2021-05-05 City Council SPECIAL MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Bob Karwin, District 1
Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobek, District 3
Dean Deines, District 4 SPECIAL AGENDA
Menifee City Council
Special Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
3:00 PM Special Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home,
please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube
icon . Please note the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.
ATTENDING THE MEETING IN PERSON: Council Chambers Limited Seating Now
1. Reserved Seating: Prior to the meeting, sign up to ensure a seat in the Council Chambers.
Email the City Clerk at smanwaring@cityofmenifee.us and let staff know the meeting in which
you would like to reserve a seat. Reservations cannot be made prior to agenda posting.
2. NonReserved Seating: Seating available on a first come, first serve basis. The public may
begin lining up 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
1. Inperson: Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment.
The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on.
2. Virtual: Email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us and include your name and the item(s) you
wish to speak on. The City will provide the means by which you may join the meeting virtually
and provide your public comment.
4.1 Revised Capital Improvement Program
Review and discuss the revised Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and provide
direction to staff in preparation for the Fiscal Year 202122 budget.
Menifee Mayor and City Council
May 5,2021
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City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 SPECIAL AGENDA Menifee City Council Special Meeting AgendaWednesday, May 5, 20213:00 PM Special MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID19 VIRUS, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THEPRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS THE CITY OFMENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED INPERSON ATTENDANCE IS CURRENTLYPERMITTED SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LOCAL HEALTH RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDINGMANDATORY MASKS/FACE COVERINGS AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIXFEET.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home,please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTubeicon. Please note the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLEWHILE OBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATIONBELOW FOR RESERVING A SEAT AND/OR REGISTERING TO MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT.ATTENDING THE MEETING IN PERSON: Council Chambers Limited Seating NowAvailable1. Reserved Seating: Prior to the meeting, sign up to ensure a seat in the Council Chambers.Email the City Clerk at smanwaring@cityofmenifee.us and let staff know the meeting in whichyou would like to reserve a seat. Reservations cannot be made prior to agenda posting.2. NonReserved Seating: Seating available on a first come, first serve basis. The public maybegin lining up 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.PUBLIC COMMENTS:1. Inperson: Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment.The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on.
2. Virtual: Email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us and include your name and the item(s) you
wish to speak on. The City will provide the means by which you may join the meeting virtually
and provide your public comment.
4.1 Revised Capital Improvement Program
Review and discuss the revised Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and provide
direction to staff in preparation for the Fiscal Year 202122 budget.
Menifee Mayor and City Council
May 5,2021
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SUBJECT: Revised Capital Improvement Program
MEETING DATE: May 5, 2021
TO: Mayor and City Council
PREPARED BY: Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Director
REVIEWED BY: Jeff Wyman, Assistant City Manager
APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager
1. Review and discuss the revised Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and provide direction to
staff in preparation for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget.
City Council held an initial Capital Improvement Program (CIP) workshop on Monday, April 19,
2021. During this workshop, CIP considerations, priorities, and funding sources were
reviewed. Staff provided a status update of the current fiscal year CIP including 17 projects
completed and 35 projects in progress consisting of 12 under construction and 23 that are in the
design phase.
In addition to continuing the 35 in progress projects, staff from multiple departments including
Engineering, Public Works, Finance, Police and Community Services provided an overview of 24
proposed projects along with Public Works vehicle and equipment acquisitions for Fiscal Year
2021-22. The project proposals were based on prior direction from City Council, specified funding
availability, along with overall CIP priorities including urgency, health, safety, and welfare of the
community. The proposal represented a capital investment of over $32 million dollars
encompassing the following:
Transportation projects - $21,064,631
Traffic signals - $1,740,000
Street improvements - $510,000
Pavement Management - $2,679,663
Facility projects - $7,040,000
Community Services projects $410,000
Public Works vehicles and equipment - $432,000
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City of Menifee Staff Report
Capital Improvement Program Workshop #2
May 5, 2021
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After reviewing the proposed projects for Fiscal Year 2021-22, City Council members provided
suggestions of additional projects not included in the proposal comprised of 24 more projects and
studies. The additional projects consisted of six transportation projects, review of three traffic
signal locations, eight street improvement projects, two facility projects, three community services
projects, one drainage project, and creation of a street lighting program. Staff has conducted an
initial review of all the suggested projects and incorporated the projects into each category of the
CIP as provided in the attached CIP categorical summaries and project worksheets. Staff
recommends that the City Council review the revised CIP and provide direction on the plan in
preparation for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget.
Safe and Attractive Community
Livable and Economically Prosperous Community
No current fiscal impact. Staff will prepare budget appropriations for each project in the Capital
Improvement Program based on City Council direction and final allocations will occur as part of
the Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget approval process.
1. FY 2021-26 Revised Project List.
2. Capital Project Prioritization Description
3. FY 2021-22 Proposed Project Details
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21‐22 BUDGET
1 CIP 13‐03 $10,415,368 30,685,177$
1 CIP 13‐04 $1,439,665 14,489,512$
1 CIP 14‐01 $356,958 35,168,230$
1 CIP 20‐01 $2,978,640 30,541,178$
2 CIP 20‐05 60,560,000$
2 CIP 20‐13 6,425,000$
1 CIP 22‐02 $1,300,000 7,700,000$
1 CIP 22‐03 $2,517,000 3,444,000$
1 CIP 22‐04 $2,057,000 2,230,000$
2 PW‐TR‐01 16,750,000$
2 PW‐TR‐02 6,603,000$
3 PW‐TR‐03 6,317,000$
3 PW‐TR‐04 2,901,000$
3 PW‐TR‐05 2,927,000$
3 PW‐TR‐06 6,000,000$
3 PW‐TR‐07 3,416,000$
4 PW‐TR‐08 1,270,000$
4 PW‐TR‐09 17,334,000$
4 PW‐TR‐10 2,328,600$
4 PW‐TR‐11 4,500,000$
4 PW‐TR‐12 3,864,575$
2 PW‐TR‐13 3,840,000$
4 PW‐TR‐14 3,460,000$
4 PW‐TR‐15 7,500,000$
4 PW‐TR‐16 6,000,000$
4 PW‐TR‐17 5,500,000$
4 PW‐TR‐18 3,600,000$
4 PW‐TR‐19 3,500,000$
4 PW‐TR‐20 5,000,000$
4 PW‐TR‐21 100,000$
30 Total Projects $21,064,631 303,954,273$
Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge
Transportation Project Listing
Holland Road Overpass
Bradley Bridge over Salt Creek
McCall Blvd/I‐215 Interchange
Scott Road/Bundy Canyon Road Widening
Garbani Rd/ I‐215 Interchange
Goetz Road Widening
Valley Boulevard Widening (Murrieta Rd to Chambers Road)
McCall Boulevard Widening (Woodside‐Menifee)
Bailey Boulevard Widening
Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek
Menifee Road Widening (Scott‐Garbani)
Haun Road Widening (Holland Rd to Scott Rd)
Encanto Drive Widening (McCall‐McLaughlin)
Murrieta Road Widening (McCall to Ethanac)
Murrieta Road Widening (Scott‐Newport)
Holland Road Widening (Murrieta Rd to Haun Rd)
Linderberger Rd Widening (Silver Summit Dr to Trailhead Dr)
Study ‐ Infrastructure Needs of Northern Gateway (East of I‐215)
Garbani Road (I‐215 to Menifee Road)
Garbani Road (Menifee Road to Briggs Road)
Garbani Road (I‐215 to Bradley Road)
Briggs Road (Garbani Road to Loretta Avenue)
Antelope Road Widening (Craig Avenue to Scott Road)
Antelope Rd / Ethanac / HWY 74 Intersection Realignment
Ethanac Road Widening (Trumbull Road to Antelope Road)
Pedestrian Bridge Over I‐215 at Rouse Road
Menifee Road Widening (Watson Rd to SR 74)
Menifee Road Widening (Biscayne Rd to Mathews)
Murrieta Road/Holland Road Intersection Realignment
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21‐22 BUDGET
1 CIP 21‐11 $1,140,000 $1,433,690
3 PW‐TS‐01 $600,000
2 PW‐TS‐04 $550,000
2 PW‐TS‐02 $725,000
2 PW‐TS‐03 $550,000
3 PW‐TS‐05 $575,000
3 PW‐TS‐06 $575,000
2 PW‐TS‐07 $950,000
3 PW‐TS‐08 $575,000
3 PW‐TS‐09 $575,000
3 PW‐TS‐10 $575,000
1 PW‐TS‐11 $575,000
1 PW‐TS‐12 $1,400,000
4 PW‐TS‐13 $575,000
4 PW‐TS‐14 $575,000
4 PW‐TS‐15 $575,000
4 PW‐TS‐16 $575,000
3 PW‐TS‐17 $575,000
3 PW‐TS‐18 $575,000
19 $1,140,000 $13,108,690
Traffic Signal Project Listing
Murrieta Rd/La Piedra Rd
Menifee Rd/Garbani Rd
McCall Rd/Grosse Pointe
Hwy 74/3rd Street
Hwy 74/Tradewinds
Menifee Rd/Craig Rd
Cherry Hills/Peeble Beach
Murrieta Rd/Chambers Rd
Bradley Road/Cherry Hills Boulevard
Menifee Rd/Lake Fork
Bradley Rd/Peeble Beach Dr
Antelope/MSJC Entrance
Briggs Road/Garbani Road
Signal Projects (does not include other signals not under priority)
Menifee Rd/Mathews Rd
Evans Rd/Craig Rd
Bradley Rd/Rim Creek Path
Zeiders Rd/Keller Rd
Goetz Rd/Ave Roble
Goetz Rd/Vista Way
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1 PW-IMP-01 $410,000 $410,000
2 PW‐IMP‐02 $650,000
3 PW‐IMP‐03 $230,000
2 PW‐IMP‐04 $100,000
2 PW‐IMP‐05 $100,000 $550,000
2 PW‐IMP‐06 $345,500
2 PW‐IMP‐07 $54,000
1 PW‐IMP‐08 $810,000
3 PW‐IMP‐09 $65,400
3 PW‐IMP‐10 $71,099
3 PW‐IMP‐11 $345,301
2 PW‐IMP‐12 $191,674
3 PW‐IMP‐13 $157,938
3 PW‐IMP‐14 $285,648
3 PW‐IMP‐15 $345,301
3 PW‐IMP‐16 $533,672
4 PW‐IMP‐17 $300,000
4 PW‐IMP‐18 $450,000
4 PW‐IMP‐19 $3,500,000
4 PW‐IMP‐20 $4,000,000
4 PW‐IMP‐21 $4,000,000
4 PW‐IMP‐22 $1,100,000
4 PW‐IMP‐23 $50,000
23 Total Projects $510,000 $18,545,533
Normandy Road Improvements (La Ladera Rd. to Berea Rd.)
Lindenberger Road ‐ Sidewalk Improvements
Street Improvements Project Listing
ATP ‐ Lazy Creek Park
Bradley Road And Newport Road Intersection Improvments
HSIP ‐ Menifee Road (Hwy 74 to City Limits)
HSIP ‐ Menifee Road (McCall Blvd to Hwy 74)
HSIP ‐ McCall Blvd. (Encanto Dr. to Menifee Rd.)
HSIP ‐ Sun City Blvd. (Manchester Dr. to Cherry Hills Blvd.)
HSIP ‐ Newport Road Raised Medians (Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd)
HSIP ‐ Haun Road (Newport Rd. to Scott Rd.)
HSIP ‐ Antelope Road (Newport Rd. to Scott Rd.)
HSIP ‐ Scott Road (Murrieta Rd. to Briggs Rd.)
ATP ‐ La Piedra Road at Bell Mountain Middle School
ATP ‐ Sun City Community
Interchange Beautification ‐ Scott Road
Newport Road / Menifee Road Intersection Improvements
Study ‐ Newport Road Corridor Improvements (Antelope Road to Briggs Road)
ATP ‐ Watson Road at Harvest Valley Elementary School
ATP ‐ Bradley Road at Chester W. Morrison Elementary School
Highway 74 Parkway Landscape (SCE frontage)
Holland Road Raised Median (Sherman Road to Haun Road)
Citywide Signage and Wayfinding Program
Interchange Beautification ‐ Newport Road
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1 CIP 22‐06 $1,500,000 $1,500,000
1 PW‐PMP‐01 $1,179,663 $1,179,663
1 PW‐PMP‐02 $800,000
1 PW‐PMP‐02 $700,000
1 PW‐PMP‐02 $1,200,000
2 PW‐PMP‐03 $950,000
2 PW‐PMP‐04 $1,000,000
1 PW‐PMP‐04 $1,000,000
2 PW‐PMP‐04 $750,000
4 PW‐PMP‐05 $950,000
2 PW‐PMP‐06 $5,500,000
2 PW‐PMP‐07 $1,450,000
2 PW‐PMP‐08 $1,400,000
3 PW‐PMP‐09 $350,000
3 PW‐PMP‐10 $1,050,000
2 PW‐PMP‐11 $2,100,000
3 PW‐PMP‐12 $852,000
3 PW‐PMP‐13 $989,000
3 PW‐PMP‐14 $890,323
3 PW‐PMP‐15 $871,000
20 Total Projects $2,679,663 $25,481,986
Pavement Management Project Listing
Tradewinds Community (Romoland north of Hwy 74)
Lake Ridge Estates Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes)
Willows Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes)
Neighborhood East of Bradley from Potomac Rd to El Rancho (Sun City)
Murrieta Road Resurfacing ‐ San Quintin to Salt Creek
Neighborhood north of McCall and East of Sun City Blvd (Sun City)
Romoland Grid Neighborhood
Cassa Balnca Neighborhood (south of McCall)
Menifee Meadows Neighborhood (East of Bradley and South of La Piedra)
Lazy Creek Community (between Newport and Lazy Creek Road)
Neighborhoods East of Bavaria road
Cherry Hills Blvd Resurfacing‐ Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd
Briggs Rd Resurfacing ‐ Hwy 74 to Mapes
Garbani Rd Resurfacing ‐ Antelope Rd to Menifee Rd
Mapes Rd Resurfacing ‐ Sherman Rd to Malaga Rd
Antelope Rd Resurfacing ‐ Holland Rd to Newport Rd
Menifee Rd Resurfacing and Median Improvements ‐ Holland Rd to Camino Crystal
Menifee Rd resurfacing ‐ Biscayne Rd to Hwy 74
Antelope Rd Resurfacing ‐ Newport Rd to Aldergate Dr
Menifee Road Resurfacing ‐ Simpson Road to train tracks
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(1‐4)PROJECT #
FY 21‐22
2 PW‐SD‐01 $353,000
2 PW‐SD‐02 $280,000
2 PW‐SD‐03 $280,000
2 PW‐SD‐04 $800,000
2 PW‐SD‐05 $1,500,000
4 PW‐SD‐06 $9,810,000
4 PW‐SD‐07 $2,710,000
4 PW‐SD‐08 $810,000
4 PW‐SD‐09 $2,220,000
9 Total Projects $18,763,000
Drainage Project Listing
MDP ‐ Lazy Creek Street and Murrieta Road
MDP ‐ Murrieta Road and Garbani Road
MDP ‐ Normandy Road at Salt Creek Channel
Ridgemore Road Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel
Sun City Blvd. Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel
Cherry Hills Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel
Catch Basin Retrofit Program
Byers Rd at Ethanac Rd Drainage Improvements
MDP ‐ Craig Avenue and Hawthorne Street
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21‐22 BUDGET
2 PW‐SL‐01 $650,000
2 PW‐SL‐02 $500,000
3 PW‐SL‐03 $410,000
3 Total Projects $1,560,000
Street Light Project Listing
Romoland Grid Area (North of Hwy 74)
Quail Valley Grid Area
Vista Way and Casa Bonita Drive
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21‐22 BUDGET
3 CIP 21‐05 $36,100,000
3 PW‐BLD‐01 $2,300,000
3 PW‐BLD‐02 $4,950,000
4 PW‐BLD‐03 $10,000,000
4 PW‐BLD‐04 $6,000,000
1 F‐001 $750,000 $750,000
3 F‐002 $390,000 $390,000
2 F‐003 $250,000 $250,000
1 F‐004 $500,000 $500,000
2 F‐005 $200,000 $200,000
3 F‐006 $200,000
1 $4,950,000 $4,950,000
12 Total Projects $7,040,000 $66,590,000
Public Facilities Project Listing
Acquisition of Police HQ site
New Menifee City Hall
Fire Station #68 ‐ Interior Improvements (Phase 2)
Menifee Central Police HQ ‐ Land Purchanse
Public Works Corporation Yard
New 5th Station (Northerly Area)
Fuel Station
Police Station Parking Lot Upgrades
Police Station Upgrades
Park and Facility Multi‐Use Building
Council Chambers Window Upgrade
Old Fire Station 5 Renovation
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21‐22 BUDGET
1 CS010 $11,805,000
1 CS015 $876,000
1 CS020 $2,017,070
1 CS030 $3,932,740
1 CS032 $400,000
1 CS021 50,000$ $150,000
2 CS007 50,000$ $275,000
2 CS014 185,000$ $250,000
2 CS042 80,000$ $218,000
2 CS047 45,000$ $365,000
2 CS049 $250,000
3 CS022 $75,000
3 CS023 $430,000
3 CS029 $2,000,000
3 CS047 $813,038
4 CS031 $2,060,000
4 CS037 $2,500,000
4 CS039 $200,000
4 CS004 $300,000
4 CS009 $25,000
4 CS048 TBD
21 Projects 28,941,848$ 410,000 $
Community Services Department Project Listing
IT Network Upgrades
Evans Park Design/Construction
Sports Field Lighting
Lazy Creek Rec Center Improvements
Central Park Amenities
Permanent Park Restroom
Parking Lot Resurfacing and Trash Enclosures
Park Amenity Enhancements
Park Lighting
Sports Court Resurfacing
Shade Structures
Salt Creek Trail Parking
Trails Connectivity and Enhancements
Utility Corridor Trail
Quail Valley Science Center
Park Land Acquisition
Bradley Basin Park
E.L. Peterson Dog Park Expansion
Street Median/Parkway Conversion
Irrigation Upgrades and Control System (PW)
Community Center at La Piedra and Menifee Road
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Category Estimated Total Cost %
Transportation 21,064,631$ 64%
Traffic Signals 1,140,000$3%
Street Improvements 510,000$ 2%
Pavement Management 2,679,663$8%
Drainage ‐$0%
Street Lights ‐$0%
Facilitites 7,040,000$21%
Community Services (Parks‐Trails)$ 410,000 1%
TOTAL $ 32,844,294 100%
Traffic Signals
Street Improvements
Community Services
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Priority Levels are given to Capital Projects to compare them to other Capital Projects within the same
project category of the CIP. Since the implementation of the Prioritization Levels, it has been the goal of
the CIP to refine and expand the method in which projects are ranked. Projects are ranked in
accordance with the detailed requirements of the Council. The process for ranking continues to be a
work-in-progress every year, as the factors that are considered in assigning priority levels shifts in
importance based on the needs and safety of the community.
The Policy Levels are intended to guide the City Council, the City Manager in CIP deliberations. It
establishes a capital planning process that ultimately leads to decisions that optimize the use of available
resources for projects competing for funding, which results in the maximum benefit from the projects
delivered. The ranking considers several factors most notably the following:
1. Risk to health, Safety and Environment, Legal requirements or Mandates
2. City Council Priorities and Requests
3. Master plans that guide implementation of Citywide, regional, or community goals
4. Asset Condition, Longevity, Annual maintenance
5. Economic Growth
6. Funding Availability and Restrictions
7. Funding Opportunity and Grants
8. Project Readiness
The PW-Engineering Department under the direction of the Mayor, the City Council and the City
Manager, and utilizing the described factors for guidance, invested a considerable amount of analysis
and planning in assigning Priority Levels to the CIP Projects identified in this report. In the following
sections of this report the 144 Capital Projects have been assigned a Priority Level from 1 through 4, with
Priority 1 having the most urgency in need.
The City CIP adopted four Priority Levels described in the following sheet.
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The project is urgent and must be completed as soon as possible. Failure to address the project may
impact the health, safety, or welfare of the community or have a potential significant impact on the
financial wellbeing of the City. The project must be initiated or financial opportunity losses may result.
The project is important and addressing it is necessary. The project impacts safety, law enforcement,
health, welfare, economic base, and quality of life.
The project will enhance quality of life and will provide a benefit to the community. Completion of the
project will improve the community by providing cultural, recreational, and/or aesthetic value, or is
deemed as a necessary improvement to a public facility.
The project will be an improvement to the community, but does not necessarily need to be completed
within a five-year capital improvement program time frame.
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1TransportationEngineeringApr‐2218 months2,3 Design 1,538,190$ 1,277,361$ Environmental800,000$ 780,000$ Right of Way 3,110,000$ 2,652,381$ Construction Management 2,940,000$ ‐$ Construction 22,296,987$ ‐$ Total Project Costs30,685,177$ 4,709,742$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years100‐$ 500,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 500,000$ 1052,167,663$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 2,167,663$ 310552,000$ 7,703,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 8,255,000$ 3204,573,449$ 512,368$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 5,085,817$ 4158,905,011$ 1,000,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 9,905,011$ 5092,055,744$ 700,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 2,755,744$ 510241,797$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 241,797$ 5261,723,638$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 1,723,638$ 527485,941$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 485,941$ 20,705,243$ 10,415,368$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 31,120,611$ 20,705,243$ 31,120,611$ Holland Road/I‐215 OverpassCIP 13‐03Target Construction Start:Construction Duration:Priority:Category:Department: Project Description, Purpose, and Need:CUMULATIVE TOTALSPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSTOTALFuture Funding EstimatesApproved Funding to dateTOTALSGeneral FundDIF Citywide ‐ Storm Drain FacilitiesDIF Citywide ‐ CirculationDIF 17 ‐ SignalsDIF 17 ‐ RoadsMenifee Valley RBBDCapital ProjectsTUMFMeasure DDFund NameCouncil District (s):2022 Target Year EstimatesProject Cost by PhaseProject MapFund SourceExpenditures to‐dateThe project is located on Holland Road between Haun Road and Hanover Road. The project will construct a four lane bridge over the I‐215 which will include dedicated bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic signals at Haun Rd. and Hannover Rd., lighting, signing and striping. The project is needed due to the increase in residential and commercial development on both sides of the I‐215 which creates traffic congestion at the existing Newport Road and Scott Road interchanges. In addition, the project will create a much needed east‐west connection for motorists and pedestrians. Street maintenance over a 5 year period will consist of a Slurry seal treatment at year 5 and 10, and AC overlay at year 15. Maintenance cost over a 15 year period is estimated to be $860,000.Street Maintenance is typically funded by Gas Tax, Measure A, Measure DD, and SB1 funds.https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaROW acquisition/Final DesignStatus:Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 15Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 17 of 42
1TransportationEngineeringJul‐2312 months1,2 Design 529,512$ 512,596$ Environmental300,000$ 280,000$ Right of Way ‐$ Construction Management 1,460,000$ Construction 12,200,000$ Total Project Costs14,489,512$ 792,596$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:Funding to dateProposedFund # Fund Name 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105500,000$ ‐$ 2,259,417$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 2,759,417$ 220558,721$ ‐$ 891,297$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 1,450,018$ 509292,256$ 420,713$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 712,969$ 520‐$ ‐$ 278,222$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 278,222$ 526194,349$ 700,000$ 2,200,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 3,094,349$ 527‐$ 318,952$ 368,660$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 687,612$ ‐$ ‐$ 2,000,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 2,000,000$ ‐$ ‐$ 3,245$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 3,245$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 3,503,680$ 3,503,680$ 1,545,326$ 1,439,665$ 8,000,841$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 3,503,680$ 14,489,512$ 1,545,326$ 2,984,991$ 10,985,832$ 10,985,832$ TOTALSUNFUNDEDDIF Citywide ‐ Storm Drain FacilitiesDIF Citywide ‐ Public Use & Comm. Fac.DIF 17 ‐ RoadsStreet Maintenance is typically funded by Gas Tax, Measure A, Measure DD, and SB1 funds.Developer DepositsOther: Riverside County Flood Control Fund SourceFuture Funding EstimatesMeasure AMeasure DDProject Description, Purpose, and Need:The project is located on Bradley Road between Rio Vista Drive and Potomac Street. The project will construct a bridge over the Salt Creek Channel with capacity for four lanes replacing the existing at grade two‐lane road. The project will also construct sidewalks, relocate utilities, and improve drainage. Due to the existing at grade crossing, Bradley road experiences frequent flooding and closures which affect the north‐west connection and also affects emergency response time. The proposed bridge will provide a year‐round crossing and improve mobility to motorists and pedestrians.Design, Resource Agency permits2023 Target Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateProject MapTOTALCUMULATIVE TOTALSBradley Bridge over Salt CreekCIP 13‐04Construction Duration:Target Construction Start:Project Cost by PhaseDepartment: Category:Priority:Council District (s):Project Status:DIF Citywide ‐ CirculationStreet maintenance over a 15 year period will consist of a Slurry seal treatment at years 5 and 10, and AC overlay at year 15. Maintenance cost over a 15 year period is estimated to be $380,000.PROJECT BUDGET DETAILShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 16Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 18 of 42
1TransportationEngineeringTBD18 months1,4 Design 1,619,215$ 239,290$ Environmental 1,423,493$ Right of Way 7,500,000$ Construction Management 2,700,000$ Construction 22,116,000$ Total Project Costs35,168,230$ 239,290$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 220‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 3102,852,230$ 356,958$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 14,687,812$ 17,897,000$ 320152,230$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 152,230$ 526356,958$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 356,958$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 92,295$ 92,295$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 16,669,747$ 16,669,747$ 3,361,418$ 356,958$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 31,449,854$ 35,168,230$ 3,361,418$ 3,718,376$ 3,718,376$ 3,718,376$ 3,718,376$ 3,718,376$ 35,168,230$ CUMULATIVE TOTALSPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALTOTALS UNFUNDEDDeveloper DepositsFund NameDIF Citywide ‐ CirculationCapital ProjectsTUMFMeasure ACouncil District (s):McCall Blvd / I‐215 InterchangeCIP 14‐01Status:Construction Duration:Project Cost by PhaseTarget Construction Start:Department: Category:Priority:Environmental StudiesThe project is located on McCall Boulevard between Bradley Road and Encanto Road. The project will widen the existing four lane bridge interchange over the I‐215 to six lanes and left turn pockets. The project will also make improvement to the on and off ramps and provide better pedestrian accessibility. The project is needed to mitigate existing and future traffic issues due to private development on the east side of the I‐215.Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Measure DDCurrent Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateProject Maphttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 17Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 19 of 42
1TransportationEngineeringTBD14 months2 Design 2,472,940$ 1,512,883$ Environmental300,000$ 150,000$ Right of Way 3,900,000$ Construction Management 2,656,125$ Construction 21,212,113$ Total Project Costs30,541,178$ 1,662,883$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 3,230,000$ ‐$ 3,230,000$ 220‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 951,297$ ‐$ 951,297$ 3102,370,000$ 2,809,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 7,729,000$ ‐$ 12,908,000$ 320‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 2,500,000$ ‐$ 2,500,000$ 410601,794$ 169,640$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 624,926$ ‐$ 1,396,360$ 527‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 9,555,521$ 9,555,521$ 2,971,794$ 2,978,640$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 15,035,223$ 9,555,521$ 30,541,178$ 2,971,794$ 5,950,434$ 5,950,434$ 5,950,434$ 5,950,434$ 20,985,657$ 30,541,178$ Priority:Project Status:Construction Duration:Target Construction Start:Department: CUMULATIVE TOTALSCategory:Project Cost by PhaseTOTALS UNFUNDEDDeveloper DepositsDIF Citywide ‐ Storm Drain FacilitiesScott Road RBBDCapital ProjectsTUMFMeasure AMeasure DDFund NameCouncil District (s):Scott Rd/Bundy Canyon Rd WideningCIP 20‐01PROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALProject Description, Purpose, and Need:Current Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateProject MapDesign and Environmentalhttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaThe project is located on Scott Road from Hun Road to Sunset Avenue (limit with City of Wildomar). The project will widen the existing two lane road to four lanes with an additional 14 foot wide median and 10 foot wide shoulders on both sides which will be used for buffered bike lanes. In addition, the project will construct and/or modify traffic signals along the project. Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 18Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 20 of 42
1TransportationEngineeringJul‐2312 months1 Design 520,000$ Environmental90,000$ Right of Way 500,000$ Construction Management 590,000$ Construction 6,000,000$ Total Project Costs 7,700,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105Measure DD ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 1,000,000$ ‐$ 1,000,000$ 220Measure A ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 703,333$ ‐$ 703,333$ 415Menifee Valley RBBD ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 1,934,642$ ‐$ 1,934,642$ 526DIF Citywide ‐ Circulation ‐$ 1,300,000$ ‐$ 2,319,631$ ‐$ 3,619,631$ 527DIF Citywide ‐ Storm Drain Facilities ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 442,394$ ‐$ 442,394$ UNFUNDED ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 1,300,000$ ‐$ 6,400,000$ ‐$ 7,700,000$ ‐$ 1,300,000$ 1,300,000$ 7,700,000$ 7,700,000$ CUMULATIVE TOTALSProject Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:DesignProject Cost by PhaseProject Status:Construction DurationTarget Construction Start:The project will construct a 4‐lane road and two uncompleted sections of Valley Boulevard between Murrieta Road and Chamabers Avenue. In addition, the project will also install Traffic Signals, street lighting, sidewalks, and ADA ramps. This project is needed to mitigate traffic congestion due to increasing development on the north side of the City and provide a necessary connection to Murrieta Road.Council District (s):Project Maphttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaCategory:Current Year EstimatesTOTALSFund NameValley Boulevard Widening (Murrieta Road to Chambers Avenue)CIP 22‐02Department: PROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALExpenditures to‐dateItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 19Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 21 of 42
1TransportationEngineeringAug‐227 months4 Design 340,000$ Environmental100,000$ Right of Way 75,000$ Construction Management 306,000$ Construction 2,623,000$ Total Project Costs 3,444,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105Measure DD ‐$ ‐$ 927,000$ 927,000$ 310TUMF ‐$ 2,517,000$ ‐$ 2,517,000$ UNFUNDED ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 2,517,000$ 927,000$ 3,444,000$ ‐$ 2,517,000$ 3,444,000$ CUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameProject Cost by PhaseProject MapCurrent Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateTOTALSMcCall Boulevard Widening (Oakhurst Ave. to Menifee Road)CIP 22‐03Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:The project is located on McCall Boulevard between Oakhurst Avenue (Hospital Entrance) and Menifee Road. The project will widen the existing two‐lane road to four lanes including a 12' center median. The project will also relocate utilities, install sidewalks and ADA ramps, and modify two existing traffic signals. The project is needed in order to mitigate increase traffic through the area due to residential and commercial development .Category:Department: Target Construction Start:Construction DurationProject Status:Preliminary EngineeringCouncil District (s):McCall Blvd.Menifee Rd.Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 20Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 22 of 42
1TransportationEngineeringApr‐224 months2 Design 150,000$ Environmental50,000$ Right of Way 150,000$ Construction Management 80,000$ Construction 1,800,000$ Total Project Costs 2,230,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105Measure DD450,000$ 113,583$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 563,583$ 220Measure A657,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 657,000$ 320Capital Projects950,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 950,000$ Developer Deposits‐$ 59,417$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ UNFUNDED‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 0$ ‐$ 2,057,000$ 172,999.71$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 0$ 2,230,000$ ‐$ 2,057,000$ 2,230,000$ https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaFund NameCUMULATIVE TOTALSTOTALSPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALBailey Park Boulevard Street WideningCIP 22‐04Priority:Category:Department: Project Description, Purpose, and Need:The project will construct approximately 1,400 linear feet of industrial collector road, curb and gutter, sidewalks, steet lighting, ADA ramps, street lighting and drainage inlets. The project will address road safety and traffic efficiency due to the lack of roads and illumination in the area. In addition, the project will promote economic development in this area of the City.Council District (s):Current Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateProject MapTarget Construction Start:Construction DurationProject Status:Preliminary EngineeringProject Cost by PhaseItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 21Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 23 of 42
1Traffic SignalsEngineeringAugust 20216 monthsDesign3 Design 110,000$ 24,813$ Environmental‐$ Right of Way ‐$ Construction Management 100,000$ Construction 1,223,690$ Total Project Costs 1,433,690$ 24,813$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105General Fund ‐$ 300,000$ 300,000$ 526DIF Citywide ‐ Circulation 300,000$ 840,000$ 1,140,000$ UNFUNDED ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 300,000$ 1,140,000$ 1,440,000$ 300,000.00$ 1,440,000$ https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaTOTALSFund NamePROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to Future Funding EstimatesTOTALCUMULATIVE TOTALSMenifee Road and Garbani Road Traffic SignalCIP 21‐11Priority:Category:Department: Target Construction Start:Construction Duration:Project Status:Project Cost by PhaseThe project consists of installing a new Traffic Signal to replace the existing 4‐way STOP controlled intersection. In addition, the project will reconstruct the existing raised median on Menifee Road and widen the existing pavement to provide for additional left turn pockets. The project will also construct new ADA ramps, and install new street signing and striping. The project is needed in order to mitigate the additional traffic that will be generated by the new Liberty High School being constructed approximately 2 miles east and scheduled to be completed in August 2021. Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Council District (s):Current Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateProject MapGarbani RdItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 22Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 24 of 42
Project Description:2Traffic SignalsEngineeringJuly 20238 monthsDesign Design 45,000$ Environmental‐$ Right of Way ‐$ Construction Management 30,000$ Construction 650,000$ Total Project Costs 725,000$ ‐$ ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years502DIF 16 ‐ Signals ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 526DIF Citywide ‐ Circulation ‐$ 600,000$ ‐$ ‐$ 600,000$ UNFUNDED ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ CUMULATIVE TOTALSHighway 74 and 3rd Street Traffic SignalPW‐TS‐02Priority:The project consists of installing a new Traffic Signal at this existing 3‐way intersection. The project will also upgrade ADA ramps and install new signing and striping. No street widening or Right‐of‐way is required with this project.Category:Department: Target Construction Start:Construction Duration:Project Status:Expenditures to‐dateProject Maphttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaTOTALSFund NameProject Cost by PhaseCurrent Year EstimatesPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 23Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 25 of 42
Project Description:1Public WorksApril 20222 months1 Design 60,000$ Environmental Right of Way Construction Management 32,000$ Construction 318,000$ Total Project Costs 410,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105Measure DD ‐$ 250,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 250,000$ 220Measure A ‐$ 160,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 160,000$ UNFUNDED‐$ 410,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 410,000$ ‐$ 410,000$ Normandy Road Pedestrian ImprovementsPW‐IMP‐01Priority:The project will install pedestrian and bicycle trail facility by widening the existing road on the north side. The project is needed to close the pedestrian facility gap over Salt Creek to the newly constructed salt Creek trail located at the west side of Salt Creek Channel.Category:Street ImprovementsDepartment: Target Construction Start:Construction DurationProject Status:Preliminary EngineeringCouncil District (s):Project Cost by PhaseProject MapCurrent Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateTOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameNormandy Rd.Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 24Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 26 of 42
Project Description:1EngineeringTBD2 months4 Design In house Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 100,000$ Total Project Costs 100,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years320Measure DD ‐$ 100,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 100,000$ 526DIF Citywide ‐ Circulation ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 100,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 100,000$ ‐$ 100,000$ 100,000$ HSIP ‐ Menifee Road (Hwy 74 to North City Limits)PW‐IMP‐05Priority:The project will Improve signal hardware, striping, signs, and intersection improvments as needed in this corridor to improve motorist safety. This project is included as a priority project in the City's 2019 Systemic Safety Analisys Report (SSAR) Category:Street ImprovementsDepartment: Target Construction Start:Construction DurationProject Status:Preliminary StudyCouncil District (s):Project Cost by PhaseProject MapCurrent Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐datehttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaCUMULATIVE TOTALSFund NameTOTALSPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALTrailhead Dr.Menifee Rd.Hwy 74
Mapes Rd.Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 25Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 27 of 42
Project Description:1EngineeringTBD3 months2 Design 80,000$ Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 730,000$ Total Project Costs 810,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105Measure DD ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ DIF Citywide ‐ Circulation ‐$ 100,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 100,000$ UNFUNDED ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 720,000$ ‐$ 720,000$ ‐$ 100,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 720,000$ ‐$ 820,000$ ‐$ 100,000$ 100,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameDesignCouncil District (s):Project Cost by PhaseProject MapCurrent Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateHSIP ‐ Newport Road Raised MediansPW‐IMP‐08Priority:The project will installed a concrete raside median on Newport Road (from Bradley Road to Murrieta Road) to improve safety. This project is included as a priority project in the City's 2019 Systemic Safety Analisys Report (SSAR). Landscaping of the median is not part of the scope of work and will be a future project. Category:Street ImprovementsDepartment: Target Construction Start:Construction DurationProject Status:Trailhead Dr.Newport RoadMurrieta Road
Bradley Road
Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 26Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 28 of 42
Project Description:1Public WorksApril 20223 months3 Design 60,000$ Environmental Right of Way Construction Management 40,000$ Construction 1,400,000$ Total Project Costs 1,500,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105Measure DD ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 201RMRA (SB1) ‐$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ UNFUNDED ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 1,500,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 1,500,000$ ‐$ 1,500,000$ Menifee Road Resurfacing (Holland Road to Newport Road)CIP 22‐06Priority:The project will widen resurface the existing AC pavement, upgrade existing ADA ramps, install new mid‐block crossing at Wheatfield Park, and re‐stripe the roadway to include dedicated bicycle lanes. The project is needed due to the poor state of the roadway and lack of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. This corridor has also been identified as a priority project in the City's Active Transportation Plan.Category:Department: Target Construction Start:Construction DurationProject Status:Preliminary EngineeringCUMULATIVE TOTALSStreet ImprovementsTOTALSFund Namehttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALCouncil District (s):Project Cost by PhaseProject MapCurrent Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateMenifee Rd.Holland Rd.
Newport Rd.Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 27Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 29 of 42
Project Description:1Public WorksOctober 20212 months4 Design In‐House Environmental Right of Way Construction Management In‐house Construction 969,663$ Total Project Costs 969,663$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years105‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 200‐$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 201‐$ 515,366$ 515,366$ 220‐$ 54,297$ 54,297$ 320‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 969,663$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 969,663$ ‐$ 969,663$ Tradewinds Community ResurfacingPW‐PMP‐01Priority:The project will resurface the existing AC pavement in this community, installing ADA ramps as ROW allows. This project is listed in the City's 2016 Pavement Management report.Category:Street ImprovementsDepartment: Target Construction Start:Construction DurationProject Status:Preliminary EngineeringCouncil District (s):Project Cost by PhaseProject MapCurrent Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐datehttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameTOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALSMeasure DDGas TaxRMRA (SB1)Measure ACapital ProjectsMenifee Rd.Summer Winds Dr
Hwy 74.Trade Winds DrNorth Winds DrItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 28Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 30 of 42
Design 40,000$ Environmental100,000$ Right of Way Construction Management 50,000$ Construction 560,000$ Total Project Costs750,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years100750,000$ ‐$ 750,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 750,000$ ‐$ 750,000$ N/AFuel Station CIP # F001Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:1N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateInstallation of an above ground fueling station at a TBD location. Installing an above ground fuel station and purchasing the fuel in bulk, would save an estimated cost of 50% a year. Right now, the City fleet spends an average of $300,000 annually on fuel, we could reduce that cost to $150,000 annually by purchasing in bulk. Our own fueling station would become a regional asset by allowing our emergency vehicles to get gas in the case of a natural disaster where a regular gas station would be shut down. It will take an estimated 5 years to recoup the cost of the station to begin the annual savings. The first step will be to have a pilot station, once completed a second location will be explored on the opposite side of the City for emergency use. Category:(Fleet/Facilities)Department: CS/ PWCouncil District (s):Target Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:CUMULATIVE TOTALSThe annual maintenance on an above ground fueling station would be an estimated $3,000 anually for inspections and repairs.https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameGeneral Fund TOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 29Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 31 of 42
Design 40,000$ Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 350,000$ Total Project Costs390,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years100270,000$ 100120,000$ ‐$ 390,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 390,000$ ‐$ 390,000$ N/APolice Station Parking Lot UpgradesCIP # F002Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:3N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateAfter use of the of the gravel parking lot for over a year the PD has come to the conclusion that a more permament surface would help the everyday wear and tear on the vehicles and the cleanliness. The replacement of the gravel would be for the back parking lot for a more permament surface and the front parking lot to asphalt.Category:(Facilities)Department: Community ServicesCouncil District (s):Target Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:CUMULATIVE TOTALSParking Lot maintenance will occur with a slurry seal aprox every 10 years for a cost of $5000.https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameGeneral Fund (back Parking lot)General Fund (front Parking lot)TOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 30Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 32 of 42
Design 10,000$ Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 240,000$ Total Project Costs250,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years100250,000$ ‐$ 250,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 250,000$ ‐$ 250,000$ N/APolice Station UpgradesCIP # F003Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:2N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateThe polce statiion went under construction in 2019‐20. The station was created anticipating multiple phases. There were certain aspects of the station that were not completed in the first phase. The Police Department would like to move forward with finishing other phases of the propoerty which include projects such as perimeter wall completetion, Carports for dectevies, and additional security lighting in the parking lots. Category:(Facilities)Department: Community ServicesCouncil District (s):Target Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:CUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceppFunding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameGeneral Fund (back Parking lot)TOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 31Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 33 of 42
Design 25,000$ Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 475,000$ Total Project Costs500,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years100500,000$ ‐$ 500,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 500,000$ ‐$ 500,000$ N/APark & Facility Multi Use BuildingCIP # F004Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:1N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateBefore the City created the new Police Department a triple wide manufactured trailer unit was purchased from the County of Riverside to be used as the EOC. The EOC has now moved to the police department building. The manufactured building was placed behind Fire Station 7. In order to maximize the use of the available facility it is proposed to rehab the building to create locker rooms and restrooms for Parks & Ranger staff, office space for staff, break room, a large confrence/trainning room and possibly quarters and office for the Battalion Chief. Category:(Facilities)Department: Community ServicesCouncil District (s):Target Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:CUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameGeneral Fund TOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 32Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 34 of 42
Design Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 200,000$ Total Project Costs200,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years100200,000$ ‐$ 200,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 200,000$ ‐$ 200,000$ Project Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateCUMULATIVE TOTALSTOTALFund NameGeneral Fund TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesThe Coucil Chambers currently has regular glass windows. With saftey in mind the City is recomending changing out the windows with thicker glass. There are multiple window types that can be installed, some that will withsatnd rocks or others can can withstand projectiles. The cost will increase depending on the type of glass chosen, with $200,000 being the max and most protective glass. Category:(Facilities)Department: N/ACommunity ServicesTarget Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:Council District (s):N/ACouncil Chambers Window UpgradeCIP # F005Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:2Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 33Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 35 of 42
Design Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 175,000$ Total Project Costs175,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years620175,000$ 50,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 175,000$ 175,000$ 50,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 275,000$ 175,000$ 225,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameQuimbyCouncil District (s):N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateAs part of the continuous effort to enhance the existing condition of the various public parks, the City will replace and install new park furnishings: picnic tables, park benches, trash and coal receptacles and dog bag dispensers at various park sites. Category:(parks/trails/other)Department: Community ServicesTarget Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:N/APark Amentity EnhancementsCIP # CS007Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:2Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 34Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 36 of 42
Design 250,000$ 48,020$ Environmental15,000$ 13,600$ Right of Way Construction Management 1,206,000$ Construction 10,334,000$ Total Project Costs11,805,000$ 61,620$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years511250,000$ 10,000$ 512250,000$ 522100,000$ 622120,000$ 600,000$ 130,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 730,000$ 600,000$ 730,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameParks DIF17 Trails DIF Citywide DIF 2015‐2 ParksCouncil District (s):N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateThe City of Menifee was dedicated the estimated 19 acre properties adjacent to Paloma Valley High school along Evans Road, for the development of a future park site. This included approximately 10 acres south of Craig Avenue and another 10 acres north of Craig Avenue. Two preliminary conceptual design efforts were completed around 2016 as of the Parks Master Plan.Project will include engineering and technical design work for the parcels dedication adjacent to Paloma Valley HS, as the first phase for the ultimate construction of the park site. As a medium sized park site, in conjunction to its proximity to the school site, design efforts would be centered around maximizing use of site in all aspects, including amenities, parking opportunities, etc. A competitive State of California Prop 68 Statewide Park Development and Community Revitilization Program grant appliciation for the construction of the project will be submitted by August 5, 2019. The project will consist of mutli‐use sports fields, gym, playground, splash pad, pickleball, basketball, and tennis courts, bike trails and a Pump Track.Category:(parks/trails/other)Department: Community ServicesTarget Construction Start:Summer 2021Construction Duration:Status:Design in ProgressEvans Park Design & ConstructionCIP # CS010Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:1Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 35Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 37 of 42
Design Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 250,000$ 34,000$ Total Project Costs250,000$ 34,000$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years522110,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 125,000$ 62275,000$ 75,000$ 51150,000$ 50,000$ 185,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 285,000$ 50,000$ 235,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameCity Wide Parks DIF2015‐2 Parks DIFDIF 17 ParksCouncil District (s):N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateThe project will involve the replacement and upgrade of all park security and walkway lights to more efficient and brighter LED technology. This includes replacement of ballasts and fixtures to low voltage circuits, bulb replacement, complete pole and mast replacement with upgrades to electrical wiring and solar powered lighting fixtures. Category:(parks/trails/other)Department: Community ServicesTarget Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:N/APark LightingCIP # CS014Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:2Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 36Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 38 of 42
Design Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 150,000$ Total Project Costs150,000$ ‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years507100,000$ 52250,000$ 100,000$ 50,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 150,000$ 100,000$ 150,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NamePublic Facilities DIFCity Wide DIFCouncil District (s):N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateSince assuming ownership of parks from the County of Riverside following City incorporation , the condition of several parking lots have been in need of various repairs and improvements to address general accessibility and safety to and from the park site. To improve the existing condition of the parking lot areas, this project will include, but is not limited, to the following improvements: slurry seal, curb/gutter and striping of parking lot (ADA access improvements). Category:(parks/trails/other)Department: Community ServicesTarget Construction Start:Fall 2021Construction Duration:TBDStatus:N/AParking Lot ResurfacingCIP # CS021Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:1Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 37Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 39 of 42
Design Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 80,000$ 138,000$ Total Project Costs80,000$ 138,000$ Estimated Maintenance Cost: 80000ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years42050,000$ 138,000$ 52230,000$ 138,000$ 80,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 218,000$ 138,000$ 218,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameCSA 33 fund balanceMultiple FundsCity Wide DIFCouncil District (s):N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateRenovation of the sports courts, basketball and tennis courts as well as volleyball courts and futsal Courts that will improve safety and enhance the look of the parks. Includes expansion of sport court area, removal of existing damaged paint and joint seals, repainting and striping the courts, removing sand and or painting new court. This work will be done at Audie Murphy Ranch, E.L. Peterson, La Ladera, Lazy Creek and Rancho Ramona parks. Category:(parks/trails/other)Department: Community ServicesTarget Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:N/ASPORTS COURT RESURFACINGCIP # CS042Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:2Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 38Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 40 of 42
Design Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction 45,000$ 320,000$ Total Project Costs45,000$ 320,000$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years42045,000$ 320,000$ 320,000$ 45,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 365,000$ 320,000$ 365,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALSMaintenance will be ongoing with these structures and will occur every 10‐15 years at replacing the large sails with different costs depending on the size of the sails.https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameCSA 33 Fund BalanceMultiple AccountsCouncil District (s):N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateAt several of the City of menifee Parks and sports fields theplay structures and bleachersare in need of shade from the high heat of the summer.The project consists of free standing shade structures to cover existing playgrounds and bleachers at City Parks. Category:(parks/trails/other)Department: Community ServicesTarget Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:N/AShade StructuresCIP # CS047Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:3Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 39Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 41 of 42
Design 25,000$ Environmental Right of Way Construction Management Construction / Acquisition 225,000$ Total Project Costs‐$ Estimated Maintenance Cost:ProposedFund # 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 Future Years250,000$ ‐$ 250,000$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ 250,000$ ‐$ 250,000$ TOTALSCUMULATIVE TOTALShttps://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5eaPROJECT BUDGET DETAILSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFuture Funding EstimatesTOTALFund NameUnfundedCouncil District (s):N/AProject Cost by PhaseProject MapTarget Year EstimatesExpenditures to‐dateSalt creek trail Menifee segment was completed in 2020. The trail currently runs from Antelope Rd West to Goetz Rd. The City is developing options to create parking for the trail users. The City will explore multiple locations to build parking using either current City property or acquire land or easements.Category:Parks & TrailsDepartment: Community ServicesTarget Construction Start:TBDConstruction Duration:TBDStatus:N/ASalt Creek Trail ParkingCIP # CS049Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:2Item Title: 4.1 Revised Capital Improvement ProgramItem Page Number: 40Menifee Mayor and City Council May 5, 2021Page 42 of 42