Pardee Homes Subdivision Monument Bond TM32277-3 PB03010403671SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BONO CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (covernment Code Section 66496) Tract Map No Bond No. Ptl 32277-3 030 t0,10367 r Surety Premium $ l28.oo Surety Philadelphia Indemnity lnsurance Compan) Address 251 S. Lake Avenue. Suite 360 City/State Pasadena, CA Zip 91t05 Phone 949-252-4400 Principal Address Pardee Homes 1250 Corona Pointe . Suite 600 City/State Corona. CA zip 92879 Phone 95 l-,128-4,135 The condition of this obligation is that, whereas the subdividel as a condition of the filing of the finalmap ol Tnct32277-3, entered into an agreement with the City of Menifee to set Survdy Monumentsand Tie Points in said tract and furnish Tie Notes therefore and to pay the engineer or surveyorperforming the work, in full, within 30 days after completion. NOW, THEREFORE, if the subdivider shall well and truly pertorm said agreement during the originaltern thereof, or of any extension of said lerm that may be granted by the city of Menifeel with oiwithout notice to the surety, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenvise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney'sfees, incurred by lhe city in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to bL taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition tothe terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specificalions accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, exlension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction arenot conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. 9/8,/15 ') Philadelphia lndemnityThat, lardee Honres , subdivider, as principal, g1( Insurance Conrpany , g corporation, as surety, are hereby iointly and severally bound to pay to the Crty oiM6'j[e tfre sum of - , Dollars, $ .r 1.q20.00 *lhinyone lhousand \ine Hurrdred Tuinrj and No 100' SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety abovenamed,On January 24th :0 r7 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Pardee Homes AUTHORIZED STGNATURE(S): v: Na Itle: VP (tF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY; Philadelphia Inde nity Ins Company AUTHORIZED SIGNATU Janina Monroe. Attom -ln-|act rney-rn Title CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY- IN.FACT. t- 9/8i l-5 ( ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other ofricer completing this certificate verifies only theidentity of the individual wtro signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness. accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California ) County of Oranoe ) personally appeared who proved to me on Janina Monroe the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person{gl whose name$) is/fixR subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thal hr/she4hgy executed the same in hie/her/tbeir authorized capacity(irrX and that by hb{hen,hcir signature{of on the instrument the person(9, or the entity upon behalf of which the person{ol acted, executed the instrument. I certiry under PENALTY oF PERJURY under the taws of the State of california that the foregoing paragraph is true and conect. WITNESS my hand and official seal. bau^.,vrtaattv- Notary Public Signature 2 t.' Iax EoAVTS Com.nbabn No. 2of7i52tioffY a.luc4^ltoixtac rc cotxtYt Cati llr.. rlt t, rot7 (Notary Publi. Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION OESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or?6,Q1l (TiU€ 0. desaripnoo ol abcned documeht conttnu€d) Nunberoreages J oocument oa" t ildll INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM fhisldm ftdpli.s \ h cur.nt Cal,lorno tbtutrt ftgdt.ling notoD,NotAng and. dh.cdcd, thould b. con,pl.tcd and ottoch.tl to th. doctn.nt Ackaoht.dg.nts I,.ontoth.t stat.t nto) b. cotttpl.t.dJor docuntntt b.ing scrt to that ttot. to tong ai thrvo ing does not rcqutu tht Calilomio notary to iolote Colilornn notory lalt. . Sutc rnd Coumy lrformsum musr be thc Strtc.nd ( ounly rhere rhe document siSnds) pcrsonally lppcarld bcforc the noury t ublic for rc&nowt.dgmcnt.. DllG of norarizarion musl b€ lhc dlrc rhlr lh€ sign.r(s) pcrson6lly appcored which must also be lhc srmc datc lhc rcknoulcdghcnt is complcled.. Th. rclrry Dublic musr prinl his or hcr nlrnc as il oprcrr! wilhin his or hcrcohmislror folLow.d by. comrls rnd lh.n your tillc (oorrry public).. f|rint thc narnq.) of documcnr 5i8n r(, who perconrtty eppcar ai thc rime of . lndiclt. thc ccrn l sirgular or plunl foons by crossin8 olr incorrccr forms (i.c. h.r'shdd!.tr is /.r. ) ot circlmg th. corEcr forms. failun to coreclly indicatc aht irform.rion may lc.d to rcjc.tion ofdo.uhcnr n ordin8.. 'l}lc noury s€al rrnpr.ssion mun b. clcar and phorogaf,hicalty rqnoducibh. LDlrrcssion mu$ nor coycr text or lin.s. lf scll imprcssion smudSc*. re-s@t if a sufiici.nr !rc. Irnnits, orhcrwis. compktc ! difT.rnt ecknowledg:ncot ,onn.. Signltur. of th€ noury poblic m!5t matoh rhc signaorc on filc yilh lhc omc. of (hc counly cl€rl.+ Addirional infonnalior rs not rcquircd bu could hclp lo cnsulc this ,clnowlcdgmerl is not misus€d or lnlchcd lo a diffcr€nl docurnarl.+ lndica(. trrl. or typc of rrucM do.umcm, numbcr ofplg.s and &lc-+ lndicslc tha crprciry clarDed by O. si8n6. lf thc chified capscity is a corporrr. offic.r. indicitc rh! ritlc(i... CEO. CFO, Sccr.bry).. Sclurcly otbch rhrs docEn€nl ro th. siSned document with s slapl!2Cr15 Vcrsior v.^,/\^, Noiar)rilasars..0nr 100 87:1.96t,5 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNERtr lndividual (s)0 Corporate Oflicer (Title) Partne(s) Attomey-in-Facl Trustee(s) Other tr ts D tr o" JAN 2 4 20lI before me, arianne oavrsj_lolqry.Ij*li:. altach8d 4810 I(NOW Al.l PI:RSONS BY I-HESI I'RIISENTS Thar PlIll-ADEI-l'HlA I\DIiINIT\ I\SIIRAN( l: ( OMPA\\ 6he Companr ). a corporuron organrz.ed ande\rstrng under thc la\s of lhc Common\ealth of Pcnns\lvanra. d(xs hereb\ consrrrute ,rnd rppornt JANTNA MONROE. TIiOMA! G MC(.Al-t-. nMOIIIy JNOONAN ANI) MICHET-|-I, HAASE OIi LOCKTON (-oMPANll S. LLt. rs rruu aml lautiii Attomey-rn-1-act wrih ltlt authorg to execute on rls behal bonds. lhcrcbv, in an anount not to r\ceed 325.000.000,00 lllll ADtLPIIIAI\Dl V\llY l\sr RA\CL COMI'ANy on rtrc t4'r of No!. 1h.,70t6 RI,:S0I \ ED:Thal the Board ofDirectors hereb\ aurhorizes the rhc Presrdcnr or an\ Vicc ltesident ol lhe Comnff\ ( lr Apnornt Anom('\,sr rn Facl JnJ authorr.,r lhr Aliomr)(s, rn t.dcr r,, cxccule on behalf of ihe CompaDy hoDds and underlakings, contracts of indenrnity and other \ritrDSs obligalon in thc narure lhereof and to altach the seal ol lhc Company thereto. and (:) lo r.nrove. a! an\ time. an) such At1omc!-rn,Fact and rcloke lheauthofl\ g,\'en And. bc rl l.t ttr I II.tR RESOt.\ Ut)That lhe srgnatures of such ofticers aDd the seal ol rhe Compan\ ma\ bl: alli\ed to an\ such Po\er of Anome! or cc(ilical( relannS rherelo b\ thcsin)rlc. and an\' such po\\er lr1' Anome! \. c\ecurcJ Jtul cenried hr lasrmrlt $tnarures.n)d ldr5rn,;te scdt sha hrvalid and brnding upon the Company in lhe tirrure \1rh respecl to anr bond or undedaking lo whrch rl rs artrched lN TI:S IIMONY wllEREOF. Pllll.ADELPIllA INDEMNIT] INSIIRANCE COMPANY llAS CAUSEII lllls INSTR(,MI]NT TO lll: S]GNED ANDrIS CORPORATL SI]AI-TO BI] AT'FIXEI] BY ITS AUTHOR]ZED oI:I:ICE THIS IlIII DAY oI NOVEMBER. ]O I6 P lL \DELpl \ I\DUlt\tT\ I\StR.\\(E(Oltp\\\ One tsnk l,lala Surtc t{)0 llrl,, ( \n$\.1 l,A l9Lrutu,.i., '\,r",-.,* |{**.D 192i ( Sr'!l) Nolary Public residing at My commission expires (Nota,,. Seal) .l!rru!r\ 8.ll)ll I. hd\\,ard SayaSo. Corporale Secrctary ol'PHILADII-PlllA INDEI\4NIIY INStIRANCE COMPANY. do hcrbr certrti rhat rhe ibrcSornS resolurior oflhc Board of cenii thal Rohc( D O Lean Jr. qho e\ccuted the Po\er ofAllomcl as Presrdenl. \\as on thc dale oIe\ocution ol th€ anached Po\cr oI Attorne\ the dul\'elected Prcsrdent of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNIl Y INSTJRANCII COMPANY. In'l'csrimony Whereoflhavc subscribed nry name and alljxed thc lircsimile sealoleach Company this d"ydAil 2 4 201ll, Ed$,ard Sa)09o. Coeoralc Srcrelar). PII I I-ADfI-PII IA INDE NI N I'I'}' INST IRA NCE COII PAN\ Robcrl D O l-eary Jr. Presidcnt & CEO Philadelphia indemnirt" Insurance Compan! On lhrs I46 day ofNovember. 2016, belbre me came lh! indrvdual lvho executed the precedrng instrument. to me personally known. aDd being b) me duly s\\,onr said lhal he is the therein described and authorized officer ol lhe PtIILADDLPHIA INDEMNITY INS[TR{NCU COMPANY: thar lhe seal afl'lxed 1() said insrrumcnt is the Corporatc scalolsaid Conrpany:lhal the said Corporate Seal and his signalurc were dulv atjlxed Ar -<-91:a=*z-) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDG ENT CtvtL CODE 5 1189 i A notary public or other otficer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California Counly ol Riverside On January 26,2017 before me,Ana E. Chavez Perez, Notary Public Date personally appeared Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisractory evidence to be the personh) whose name(t) is/fffi subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helohalhry executed the same in hislboc{lheir authorized capacity(iqr), and that by his&qx$l5f signature6) on the instrument the person($, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(8) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State oJ California that the ,oregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. e Here lnseft Name and Title of the Oflicer Jeff Chambers ANA E- CHAVEZ PEREZ NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA coMMlssloN # 2107702 NIVERSIDE COUNTY My Comm. Exp. April 19, 20'10 Signature stgna lic Place Notary Seal Above Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description ol Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date:Number of Pages: Signe(s) Other Than Named Above Capacity{ies) Claimod by Signer(s) Signer's Name:Signer's Name ! Corporate Officer - Title(s)D Corporate Officer - Title(s) I fl Partner - D Limited ! General n lndividual n Attorney in Fact ! Trustee E Guardian or Conservator I Partner - n Limited ! General B lndividual tr Attomey in Fact! Trustee E Guardian or Conservator D Other: Signer ls Representing: 02015 National Notary Association . www.NationalNotary.org ' 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) ltem #5907 OPTIONAL tr Other: Signer ls Representing: