Centerpointe, LLC. Faithful Performance Bond 800055487 PLN20-0139Community Development Department FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSCAPE ANO IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govemment Code Section 66499.1) FOR LANDSCAPE: 1-Year of Maintenance $ 68,358.00 TracuParcel Map No. Total Cost Estimate PLN2O{I139 _ CENTER POINTE PLAZA LA DSCAPE PLAN The followinq to be comDleted by the ADplicant: surety: 1116n1;6 specialty lnsurance company PrinciPal: Center Pointe, LLC Address: 1777 Sentry Parkway West, Suite 230 Address:402 W. Broadway, Suite 780 City/State: Blue Be , pA CityiState San Diego, CA Zip Code: (A.22 Zip Code: 92101 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of Califomia, and, Center pointe. LLC(hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are-bout-oGntei iitoS-e aftached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and maintain all landscape, including any additional landscape materials, related to on-site landscape and inigation located on the souli eait comer ofNewport Road and calle De Tomas, APN 360-860-M7, -046 (as shown on Exhibit L or plot ptan PLN20-0139), which agreement(s) iyare hereby refened to and made a parl hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to fumish bond(s) for thefaithful performance of said agreement(s); Phone: 781-332-9494 Phone: 949-322-5026 Bond No. 800055487 NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Atlanlic speciahv lnsurance company as surety, are held and firmlybound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of One Million, Six Hundred Ninety-TwoThousand. Five Hundred Twenty-Two Dol ($'1.692.5221 lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any atteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void: othenivise, it shall remain in full force and efiect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees, incuned by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. S {,692,522.00 Project No. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration oraddition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or thespecifications accompanying the same shall in anywise afiect its obligation on this bond, andit does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition.Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code andcommencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunderand are hereby waived by surety. lN wlrNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on May 3 2021 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Center Pointe, LLC By: Name: Title:a.alLt bAr'.,.y (rF coRPoRATION, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SUREW Atlantic SDecialtv lnsurance ComDanv AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:/4 'L4'1: Its Attorney-in-Fact Title Wlliam Leo Minderjahn - Attomey-ln-Fact (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY{N.FACT. AUTHORTZED SIGNATURE(S): I ( l5) ( l6) (t7) (t8) (le) County of , to wit: I, STATE OF a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certii/ that _ whose name is signcd to the foregoing writing, bearing the execution date of the _day of , 20_, has this day acknowledged the same before me in my said county.(2O) Givcn under my hand this _ dry of _ ,20-. (21) Nokryscal County of _, to wir I, Notary Public , a Notary and for the county and state who as a corporatton, (22) (23) Commission Expires: ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PRINCIPAL IF CORPORATION, LLC oT LLP (24) (2s) (26) (27) (28) (2e) (34) (3s) (36) (37) (38) (3e) STATE OF aforesaid, do hereby certifo that signed the foregoing writing for bearing the exccution date ofthe duy ,20-, has this day, in my said county, before me, acknow the said writing to be the act and deed ofthe said corporation(30) Given under my hand this day of-,20- (31) Nobryseat (32), Notary Public (33)Commission Expires: ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR SURETY STATE OF pnNNsvr.VANIA County of vo MERY , to wit I, Maria Vsdrrlis , a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hcreby certifu that wiltir l,r'o Fcl , who signcd themMinderighnAtlornev-ln- foregoing writing, orhereto annexed, for Athptic sp€cidty Insunnce complny , a corporation, bearing the execution date ofthe 3rd dayof Mrv ,202t , has this day in my said county, before me, acknowledged the said writing to be the act and deed ofthe said corporation.(40) Given under my hand this 3ra day of ua, ,2ozr (41) Notaryscll CofftooYrdt r ot Plrrrytarllr - xd Y SGat ltlnn V 0^nll5, ]lotary A,6tkflmtffiE y Cor*y l,ty CqmdtJc txp{r6 DrcemDar 5, m21. Comrnlrtlon Nu*er 12E0a0l (42) (43)Commission Explres: n^.nmhe r 5 2O2l )ie 2r,.,r?tat2'/,,I,N otary Public Sufficiency in Form and Manncr of Execution Approved: Dated this day of . ._. ,2O Attorncy Gcncral By: Assistant Aftorney Gencral ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PRINCIPAL IF INDIVIDUAL OR PARTNERSHIP . 1 t 'r .'.'1, - t.1 j uo[e!)ossv ^Je]oN leuolleN zlozo 6urluasarde6 sr reuOr5 :6urluasardaU sr JauOrS )aLllo D roleruasuo] lo uerpreng tr aelsnll opeJ u! AauioBV tr lenp!^tpul tr leJoua9 D po]lru!'l tr -lauued tr :Jau]r) n (s)allt1 - raf,lllo alerodJoC tr :(s)allrI - .raJU4O alerodroJ o aure11 s,rau615 aLr.leN s,.reu0rs (s)rau6rS Aq peui!elC (sat)^UtedeS a^oqv paueN ueql raqlo (s)lauOtS -:sa6ed lo laquJnN :aleo luauntoc luauntroo lo ad^l ro altll )Uqnd irotoN a)a^oqv dwDts lo/puo ,oes i.rojcN a)old arnleu6rs ioleruosuo] lo uerpjen9 tr oaFn.il tr }3el ul ^aurouv E lenp!^lpul tr leraue9 tr palu!"'l tr -rauued tr 'leas lettrUJo pue pueq,iLu SS:rutt^it 'pajiotr pue anrl st qdeloeled 6uro6aro] aql teql eluloltlel Jo alels aLll lo s^ el aql lapun UnfUld lO lt]vNld repun Altuatr I 'luaunllsut aql paln)axa 'pape (s)uoslad aql qltq^ Jo lleqaq uodnAuua aql ro '(s)uoslad aql luautnllsur aql uo (s)alnleuOls rlaqvlaq/slq ^q leql pus ,(sarlArceiei pazuoqtneraql/iaq/s!q ut aules aql palnf,axa ^aql/aqs/aq leql aLr] 01 pa6palMoultre pue ]uat!nJlsu! utqllM aql olpaquf,sqns 3ie/sr (s)aueu asoq^ (s)uoslad aql aq ol atuapr^3 ^ioltrelslles lo slseq aLil uo auJ ol pa^oJd or.lM (srau6$ lo (s)aurDN )a)lllo a Jo afill puo aw uasul aJaH pareadde Illeuosrad alDo uou{o\.t 'au arolaq o-.a(tm lo Aunof, ltetr to alels 'tuaunlop lstll ro ^ltptlp^ lo ,Ilelnl)e ,ssaulnlqlnll aql lou pus .paqlelle st olelUtuol s!ql qllqm ol luourn)op aql pauors oqa,r ;enpnrpur aq110,![uapr aql ^uo soula ele:4rpa: srq 6ur1a1duo] Jolulo raqlo ro )!lqnd &elou v 681.t s 100f, ltn tf, rNtltootlrytoN)tcv tsodund-l]v vtNuoJtlvc luaunroo pai{reUV Jo uolldUfsaO 'luawn)op popuelulun uD ol w)oJ sql lo uauq)DllDa, lualnpno4)o luawnaop aL0 ]o uouDrajlo )alap uD) uotlDu)oJut stql 6uqa1dwo) IVNOTIdO "i*ffi{flffi,^"m { ! Ill-?-.r-----.-'c-J \ I .r. or suoIr].)ttu;^ l]uo(l I )r t) r\fnlrl rftslaDas '/,rouPg sJ?X --'--.-7<Z;;7 }rlS 'raoZ TaW lo trtp prE srql pqea, pue peufrs 'alro, uI r ou ele e oqE qtroJ tas stoEqo6aj Jql FE ?i{o al oJeq rou s?q pue ixoj unJ ur sI ,( rrs[e Io r.,{od tupBaroJ .!fl lsql qq.EJ ,q{el op tooetod.D:) +oA ,ciN e .ANVdnO] SINVUnSNI IITyt}JdS CUVrrirV l" frq"l)"S ,b"rBrr;i . ,n ,; .)Iqnd ,&P|oN ,r/ry ',(uEdEm aql Jo uol!trarp rql le puE duoqlne aql ,(q luaErneqr prEs eqr ol prqr-Dsqns pue pxgJp ,{Fp ssa raJgJo qJns s3 anrEu8rs ruaplsaid inr^ roru.s'uqarg f Fed AINOO] NIdSNNSH VJOS?NNTY{ IO AIYISry,lrd {8 {upduro:l e.1, Jo Fas .$ pue ,")IlJo p.z.uorgrv rrE dq puEls aq ot ru.sard ese{r p.srEr ssq tuwdr{ol ar*o*rr, ^ro#rt Hooroj;rfflffi.ffiflfffilrf^:l pxrJJs trIlEnustll .(oeduol aqt-,(q_pel@ ,q eq8s!eq?esnosareq.^rpaspoeanusurlsttrs^uppoe1""r"qrairiwitg,iroope€n{ou.ug:.qroro'rrr-.a"iri.drinru"iun ?uoq,(uE Su.rtE s Fr" SuEn_r.x, Jo,(tuo s.sodrnd .roj rrel-or-,(euJouv up SuEurodde op.nqr Bupqar a1u:gprij {ue or .ro faulole Jo ra. od f* or'"ir*r.irEdq PXIJIE aq ,{stIr P.s ,(uedtlo) eql PuP i,(ra.Dis luslsrssv itp ro /fuseDis .$ ;o anuar8rs aqr .n:gj6 pzuo,lny o";o .muu31. ",1t r"q,r. ,pl^tir"ri :ZIOZ '.EqE tdis lo dsp rpgg-,(rua,ru al{t uo apyd,{Ol glNvunSNIAJTVD!|dS tLJNy1IY Io sroDa{(J Jo Prsog qr ,(q paldoPe uoqnlo6eu 3u,tofo, .IIt Jo Auorpne.qt rlpun alurseJ Iq pafEid pop pgurfs q fuone go i.,,rJ'qi[ 'Jo.Jaql aruEu aql,uI /fiole,Ipo s8mu,rr .raqo p puE 'AJuErepUl Jo surenuo:, ,saru ru8o:ret .spuoq ol pE{rsuE .q ol paqnb.r 'spuoq 1p ptrp lue fucdttroa) .r0 Jo JFrfrq uo Frp arrErr ar1r ur FreloJ arDaxf, ol lrporpne prn ranoa p3 uaa,f a f* ;"g-ui-fr;rv aqr Er{I :pa psau _m_Ieuouv q:rrs,'(uE ol ue^!8 ,{ruo$ne Pue roaod [p-a{o^ar puE }reJ-u!-r{ lrorv q)ns rtrE . ord aurp {uE lE {Eur rergJo Piz.uoqlny ",1, ,o1, p* :or..ff,(urduro:l elr xgF ol plrP guauruu( {rns [p puE rue ,(ueduo3 e{ ;o;ppq uo "n-r" ot lrrJ-.rt,$-ouv u" "r"o,ih; irr* x.rr;; rio ,i:gJo pez"; vet0 teqt puP :oF-taql {ueduml rrn Jo lees arlt xgl" pu" loarrg ..rruzrt aqr ur IDtEEIqo s8uqljr reoo tls pue .frruueou! 1o sDD.quor .--"4ui;; .pdt ttPPUE ,(uE ,(uedurof a{r Jo JlEqeq uI FrE roJ .l.Dexe rau (,.racg6 p*zuoquy,, ue rpea) iuappar6-arrl .ro uappar; :rr1 jonng ,(w luepisard .qt lsqr :pr^Io6au :zl0z "rdqueldas Jo rP qgu-xrrd,'nr aqt uo ANvd Iotr SlNYdnsNI AJlvtfgds trLtNv'trv Jo sroDarq p prEog iql rq padop suoqnloEar quoulqd m aJgJo pdoouj q $!^r uoperodrcr IroA ,LN E 'ANVdt^Iol alNVUnsNI At'lvt)gds ILJNV-LV 1e, .SU{gSgud SSAHI Ag Nr ^I tTV ,1tO DI sertdxl uotsslururog trYl vloSlttxfi' Sl l8nd luYrorl mout'Hsvll ilvltlo Hos]'lY 9Z0Z'!t anuel ^auJouv ro la/nod D5"i,4l sZoZ'I€,{muef se{dxa fauoDv Jo r od snll -t\ris 'ryuoagot 9861 [+tn",]specialty solutions CGh. C.sh Equhddnr A Slqt Tam l.estdents Torrl C..h a t.E*r.nrs btla's .tsdaye<t in !tausan<!: Tolrt Admlrcd Assals r47..06 23,375 2.4!6.63 Prtnirms ,!d C.o.rsi&.alidB OE R€iBll!fte RacM.b& Rec€i€d€ turt PaEnl, Subtldiary a. Ailiares AI Oth.. Admilted As!.ls 276.1N 59.375 2S.538 62,330 AUantic Specialty lnsurance Company Peicd Edden 123'lr&2O 2 873.992 Ioral Liabill(es.Ed Ca,S s 1.5@.023 25.8?5 Ll.bili6!3 and S0rplus Loss Adiush&l Eryen$ Rese.Es Ioa.l Los A LAE R.em. (ll€ai.d Prernin Res€rE Ioid Reiosrfic. Ll&dities C(trlmirridl5, Otf.( Erocoses, aod Tar(os dt e Payable lo Par.nr, Subs o. A6liatos s 47a,a.84 272.666 1. t5i.554 ?.4*,to7 9.mr C.Plt land Surplu6 C.afi rnoo C.pilal Slock ftclciEd Cqnd Slet Ou€r eEhd.g G.os. Co.ltd .d C.plr.l a Surplui 91.94,1 772.Ul 823.266 2,873.9S2 State of Minnesota County ol'Hermepin I, Kara Barrow, Secretary ol- Atlantic Specialty lnsurance Company do hereby certity that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit o[ the assets and liabilities of the said Company, on the 3l'r day of Decernber,2020, according to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. ,tkx,\Ouv' Secretary Subscribed and swom to, before me, a Notary Public of the State of Minnesota on this 2'd day of March. 2021 . Notary Public L2@5C[EiriD KERRI RIECHERS Notsry Pt blic lrinno8ola 593.a61 t3,171tT' 2J7.9,12 r)t< CENTER POINTE SHOPPING CENTER I\iIENIFEE, CA CHIPMAN ARCHITECTS Ridge Landscape Architects 4t23t2021 OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS Based upon Construction Documents Daled 0410512021 'All other site walls per Civil Scope oI Work " Mow Curb along Newport Road is exisling to remain - Item Description Quantity Ljnit Cost Total Cost Hardscape Pl - Natural Gray Concrete Paving 12,580 $8.00 $100,640.00 P2 - Natural Gray Concrete Paving 13,900 Sf s8.00 $11 1,200.00 P3 - Concrete Banding 4 270 Sf s10.00 $42,700.00 655 Sf $15.00 $9.825.00 760 $15.00 $1 1,400.00 PO - Colored, Stamped Asphalt 4,125 Sf $5.00 $20,62s.00 P7 - 6" Wde Concrete Mow Curb 618 tf $10.00 $6,1E0.00 W1 - Cast-in-Place Conc. Seatwall with Back 64 tf $200.00 $12,800.00 \/v2 - Caslin-Place Conc. Planter Wall 116 tf $160.00 $18,560.00 Hardscape Subtotal $333,930.00II Item Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Site Furnishings I S1 - Lounge Chair 4 ea $600.00 $2,400.00 52 - Dining Table 9 ea s900.00 $8,100.00 52 - Dining Chair 1'ea $32 0.00 $ 10,240.00 53 - 8 Ft. Dia. Umbrella I ea s650.00 $5,850.00 54 - Trash Receptacle $800.00 $6,400.00 55 - Bike Rack 5 $1,200.00 $6,000.00 56 - Single Bicycle Locker 11 ea $2,000.00 $22,000.00 57 - Bench 6 ea $E00.00 $4,800.00 SB - 5' Sq. Tree Grate 11 $3,000.00 s33,000.00 S9 - 36" Sq. Planter $1,000.00 $27,000.00 510 - Coffee Table 2 ea $3 50.00 $700.00 511-AshUrn 2 ea $ 500.00 $1,000.00 S'12 - Kismet Sculpture and Concrete Base 1 $ 1 2,000.00 $12,000.00 S15 - Double Bicycle Locker 2 ea $2,400.00 $4,800.00 Site Fu rnish ings Subtotal $144,290.00 ' All Site Furnishings not included ,n this Cost Estimate to be per separate F.F.E sf P4 - Truncated Dome Pavers P5 - Porcelain Pavers sf 8 ea ea ea ea I Quantity Total CostItem Description $3,000.00ation ControllerI 1 45,572 $113,930.00lrrigation $116,930.00lrrigation Su btotal III-r@EEII I@ sf s0.3s $ 15,950.20Soil preparation /.q q-7) $0.60 $27 ,343.20i/ ulch 45,572 Sf Root Barrier (qty.131 @201.1. ea.)2,620 lf $6.75 $17,685.00 Specimen Tree (60" box)2 ea $4.800.00 $9,600.00 16 ea $2,000.00 $32,000.00Specimen Tree (48" box) ea $800.00 $31.200.00Tree (36" box)39 Tree (24" box)137 ea $375.00 $51,375.00 Tree ( 15 Gal.)21 ea $'175.00 $3,675.00 ea $35.00 $2.90s.00 1,300 ea $25.00 $32.500.005 Gal shrub ea $10.00 $128,030.001 Gal shrub 1 2, E03 65,886 sf $0.10 t 358,852.00Planting Subtotal @ IIIE I-Hydroseed Mix $6,588.60 15% Contingency PROJECT TOTAL I $ 1,624,164 I Year - Landscape Maintenance 45,572 Sf $1.50 $6E,358.00 Note: Ridge Landscape Architects (RLA) has prepared this estimate of probable construction costs on the basis of its best professional judgement and experience with the construction industry. The estimate, however, represents assumptions and opinions of the construction market and contraclor's methods of determining actual construction costs over which RLA has no control 5 Gal vine $ 670,162I PROJECT GRAND TOTAL I 1,692,522