Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Rider 72SBSHZ6899SUFETY RIDEFI Ben{ \e. 72BSBH26899 Chelsea at Heritaqe Lake Phase lV dated 1it1tzo1l etfeclive (MONTH DAY-YEAR) execuled by Lennai Homes of California, lnc. (PRINCtPAL) and by Hartford Fire lnsurance Company , as Principal, , as Surety, in favor of City of Menifee (oBLtGEE) in consideration of the mulual agreements herein contained the Principal and lhe Surely hereby consenl to changing The Bond Amount to: Thirty-eight Thousand Five Hundred Fifty And No/100 ($38,550.00) Nolhing herein conlained shall vary, alter or extend any provision or condition of this bond except as herein expressly slated. This rider is elfective 5t02t201s (MONTH.DAY.YEAB) Signed and Sealed 511412019 (MONTH.OAY YEAR) Lennar Homes of California, lnc., a California corporation (PRINCTPAT) By /"-2-ZZz- (PHINCIPAL) Hartford Fire lnsurance Company (SUHETY) By My Hua.n-Fact s 0443/GEEF 10/99 To be attached to and form a part of uorleltossv &etoN leuoBeN /!OZO :0ulluasald6U s! leu6tS 0urluasatdag sr ,teu619 Joletuasuo] lo uetpJeng opeJ ur IauJoUV tr lsrau -.==--:se6ed lo JaqulnN r qnd lrDtoN Jo roletuasuo] Jo Uelpleng DpeJ ur ^eulouv tr :laqlo traalsnll D lenpr^rpul tr :alec luaunf,o€ :laqlo traalsnll tr lenpr^rpul tr09 D palu!'t o -lauued tr:(s)alul - JalUg,O alerodJo3 tr lersuog tr pallull..l tr _.lauued tr(s)aB!1 - larUJO aletod.ro3 g :euJeN s,JauEtS (s)rau6!S Ig palU!et, (sa!)A!rpdeJ :a^oqv paueN ueql Jar.llo (s)lau6ls aL!eN s,lau6!5 :luauln:oo 1o ad^l to ap]1 luaujnroo poq3euv Jo uolldprsao'lueaDop papualulun uD ol wrol sltlt lo tuawq3olloal ]uappnoJ!Jo luaun)op aqt Jo uoltDJa D )app uoc ,o,1o_io1uj ,1q 6u;;li;;J lVNOtIdo arnleuOlS a^oqv duols lo/puo tr,as ,lJoloN a,oH ZZ0Z'L t qa! !.ldxt ururo) {r,J 9680tZZ s uo!!! {!urol Auno) apira^ U eluroJlle) - rLlqnd ^iploNvH.rv 3roor .teas lellulo pue pueq ^ur SSlNllM .pa.lJof, pue anjl sr qdeloeledDulooaroJ aql lel{} eluJolle3 Jo ale}s aql Jo s^ elaql rapun AUnfUfd JO 1]VNld ropun &luot I pa ulluanlo lepql oloIl!pl Ussale^o UnJqtnrl Ue ltlllo sep elparleilal s lnloU!uellu0LUa !q1 r.1 o)lqlvrpqln0qr\aie!^!p oUIp aql 0uIrUUaplIlql sauuaA salelulual durol6u[aql a lo.ralrgo ndqlolq fuelou V )a)wo aqt l afill puo uasul a]0q (sreu'S lo (s)aw}N 'v) 0'aur aJolaq paJeadde Illeuosjod a { d)l uo o)lo n elul e3 to alels 68u.gfoo3.Intc rNrxtgotlfroN)l]v ts&und-.rlv vrt{uojrlvc i^tpJnllBpau6ts r--Fltl CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed thedocument to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that docume-nt. State of California County of ranqe On HAY 1 /, 2019 before me,Kathv R ir. Notarv Public DATE [Name of Notary Public and Title "Notary Pubtic"] personally appeared [Vlv Hrra lName(s) of Signe(s)l who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(€+ whose name(s) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the samein his/her/their authorized capacity(res), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(+) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. KATHY R. MAIR Notary Public - Calilornia 0range County Commission # 2i93966 WITNESS my hand and official seal zz zz Maa^Comm, Expires 22,2021 Public Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date:Number of Pages Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Mv Hua Signer's Name: tr Corporate Officer - Title(s):Corporate Officer - Title(sPartner-! Limited EGenerat Partner - ! Limiteo Generallndividual [l Attorney-in-FactTrustee I Guardian or Conservator Individual ! Attorney-in-FactTrustee E Guardian or Conservatortr other.n other: Signer ls Representing:Signer is Representing: POWER OF ATTORNEY D i re ct I n q u i rieslc la i m s to : THE HARTFORD BOND, T-12 One Hartford plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06l55Bond.Claims@thehartf ord.com call 888-266-3488 or faxr 860-757-5835 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: Agency Name: ILARSH USA INC I gency Code: '12 18A)gj x Hartford Fire lnsurance company, a corporation duly organized under the raws ofthe state ofconnectrcut x Hartford Casualty lnsurance Company, a corporalion dulv organized undcr the lar\.s of the Statc of Indirna Hartford Accident and lndemnity Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws ofthc State ofConnecticutHartford Underwriters lnsurance company, a corporalion dul) organized under lhe laws ofthc stale ofconnecticulTwin City Fire lnsurance Company, a corporation duly orgarizcd under the laws ol the State oflndiana Hattford lnsurance company of uinois, a corporation durv organized under thc laws or lhe srate of rrnois Hartford lnsurance company of the Midwest, a corporatlon duly organized under the laws oflhe state of Indiana Harttord lnsurance Company of the Southeast, a corporalion duly organized under the Iaws ofthe State ofFlorida My Hua, Mechelle Larkin, Kathy R. Mair of IRVINE, Catifornla having their home office in Hartford up to the am,untOf UnIimlte , Connecticut, (hereinafter cold: John Gray, Asststant Secretary lectively referred to as the "Companies") do hercby make, constitute and appoint, their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact' each.in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety(ies) only asdelineated above by 8, and lo execute, seal and acknbwledge iny ino iti oonas, undertakings, conkacts and other written instruments in thenalure.thereof, on behalf of the companies in.their business of guarjnteeing the tioeiity or persoris,'guar""t""i"gln" p"rforrance of contracts andexecuting or guaranteerng bonds and undertakings required or p;rmitted in ;ny action; ol. pro"""aiiri" irL*"J L"y i"*i- ln witness whereof, and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the companies on May 6, 20i 5 the companies havecaused these presents to be siqned by its senioi vice President and its corporate seals to be nereto anixea, iuty attested by its Assistantsecretary' Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors ot the companies, the companies trereoy unimoiguousty affirm that they areand will be bound by any mechanicalty applied signatures apptied to this power of Attorney. @@@ffi@ffiffi#rtd STATE OF CON N ECTICIJT COU NTY OF HARTFO RD If ss. Hartford M. Ross Fisher, Senior Vice presidenl I on thls 11th day of January' 201.6, before me personally came lvl. Ross Fisher, to me known, who being by me duty sworn, did deposeand sav: lhat he resides in lhe countv of Hartford, state of conn;cticutr that he is the senior vice presioenioiiie'companies, the corporationsdescnbed in and whlch execuled the above instrument; tn"t ne Lnows-ir,e seals of the said corporations; that the seals affrxed to the saidinstrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards ot oirector! oi iiiJ c;;;;r;i;""" and that he signed hisname thereto by like authority. CERIIFICATE l, the undersigned, Assistant Vice president of the Companies, DO HEREBY CERT|Fy that thcopy of the Power ofAttorney executed by said companies, which is stili in full force effective as ofSigned and sealed at the City of Hartford. N"oa M Siranlo Nora.y Public Nly Comn6sion Expircs March ll.20l8 e above and foregoing is a true and correct ilAY 11 2019 {^@^* I tc?!I9lt@@@ffi@ Kevin Heckman, Assistant Vice president F4-