2019/01/21 Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Plot Plan No. 2018-005 Planning Area 40 A Landscape and Irrigation Improvements297'14 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586
951-67 2-6777 Fax 951-679-3843
New. Better. Best.cityolmenitee.us
DATE:December 21,2018
RE:Bond and Agreement for City of Menifee Planning Application Plot plan No.
2018-005 "AMR Paseo 40A Landscaping & lrrigation Plans"
TO:Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk
FROM: City of Menifee Planning Division, Christina M. Bustamante
Attached please find a Bond and Agreement for City of Menifee Planning Application for plot
Plan No. 2018-005 "AMR Paseo 40A Landscaping & lrrigation Plans."
Project Description:
Bond and Agreement for Planning Application Plot Plan No. 2018-005 are the Home Owner's
Association (HOA) maintained landscaping and irrigation plans, including fitness equipment,
tables, benches, trash receptacles, fencing, pilasters and entry monuments, and hardscaping
details for Paseo 40A in the Audie Murphy Ranch (AMR) development. The conceptual
paseo/trail plans for this Paseo 40A were approved under Plot Plan No. 2017-215 (approved on
January 16, 2018).
The project site is located within Planning Area 40A between Planning Areas 12 and 1 7 and
Planning Areas 13 and 16 of Audie Murphy Ranch Specific Plan, south of Audie Murphy Road,
north of Normandy road, west of Audie Murphy road, east of Goetz Road.
Please email a PDF copy of the fully executed agreement and bond to Christina M.
Bustamante at cbustaman ityofmenifee.us.
Thank You
Christina M. Bustamante
City of Menifee
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, California 92586
951-679-3843 fax
cbustamante@citvofmenifee. us
Comments: HiChristina,
Please find attached the following:
Executed bond and agreement
Christina Bustamante
Shaun Bowen
December 18, 2018
Audie Murphy Ranch - PA-40A Paseo Landscape Bond and Agreement
Please feel free to contact me with any questions
ard s
Project Manager
shaun. bowen@brookfieldrp,com
3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 -fel 714-427 -6868
made and entered into as of thc ,r
MIINIF-lill. a Califbrnia municipal corpora
I)clawarc Limited Liability Corporarion ("1.
LANDSCAPE IMPPVEMEN lS ("Atsrcemenr") is
day of ltt'tltt* 2\l{bv and bctwcen the CITY oF
tion. 1"( ity"yuand SUTTITR MI'ILAND 01, LLC, a
]- To the fullest extent permitted by Iaw (including, without limitation, California
Civil Code Sections 2782 and 2782.6), Landowner shall defend (with legal counsel reasonably
acceptable to City), indemnify, and hold free and halmless City and City's agents, officers, and
ernployees, (each, an "lndemnitee") from and against any and all claims, loss, cost, damage, injury
E62108E.2 .l l2?/lt
I Landowner, for and in consideration ol the approval of a minor plot plan for
Iandscape and irrigation materials and installation ("Work") on that certain development plan
known as "l-lOA-Maintained Paseo", landscaping and irrigation plans (working drawings). (plot
[)lan No. 2018-005), which is located within Planning Area 40A (PA 40A) of the Audie Murphy
llanch Specific Plan (Specific Plan No. 209) between Planning Areas l2 and l7 and planning
Areas l3 and [6 ol'Audie Murphy Ranch Specific Plan, east of Bridelgate Way, wcst of Saddle
Ranch Place, north of Montgomery Way, south of Audie Murphy Road. (the '.property',), agrecs,
at Landowner's own cost and expense, to furnish all labor, equipment, and material necessary to
perform and corrplete the Work and, as it relates to the landscape and irrigation improvements,
Landowner also agrees that it shall maintain for a period of twelve ( l2) months after its Building
Permit has been issued or as otherwise required by City's Community Development Director in a
good and workmanlike nranner, all those landscape and irrigation improvements in accordance
with those landscape and irrigation plans for the development ofsaid entitlement which have been
approved by City's Community Dcvelopment Director, and are on file in the Office of the City of
Menifee Comrnunity Development Department, and to do allwork incidental Ihereto in accordance
with the standards set forth in Menifee Munioipal Code Chapter 9.86 and Menifee Municipal Code
Chapter I 5.04, which are expressly made a part of this Agreement, which are attached hereto as
Ilxhibit I- 1o this Agreement. All olthe Work shall be done under the inspection of and, to the
satisfaction oi City's Community Development Director and shall not be deenred complete until
approval of the final inspection is rnade by Ciity's Community Development Director. Approval
of City's Community Development Director of thc Work and of the final planting shall be in
writing. 'l'he estimated cost of the Work is ONE MILLION, SIX HLTNDRED AND TWO'fHousAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND I-'OURTY NINE t21100 DOLLARS ($r,602,849.12).
L Landowner agrees to pay to City the actual cost ofsuch inspections ofthe Work as
may be rcquired by City's Community l)evelopment Director. l,andowner and City further agr.ee
that if suit is brought upon this Agreement or any security guaranteeing the complclion of the
Work, all reasonable costs, cxpenses, and lees incurred by City in successfully enforcing such
obligations shall be paid by Landowner including reasonablc attorncys' fees, and that upon entry
ofjudgment. such costs, expenses. and fees shall be taxed as costs and included in any judgment
'srolcBrluosqns pue srolaerluos
llsJo rures aql oJrnbar lleqs reu,{\opul7'l asuaotl sscursnq oeJruer{Jo,{r3 e urelureu pue urelqo
IIBqs scrtrtug Jcumopue.I llB puu lau,ropuel 'lsanba: s.,{1r3 1e alqells^e,(1tpea.r pue .saull llp lB
uollEJol eJn3es pue eJ?s e ur peur?lurpr"u aq lleqs lucureJrnbe.r qcns qlr,tt acuerldruo: Surlerlsuouap
sp:ocer sler:do.rddV 'ttw-tOt-Ety 3ur11ec Kq 6y pue'9gV'Sgn suortres .apoJ soltllllfl
crlqnd ertuoJrle3 o1 luensrnd (,,X111,.) suolle1a5 letrlsnpul 3o luctu1"rudell ururoJrlsJ aql uro{
peurelqo eq,(eur sa1e5 e8er1tr 3ur1rela.r.1 atets eqJ 'clucs lJarlo. oql euluJalop ol lau,ltopuel Jo
,{lrlrqrsuodssr aql sr ll lpql poolsJapun st ll stolreJluocqns puE 'slotceJluoc ,sao,{o;dua :au,topue. 1
Surpn;cur 'sraroqpl lle o1 pred utnururur eql aq lll,,\1'EruloJllpJJo alBls aql.]o suott?laX JEulsnpul
Jo Jolrarq aql ,{q pauruuelap se 'se8e^\ Surpe,to:d o1 lcelqns ryo,tr 11e pue,(uy .selels pcltun oql
urqlr,u ps,(oldura sq ol pellUuo,(11eBc; pue paluauncop ,(lladord sl uos:ed qcns ssolun lucruoer8y
snlt ropun pa:rnba: yo,11 eql u.ro3.red ot uos:cd,{ue ,ro11e ro X1r3 urqlr.,lt 1ro,tt ut.ro1:ad o1 uos;ad
,(ue,{o1dua ro eJrq lou llur{s reu,\\oputs.l 'IlolA eqtJo ccueu:og:ed oql ol alqecrldde suolleln8a:
pue s,/rlBl IBropoJ pue'olets'lecol o;qecrldde Ilp qlr.,\\,{ldruos llEqs lau,/r\opue-l z
o1 f, 1 r 1 qe a qi a a u B r s ep n,,", ";::fr iJ: lX:l l:H :lff illTj';:l 3XiT'"ffi
:1":,',',; :,j;".7
.ro;o1ce:rg luaudols,tag XlunruuroJ aql .(q
Xlqeuosea.r pcueep .slerrelpu raq1o,(ue:o
uorleruroJur 11e pue,(ue qlrm lolcalrc luarudole,req ,(1runuuo3 s,X1r3 epl,rord IIEqs tau,\\opup.l
'eJouraqpnJ -.lloy' eql Suruur8aq aJoJaq slnoq (gf) tq8ra-,{uo; lseal lp lotcsJlg luatudoJa,teq
,{lrunuu;o3 s,,{trJ o1 ocrlou e,rr8 11eqs 'saa(oldura pue sluo8e s}t lo 'Jau,\\opuel E
'suorlrpuoo sno:a8uep ro a^tloaJap qcns uro{ crlqnd 3ur1e,rer1
aql lcoloJd ol pue 'Iror^A eql
posn?c uotltpuoo sno:e8uep X:o,,io pue qces3o crlqnd Burla,rerl
aql ol 3u1ure,r alunbepe pue poo8 a,uB o1 ':olca:rq luaudo1a,,r.aq Xlrunruuo3 s,,{1r3 Xq ryorl6eqlJo le^ordde uallr:^\ pue uollelduoc aql ot dn ,sorurt JIB 1e ssa:8e lau,ropue.I T
')rol[ eqlJo pe,to:dde leuU s,rolcaJrCI
luaudola,raq ,{lrunuuo3 )^.,(trJ erll uodn puz .lolJaJr(I luaudola,teq ,(1lunuu:o3 s,,{1r3
,(q pe1ue.r3 3oo:eq1 uorsuelxs ,(ue :o pagrceds eutl cql urqll,^\ Itol\ cql peloldruoc seq rou,,*opue,l
leql lua^e eql u! aleuruJel l1eqs uorssruued srql .1uourea.r3y srql qlr,r ecuerlduroc Bururuuelap
Jo {Joy'fi eql Surl.odsur.Jo asod:nd eql loJ ,(uedoJd oql uodn leluo ot uotss[uled alqeco,rerrr
aql '[l!] 3o ea,(o1due .ro luo8u ,{ue o1 puu ',{1r3 o1 sluer8 ,{qa:eq .reumopuel -t=
'oelruuepul qcnsJo lcnpuocsr ul InJIIr,r:o acuc8llSeu elos sqt,{q pasner em serlrlrqet,l qcns leqt tualxe rql o1 ,{1dde 1ou lleqs eetruuapul
,{ue,{lruurapur pue'ssalurBq ploq.pueJap o1 uo4u8rlqo qcn5 .lueurco.r8y srql;o uorlelueuraldur
eqt qlr,\\ uoq5ruuoc ul '(,,sat1l1lqer1,. oql ,X1a,{1ca11oc) 1o:1uoc sallllug leu^1opue.I lo Jeu,,l1opue.l
eql tsql ouo,4ue Jo 'sortuua leu,t1opue-I lo Jau,r{opu?-I aql Jaqlre xq pa,(o1dua ,(11cs:rpur ro
.{;lcertp auo.{ue 'serllluS lou,tropue.I aqlJo,(ue .Jeu,topue.IJo }onpuoJsru In"llJr.^\ Jo ,ssausscll3ol
'acus8r;8au aql'ued ut ro eloq,tr ur '.{;lcarrpur.ro,,(;1ca:rp .ot alEJal:o.o1 ureped Jo lno osup leql
(uotlu8rlsea,ur -yo slsor pup qll,raJaql uorlcauuoJ ut paJJnrur sasseult,r pedxa :o sluellnsuoo padxa
Jo seal pue'sosuedxs uolle?g111 .soa; ,sxsurolu ,slsoc Unoc .sr8eu.rEp J"!tuenbesuo. pue Iuluiprout'uorlelnxrl lnoq1,,n 'Surpnlcur) uolldr:osap pue ,oJnl?u ,pur1 ,{:c,rc;o ,{1r1rqer1 pue ,asuodxa
'([,.ser]rlug leu,{\opue.L, eql ,{la^rl3allo.] rau,\\opue.I Jo slol3erluorqns :o .sa, lulucsatda.r
'ssaXoldua 'slue8u 'slacg.1o,{u? lo lou,\ropuu,lJo qluep lo o1 ,{rnlur .uotlgtnutl lnoqlr,tr .Burpn;our)
L lll/talll,i a $r!0 ta,lJ
'Jeu,ropue'l 01 ,(lrJ ,(q
peu.tnlar Jo pes?eleJ aq lleqs,(lrin.os aqlJo lunouE errluc aqt'lolsaltq luarudolo^eg ,(lrunuruo3
s.,{lrJ Xq Irort aqt;o 1elo:dde uel}rrrr pu" uorleldruoc ,{ro1ce3srlzs aq1 uodl Ta
'uosraql pclue:8 aq ,(eu se oull-+o suorsuolxo,{ue 3urpnl:ur
luerusa:3y sltllJo uret sql Suunp IreJJa puu aoroJ llnJ ur trparcJo sJeual lo sluarun:1sur ,{ue
Jo a.upnssr aql Jo spuoq ro puoq preseJoJe aql utelureu o1 sea:8e'taqung Jau,\\opuu-l spuoq ples
uo serteJns ro,(loJns aql ossels.r ro lusruea:3y snllJo,(llprle^ eql lJaJJB,(e,lr ou ur llErls suotsuolxe
qcns puo 'Jou,ropuel jo lssnbs: uodn :o uorldo :eq/srq le teqlre Jolcarrq lueudole,teg ,{1run uu_to3
s.,{1t3,{q etun ol aull tuo.4 palue;8 aq Xeu aurl;o suotsuelxa '1uau:ea:8y slqt lepun euop aq ol
peleldureluoc 1.ro,41 sql-;o uorleldurocJo eurl eql puelxa o1,{ressocau psueep sr tr luo^o eql ut leql
'luaueoJ8V srql SurJnces lrpoJ.Jo sreuel lo sluaunllsut Xuu3o s:enssr eql to spuoq oql uo sarloJns
:o ,{1c:ns oql Surpnlcur 'oleraq sorued orll uoo,\\loq pue ,(q peat8e loqulu st tl m
'qloq ro spuoq eql.]o lunotue aql lo sa!laJns eqlJo ,{ouertgJnsul oqlJo rau,,$opue-I
saurtou rolrerrq tuaudolaa.cq ,(llunruuoj s,,{1r3 q:rq,,u uo alpp eql 1o s,(ep (96) ,{1auru
ulqtr,n polslduloc sr 1.ro,lr pelrnbo.r JIe ssclun luauaa:3y srqt Jo tlneJop ur oq JJ?qs Jeumopue-l
'eJrlou prps r{lr.ld fldrxoJ ol X:essacau st se uorlce qcns alpl 01 sltBJ Jeu,,r\opue13r ,ursreq uorsr,ro.rd
raqlo ,{ue Surpuelsrllr^{loN 'luotouJnsur ele slunoue lo sarleJns aql lsr1l rolratrc luaudole,rag
Xlrunruuro3 s,,(1r3,(q pagrlou Suraq:age s,{ep (0t) uet urqlr.r.qloq ro ,spuoq prps.+o tulloule
oqt eseeJcur ro serloJns luotouJns pue poo8 ql!^,r spuoq ro puoq,{;a,ta pu? qcuo,rauet o1 sesl8u
lcu,topue'I luelcuJnsur sauocaq :o1re.rrq luorudolaleq ,{trunuuol s.,qlJ;o uorurdo aq1 ur
spuoq prEsJo lunoure aql Jo puoq o.ueruloJrod ln3qtge; aq] uo serlaJns aqtJl pue puoq e sr ,{1:ncas
eql JI leql seer8e :oqpn; Jau^lopue.I Jolocllq Surplrng s.,{1rJ ,(q alqeldame paurullrlop se
luole,rrnbc s1l ro qsec3o lrsodsp e sq 11uqs,{1r.rncss aql .ssal ro 00S!Zg sr llo,r presJo trsoc peleurtse
aq1 uaqm leqt ldecxa 'lueuea:8y stqlJo suol'lrpuoc puu srulet aqlJo o3ueutoJJod lryqtrej eq1 .roj
Irolr\ srllJo lsoc palDurrlse aql ueql ssal lou lunoure,{u3 ut apoJ luauule^oD eqlJo 66tgg uollsas
1o (e) uorsr,lrpqns jo (g) pue'(Z)'(l) suorlcosqns ur pepr,r.o:d se ,(lrrnces luat.UJns pue poo8&ll qllm e1g o1 sae:3u leu,ropue.l 'peln3exo sr luorueor8y sn{l Jlep oql ot Jotrd A
',ue1 :opun,(1r3 ol olqelts^E sarpaual puu slq8r: Ile ol uortrppe ut aq lleqs uorlccs
stql -;o suorsr,ro.ld Suro8ero; aq1. '8ur1r.r,u ul cq IIpqs t1ne3ep ,(ue .lo lo^re,{\ ,(uy .:eu,nopuul
,{q uorssrtuo ro 1ce luerrbasqns Xuz o1 lcadsa: qlr,,n slq8u s,,i1r33o lclte,r to luesuoc e elnltlsuoc
ol peuorp aq lou lJuqs leu,ropue.l (q uorssrruo lo lop auo Jo Jelt",r to luasuoo s.,{113 .:a,tle,tt e
s? perulsuoc oq Jo Xpeua: ro 1q3r.r qcns rredur 11uqs,{tr3,(q ,(paruel:o lq8l:,{ueJo astJtexi cql ut
uorssruro ro Xelap oN JoaJaql uorpod Xue:o luauear8y srql ur lseJelul ,{ue e,req,(eur oq,lt scrged
1;e puu,(ue pue 'Jcu,\ropue.1 uodn sa.rsnlcuoc eq 11eqs,(1r.ro1cegsg1es psru:o3:ad uooq tou a^eq ro
patelor^ uoeq a^eq suotleJglceds pue sue;d oql ro lusurae:By slll Jo surel eql Jo ,{w raqteq,r ol
se uorlsanb aqlJo rotraltC 1uaudo1e,raq,{ltunuruto3 s.,(1r3;o uolluutuJalap ,ql_ .llneJap qons ot
anp reu,tropue.IJo (S00-g t0Z oN ueld lold ,{q pcluer3) str{8u lle al€urutel ol ra,nod aql e,req l1eqs;o1ce:rq luaudola,reg ,(lrunuuo--r s.,{1r3 :au,,rropue1 uodn ps,r.;as aq,{eur 11ne-;cp qcns3o Burlr:,tr
ur ecrlou puu luaruee:3y stqlJo llneJep ur eq llzr{s reumopue.I .suorlecgrcsds pue suuld cqt3o
suorsr,ro:d aqtgo ,{ue (1r:o1ce;sl1es urro3:ad o1 slr?J Jo ,sasnJel ,s1ca18eu .ssle1or,r :au,,rtopue.13r .ro
'Jotcerg luaurdolonag ,{lrunuuo3 s.,{113,{q palue:3 .eq ,(uru :o ,uecq e^Bq s? aurlJo suolsuelxe
qcns urrllrm :o 'arur1 pagrcads aql utqlr,tr uollaJduroc slt elnsur o1 se acua8tlrp qcns qlt,r\ Iloy'
eq1 alncaso.rd ol slreJ Jo 'sesnJal 's1ce;8au .soa,{oldruc Jo sluc8e s1r .ro ,Jau,ropuu.lJI T
lZ 'l'his Agreement shall be binding upon Landowner and its heirs, executors,
administrators, successors, or assigns, all and each both jointly and severally.
lf- With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are
no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall
have any rights or obligations hereunder.
14- It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that ifany part, tern, or provision
of this A$eement is held to be unlawful and void, the validity of the remaining portions shall not
bc affected and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if this
Agreement did not contain the particLrlar parr, term, or provision held to be invalid. No waiver of
any term or condition ofthis Agreernent shall be a continuing waiver thereof.
_l5= This Agreement rray be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall bc
an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement.
16. Landowner shall not discriminatc in any way, against any person on the basis of
race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex! age, physical handicap, rnedical
condition or marital status in connection with or related to the performance of this Agreement.
U- The laws of the State of California shall govern this agreernent. In the event ol'
litigation between the parties, venue in state trial courts shall lie exclusively in the County of
Rivcrside, California. In the event oflitigalion in a U.S. District Court, venue shall lie exclusively
in the Central District of California, in Los Angeles.
-l& T'he person(s) executing this Agrecment on behalfolthe parties hereto warrant that
(a) such party is duly organized and cxisting, (b) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver
this Agreement on behalf of said parly, and (c) by so executing this Agreement, such party is
I'ormally bound to the provisions of this Agreement.
19- Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement
shall be served on the other party by mail, postage prepaid, at the following addresses:
To City:City of Menifee
Comrrunity Development Department
29714 [{aun Road
Menilee, CA 92584
To I-andowner
Sutter Mitland,0l l.LC
3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000
Costa Mesa. CA 92626
Isignatures on lollowing page]
2o7Vol tEr6-0001
8621088 2 !l l/27l18 -4-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landowner and City have executed this Agreement as of the
dale and year Ilrst above writlen.
Lennar Homes of California Inc., a Calilbrnia Company
Dated: \?-'
Dated: l?,\\6\6
Approved as to lronn:
'I . Melching
(Signature for President or other Category I Officer)
Vlce President
(.l itle)
(signature for Secretary or other Category 2 Officer)
^un,;lRrGftAfitElI{IIHFFNEYChief Financiat ot{"a t
I t\By
(f itle)
('hCf -,"
Community loprnent rcctorC
City Attorney
l.7tlol t858-000I
8()21r)88I al l/17/lx -5-
A notary public or other officer completing
this certificate verified only the identity of
the individual who signed the document to
which this certilicate is attached, and not the
truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that
2018 belore m Notarv Public,
whopersonally appeared
proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the p whose nameoi subscri to
the within instmment and acknowledged to me that he/sh /executed the same tn hi
authorized capaci that by his/her signatur($on etnstrument the persor($ or the en
upon behalf of whi e person executedthei nstrLlment.
I certif under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing
paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal
D^iltElr-E lroUQUE n05S
Notary Public - C.lifornia
oranl? Coudty
Commii3ion # 12516E3
l,ly Conm. Erpir.rAui 17, 2022
Notary Public
4X lot Le-fUN