Optima RPM, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond CIP19-16 54203496PREMIU[Ill IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON THE FINAL CONTRACT AI\4OUNT PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Bond No. 54203496 Premium: $18,761 .00 Executed in Triplicate WHEREAS, thE minute action passed City of Mentfee, County of Riverside, State of Ca Fcb. n '1,07 has awarded to optima RPM,lnc\ lifornia, by hereinafterof thedesignated as the "Principal",a Contract for construction CIP 19-16 Lazy Creek Recreation Cenler Improvement project together with appurtenances thereto, and WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said contract to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said Contract. NOW, THEREFORE,r,yg Optima RPM, lnc AS Principal, and United Fire & Casualtv ComD a a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the State of lowa and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of California, as Surety,are held and firmly bound unto the Cityof Menifee hereinafter called the Contractino Citv. in theOne Mrlllon Frve Hundfed ErShly:EEht Tho!sa oen bollars ($ I ,588,577.00 ), al sum of one hundredpercent (100%) of the amount of Frve Hundrcd Sev€nb Soven A OO/lOO lav'rful money of the United Stated of America, for payment of which sum well and trulyto be made, we bind ourselves,our heirs, executors, administrators and successors,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE OBLIGAT|ON tS SUCH that, if the hereby bounded Principal, his/hers or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall inall things stand to and abide by and well and truly keep and perform all the undertakings, terms, covenants, conditions and agreements in said Contract and any alteration thereof, made as therein provided all within the time and in the manner therein designated and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shallfaithfully fulfill the one-year guarantee of all materials and workmanship after final acceptance; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Menifee, its officers and agents, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modrfication of the Contract Documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder. No final settlement between the Principal and the Contractor hereunder shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. t2 Notices, papers and other documents required by Chapter 2 of Tifle 14 of part 2of Code of Civil Procedure, or by Contract may be served upon Princip any other law, regulation, or requirement of the al at this address: 17945 Sky Park Circle , Suite D,lrvine, CA 92614 and upon Surety at this addreSS: P.O. Box 73909, Cedar Rapids, tA 52407-3909 lN WTNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument, eachof wh ich shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed by the Principal and Surety herein named on the 28th day of Janua 2 021 .The name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and thesepresents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of itsgoverning body. Optima RPM, lnc Principal By a,- United Fire & Ca Compa Surety By lrene Atto F t3 caLrFon ta Atl-puRposE AGKXOWLEDOiTENT Ctvtl coDE s 1189 A notary public or oth€r of{icer compl€ting this c€rtificate verifies only th6 idontity of th6 individual who signed lhe docum8nt to whlch this certificate is attach€d, and nol the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California Gounty of Orange On Februaty 22,2021 bafore me,Elizabeth L Ramirez, Notary Public Date personally appearsd Here lnsert Name and Title of the Officer i,4aykel Hanna who proved to me on tha basls ol satisfactory evidence to be the person(pf whose name(d is/grCsubscribed to the within instrument and acknowlodgod to me that ndllrd,^bly sxecuted the'same inhigl}r, thdft auhorized capacity(i66), and that b-y his&Gfllhfir signatureF, on the instrument the persory(d, or ths entity upon behalf of which the persory4 actod, oxecutea the instrument. ELIZAEETH I, RAMIREz llotiry Public - Caiifornia OrangeCounly Commi!5ion I 2229216 My Colnm Expkee Feb 21,2022 I csrtify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the taws of th6 State of Calilornia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNEgS my hand and gfficial seal ISignature Signature of Public Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completlng this intormation can detor alteration of the documant or fraudulent reattachment of this lorm to an unintended document. Desoription of Altachod Document Title or Type of oocument: Pedomance Bond DOCumOnt Dale. 1t28t2o21 Number of Paggs: 2 Signer(s)Other Than Named Abovs: N/A Capacity(iesl Claimod by Signsr(B) Signer's Name: , Icorporate Otficei - Title(s):tl Partner - t.r Limited il General l l lndividual f] Trustee [ ] Other: l.l Attomey in Fact Ll Guardian or Conservator il Partner - f] Limitsd llceneral l l lndividual LlAttorney in Fact [ ]Trustee ll Guardian or Consorvator! Other: Signor ls Repressnting: Oolima RPIV Signer ls R€presenting @2014 National Notary Association . www.NationalNolary.org ' 'l -800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) ltem #5907 T ) ). Name$) of SisnetQl SiOnOr'S Nams: Mayler Hannadcorpo.at.orffi oreq qurnqllo do1 6urluaso]dau sr lau6rS raqlo E role^Jssuoc Jo uerp.rene D aalsn4 D lcel ur ^aurotlv fl lerauac D pelrurt E reuued I(s)allrl- rEluo aterodJoC E lenpr^rpul fl atxeN S,Jau6rS 6uBUasa.rdau srJeuOrS Jeqlo n JoleNasuoc Jo uerpJen0 E aalsn.rl n lcBl ur ^auJollv D lerauoc E pelrurt fl Jeuued fl -:(s)ap4- raouo alerodJoC n lenpr^rpul E aureN s,rauOrS (s)rau6rg Aq paurel3 (sar)IttcpdeC a^oqv paureN ueql raLllO (s)lau0tS saoed lo raqunN alec luaurncoc :1uaunco6 1o ad{1to ap1 lualunJoo psqceDv Jo uollduJsao Ueun)op )at4loue ol wJol aql p NewLpe ea pue p^owal ValnpneJ.J Na^aJd pfio} pueluawn)op et./J uo butAld suoslad ol olqen,e^ e^ord Aew lt 'Mel iq palnbal lou st ^i.o,€q uoBewJolu aql q6noq1 IVNO/-ldO uEBi uIq a^oqv teas tueloN a.Etd leas I pueq ,{u ssaulrg 8r0r'll Alnr rxr,llflocAn an.rl sr qd'roeJed ourooa:oi aql leql Eruroltec r8?i"l"%lr:lo s^ el aql rapun AUnfU:ld JO Al]VNfd rapun IIUa3 I luaunjlsut aLll palnsaxa ,Dalce (s)uosad aql q?rq/r^ to leqaq uodn l1r1ua aql lo (s)ubsrad aql lu_aunllsur aql uo (s)aJnleu6rs lteqy.leq/srq Iq leql pue'(sar)AIcedec pazuoqlne lraql/aq/stq ul au.res aql paln3axe Iaqvaqs/aq leql au ol paOpalrl,roulce pue luaulnllsut utqlt,r aql ol paqrjcsqns ajelst (s)aueu asoqm (s)uosJad aql aqol acuapl^a tuolsEjslles lo stseq aql uo au o1 parrotd oqrvr !I unoc rclluo ff uluoirrvmnana rwronE tt896ZZ # I^IWOC tuvcuvx u t{180u araq qurnq) lo dol ulN9ts r0 lNIUd8!!NHJ.IHOIU (s)raubrq to (s)aurEN 6uon'l ausJl p€6 leollo 6ql uo sJeadde I se,(8.exa tueloN p eusN lJesut pareadde ^lleuosjed 'orlqnd tueloN 'ue6rey g ulqog 'euiorotaq lz0z fi ? NVt uo aOuerg 1o {1uno3 vrNUoltlvS ro f -LV.l-s lu3un30p leql lo ^lrprle^ .ro '^seJncce 'ssaulnlqlnil 3ql lou pue 'psqcelle sr alesrlrua3 srql qsrq^ ol luaunsop aq1 pauErs oqm lenprarpul eq11o {lquapt aLll ^luo saUxa^ alectltuac srql 6urlalduoc teorgo .rall}o Jo otlqnd fuelou V IN:ll lg0:l-]MONyOV :lSOdUnd-']]V VlNUOll''lVC t urNgts lo LNruds!\nHI.LH9ru arnleuOrg Hmt0 t INTII]D IJII{I] & CASIIAI,l'Y CoMPANY, CI]DAR RAPII)S, IA LTNII LD IIRII & INDllMNtl'Y COMPAT.\Y, WlllSTER. l'X ITINANCIAI. PACIFIC NSTIRANCE COMPANY. ROCKLN. CA CERTTFIID COPY OF POWER OTJ ATTORNEY (origirralon ,ih at flonre Of i.e ofCoupally - Sec Certil'icarior) Inquirier: Surct!' Dcpnrtmeni I 18 Sccond Ar e SE Ccdrr Rspids, IA 52401 ^&,tul)'t KNOW ALL PllllSONS UY lllLSD PltLSIlN l'S. 'l hat Llnited Ite & Casualty Comp6ny, a corpordtio[ duly orgarized ard existirg uDder fte laws o[ fie Statc oI krwa; U[itrrJ Firu & Indcmnily Company. a corporatiofl rluly organiz<1 and cxisting ulder fte laws oI the State of Texas; orld Finartcial Pacific Insumnce Comnany. a corporation duly orgarized &rd exi(ing under lhe laws of the State of Califomia (heretr collectively called [lc Companies), and havirrg thrir corpomtc hcadquartcrs in Ct'dar Rapids. Statc of lowa. docs trrake. constitute alr{l aplrcirt JAMES W. MOILANEN, YUNG I. MULLICK, P. AUSTTN NEFF, IRENE LUONG, EMILIE GEORGE, EACH INDIVIDUALLY their true and la$fuI Attomey(s)-iFFsct wilh poNe! arld authority hereby confErred to sigl seal and execute in ils hehalf all lawful bonds, urdcnakings and odrer obligatory insuuments of similar naturc pmvided lhat no shgle obligation drall excced $15,oc|o,OOO.OO and to bind thc Comp&lics fterchy as fully $nd to thc salne cxlcnl as if such instruments werB signed by dle duly suthoriTed ollicen of thc Companies and all ofthe acts of saiC Attomey, pulsiJant lo the aulhority hereby eiven and hercby ratified and confimed. 'lhe Audrority hel!'by grollted shallexpire fie6th day of July, 2022 unlegs s@ner revoked by Udted lrire & casualty Compmy, L, (ed rire & hdetuity Company, and lrhaflcial l,acific Irsurance Company. lhis Power oI Attonley is made ,urd execuled pursuonr to aid by aufioriry of fie tblhwitlg bylaw duly adopled on May 15, 2013, by fte Boards oI Dircctor$ olthlitcd Fhc & Casualty Conrpany, t,nil!'d Firc & Indenuity Conlpally, atrd Fildrcial Pacific lnsurmce Company. Ite \iSnrture ofany offic.r oulhorized hcrrby, erd fc Co4Erata :.a1, noy hc ofixad by facsimilc to any porvf of sttomey or ipecid powrr of attomey or cenifcation of cirher oulhoiired hs$b): {uch signarure and r.sl, when !o u.cd, tcing Bdopred by thc Compsnics ar fie origin&l dgnnrur. of such omcff and $e original seal of the Companic!, 10 be \€lid .nd bi$ding upon rhc Companrei wilh thc aafi. forc. and cfccl ar lhough ma[rully sfix.d. su.h atromcys-in-f0ct, eubject ro rhc limirations ser of pr.\'iously gi\rn to lny anom!,v.in.f0cl. tN WTNESS \I'IIEREOF, thc COMPANIES havq esch caused liese presents to bc signed by its vicc presidcot and its corponte seal to bc hcreto affuetl this 616 day of July, 2O2O UNITED FIRE & CASLIALTY COMPANY (IMTED FIR.E & INDEMNTTY COMPANY FTNANCIAL PACIFIC INSIIRANCECOMPANY By: Statc ol loNir, Counly ol l.nln, ss r Prcside t 0n 6th day of July. 2O2O. before me oersonallv came Dennls J. Rlchmann lo me Ino$n, ivho bcing hy me duly $vtrn, dil d.Toie and ssyl fiht hc residcs in Ccdff Rapids. stale oI lo$a: ftat he is 0 Vice Prcsidenr of t Inired l-irc& Casualty Conptuly, s Vite Presideot of Llnitld lrire & lxleuurity Compaly, atld a Vice Presideot of l'fuaDcial Pacifb hsumce Comptuiy fte corpomtl{,rs dc$ribed il ard which executed lc atnve i$trumcnq drat hc Lronri 0re s8al of said co4nrations; tltst tre sgal affixed to dlc said lr0mc thercto pltrsuart to likc authority, alrl ocknowlqlges ssmc to lrc $c oct and dced of s0irl corporations. ,g:*ii'si% fJjr'lll.,4 s Etr ,7,;r:S t Notar,r Public My commissiorl expires: 4/2312021 I,MaryA B('rls.h, Assis(ant Stcrctary oflldtcd Firc& Casualty Coorpany and Assistant Slrrctary oI lhited Filc & h emnity Company. aod Assistant Secrelaf ofFirancialPacific Insualce Compmy. do heret y cenily fiat I have comparcd fie foregoing copy of tIe Power of Anomey and affidavit and Ulo copy of thc Section of tlre bylaws and rcsolutions oI ssid Coeoratio[s as sEl lorrh ill said Powcr oI Atlomcy, with tirc ORIGNALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFIICE OF S ID CORPORITIONS, ald 0ut ftc same are corrccl tretscrt)ts tcreof. and of Ur! whole of the said originals. aml that fte said l'oNer ol Altomey hrs not been revoked and is uow in lull lorce alld effect. hr teslimouy rvhcrmi I have heflmto nry nsgre alld offixed fie corporate seal of dre said Coryoratiofls dris _ day of Judith A JonoB loME NolErlel566lGomml.rlon nun$ar 173041 My Comnirllo.l Explr.r 4232021 Ll ,B:ffi By: llp( )Ao0.l5 t 2lt)17 Assi(alrt Secretary, LII&C&LIIr&l&IPIC .{TlDrU. .ht This paper has a colored background and void pantograph.