Pardee Homes Faithful Performance Bond TM32277-3 PB03010406668FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR: Streets and Drainage $ 2,149,000.00 TracVParcel Map 32277 -3 Bond No. PB03010403668 Premium s 12.294.00 'Flood Control $ Dom Water System $ Sewer System Total Rec. Water System $13.0.00 0.00 350.000.00 $ 56 1.500.00$ 3,073,500 00 Surety Philadelphia lndemni ty Insurance Compan)Principa I Pardee Homes AddreSS 251 S. t,ake Avenue Suite 360 AddreSs 1250 Corona Poinre, Suite 600 City/$(glg Pasadena. CA City/$lg{g Corona. CA Zip 9l I05 zip 92879 Pheng 949-252-4400 Phone 9s l-428-4435 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of Catifornia,and Pardee Homes (hereinafier designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the NOW, THEREFORE, we the principa ; 2n6 Philadelphia lndemnity lnsurance Conrpany , as surety, attached agreement(s) wherebylorincipal agrees to install and complete the above designatedpublic improvements relating lo Tracl32277 -3, which agreement(s) is/are hereby referr6d toand made a parl hereof; and, wHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of Three Three Thousand Five Hundred and no/100. Dot United Slates, for the payment of which sum will a Million Seve nty lars, $ 3.073.500.00 , lawful money of the nd truly be made, we bind ourselves, ourheirs, successors, executors and administrators, joinfly and severally, firmly by thesepresents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors_or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, andwell and truly keep an<i perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. 9/8/t5 The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration oraddition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or thespecifications accompanying the same shall in anywlse affect its obligation on this bond, andit does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, al-teration or addition.Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code andcommencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunderand are hereby waived by surety. when the work covered by the agreement is complete, the city of Menifee will accept thework and thereupon, the amounl of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% wiih theremaining 10% held as security for the one-year maintenance period provided for in theagreements(s). lN wlrNEss WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly execuled by the principal and suretyabOVe named, On Januaq 24rh 2017 ' FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Pardee Homes AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By Je{+ Cnarnb>e.rS Title:VP Cor-am.*-rr +t< Der',atoP rr'ent- (tF coRPoRAT|oN, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY:Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Compan] AUTHORIZED SIG a Monroe, Aftomey-ln-Fact A -in-Fact Trtle (rF coRPoRATtoN, AFFTX SEAL) AfiACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN-FACT. et8| 5 EI ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other ofricer completing this certificate verilies only theidentity of the individual who signed the document to which this cerlificateis attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California Oranqe I certify under PENALTY oF PERJURY under the laws of the state of california that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. on JAN 2 A 201? before me, Brianne Davis,_lolary Plblic personally appeared Janina Monroe who proved to me on ' name$) is/g1q subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hr/she/tloy execuled the same in hh/her/&eir authorized capacity(irrx and that byhb(her&nir signature{oi on lhe instrument the person(d, or tne eniity upon behalf of which the person{ol acted, executed the instrument. ) ) WITNESS my hand and official seal. IMA Notary Public Signature o z e BRIAI{NE DAVIS Commls3lon No. 2017i52 NOIARY PU8[-tC{a!tFoR tA OiANGE COUr'tTy rly Corm. e4tt. ApR[- t. irriT ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT Q (Tille or ol alhcnod documenl) t b (TiSe or dos.dplio.l ol altadEd docwneht continued) NunrberofPages J DocumenlDate t la4 11 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETINC THtS FORM Thislotm codplics \rth cur.nt Cahlothio dtut.t ftgording notdt.1,\.ordhg ond. th.cd.d. thould b. con9l.,.d andafiach.tl to th? doc nrcn, Ackhohtcdgc n;s ,.onoth.t ttat.t n'oy b. con pl.t.dlot docun nts bc!'tg s.ut to thot srarc so !i6 ai rhctr$ di,l8 do.t not rcquir. thc Cahlomio notaty to tiolot. Cotilono notary la|n. ?015 Vcrsior v.1,,1/v Noiar)alasaes Lonr tC! E7:j.!6b5 . Statc md Coutny mformauoo must br thc Stste and ( ounry $,hcre lhe do.ument ri8ne.(s) pcrsomlly tpp.arld bcfon th. Dorrry tlbtr for scknoylcdgmcnr.. Dal. ofnotarization musi bc th€ d.t. thlt thc signcr(s) plrsomlly.pDcarcd whichftusl also be fic samc dst. lhc .cknowlcdgmcnr is complet€d.. fit€ troury public mun prin! his or hcr name as ir ,tDejrs *iihi, his o, he, commissron followcd by a connra ad thcn your rutc (nolary putlUc).. Print $c natnds) of documcnr sign rl, vrho personrlty lppr{r at th€ tin€ of . lDdicdc thc cercd siryular or Dlurll forrns by cro6sing ofi incorrcq iiorms (i... ICshcr'rh.tr is /a.. ) or circl,ng rhc corrlct forms. Flilur. to conc.rty indicarc &isinforDition rnsy lcrd to rcj..tion ofdocumcnt r.lording.. ]tc oorlry scnl imF6sion mui bc cl.ar ald photogmphmlly rcpoduciblc. LEprcssion fnusr nor covs tcrt or lincs. lf r€al imprcssion smudgcs. rc-scal if a sufiicicni 5rc, pcnnals, orhcrwi!'..ompkrc ! difiar.nt ecknowled8mcnl fonn.. Signatur. of 6c Dorary public musr mslch rhe sign urc on filc with lhc of{icc of + Addidoral irlfonnarion is no! r.quir.d bu .outd hctp !o cnsurc lhis acknowlcdgmcnt is nor misuscd or lns.hcd to a differ€nt docun61l.,, lndic6r ritle ol, typc ol .tr.ch.d dftuDcnt, nuhbcr ofJ,ag,* ard dsrc.S lndicste rhc .ryncity clairDd by rhc sigrcr. If rlrc claincd c{pacity is s corporarc offrccr. indict!. th€ dtlc (i.c. CEO. CFO, Sccr.6ry).. lkcurcly r(rch rhs docum€nt ro thc signed docum€nl wnh a staplc CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNERO lndividual (s)tr Corporate Ofiicer (Title)tr Partner(s) E Aftomey-in-Fact O Trustee(s)g Other County of (Notary Public Seal) .\\\ill\o.) :t.)\\'lt ls\t .t.t.t\t\':t0\t \ IHd't:t(l\ H.tuu.rirs.nrrodro.) 1)in \r\ f rutrp:l r tn)s) ,,, ll0e ? Z [Vfo srqr Iuedtuo.) q]'aJo ters :llrturs.p.J ,ql pr rle pup tu?u {tu p:rqursqns .^cq r ro rq/ (uouqsr I L,r 8l0z 8 \renuBf ssirdxr uorssr!uulo.,(r{ lB Surprs"r :rrtqnd &EroN (tDeS nrNN) tJ-i.ni-f r.lp.rr d_,-.--+t -^"1\_ poxLtJ? trlnp rrr \ arnleuErs siq pue leos.lerodroJ pres rqt lDqt:^uedr!o.) presro Isas ilErodrol:ql sr ltriuruisur pres ol EDxr-lr? IE s 5ql lEll .tNVdlt{OJ lJN}lUllsNt AIIN}ISONI yuld'I3Ov' Hd rqlJo r.}-Uo pazuoqlnE puB peqrlsop ur.r.1ql,ql srr] lEtil {ueduioJ.ruErnsul Aru(u.pq Erqdlopslnld OAJ ? lu.prse.rd rf ,(JE .1.O C u:qod lr sq puv u.^ri &lloqnlE.rJl rlo^rr pue )ieJ-ur-iauroltv rlrns iue .u t iuE lI] ,roruer ol li) pue :oliriqliueduoJ ll Jo Irrs.ril rF4le ot pue.torr ll iml?u rqt ur Uotr8rtqo sturn-t$ rrqto puE .ilruruipur Jo st.uuoi -siurWurpun pue spuoq {u0duroJ ;ql.l{) .llEqrq uo .rtnrix.ol l:)e:t ur (s),{auonv iql rzuoqlnE pue )iet ur (sxeuronv luroddv (l) ^uEduro.) }rl1 Jo rurprsrrd rA iun ro turprs.rr(l )ql rLll \.r/U,,qrnE \qrr)q \rotrrllC.to treog Ilt rprll tzS t eloz xf IN:IAON:lO,{v( ,rtl SlH.t. :1.)l:l:lo (]!lTldOHlilV s.l.l ,\a (ltlXI:llv lU ()1. lVcS ll.lVUOdUO.) s.tl prqreDe sr tr rti)lq\\ ot aurleuipunro puoq .(us ol l.idsri qlr^\ rrnlnJ eql ur .(uedluoJ iql uodn S rpurq poe prte^tq llDqs le.s rlrursrol pup sainltru8rs elrursrp.l ,(q pJrlru.r pue p.tllrrxr os {r rollv Jo rraod qrns truE puc rlruJlsrEt .(q oFrrql Surr?lrr ilErUrtl:)r ro iiuto|lV to rr,\\oJ qrns fuB ol pr\rue sq.i9ru {ueduoJ.qllo lers rqt pue sr)Jluo qrnslo s.rnteuSrs iql t[rll o:1.\ l osl ll uSur.lr r.l :(L1.\'tOSitlt ii0T005005?5 pJ31\r or rou rLnoue u .iq)r.rrtr l.uronylo JJrrod 0560-10061 V.l .p{,r\ui.) EteA 00t )lrns Lrreld rlrtl iuo(NYdl{OJ :l:)NYuilSNt .tItNyritONt vtHd'I:{ov'rrH.l 9Z8r cal-tFoRNta aLL-PURPOSE ACKI{OWLEDG E T CtVtL CODE S 1189 ^ A notary public or other otficer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity o, that document. County ol Riverside On January 26.2017 berore me,Ana E. Chavez Perez, Notary Public Date personally appeared Here lnseft Name and Title of the Officer Jeff Chambers who proved to me on the basis ot satisfactory evidence to be the personh) whose name(t) is/ffg subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helohsthry executed the same in hislbodllmi authorized capacity(iqr, and that by hisrhqxrhfr signatureh) on the instrument the person($, or the entity upon behalt of which the person(6) acted, executed the instrument. ANA E, CHAVEZ PEREZ NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA coMMTSSION # 2107702 RIVEBSIDE COUNTY My Comm. Exp. Aprit 19,20.t9 Signatur Signatu Place Notaty Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration ot the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date:Number of Pages Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: E Corporate Officer - Title(s):! Partner - tr Limited ! General D lndividual ! Attorney in Fact E Trustee ! Guardian or Conservator [l Other: Signer ls Representing:Signer ls Representing: ,ca&\4@ O20'15 National Notary Association ' www.NalionalNotary.org ' 1-800-US NOTABY (1-800-876-6824 ltem #5907 State of California Name(s) of Signer(s) I certify under PENALTY OF PEBJURY under the laws of the State of Calirornia that the ,oregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signer's Name: n Corporate Otficer - Title(s): D Partner - ! Limited ! General! lndividual ! Attomey in Fact D Trustee ! Guardian or Conservatorf Other: -