2021-03-24 Planning Commision Regina and David Wood Correspondence REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsTor Ccl Subled: DatGi Attachmcnts: BEcior-Wled BlrdLEm CbsE4-(trBrqa RE: Menlfee Moiteasori wednBday, M6nh 24, 20214:18:39 Pl,,l imaoe005 .no [CAUTION]: This email originated from outside of the organization. 0o not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Russell, Thank you for sharing these plans. lt's very helpful We would like to see two adjustments 1. The6'wall on thesouthern bordershould be higher-perhapsS'. our sen ior community to the south is perched on a hill with an elevation 12-15' higher than the proposed school. Furthermore, three of the houses directly south of the school playground are two-story homes with 2nd floor master bedrooms directly facing the proposed playground. The angles suggest that a 6' wall would be an insufficient blockage of playground noise. An 8' may also be inadequate, but would surely be better. 2. The entire southern border should have tree plantings, not just the southwest corner. According to the plans there is a gap between the corner plantings and the next tree to the east, and the area in front of that gap is specifically designated as an "active play" area. lt is fair to assume there will be considerable play noise. Plantangs should be planned with the intent to mitigate such noise from the senior community immediately to the south. ln addition, as we discussed earlier, the school should have rules in place to avoid active play in morning hours, and to the extent that the playground is used during such times it should be limited to the northern half. Thank you for your consideration Regards, Regina and Dave Wood From: Russell Brown [ma ilto: rbrown @cityofmenifee. u s] S€nt: wednesday, March 24, 2021 3:42 PM To: gwood331@gmail.com Cc: Cheryl KiEerow Subject: Nlenifee Montessori Good afternoon- have attached the plans for the Montessori School project per our phone conversation. As you will see on the plans, the applicant is proposinB a 6-foot-high block wall along the perimeter ofthe site and 3 large (24" box) trees ln the southwest corner. According to the plans, the trees have an average width of 15-30 feet (see excerpt below). Furthermore, I have reached out to the property owner and have inquired about the proposed playground hours. Once I hear from them, I will forward the response. ffi cFc6 c^xroa66 rca?rr ..rGt rx;atr, t.err(c.rB \r<r.rA tt l^rtu rdB 1rt.l]oc^ lGr r.o,rrD ,r.an CAMPUS TREES a lf you have further questions after reviewing the plans, please let me know. The link to the Planning Commisslon meeting is below. Thank you. httos://www citvofmenlfee.us/88/Agendas-Minutes-and Videos Regards, RussellJ. Brown I Associate Planner Community Development Department 29844 Haun Road I Menifee, CA 92586 city Hall: (951) 672-6777 | Dir. (951) 723-3745 MENIFEE New. Better. Best.OUF NGI{ir.rvesr :--J t', t 'fitE -i,\- -l!, rri F l,Trt lF- rE; / r [,4 - hg+ft-! olc'l