Pardee Homes Material and Labor Bond TM32277-3 PB03010403668f,IE MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) Tract 32277 Bond No PB03010403668 Premium g included in the cosl ofthe Performance Bond Surety Philadelphia lndemnity Insurance Com pan)Prrncipa I Pardee Honres Address 251 S. Lake Avcnue, Suite 360 AddreSS 1250 Corcna Pointe, Suite 600 City/$13[s Pasadena. CA City/State Corona. CA zip 9l 105 Zip 92879 Phone 949-252-.l4oo Phone 9s l -128-.143s NOW, THEREFORE, said principat and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly unto theCity of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors,laborers, material persons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thi SixThousnd Seven Hun dred Fiftv and no/l00 Dolla rs, S 1.536.750.00 for materials fu rnished orlabor thereon o{ any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect tosuch work or labor, tM said surety wifl pay the same in an amourt nst exceedrng the amounthereinabove set forth , and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the faceamount thereof, costs and reasonab le expenses and fees, includi ng reasonable attorney's fees,incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court,and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, 2r1d _ Pardee Honres(hereinafterdesignatedas..principal")haveenteredinto,ffi agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designaGd publicimprovements relating to TR 32277-3 , which agreement(s) is/are hereby refe-rred to inJ maoe a parthereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon theperformance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment Lond with the City of iienifee to securethe claims to which reference is made in Tifle 15 (commencing with section 30g2) of part 4 ofDivision 3 of the Civil Code of the Slate of California; It.is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Parl4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, thenthis obligation shall become null and void; otherwase, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. 9/8i l5 FOR: Streets and Drainage $ 1.074.500.00 'Flood Controt $ 0.00 Dom Water Sys $ i75.000.00 Rec. Water Sys. $ 6.500.00 Sewer System $ 280.750.00Totat $ .1.536.750.00 MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees thal no change, extension of time, alteration or addition tothe terms of this agreement or to the specificalions aciompanying tne same stratt in anywise affect itsobligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any sulh change, extension of time,alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees thai the provisions of Section zg4S of theCivil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived bysu rety. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety abovenamed, On January 24th , 201.7 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: pardee Homes AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By Name:T<Vtarnt"2o r 5 Title: Wp 6orn ynt-'l rtq Da,eqn4.n t IF CORPORATION , AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETy: Philadelphia Inde pany AUTHORIZED SIGNATUR anina Monroe, Altoruey-ln-Fact -in-Fact Title (IF RATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY. IN.FACT. ly Insurance 9/8/ t-5 ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF AGKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other oflicer compleling this certificate verifies only the ident ty of the individual who signed the document to which this cerlilicateis atiached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California ) County of Ora nqe ) On JAN 2 4 20t7 before me,Brianne Davis, Notary Public personally appeared Janina Monroe who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personlg whose name$) is/fttc subscribed to the within instrumenl and acknowledged to me that he/sheffiy execuled the same in hi6/her/their authorized capacity(iir* and that by his{her/lhair signature{€i on lhe instrument the person(9, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(ol acted, execuled the instrument. I certify under PENALTY oF PERJURY under the laws of the state of california that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct WITNESS my hand and official seal.6 Notary Public Signatur,(Notary Publi. Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM fhtt lo,m co plict \dh curcnt Coryomia stoh.t.t r.gading notot),i odug otld. dn..dcd, thot ld b. conel.ted aad ofioch.d to th. dochtcnt Ack tol\.dg.ntr,on1oth.t ttat.t r$! b. conql.t.d hr docuilentt b.ing sc\t to that ttat. to lotE as the \otding do$ rrot kquir. ,hc Calilomia notary to iolotc Colilortio nota,y lo\t. . Stlrc lnd County formalo musl be rhc StaL.nd Counly uhere rhc do.umcsiSnds) pcrsonrlly rppcrEd bcfor. ri€ noury pblic for lcknowl.dgmcnt.. DrrG of norarizriion must bc th! d.tc ihri th. signcr(s) pcrsonalty app.sr.d which must also b€ thc slmc datc lhc aclnowLdgmcnt is cornplcled,. Ttrc trotlr.v public mun prinr his or hcr Dlmc as ir rlrpclr6 within his ot bcr commission followcd by s cornnu a|d (h.fl your titlc (noQry put lic).. Prinr rhc mlnds) of documcot si8r€f(s) who penonllly 6pp€ar at th€ time of . lndicllc thc csrc.l singuler or plunl fonns b) crossing olT incorr.t forms (i... L/shc/{lt.tr is /or. ) or circlmg thc corilct forrrs. Failurc b concctty hdical. thisinfors ion mry l.ad to rtjcction ofdo.um.nr r..ordiog.. 'ltc norary sc6l irnDr6sion musl bc clcff and phot glrphicalty rcproduciblc. [Dprcssior musl not covcr rcxt or lin€s. lflcnl tnprcssion smudgcs. rc-scal ifs iufficicnr !rc. pcrmits, orhcrqi$. co'lplclc ! dillcItnl sclnowledgmcnt fonn.. Siam(urc of tbc noury public must m.lch $c rignldlrE on filc wilh Oc oflicc of ,, Addiiioml irformaiion is not rcquird but could hclp ro cnsut rhis a.loowlcdgmcor is nor mtus.d or ltuch.d to I diffcrcnt docurn€,r.O lndiclt rillc or typ. ol !tt.ch.d docutucnt, numbcr ofFges and dal..+ lndicat€ lhc cspacit) cLrrDed by lhc siBrcr. lf rbc claimd capacity is a coryor.& omcer. indrcac fie ddc(i.. CEO, CFO, Sccrcbry).. Scturcly attrch $rs docunent ro $e signd documenl wlth a rr6pl. DESCRIPTION OF IHE ATTACHED DOCUMENT all€cned doqmen0 U 4 a- (Tik ol desariplion ol altaci!6d documenl conttnued) Nunber ol Pages & Document Dare i leq/t1 2015 Vorsior v.1,/w Noiar).ilasaes .on, t0(l 87:l.9Eb5 BRIAIIIIE DAVIS Commllrlon No. 2017152 IO'ARY P!'ALlc{rlIiORNIA of, llGE cou.lTY i,, Cdrm. Epllr APilL l, :Ol7 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNERtr lndividual (s)O Corporate Ofiicer --irdd-tr Partne(s)E Attomey-in-FactD Trustee(s)n Other (\\. \O.) :t.)\Ylt ls\t \.t.t\l\:t0\t vIlIJ l:{0\. ItJ \rrr.r]rs itrn rd ().) -o3r ips prr\\p I s rdxc uorssrururor tr,\l le SurPrs3r crlqnd fustoN tz6 t (tP.S tnt()N ) * l,t[I ? 3 NW* srqr {u?druoJ qr,r-Io reos rrrursrq rqr paxrlJ' pu, rur"u,(ur piq,rsqns r^'q r.roraqm .{uou.s,.L ul 'ANVdhloJ SJNVInSNI ,l.IINNICNI VlHd t:]OV'llHd Jo [].pts.rd yd p t\u \.) elefl (^*!t -"{- poxlge {lnp rrr \ nlEu€rs srq puD IeiS o&rocbo.) prss rql lsqt:ir,eduroJ presJo le.s ,)erodroJ .ql sr luiurulsur pres ol pexrue lers:ql tEql :.tNvdNoJ ]:h-vu.lsNt .(IINnJSONI v[ld'I3OV.ltHd ]qlJo.rrollto p.zuognE pu? prqr[sip ui rq] :ql sr iq leql ,{uedu.loJ e.uErnsul,{lrsur.pq erqdlopBlrqd OJJ T,lu)prs d .rt tueat.O C urqod \ !z6 t :0:l \1()s:tlt sl0a )I:Ial^lilAON:lO AVC IfI SIFl.l. :lJl:t:to C:l7ldOH.l.llV Stl ,\{l C:lXI{1v 38 ().1 IV-:IS :l.l.VtlOd{OJ s.t.lONV (]-:INI)ls lltl Ol .LN:lNtlllISNl SllllO:lsl)VJ SVH ANVdNO.I:l.lNvUni^NI ,\.l.lNI J:I(lNI VIHd'l:lOV]H.t ,lO:tU3Hm ,\NOIi{t.t.S'-t L NI p.ql)!l)e sr tr qrq.$ ol:ur)l'lcpun 10 puoq ,iu! ol i.idssr qlL\\ rrnlnl .ql ur (uEduoJ iql uodn iurpurq pu! prlen eq llpqs le.s.lru-rrsrEt pup sirnlcuirs rlru srel iq p.rtru.r pue paln$xr os i.urollv to rr^lod qrns ,(up pue rlulsrel ,{q o]araql turlel ileJlrurr ro {;uroIv Jo .rr}\o(l qins IUE ol priLtle iq .ittx (uEdLuoI .qljo lsrs,ql pue sr.l)rIo qrns-lo s.)rnleu3rs.rlt rBL[:(I3 \tos:tu u3H.tu r:r lr .q puv ur^rB Ar)oqln?.rll ,{o,\, pue l.el,ur-.iaulollv qrns {rl9 .run {up tp -rAouer ol (Z) pup .otr.ql fueduo-) rqr Jo lers.rql q.etE ol pue JoiDqt rmlEu rql ur iroleirtqo siurlu\ r.qlo puE lruurrpur Jo slr8nuolsiurltruipun puE spuoq i@druoJ eql Jo. eqrq uo rlnriri ol lctl tr (s)trrurollv ]rll szuoqlno pup tre:I ur (s),6unn1v luroddv (l) &I?duoJ rql .lo luiprs.rd r.rA iuc ro luoprsa.rd rql 5ql sozrloqlne {qr$q srolrellO.to preog rqt lsqJ 9t0z'raqu.^oN.to rfl rql uo ANvdr.\oJ fJNydIlsNI AIINW:iCNI VII t,t-I]CV.ltlld 6'd'ii6'd'o-6'dYes p:o:r;,,r rou runour ur (.r .iq)jJlr pu! 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