2021-03-24 Planning Commision Menifee Montessori PowerPoint Presentation PLN20-0223 and PLN20-0224 REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. PLN20-0223 & Plot Plan No. PLN20-0224 March 24, 2021 1 Project Location Murrieta Road Sun City Blvd Bradley Road Existing Site Existing Site The project site is located approx. 1 mile west of I 215, south of Newport Road and has frontage along Winterhawk Road. Primary access is taken from Newport Road and a second access point may be taken from Rim Creek Path to the south of the site. The photo on the right shows the existing materials storage yard along the northern half of the property and an existing SFR along the southern half of the property. 2 Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) General Plan Land Use & Zoning Winterhawk Road Newport Road The existing GP Land Use designation and zoning classification for the project site is Economic Development Corridor - Newport Road (EDC-NR). The surrounding properties to the north, west and south have the same designation as the subject site of EDC-NR while the property along the eastern side of Winterhawk Road falls within PA 3-5 of the Cal Neva Specific Plan Which is subject to County C-P-S Zone (Scenic Highway Commercial) Retail/Commercial 3 Project Description Existing Plot Plan – New childcare center and full site improvements 13,649 square foot building 17,552 square feet landscape area Conditional Use Permit - Day Care Center/Educational Institution Maximum 208 students, 24-26 staff members School hours: Monday – Friday, 7:00AM – 6:00PM California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Compliant 4 Site Plan 1.6-acre improved/disturbed site Parking spaces – 55 required 56 provided 2 Dual access driveways The front half (or eastern side) of the lot will consist primarily of the parking lot and associated landscape area, while the proposed building and outdoor play area will be located on the rear half (or western side) of the lot. Based on the number of employees and students (at maximum capacity) a total of 55 parking spaces are required, however, 56 are being proposed. 5 Landscape Plan The project site will include 17,522 sq. ft. of proposed landscaped area. This equates to approximately 25 percent of the project area (10 percent is required by the City’s Landscape Ordinance). A variety of on-site planters and planting fingers will be used throughout the parking area to allow for shade trees and to soften the visual appearance. All on-site landscaping (trees and shrubs) was carefully chosen by the applicant, in an attempt, to avoid choking hazards (non-fruit bearing, nuts) and/or poisonous plants as students are under 5-6 years of age. In addition, a perimeter six (6) foot high, split face CMU block wall (with cap) is being proposed along the rear property line and a six-foot wrought iron fence is proposed off the sides of the building, in an effort, to enclose the play area and create a safe environment for the students and teachers 6 Architecture Architecture - The project was reviewed againstthe City-wide Design Guidelines that were adopted in April 2020. The proposed building consists of modern architectural elements including, but not limited to, standing seam metal roof features, colored fiber cement siding, wooden accent horizontal siding and a smooth exterior plaster finish. The roof lines are broken up to reduce the overall mass of the building and through the use of standing seam metal awnings, deep roof overhangs are provided creating shadow and depth to the facades while providing shade for the students 7 Architecture 8 Public Comment Email Received 3/16/21 Tommy’s Express Car Wash, in support of the project Letter Received 3/22/21 Property owners along Rim Creek Path In support of the project, however, concerns regarding the playground noise and with parking along Winterhawk Rd 9 Exempt from CEQA The project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt (Class 32 – Section 15332, “Infill Development” pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Environmental Review IT IS THE DETERMINATION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THAT THE PROJECT CAN BE EXEMPT SECTION 15332 “IN FILL” CLASS 32 under CEQA Guidelines, BECAUSE THE PROJECT CONFORMS TO THE CITY’S GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CODE. The PROJECT SITE IS LESS THAN AN ACRE AND IS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS SURROUNDED BY URBAN USES. THE PROJECT SITE HAS NO VALUE AS HABITAT FOR ENDANGERED, RARE, OR THREATENED SPECIES. APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT WOULD NOT RESULT IN ANY SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS RELATING TO TRAFFIC, NOISE, AIR QUALITY, OR WATER QUALITY. 10 Conduct Public Hearing; Adopt a Resolution approving CUP No. PLN20-0223 and Plot Plan No. PLN20-0224 subject to the conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and resolution. Recommendation IN CONCLUSION, STAFF RECOMMENDS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; AND ADOPT A PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION APPROVING PLOT PLAN NO. PLN19-0065 SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND BASED UPON THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS INCORPORATED IN THE STAFF REPORT AND RESOLUTION. 11 Questions? Thank You. 12 Approx. 250-feet 13 14