SD Bell Faithful Performance Bond 37BSBIJ5034'peJapuar luaul6pn[
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UOJoNos ScNvutuoJUsd'lnJHltvl
State of
County of
?7, t$o before me,(date)
persona]1y appeared,P.^^r Z. Jt,,o
(no y)
personally known to ne
-- oR --
proved to me on the basis
name(s) subscribedthat he / she,/they executed
and thar by his/her/thej.rthe entity upon behaLf of
(signers )
of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whoseto the within inetrument and acknowledged Lo methe sane in his/her/thei.r authorized capacity(ies),signature(s) on the instlument the person(s) orwhich the person(s) acted, executed the instrument
WITNESS my hand and official seal
(notary s ignature )
My Commission Expires:
Pubhc ' Slate ol f€nsasR.trffi
frzollnzlno s:rttlt.r ttotssttttttto:r .i!\
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D irect lnquirie s/Cl ai m s to :
BOND, T.12
Ono Hartlord Plaza
Hartford. Conneclicut 061 55
call: 888-266-3488 or fax: 860.757-5835
Agency Code:
31 -217A59
Hartford Fire lnsurance Company, i corporxtron dulv orgirlired undcl lhc laws ol the Slalc ofConnccticul
Hartford Casualty lnsurance Compsny, a corporation duly orginiTcd !rndcr rhc laws ofthc Statc ol lndiana
Hartrord Accid€nt and lndemnity Company, ii corpornlion duly organizcd under rhc laws ofrhe Slatc ofConnccric!l
Hartford Undorwrlters lnsuranqe Company, a corporation d0ly organrzcd uodcr lhe laws ofthe Slatc ofConncclicut
Twin City Fire lnsuranc€ Company, a corporalion duly orSanizcd undcr thc laws ol lhc State of lndiana
Hartford lnsuranc€ Company of lllinois, 0 coryorarion duly organi?cd undcr the Iaws ol the Statc of Illinois
Harttord lnsuranco ComPany of ths Midw6st, a corporarion duly organizcd undcr thc laws oi'lhc Starc of IndiAna
Hartford lnsuranco Company of the Southeasl, a corporarron dulv organized undcr rhc laws ofthc Stare ol Floridn
having lhelr home office in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinaft
up to lhg amount ot l,rilirnite.l :
er colleclively referred to as lhe "Companies") do hereby make, constilute and appoinl,
Bret S. Burton, Tim H. Heffel-, David B. Mcxinney, Todd A]-an Rambo, Timorhy C. Smith,Myriah A. Valdivia, Desiree E. Westmoreland of 9,llCHITA, Kansas
lheir true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity af more than one is named above, to sign its name as surely(ies) only as
delineated above by 8, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds. undertakings, conlracts an-d other wrilen inslruments in the
nature thereof, on behall of the Companies in their business of guaranleeing the lldelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and
execuling or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law.
ln Wltness Whereof, and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies on May 6, 2015 the Companies have
caused these presents to be signed by ils Senior Vice President and its corporate seals lo be hereto affixed. duly a esled by its AssistantSecretary. Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Oireclors of the Companies, the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are
and will be bound by any mechanically applaed signatures applied to this Power of Attorney.
@@@ffi@ {&:'
John Gray, Asslstant Secretary
couNTY oF naRrroRo I
On this sth day of January, 2018, before me personally came M. Ross Fisher, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and
say: thal he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticutt that he is the Senior Vice President of the Companies, lhe corporations
described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of the said corporations; lhat lhe seais aflixed to lhe said
instrument are such corporate sealsi that they wore so aftixed by authority of the Boards ol Directors of said corporations and that he signed his
name therelo by like aulhority.
l, the undersigned, Assistant Vice President oI the Companies, DO HEREBY CERTIFY tha
copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is still in full force effective as of
Slgn€d and sealed at lhe City of Hartford.
{*.LU "--1 )ttr.,' ^a
Kulhlecn T. :tlayflard
Nol!ry Public
My Comnrhsion Expircr Jul! l l.l02l
trM F4-
t the above and foregorng rs a kue ano co(ectD4-eftb!,t at, ?oeD
t T 7 | g',t,@@@ffi@ ,.:. ,. 1:./ a"^ ffi,.-. -Kevin Heckman. Assislanl Vrce Presrdent
M. Ross Fisher. 56nior Vrce Presidenl