*Bfi dt}l 68r! 5 IOO) 'rn rf, J'Nlw9of1/hoN)cv vlNuoJtlvc ,cd 'au arolaq { pue pueq ^u SSf NltM -1