2016/03/22 Pacific Mobile Structures, Inc. Lease of Units and Ramp ExtensionMarch 22, 2016 Quote Number 11199 Delivery Date Customer: City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Tel: 951-672-6777 Email: jwoodruff@cityofinenifee.us AL 2 MOBILE STRUCTURES Delivery Address: Mike Anderson 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Tel: 630-346-2511 Email: manderson@cityofinenifee.us Fax: Tax Lease Extension - Lease 31622 Unit 2495 24x60 9,300.00 Rates for 12 month term @ S775/mn + Tax Rental extension from 07/01/2016 thru 0613012017 'All tear down and return costs will be at the rates in effect upon termination Lease Extension - Lease 31623 Unit 2437 24x60 9,300.00 Rates for 12 month term @ $775/mn + Tax Rental extension from 07/01/2016 thru 06/30/2017 'All tear down and return costs will be at the rates in effect upon termination Ramp Rental Extension 5,100.00 Rates for 12 month term @ S425/mn + Tax Rental extension from 07/01/2016 thru 06/30/2017 'All tear down and return costs will be at the rates in effect upon termination By signing below, customer is authorizing Pacific Mobile to process the order for the selected equipment and services upon approval of credit. An authorization will convert this quotation into an Operating Le � Agreement bound by the Terms & Condition's on page two of this quotation. n order co firmation will be sent to the designated email address on file. �. 1% At Authorized Total 23,700.00 039 8.000% 1,896.00 Tax Exempt 25,596.00