2019/05/27 Roger K. Kobata Associates, Inc. Certificate of InsuranceCERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certifies that Q STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, 61Oamingtan, lilinais STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, 111inois ❑ STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Scarborough, Ontario ❑ STATE FARM FLORIDA INSURANCE COMPANY, Winter Haven, Florida ❑ STATE FARM LLOYDS. Dallas. Texas insures the following policyholder for the coverages indicated below: Name of policyholder POLE--- K05AiA AND ASSOC A-F Address of policyholder i.5f l CCRNFT STRFI�T, vkmi:A N'E CA 9�670 Location of operations : ti : i '+ r''RiNE'T STREET, EANTA 11E SPRINGS, G-d'L 9067v Description of operations LANDSi �= E ARC1J1'1'ECT The policies listed below have been issued to the policyholder for the poFlcy periods shown. The insurance described in these policies is subject to all the terms exclusions, and conditions of those policies- The limits of liability shown may have been reduced by any paid claims. POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD Effective Data ; ExP€ration Datio LIMITS OF LIABILITY {at beginning of policy perlod} 42-EL47993-3 Comprehensive 0`-! ?I1° �awf '�{2w BODILY INJURY AND Business Liability --------------------� ....------- PROPERTY DAMAGE ----------------------------- This insurance includes= - - -• ----- ❑ Products - Completed Operations ❑ Contractual Liability ❑ Underground Hazard Coverage Each Occurrence ❑ Personal Injury ❑ Advertising injury General Aggregate $, ❑ Explosion Hazard Coverage ❑ Ooilipse Hazard Coverage Products - Completed ❑ Operations Aggregate El 92-GA-1K0l1-9 POLICY NUMBER POLICY PERIOD BODIL`o' INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE EXCESS LIABILITY Effective Date Expiration Date (Combined Single Urn.it) ❑ Urnbrella Each Occurrence $ ❑ Other Aggregate oMers' Oamperiawiort 0712 d -0 V7 { 2 9 J24 and Employers Liability I r POLICY PERIOD TYPE OF INSURANCE Effective Data ; Expiration DaW Dart 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY Each Accident S 1, c 0 , ; 41 4 Disease Each Employee S1, , 00 r 60 G Disease - Policy limit S t,+ Off,04-0 LIMITS OF LIABILITY (at beginning of policy period) 'f HE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND !NEITHER AFFIRMATiVELY NOR NEGATIVLLY AMi=NDS, EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED BY ANY POLICY 0ESCRISED HERIEIN. If any of the described policies are canceled before its ffxpiration date- State Farm wilt try to mail a wntten notice to the certificate holder Y: days before Name and Address of Certificate HoIder cancellation, if however, we fail to mail such notice, no obligation or liability wail be imposed an Stale -T7Y �+F WLI:TNLINS= Fa r,Isa eatsar presen es" 8209 WES2MTNSTER SLVr w-48^MI.RSIER dA �20,9 Sig natura of Authorized Representa" RICH G EDL, AGENT C�; /2.212v'I' Title Date Agent's Cade Stamp AFC Code s^91 5 5S-r+994 a:3 04.1"9 Primed in USA- CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certifies that ❑ STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois ID STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomfnptorl, Illinois ❑ STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Scarborough, Onlado ❑ STATE FARM FLORIDA INSURANCE COMPANY. Winter Maven, Florida ❑ STATE FARM LLOYDS, Dallas, Texas insures the following policyholder far the overages indicated below; Name of policyholder ROGER IcOaATr, A%ND ASSOCLNI:r ;s Address ofookyholder 15417 CobLNL'P STREET, SANTA FE, 5PKIrres, CA !�0E7D Lonal ion of operations 15417 COMET STREET, SANTn FE SPR-:XC,S, CA .R0670 Description of operation-, LANDSCAPE ARCETTECT The pvllcies 11sled below have been issued to the policyholder for the policy periods shown. The insurance described in these policies is subject to all the terms emdusions, and conditions of those policies_ The limits of [iability shown may have been reduced by any paid claims - POLICY PERIOO LIMITS OF LIABiLII`Y POLICYNUMSER TYPE OF INSURANCE Effective Nate Expiration Date (at beginning of polIcy period) 52-84199)--3 Comprehensive 17'_-;'!'iilf° u`l�7{2v BODILY INJURY AND Business Liability PROPERTY DAMAGE This insurance includes ❑ Products - Completed Operations ❑ Contractual Liability ❑ Underground Hazard CDVerage Each Oocunence $ 1,.Gr]U, 050. ❑ Personal Injury ❑ Advertising Injury General Aggregate 2, AOn, 000- ❑ Explusian Hazard Coverage ❑ Collapse Hazard Coverage Products - Gorrlpleted $ Q Operations Aggregate POLICY PERIOD BODILY IN.fURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE EXCESS LIABILITY Effective Date Expiration Date (Combined Single Limit) Q Umbrella Earh Orcorrence $ Q Other Aggregate Fart 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY 92-CA-KOIl-A Workers' Compensation 241'-9 f-24121'. and Employers LIabilily Each Accident S .1 1 0001 00Q Disease Each Employee S 1, GOO, 000 Disease - Poliuy Limit S =, u01%�U4 POLICY PERIOD L1M1TS OF LIABILITY POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE Effective date ; Expiation Date {at beginning of policy pa rind) TH E CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NFIT HER AFFIRMATIVELY NOR NEGATIVELY AMENDS, EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED 13Y ANY POLICY DESCRIBED HEREIN. If any of the described policies are canceled before its expiration dale, State Farm will try to mail a written notice to the certificate holder ; 0 days before Name and Address & Cerlifir ate Holrier cancellation- If however. we fall to mail such notice. no obligatron or liability will be Imposed on Slate CITY OF rirFNI F'EL Farm r its agents cirrqoresan vlrs- 29714 RD tENIFF:E L;A 92555 Signature of Authvriz4 Rapresentative Title Date Agent's Code Stamp AFO Code F41.9 559-994 a-3 04-1999 Pnnted In 0 $ A