Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group, Inc. Material and Labor Bond TR3685 SU1169974FOR: Grading/Drainage $ Erosion Control $WQMP $Total $ MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.2) 750.00 Parcel Map TR36 250.00 Other Project No. lP20-025 Bond No. SU11 74000.00 Premium lnclud on Performance Bond 2 50 53 Surety Arch lnsurance Companv AddreSS Harborside 3,210 Hud son Street. Suite 300 Principal Address Forestar (USA) Real Esta te Grouo. lnc. 2221 E Lamar Blvd, Suite 790 City/State Jersev Citv. NJ City/State Arlin n, TX Zip code 073111 zip 76006 Phone WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee, State of California, and Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group , lnc.(hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or areabout to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above design which agreement(s), dated hereof; and, ated Grading, Erosion Control & WQMP relating to TR36852 , is/are hereby referred to and made a part WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement(s), principal is required, before entering uponthe performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the bity of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are firmly bound unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material suppliers, and other persons employed in the performance of the agreement(s) and referred to Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code in the sumof Fiftv Three Thousand and no/100 ,Dollars,$53.000.00 for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respectto such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City of Menifee in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Phone (201 ) 743-4000 Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, oraddition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, onApril 1,2021 . NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Forestar (USA) Reat Estate Group, tnc. AUTHORTZED StcNATURE(S) By: Name'. 9e)rccTitle: eEO r AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Kathryn Its rney-in-Fact Title (tF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Arch Insurance Companv (lF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGM ENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. NOTARY A('KNOWLEDCM EN'I' OF STIRET}': State ofConnccticut County of Hartford ss. On this the 1st day 20 21 , before me, Bryan Caneschi , the known to me of (or satisfactorily provcn) to be the person whose name is subscribed as Attomey-ln-Factfor------AE!-.!-!EqqIgg-C9 ., and acknowledged rhats/hcexecutedtheSameu.th"u"t@osesthercincontained. undenigned officer, personally appeared Kath ryn Prvor ln witness whereof I hereunto set my hand. Signarure of Notary Public Date Commission Expires: November 30. 2025 Lry3Ln Caneschi Printed Nanre of Notary Z-- BRYAN CANESCHI NOT,IRY PLTBLIC - CT 18247 5 My Comm sslon Expir6s Nov. 30, 2025 "#i.iir#;ilffi ,tqsee€ alquBo\\!fl \rc (tvfs pue) UNl-VNEIS I\ES IVICIIIO ONV ONVH AT{ SSf NI-IM .I-C]UUOC ONV ]NU] SI HdVU9VUVd ONIOCfUOJ 3Hl lVHI SVX31 lo fl_vt-s 3Hl- lo sM\fl 3Hr ufoNn untufd lo A.L-tvN3d u30Nn Ajil_ulc I rNf y!nulsNr srHI oftncSxf 'olr3v (s)ruosu=a f HJ- HCTHM lO J]VH38 NOdn ^l-t1N3 lHl- UO '(S)NOSU=a f Hl tNfy!nutsNt fHr No (s)=untvNels utf HlJulH/stH AE rvHl_ oNV'(s=l),utcvavc oiztuoHrnv ulfHlJufH/stH Nt 3r\tvs 3HI Oflnc3xS A3HUf HS/f H IVHI ft/! 01 ofeoltMoNyCV oNV rN3y!nulsNr NrHt-rM iHr ol_ of Etucsgns =uvlsl (s)=nvN 3soHM (s)r'rosu=a f Hl' fE OI SCNfOlnS UOI-CVISIIVS JO SISVE f HI NO 3t1l OI OSnOUd OHM .bq o3uvfddv AttvNosu3d 'cn8nd AUV1oN V r) 'fn 3uoJ38 -c oz'eyl lPry NO lo tNnoc lNf l,llnCOC IVH1 JO -LIOI'IVA UO CVUNCCV ,SS3NlNJHINU1 f H.L ION CNV 'O]HCVL].V SIf.tvCllll-UfC SIHL HCIHM Ol- INf l.lln3OO 3HJ. O3NOIS OHMlvnotnloNt 3H1 lo /\]'rJ,N3cr 3Hl-,\'1No sSBtufn f.[vcHU.ufc srHt cNtl.f tdhloc utctf lo uo clt8nd AUVIoN v n 'l-a svxfl_ Jo ft_vts( Arc 0000334832 Thls Pot et of Al oraey llmits the oc$ of,hosc nomed hercin, arrd th.f have no &thor f to bind the Compan! ?ucept tn the mafle. at..t to the e\tent herctn ntatedNol t)old lor Nok, Loan, Llbr of Crcdltt CuncncJ Rot., Int rest Rote ot Resldentat yatae Gaaralke'. FOWER O1' ATTORNf,Y Know All P.rso8 BJ Thc.c Precrit:'fhat the Arch Insurance Company, a corporation orgadzcd and e,\istinB under lhc laws ofrhe SIsr€ of Missoun, having its principal administ-arive omce in Jcrscy City, New Jers€y (herEinaner reErred to as thc "Company") do€s hereby appoim: Aim.. R Pcrodinc, ALri! Ap6tolidb' B.thrry St v.mon, Br d.n Fl.tctcr, Brym M- C.n6chi Crttrtrdr. 8r.4 Dotroi M. pbmq ti.ic Srrb.,Jftqu.lin. Ro.c Sll!.a, Jrn.c Wrhht, Joohur Sruford, t(trhrytr Pryor. yich.ttc Ann Mcltrtor, liichot ! TrEc.mo.rd pHltip M. Krortr of Hrrrofrd. Ct.(EACH) ils lrue and Iawful Atlomey(s)in-Facr, lo msk€, €xe$lc, sea1, and d€liver from rhc date ofis$ance ofrhis power for and on ils betElfas $rery, and as jrs act and dccd: Any and all bonds. undertakings, recogniTances and other surety obUg6lions, in lhc pcnal suft nor exce€ding Ninelv Million Dollars 69A.A90.S!0.S0)-'l1 s authonty do€s nol permit the sarn€ obligalion to b€ splil into two or more bodds ln order ro bring €ach such bond within the dottar limit ofaurtority as s€t fonhhercin. -Ih€ cxeculion of such bonds, unddEkings' recognizances and oth6 surety obliBalions in pursuance of thes€ presents shall be as binding ufon the said Compony asfully and amply lo all int€nts and purposes, as if the same had been duly ex€ut€d and acknowledged by ils regularly elecled officers ai ia principol administrarive omce in J crs€y City, New Jersey. 'Ihis Power of Attomey is s(eculed by authorily of rcsolulions adopled by unatumous consent of rhe Board of Direclors ofrhe Compsny on Dccember tO, 2020, truc ard accuratc copi€s o fwhich are hereiM ncr s€t fonh and are hereby certi 6cd to by rhe undosigned Secrqar' as b€ing in full force and effecr:_VOTED, Thal the Chairrnan of lhc Board, the Presidenl, or the Ex€culive Vice Prcsident, or any Seoior Vic. Prcsidcnl. of thc Surety Busin€s.s Divisior\ or lheir appointees designaled in trriling ard 6led wilh the Secr€|ary, or $€ Sccrcrary shrll hsvc rh€ pow6 ard aurhoriry lo appoinl agents and atromeys-in-facr, and toauthonze them $bje.l lo the limitalions sel fo(h in lhcir rery€clive powers of a(omey, ro cJ(ecule on behalf of lhc Company, and alach the scal of rhe Company lherelo, bonds, underta.kings, rccognianccs and other slrcty obligarions obligalory in rhe natur€ rhereol and sry $ch omcers ofth€ Compeny rnay appoint a8ems for acceptance oIprocess. 'Ihis Power of Anorney is signed, sealcd and ccnificd by facsimile undcf and by authority ofthe following resolulion adoprcd by the unanimous consenl ofthe Board ofDircclors ofrh€ Company on December 10, 20201 VOTED, Thal the signatur€ of the Chairman of the Board, lhe Presrdenl, or thc Exc{utive vice President, or any Seflior Vice Presiden! ot the Surcty Business Division. or lherr appointees designalcd in wriling and filcd with the Secretary, and lhe signature ofthe Seoelary, thc seat oflhe Company, and certifications by rhc Secrebry, nuy b€ affixed by facsimile on any pow€r ofallorney or bond executod pursuanl ro rh€ resolution adopled by the Board of DirEctors on Deccmbcr I0. 2020, and any srch power so exsuled, scalcd and ccnified with res?ect ro any bond or undcrtaking ro which ir is atache( shall conlinue ro be vatid and binding upon thc Company In Tesii or !hlg!. 202f. mony Whercol thc Compony has caused this inslrum€nt lo be signed ard ils corpomlc s€al ro bc amxcd by lheir authonz€d officers, this !!l a"v ,\(cst.d !rd ('snificd ,\rch losurrnce ( omprllr- A 6rh&/*.--"_- Shulrna'r, S€lretary S'l Ar I,l Ol' Pf,:{.t-SYLVANIA ss ( ou)i't Y or PHII,ADELP[lA SS Stephen C. Ruschak, Execurive vic€ Prcsidcnl I, Micheh l ripodi, a Notary arc rcspc(ively as Sccretary Missoufl, $bsc.ibed to lhe fo scalcd wilh the corporat€ s€al purpos.s lh€rein sd forth. Public, do hcrcby cerlify thal Regan A. Shulrnan and Stephcn C. Ruschak persoDally known ro mc to be lhe ssrne p€rsons whosc names and Uxcculivc Vice President ofthe Arch ln$rance Company. a Corporation organized and exisin8 under the laws ofrhc Srare otrcgoing instrumenl, appearcd before me lhis day in p.rson and s€verally acknowlcd8ed thar lhcy beidg rh€reunro duly authorized signcd, and dclivered dre said insrrument as the {iee and \ oluntar} acr ofsaid corporation and as rheir own free and votuntary acts for lhc us€s and -1; di. Notar x"Sa{ ,r. st',tn n. v...r,o Ttis Pow€r of Arcrney limits thc acls of lbos€ named therein to rhe bonds and undenatings S€cifically nam€d rherein and thcy cxcepl in lhe rnanrEr and to lhe crlcnt hcrcin saled io bind the company ( l:Rl lFICA rlON I, Reg.r A. Sholmrd, Sccrclary of lhc Arch lnsrrdnce Company. do hereby ccnify that rh€ arrch€d Pohc. of Attom.y drt.d Mrrrh I l. 2021 on behatf of rhepcrson(s) as lised above is a truc and conc'cl copy and tMl th€ same has bccn in full forcc and effect since lhe dalo rhcrcofand is in Eilforce and eflecr on rhe datc oflhis cerlifical€i and I do further cediry that the said Stephcn C. Ruschal, who excruled thc Power of Atlonoy as l-lxecudve Vice presidenr, was on thc dalE ofexecutionofthe artachcd Power of A[orney the duly elected Erecutiw Vicc Presidenl oflhe Arch Insurance Company.lN I ESTIMO:IY WIIEREOT', I have hercunto subscrib€d my name and amx€d lhc corporal€ s€al ;f d€ rch lnsurancc Compuny on rfri" l]ary of_.flp[, E ^- A 'bl--- Pt,EASI SE\D ALL CLA]}t t\Qt IRTUS RUt.A rI\c TO THIS BO\D-I.O Ttll] ].OI_t.OWI\c ADDRf,SS:Ar.h lnlurrn(€ - Sorcty Divi!bn I P.rkwry, Suite 1500 Philad.lphir, PA 19102 To vetity tl]€ outhenticity of this fuwet ol AftotrEy, pledse @ntq1 A.ch lnsurunce Cofipny dt Pleose r.ler lo tlE obove nofied Aftoney-ittFoct ad tlE detoils ol tlg brd to which tt7- pwet is ofto.lE]d, rtart/l lbroud C€ ra^lttn lbrord AtcPoA040120 Printed in u.S.A. My commission expires 07/31/2021