2021-03-17 City Council Item No. 11.1 Public Comment - Monville REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:EOriverside
To:Public Comments
Cc:Cheryl Kitzerow
Subject:City Council Item 11.1--March 17, 2021
Date:Monday, March 15, 2021 3:52:36 PM
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Honorable Mayor and Council-
On behalf of the Riverside County Chapter of the Building Industry Association of Southern
California I want to urge your support of Item 11.1 on your March 17, 2021 agenda.
We support your staff recommendation to approve the deferral and implementation of the
Development Impact Fee yearly adjustment. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and
continue to work to solve California's housing crisis, this deferral will be welcomed news.
I also want to thank the City of Menifee and in particular Cheryl Kitzerow and your entire
Community Development Team. They outreached to our members early to educate them
about this item and keep us regularly apprised of development issues in Menifee. We
appreciate their on-going collaboration and the hard work they do every day to support our
industry and members. We are grateful for partners like the City of Menifee, and we look
forward to the continued partnership.
Thank you again for your consideration. If we can ever be of assistance to the City of Menifee
as you work to meet your housing goals, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
Lou Monville
Interim Executive Officer
Riverside County Chapter
Building Industry Association of Southern California