2013/07/01 Ueber Haun I, LLC Evidence of Coverage CertificateSeptember 17, 2013
Leber Haun I, LLC
32650 La Cruz Drive
Temecula, CA 92590
Only as respects the June 19, 2012 Ground Lease Agreement between Lieber Haun I, LLC
and the City of Menifee for its lease of unimproved real property adjacent to the city hall
property as described in Exhibit "A".
To Whom It May Concern:
Please be advised that the CITY OF MENIFEE participates in PARSAC, the Public Agency Risk
Sharing Authority of California. As such, it is collectively and permissibly self -insured under
Sections 990.4 and 990.8 of the California Government Code. The specifics of the self -insured
program are listed below:
COVERAGE YEAR: JULY 1, 2013 - JULY 1, 2014
➢ General and Automobile Liability
➢ Public Officials Errors & Omission
Limit: $1 Million per occurrence group self-insurance
Occurrence Retention: $ 5,000
➢ Workers' Compensation:
Limit: $500,000 per accident through group self-insurance
Employers' Liability: $ 500,000
Occurrence Retention: $ -0-
Kin Ong, ARM
Risk Manager
cc: City of Menifee
1525 Response Road, Suite One, Sacramento, CA 95815-4805
Phone (916) 927-7727 Facsimile (916) 927-3075 www.parsac.org