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2016/06/15 Grant Deed Riverside Mitland Investor 03, LLC - MER 16-002Receipt: 16-191444 Product 149 Total Tender (On Account) Account# Account Name Balance Peter Aldana Riverside County Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder 2720 & 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 486-7000 Name DEED COMEN COMEN - CITY OF MENIFEE $528.50 Document# # Pages Extended $28.50 2016-0245451 5 $28.50 $28.50 6/15/16 3:12 PM Gateway Examining Recording Requested By: City of Menifee WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk For the Engineering Department 29714 Haun Road 2015-0245451 06/15/2015 03:12 PM Fee: $ 27.00 Page 1 of 5 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Rssessor-County Clerk -Recorder 111190111KC112" A ,�'E U I I I I R A Exam: rDA 1, CO Misc Long RFD Ist Pg Adtl Pg Cert CC NCOR SMF NCHG T: DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ .... 0................................................. ....... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ....... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances Remaining at time of sale. Apn(s) 95;g - 080 - 019 SEE ATTACHED g 1' Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax - Firm name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Riverside Mitland Investor 03, LLC hereby GRANT (S) to Riverside Mitland Investor 03, LLC the real property in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: SEE EXHIBIT "A" AND "B" ATTACHED HERETO MADE A PART THEREOF. THIS GRANT DEED IS PURSUANT TO PARCEL MERGER NO. MER 16-002 RECORDED "X"e 15 , d o t AS INSTRUMENT NO.Q. 5[�RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verif es only Me identity of the Indlv I who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not ilia truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. ATE OF CALIFORNIA }SS. _ Y OF _ } Signature David Bartlett ON before me, Print Name Vice President M 1 personally appea Title/Company (if applicable) 32i'veSfiD" 63, LLG who proved to me on the asis of sat' aotory evidence to be the person(s) whose names Islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge a e that he/she/they executed the same In his/her/their auth ed capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures) on Ple 1n1 ment the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of whl the pars (s] acted, executed the Instrument. I certify under Pe/rogoing erjury under the of the State of California that the paragraph is true an orrect. WITNESS my}{and and official seal. *SEE ADDITIONAL SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL NOTARIES* TAX STATEMENTS TO: CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of acanc:r,c } N a-'c� On'�`'�(IVLU1 Z` I 'Z0110 before me, _J�1r�v�� �lvt� �4f:�(_l-i>tv''�s, ? �"i\0 ere insen name anfiflue a{ im 319IMy personally appeared —)av�Gl ICA� who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(A whose name($) 'care subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that p', eA-hey-executed the same in tiis�er�t4i& authorized capacity ), and that by tS erltheif signature( on the instrument the person), or the entity upon behalf of N which the personas'} acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ANNE WITNESS my hand and official seal. pis RIs co�1.#2123483484 ai Notary PubNc-Caf ra y W ORANGE COUNTY Ny Corm rxa, AUG. 14, 2019 Notary Public Signature (Notary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATIO DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages Document Date CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ElIndividual (s) ElCorporate Officer (Title) ElPartner(s) ElAttorney-in-Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other 2015 Version 800-873-9865 N EXHIBIT :4" - LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAIPrF/ "A" IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ALL OF LOT 205 AND LOT 206 OF TRACT NO. 52025, MAP BOOK 447, PAGES 32 THROUGH 46, INCLUSIVE RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NO 2015-0459850, OF SAID COUNTY, LYING WITHIN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, S.B.M. BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 205 OF SAID TRACT ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FALCON NEST DRIVE (28 FEET HALF WIDTH) AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FALCON NEST DRIVE AND THE EASTERL Y PROPERTY LINE OF SAID LOTS 205 AND 206, SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 822.00 FEET, TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS SOUTH 88° 43' 40 WEST THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES; 1. SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE 10' 07' 30" AN ARC LENGTH OF 145.26 FEET 2. SOUTH O8' 51' 10" WEST, 91.87 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 206; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF SAID LOT 206 THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES, 1. NORTH 89 ° 32' 33" WEST 8 1. 77 FEET, 2. NORTH 77' 40' 30" WEST 199.26 FEET J. NORTH 88' 19' 20" WEST, 64.74 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 206; THENCE NORTHERL Y ALONG SAID WESTERLY PROPERTY LINE OF SAID LOTS 205 AND 205 THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES; 1. NORTH 13° 75' 02" WEST 90.99, 2. NORTH 24' 02' 17" WEST, 74.33 FEET J. NORTH 26' 24' 04" EAST, 17.00 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 205; I OF 2 EXHIBIT "A"' - LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL "A" CON'T THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 205 THE FOLLOWING FIGHT (8) COURSES; 1. SOUTH 77' 44' 28" EAST, 49.25 FEET, 2. NORTH 87' 52' 21 " EAST 21.83 FEET, J. NORTH 35' 27' 10" EAST 47.90 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON —TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 48.00 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 35* 27' 70" EAST,- 4. EASTERL Y ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 62` 20' 18" AN ARC LENGTH OF 52.23 FEET 5. LEAVING SAID CURVE, SOUTH 26` 53' 08" EAST 28.57 FEET 6. SOUTH 89' 48' 15" EAST, 116.15 FEET 7. NORTH 88` 14' 23" EAST, 116.72 FEET 8. NORTH 45' 05' 43" EAST 27.81 FEET TO THE POINTOFBEGINNING CONTAINING: 1.74 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EXHIBIT "B"' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART THEREOF. SUBJECT TO. COVENANTS, CONDI TONS, RESERVA TIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHT OF WA Y AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF., WILLIAM E. SNOW DA TE P.L.S. NO. 472' REG. EXP. 9/30 7 PRERA RED BY. K&A ENGINEERING 357 N. SHERIDAN ST CORONA, CA 92880 P� L ANd- ;���■NE,SSG �0; Ct o a No. 4725 :;a .( Exp. 9/30/17 ). CA APN. 358— 080— 018 DA TE EXHIBIT PREPARED: DECEMBER 21, 2015 2 OF 2 o Q z 111ING LQ mW�oo ST �Q�J1 �a-0ao1 j0l. 11E o J8 0l LO C= Zf7 060pie . l S C9 � S4 roll Oy q7 W W � �NhLy lr) Q _ F J O J�. z W z ��N� (j QJ Q � (n `- ��oz QIZ WCL J oz>� z Q) II � I ^; a, 1 Z � V ` h N Zo CN I IN N �N W m N LLJ CIO E� ob l z S „ ,IS;BO�y� 1N1 Ol l,CB 16J- 01,0l, l580S) go. 3.15'0 N (OR w Lo c\4 o J -� z V o \\orS���'�1 I ac 1 0 Z p Z v 4 Z ti Q n - 2 WSW � > Q L z zV- zm v L p Wo N Q2�L CO co W W r -.: 'I- 0� W o N O h r, p O N O N njcoN W o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mCIZ: 'apocVNNN�ioOONN *p a.o CC,4 h�NN O O O o ch O N, N ;r) h - ':n ;r) (Z3 ;r) O .,Nrnrn cow h�o O.�,N,�`