2016/06/07 Riverside, County Fire stations - UnsignedCity of Menifee Routing and Transmittal Slip Date: 6-7-16 To: Jeff Melching 611 Anton Boulevard Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, California 92626-1931 Remarks: Description: MOU Between the City and County Regarding Transfer of Four Fire Stations Action: FedEx for Attorney signature City of Menifee 129714 Haun Road I Menifee, CA 92586 A iLl,'Package Fed& Express USAlrblll 8 7 5 6 0716 0190 rom Please print andpress hard. Senders FadEx2,'r, ate �� �O Account Number 445 „3, :ndel s 11 �� 1 r 7 ame �� l Phone( 1 A• 2 —67 r 7 CITY OF MENIi-y.E ldress 29714 i- A;_JN RD D9ptrRpor/Snfa/Roam 0 21, 5 fly t ID No. _ 4 Express Package Service 'T.mastl... tons Packagesupro150lbs. NOTE Service -far lms charged. Plonsa select Oe emufullFapackages over f5016s,uaa Ne new Y. FadExExprou aeightUSAlrhlll. ❑ FedExFrstOvernight Eediestnexthusiis a ncemingdeliverymsalett ❑ NEWFedEx2DayA.M. r Second business morning., locations. Friday shipments..11 be dalwerad oa h1 day unless SATURDAY De9veryis selected. Priority Overnight Semrd.y0elivery NOTavagab!e. FedEx Way Nand Nextbusinesemoming.',',ela hiGmemswll be ❑ Second businassaftemoart•Thursday shipments delivered an Monday unless SATURDAY D.Wary 1.11,be delivered on Monday urdaas SATURDAY is selected. Davis selected. ❑FedEx Standard Overnight N.Abuslness ❑ FedEx Express Saver Third business day.' eftemae'.' Saturday Delivery NOT available. Saturday DeE,.ryNOTavaR.ble. ty SUN CITY State CA zip 92526-6540 5 Packaging •DeclaredvaluelimhM. FadEx ourinternal Billing Reference M T (�Q� p—}{/' S�Ori ❑ FedEx Envelope* Fed&Pak* ❑ Bo Ex ❑ Tube ❑ Other at24 charactersxiil appear onmvmce. - 1�� �- D 9cipients a f, ame -t` N R L ' �; �i L� Phone 1 1 6 Special Handling and Delivery Signature Options ❑ SATURDAY Delivery NOT available IorredEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 20ayAM, or Fed& ExpreSS Saver. w. ^ No Signature Required Direct Si nature IndirectSivnature ]mpany g q 9 Unooneis eve .bleat recipient's �14W I Y ❑ Package may be left Without ❑Some one at mc�pients.,"a. ❑address, someone ate neighboring oblaining a signature far delivery. may sign for delivery. Fee applin addressmaysignfordeliv For HOLD Weekday ravden,alda!rvedes Imy Faeapprrss 'r''''�^^j/y^' e ,/� Fed&locetioneddress Does this shipment contain dangerous goods? � `J 10 —' ! V1j �'1't-h � L101, REQUIRrato ar available far ,dress iii `ova / ` CCC...::: C %%% �( On. box must be checked. — R DU'RrstOvemight a cannot daliverto P.O. boxes or P.O. 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Ridayshipments vNl be delivered on Saturday Delivery NOT available. Mond3Y unless SATURDAY DeRverya selected. rPriority Overnight Next business morning' Friday shipments wall be da'rvered on Monday unless SATURDAY Delivery is selected. FedEx Standard Overnight ❑ Next business ahemoon.' Saturday Delivery NOT available. FedEx2Day ❑ Second businessahemaon.' Thursday shipments will be delivered an Mondayun!ess SATURDAY Oefrveryaselected. FedEx Express Saver ❑ Thildbusinemday.' Saturday Delivery NOT ava9a1ble. 5 Packaging 'DeDeaavalaelims�D FedExEnvelope* ❑ FedEx Pak* ❑ FedEx ❑ FedEx ❑ Other Box Tube 6 Special Handling and Delivery Signature Options ❑ SATURDAY Delivery NOT available for Fed& Standard OvemighL Fed&2nayA_M., or Fad& Express Saver. �`�;�p No Signature Required Direct Signature Company rr �--C� ❑ Package maybew.fathout ❑ may sign forrecipiem'saddren obminingavgnaturefor delivery. may sign fordelivery. 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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF MENIFEE AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF FOUR FIRE STATIONS This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into as of , 2016, by and between the City of Menifee, a municipal corporation (the "City") and the County of Riverside, a political subdivision of the State of California (the "County"), on behalf of Riverside County Fire Department RECITALS Whereas, the County, through the Riverside County Fire Department, currently provides fire protection services to the City; and Whereas, there are currently four (4) fire stations (the "Four Stations") located within the City's boundaries at the locations described below that are the property of the County; and Whereas, the City seeks to have the County transfer the Four Stations and the underlying properties to the City; and Whereas, the County is agreeable to quit claim the Four Stations and the underlying properties, provided that the City assumes all costs related to the real property transactions and any necessary lot splits so that the County may continue its leases with cell tower facilities located on the properties; and Whereas, the City and County seek to enter into this MOU to establish terms related to the transfer of the Four Stations. Section 1. Purpose. This MOU between City and County is entered into for the purpose of facilitating an agreement related to a transfer of the Four Stations and the underlying properties from the County to the City. Section 2. Four Stations. Information on the Four Stations is provided as follows: A. Fire Station 5 — located at 28971 Goetz Road, Menifee, CA 92587 B. Fire Station 7 — located at 27860 Bradley Road, Menifee, CA 92586 C. Fire Station 68 — located at 26020 Wickard Road, Menifee, CA 92584 D. Fire Station 76 — located at 29950 Menifee Road, Menifee, CA 92584 Section 3. City Obligations. 2465/031858-0003 9589143.2 a04/26/16 A. City will timely prepare, finalize, and record all documents to effectuate the following at its own cost: i. Quit claim of the Four Stations and the underlying properties; ii. Lot split any portions of the four properties that currently have cell tower facilities with leases to the County; B. City will timely agendize and approve all related documents that require its approval. Section 4. County's Obligations. County will cooperate with the City in all matters related to the quit claim of the Four Stations and the underlying property, including by timely agendizing and approving all related documents that require its approval, at its cost. Section 5. Hold Harmless. The parties mutually agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend each other and their officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any and all contractors, suppliers, laborers, and any other person, firm, or corporation furnishing or supplying work, services, material or supplies in connection with this MOU, and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm, or corporation who may be injured or damaged by acts or omission in the performance of this MOU. Section 6. Entire Understanding. This MOU represents the entire understanding of the City and County as to those matters contained herein, and no prior oral or written understanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to those matters covered by this Agreement. No addition to or alteration of, the terms of this MOU, whether by written or verbal understanding of the parties, their officers, agents, or employees, shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment which is formally approved and executed by both parties. Section 7. California Law. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California. This Agreement shall be construed as if drafted by both the City and County. This Agreement may not be modified, altered or amended except in writing signed by authorized representatives of the City and County. Section 8. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing expressly mentioned in this MOU is intended or shall be construed to give any person, other than the City and County and their respective assessors and assigns, any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or with respect to this MOU or any provisions in this MOU . This MOU is intended to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the City and County, and their respective assessors and assigns, and for the benefit of no other person. 2465/031858-0003 9589143.2 a04/26/16 -2- "CITY" CITY OF MENIFEE, ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jeffrey Melching City Attorney 24651031858-0003 9589143.2 a04/26/16 -3- "COUNTY" COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State Chairman of Board ATTEST: Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Counsel 2465/031858-0003 9589143.2 a04/26/16 -4-