Pardee Homes Subdivision Monument Bond TM32277-1 PB3010403669I xn. SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66496) Tract Map No. Bond No. PBo 32277-1 30 r0403669 Surety Premium g t85.00 Surety Philadelphia Indemnity lnsurance ('ompan) AddreSS 251 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 360 Principa I Pardee Homes Address 1250 Corona Pointe. Suite 600 City/Stale Corona. CACity/$1619 Pasadena. CA Zip 91t05 Phone 949-252-4400 Phone 95 l-,128-.1.135 That,Pardee Homes , subdivider, as principal, an( Philadelphia lndemnity lnsurance Conlpany the City of Menifee the sum The co_ndition of this obligation is thal, whereas the subdivider, as a condition of the filing of the finalmap of !te!13?27'l-1-, entered into an agreement with the City of Menifee to set Surv; Monumentsand rie Points in said tract and furnish rie Notes therefore andio pay the engineer or.r*"yo|.performing the work, in full, within 30 days after completion. NOW, THEREFORE, if the subdivider shall well and truly perform said agreement during the originaltern thereof, or of any extension of sard term that may be granted uy the-city ot Menifee] with orwithout notice to the surety, then this obligation shall become null and void; ttherwise, il shall remainin full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore,there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney,sfees, incurred by the city in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to bL taxed as costs andincluded in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extensron of time, alteration or addition lothe terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanytng the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waivenotice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addilion. Surety further stipulates andagrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction arenot conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. a corporation, as surety, are hereby jointly and severall y bound to pay to Of Fony Six Thousand Three Hundred SixN and No/ 100 , Dollars,$ 16.i60.00 s,81t-5 zip 92819 SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has !e-en duly executed by the principal and surety above 2017named,on January 24th NAME OF pRlNClpAL: pardee Homes AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): Na :Je( f CYla \n bc ( S Title:ve comvvllnily Dewb pw,en t- IF CORPORATION , AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Philadelphia ln AUTHORIZED SIGNATUR Janina Monroe. Atk)rnev-ln-Fact rn-Fact Tifle (rF c PORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY- IN.FACT. By Insurance 9i8, l5 Its ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer compleling this ceflificale veriries only theidentity of the individuat wfio signed the document to which this certiiicateis attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California ) County of Oranoe ) on JAN2420l?before me,Brianne Davis, Notary Public , personally appeared Janina Monroe who proved to me on ' nameg) is/g1q subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ha/she/tt!€y executed the same in hi6/her/their authorized capacity(,i*rk and that byhiofter/t dir signalure{oi on the instrument the person6), or the entity upon behalf of which the person{ef acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY oF PERJURY under the laws of the State of california that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct WTNESS my hand and official seal.ot 5.) Notary ublic Sign (Nolary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM This Ionn conplks sth cut.nt Colforkk stotut t ftga ihg noton,\ ordng ahd,t ac.d.d. should b. con9l.t.d ond orrach.d to th. docmt nt. Ac*nolx .dg.nt, lronolh.t ttat.s t toy b. conpl.tcd /ot docutt.ntt b.ing s.nt ro rhar stotc so tory ai rhcyuding do.s not ftqurc th. Celi/omia notojy to'tiotot. Cotilomio hotary lox,. . St tc lnd Counly mtolmaron musr b€ lhe Statc rnd ('ormty *hcre ihe do.umenr riSn€r(s) nssonrlly sppcacd b€fne fic noary Fblic fonclnowtcdSmcnr.. Darc ofnolaria(ion rnust b. thc dri€ thlr th. signcr(s) pc'sonaly appclrd which rhusl also bc thc srmc d!t. tha aalnowl.dgmrnt is complet€d,. Thc oo6ry public mun pri his or hcr r!m. as ir appclrs $ilhi, his or her commission follow€d by 6 conno rnd (hcn your thlc (noiary public).. Itinl thc nsmds) of docuhcnr siEner(, s,ho pcrsonltly sppcrr ar the rime of . lrdiclt. ihc conlct !trrtuhr or plual forn$ by crossing olT incorrcd forms (i... hrr'shc/rLtr is /6e ) or circling thc cor.cl forms. Failurc lo corr€tly indical. this infon illion mry lerd to rcjcrlion ofdocumcnr rc.ording.. 'It. nolart scal imprEsior mu$ tr. clc.I and photographtc0ll! rcproducibtc. llnprcslion mu$ nor covr,lcxt or lincr. lfserl imtrclsim smudges. r.-!cal jfa sufiicicnr ar! fEnDirs, othcrw,s. complct€ a diffcrcDl acknowlcdgme fonn.. Sisn!turc of tbc nolary public mulr mrlch lhe signlrurc on fitc wirh tic otficc of 4 Additional information is nor rcquir.d hul could h.lp to cnsurc rhis acloowlcdgm€nr is nor misoscd or ltrachcd to s differenl documant.? lndicrle lirle or i),pc of arlachcd docurbcnt, numbcr ofpages and datc.+ lndicttc thc qpacily claiD€d by lhc signcr. lf tbe ctdrDcd cspacity is a corporar. offrccr. indiqi. fi. rillc (i c. CEO, CFO, S€cr.Ery).. Sccurcly !(.ach is docurncnt ro ih. signed documcnl \.rith 6 napl! DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED ol A q (Tik o.ol otadEd doorndrl ctrllinuedl 2 DocumenrDaer lPrlIffNumber of Pages CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNERtr lndividual (s)E Corporate Officer (Title) Partner(s) Attomey-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other tr E o o BRIANNE DAVIS Commlrdon No. 2017152 lloT nY PuBLrc-c LlFoiNlA oRArloE couirTY rt Ccnn EpLAPR[ r,2Ol7 :,015 Versior v.^,^\, Nolarl alascr.s .Lln, totr 673.96t,i 482 tt KNow ALL PtiRSoNS BY IHIiSIi PRESENTS lhnl PIIII-AD[l,Pll lA lNDtrMNl'I"l lNSt:R^]-( E CoMPANI (rhc Company). a corporarion orSunized andexrsllig under drc la\!s ol the Corrmonwealth ol l'crrnsyltania, docs hcrcbv conslilurr and appoint JANINA MON]IOE. THOMAS (; MCCAT-|-. ' Moltjy JNOONAN AND l\,'IICI]ELLE HAASII OF t,OCKl()N COMPANIIiS. l-LC. rls lrue and la\'lirl Altornc\.in-facl $ilh liril authorit\ to cxecure on its behall bonds rhcrch\'. rn an anount not to excecd 5flJl09lq!g:l@ Pllll-ADLLPHIA lNl)LMNITY lNSt IRANCE COMI,ANY on re I1'r'ofNovenrber.20t6 Thar lhc lloard of Direclors hereb\ authon4s lhe rhe Prcsrdcnl or an\ Vrre presidenr of the Company (l) Appornt Allomey(s) rn l:act and aurhoflzc thc Anomq(s) in Facl ro execule on behalf of the ( ompany bonds a]rd undenakings. conrracts of rndcmorty and olher wrlings obliBalory in the nature thc.col and to alla€h lllc seal ol thc Company thcrclo. aDd {2) lo renio\'c. al any lrmc- any such Auomcr-in-Facl ard rcvoke the authoril] 8r\cD And. bc rl Thal thc si8narures ol srlch ofticers and thc seal ol lht CompaDv may be alljxed to any such Po\rrr ofAttomey or ccrlillcate relalrng lhereto by lacsimilc. and an! s ch Power ol' Attorne) so executed and c€nrlied b\ lacsimilc srgmlures and facsimile s!.at shall belalid and h'nding upon the Companv in rhe future Nnh rcsp€cl lo an] boDd or undenalmS to lvhich rt rs auached IN TLS'llMONY WIll,Rl ( )F. PHILADLI-PIIIA INDIIMNI I Y INSUI(AN('1, COMPANY llAS CATJSED lllls INS I RtlMliNl TO Bll Sl(iNL t) ANIItlscoRP()lt^'tEsEAl_loIIFAlFIxut)ByItsAU lOlitZIlDOrFlo:ltilStlrDAyOI:NOVEMtslit{.2016 PIIII,ADELPHIA I\DE1!I\ITI I:S('RA.\(:E ('0TIPANI One Bala Plaza. Suite 100 Bala Cynud. PA 19004-0950 'V-.,-.- ll*-.0 1927 (Scal) Robcn D. O Leary Jr. Presidenl & CEO Phrladelphia lndemnily lnsuran$ Company On thrs 1,1'h da) ofNovember. 2016. belbrc me came lhe individual who c\ecuted the preceding instrum€nl. lo me p€rsonall! knoun. and bernpl bl me dul) slvom said lhat he is the therein d€scribed and aulhorized officer ol the PHll-ADELPHIA INDEMNITI' INSTIRANCE COMPANIi rhal the s€al al|xed ro said rnslrument is lhe Corporate sealofsajd Companyt thal the sard Corporate Seal and his signalure wrre duly affixed. Nolary Publi€ residing a(: My commission exprres ll!L! ( \ n$r d. Id (Notarr Seal) Janurn 8.l0l8 l. l'.dward Sayago, Corporatc Secretary of PHILADIII.PHIA INDEMNII Y INSURANC! COMPANY. do hcrby ce(rii that lhe lbregorng resolution of rhe Board ol D rreclors and this l'}olver of Atlomey issued pursuanl thcrclo on th is I 4"' day of N ovemhcr. 20 I 6 are lruc and conecl ard are srill r n full tbrcc and effecl I do further ccrti ,i thal Robe.l D O Leary Jr , who executed lhc Power of Allomi:\ as I'residenl. \1 as on the dale of e\cc ulion of lhe allached Pouer of Anorne! the d uly clected Itcsident of PHILADH-PHlA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY. ln.leslimon)WhereofIhalesubscrihedmrnameandrllixedthef'acsimrlesealofeachCompan)tlr,s "r"tAN 2 4 20lP .ii:i: 192)[d$ard Savago. Corporale Secretan PIIII-ADELPHIA INDENINITv INSTIRANCE COl\IPAN\ RESOL\ T]D: IJT RTIIT]RI ,tSOLYt:l): =(a!!!!!EE-!!.-A!rrE!!{lL r.'- hak Il'&n i.b ia;hrse c&iolI r' crMrrF tat ,.i r n[ I 9* 2*z ) callFon lA aLL-PuRP,osE acKNowLEDGirE[r ctvtl coDE s 1189 _4,-ra-:tfa:t-ii..\..$lra 1:,@ -a-c.-.^':rci$-^a,r.--ai A notary public or other ollicer completing this certificate verifies only the identity ol tho individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not lhe truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Riverside On Januaty 26,2017 before me,Ana E. Chavez Perez, Notary Public Date personally appeared Here lnsad Name and Title of the Officer Jeff Chambers Name(s) of Signe(s) who proved to me on the basis ot satisfactory evidence to be the person6) whose name(t) is/tlg subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me lhat helsh€dhry executed the same in hislbodllxrt authorized capacity(iqs), and that by his/hel*hdf signatureh) on the instrument the person(l.), or the entity upon behal, oI which the person(6) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PEBJURY under the laws of the State ol California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. a ANA E. CHAVEZ PEFEZ NOTARY PUBLIC . CALIFORNIA coMMrssloN , 2107702 FIVERSIDE COUNTY My Comm. Exp. April 10.2019 e Signature Signature Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document' Description o, Attached Document Title or Type of Document Document Date:Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) tr corporate otficer - Title(s) !Partner- D Limited ! General tr lndividual D Attorney in Fact n Trustee n Guardian or Conservator tr Other Signer ls Representing:Signer ls Representing: r O2015 National Notary Association ' www.NationalNotary.org ' 1-800-US NOTARY 0-800-876-6824 ltem #5907 Signer's Name: !Partner- ! Limited D Gsneral! lndividual D Attomey in Fact ! Trustee E Guardian or Conservator J Other: - Sioner's Name: