2021/01/02 Santolucito Dore Group, Inc.StateFarm STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS DECLARATIONS AMENDED JAN 18 2021 PO fl8539?��5, " laarx dsan, 131'75085 3925 Addl Insured -Section II Only 002922 3123 CITY OF MENIFEE 29714 HAUN RD MENIFEE CA 92586-6540 Policy Number 92-ES-R381-4 Policy Period Effective Date Expiration Date M-23-372C-FA71 F U 12 Months JAN 1 2021 JAN 1 2022 The poly period begins and ends at 12:01 am standard time at a premises location. 'Illll'��I�I��II�II�II�II���II'I��IIII�II�'�111�111�11��'I����I�� Office Policy Named Insured SANTOLUCITO DORE GROUP INC 31600 RAILROAD CANYON RD CANYON LAKE CA 92587-9461 Automatic Renewal - If the policy period is shown as 12 months, this policy will be renewed automatically subjectto the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeeding policy period. If this policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgage e/Lienholder written notice in compliance with the policy provisions or as required by law. Entity: Corporation Reason for Declarations: Your policy is amended JAN 18 2021 ADDITIONAL INSURED ADDED PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT FORM CMP-4786.1 ADDED Endorsement Premium Increase Discounts Applied: Renewal Year Years in Business Protective Devices Sprinkler Claim Record Prepared FEB 18 2021 CMP-4000 025413 290 Al N $ 44.00 © Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2008 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 1 of 6 530-680 e.2 05-31-2011 1oIf32310 DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Office Policy for CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Number 92-ES-R381-4 SECTION I - PROPERTY SCHEDULE Location Location of Limit of Insurance* Limit of Insurance* Seasonal Number Described Increase - Premises Coverage A - Coverage B - Business Buildings Business Personal Personal Property Property 001 STE 100-L No Coverage $ 11,000 25% 31600 RAILROAD CANYON RD CANYON LAKE CA 92587-9462 * As of the effective date of this policy, the Limit of Insurance as snown incivaes any increase in the Hnirt uue w 11111clilu i t,vvCiayu. SECTION I - INFLATION COVERAGE INDE ES Cov A - Inflation Coverage Index: Cov B - Consumer Price Index: SECTION I - DEDUCTIBLES N/A 259.9 Basic Deductible $1,000 Special Deductibles: Money and Securities $250 Employee Dishonesty $250 Equipment Breakdown $1,000 Other deductibles may apply - refer to policy. Prepared 1 2021 © Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2008 FEB FEB 8 00 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. CM 025413 Continued on Next Page Page 2 of 6 StateFarm A DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Office Policy for CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Number 92-ES-R381-4 SECTION _I_- EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE - LIMIT OF INSURANCE - EACH DESCRIBED PREMISES $ The coverages and corresponding limits shown below apply separately to each described premises shown in these Declarations, unless indicated by "See Schedule." If a coverage does not have a corresponding limit shown below, �o but has "Included" indicated, {Tease refer to that policy provision for an explanation of that coverage. LIMIT OF COVERAGE INSURANCE, Accounts Receivable On Premises $50,000 Off Premises $15,000 Arson Reward $5,000 Back -Up Of Sewer Or Drain $15,000 Collapse Included Damage To Non -Owned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Coverage B Limit Debris Removal 25% of covered loss Equipment Breakdown Included Fire Department Service Charge $5,000 Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense $5,000 Forgery Or Alteration $10,000 Glass Expenses Included Increased Cost Of Construction And Demolition Costs (applies only when buildings are 10% insured on a replacement cost basis) Money And Securities (Off Premises) $5,000 Money And Securities (On Premises) $10,000 Money Orders And Counterfeit Money $1,000 Newly Acquired Business Personal Property (applies only if this policy provides $100,000 Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Newly Acquired Or Constructed Buildings (applies only if this policy provides $250,000 Coverage A - Buildings) Prepared FEB 18 2021 © Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance company, 2008 CMP-4000 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission 025414 290 Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 3 of 6 N DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Office Policy for CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Number 92-ES-R381-4 Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Coverage Included Outdoor Property $5,000 Personal Effects (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business $5,000 Personal Property) Personal Property Off Premises $15,000 Pollutant Clean Up And Removal $10,000 Preservation Of Property 30 Days Property Of Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business $2,500 Personal Property) Signs $2,500 Unauthorized Business Card Use $5,000 Valuable Papers And Records On Premises $50,000 Off Premises $15,000 SECTION I - EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE - LIMIT OF INSURANCE - PER POLICY The coverages and corresponding limits shown below are the most we will pay regardless of the number of described premises shown in these Declarations. COVERAGE Dependent Property - Loss Of Income Employee Dishonesty Utility Interruption - Loss Of Income Loss Of Income And Extra Expense LIMIT OF INSURANCE $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - 12 Months Prepared FEB 18 2021 © Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2008 CMP-4000 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc„ with its permission. 025414 Continued on Next Page Page 4 of 6 SfafeFarm DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) n 'we — Office Policy for CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Number 92-ES-R381.4 SECTION II - LIABILITY S LIMIT OF COVERAGE INSURANCE �o Coverage L - Business Liability $1,000,000 Coverage M - Medical Expenses (Any One Person) $5,000 Damage To Premises Rented To You $500,000 LIMIT OF AGGREGATE LIMITS INSURANCE Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Each paid claim for Liability Coverage reduces the amount of insurance we provide during the applicable annual period. Please refer to Section II - Liability in the Coverage Form and any attached endorsements. Your policy consists of these Declarations, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown below, and any other forms and endorsements that apply, including those shown below as well as those issued subsequent to the issuance of this policy. FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS CMP-4101 Businessowners Coverage Form CMP-4786.1 *Addl Insd Owners Lessee Sched CMP-4819.1 Unauthorized Business Card Use FE-6999.3 Terrorism Insurance Cov Notice CMP-4705.2 Loss of Income & Extra Expense CMP-4710 Employee Dishonesty CMP-4709 Money and Securities CMP-4698 Back -Up of Sewer or Drain CMP-4704.1 Dependent Prop Loss of Income CMP-4703.1 Utility Interruption Loss Incm CMP-4788.1 Addl Insd Mgrs Lessor of Prem CMP-4787 Waiver of Trans Rgt of Recov CMP-4260.1 Amendatory Endorsement -CA Prepared FEB 18 2021 © Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2008 CMP-4000 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. 025415 290 Continued on Reverse Side of Page N Page 5 of 6 DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Office Policy for CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Number 92-ES-R381-4 CMP-4261 Amendatory Endorsement FD-6007 Inland Marine Attach Dec * New Form Attached This policy is issued by the State Farm General Insurance Company. Participating Policy You are entitled to participate in a distribution of the earnings of the company as determined by our Board of Directors in accordance with the Company's Articles of Incorporation, as amended. In Witness Whereof, the State Farm General Insurance Company has caused this policy to be signed by its President and Secretary at Bloomington, Illinois. *r., M,�� 400ot- C-.00?,44 Secretary President IMPORTANT NOTICE: California law requires us to provide you with Information for filing complaints with the State Insurance Department regarding the coverage and service provided under this policy. Your agent's name and contact information are provided on the front of this document. Another option is to reach out by mail or phone directly to: State Farm Executive Customer Service PO Box 2320 Bloomington IL 61702 Phone # 1-800-STATEFARM (1.800-782-8332) Department of Insurance complaints should be filed only after you and State Farm or your agent or other company representative have failed to reach a satisfactory agreement on a problem. California Department of Insurance Consumer Services Division 300 South Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 80013 Phone # 1-800-927-HELP (4357) or visit www.inauaance.ca.aov10I-consumers Prepared FEB 18 2021 CMP-4000 025415 290 N © Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2008 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 6 of 6 STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS INLAND MARINE ATTACHING DECLARATIONS Policy Number 92-ES-R381-4 R1 Pa1dS"0' 9TX 75085-3925 Named Insured M-23-372C-FA71 F U SANTOLUCITO DORE GROUP INC 31600 RAILROAD CANYON RD CANYON LAKE CA 92587-9461 S 0 0 ATTACHING INLAND MARINE Policy Period Effective Date Expiration Date 12 Months JAN 1 2021 JAN 1 2022 The poll y period begins and ends at 12:01 am standard time ate premises location. Automatic Renewal - If the policy period is shown as 12 months, this policy will be renewed automatically subjectto the premiums, rules and forms in effectfor each succeeding policy period. If this policy is terminated., we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance with the policy provisions or as required by law. Annual Policy Premium Included The above Premium Amount is included in the Policy Premium shown on the Declarations - Your policy consists of these Declarations, the INLAND MARINE CONDITIONS shown below, and any other forms and endorsements that apply, including those shown below as well as those issued subsequentto the issuance of this policy. Forms, Options, and Endorsements FE-8739 Inland Marine Conditions FE-6271 Amendatory Endorsement FE-8745 Inland Marine Computer Prop See Reverse for Schedule Page with Limits Prepared FEB 18 2021 O Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2008 FD-6007 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. 025416 530-606 a.2 65-31-2611 (o1F3232c) 92-ES-R381-4 ATTACHING INLAND MARINE SCHEDULE PAGE ATTACHING INLAND MARINE ENDORSEMENT NUMBER COVERAGE FE-8745 Inland Marine Computer Prop Loss of Income and Extra Expense Prepared FEB 18 2021 FD-6007 025416 LIMIT OF INSURANCE 25,000 25,000 DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT $ 500 OTHER LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY - REFER TO YOUR POLICY © Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2008 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc„ with its permission. ANNUAL PREMIUM Included Included ;,, 92-ES-R381-4 025417 CMP-4786.1 Page 1 of 2 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY CMP-4786.1 ADDITIONAL INSURED — OWNERS, LESSEES, OR CONTRACTORS (Scheduled) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM SCHEDULE 0 Ls Policy Number: 92-ES-R381-4 0 Named Insured: SANTOLUCITO DORE GROUP INC 31600 RAILROAD CANYON RD CANYON LAKE CA 92587-9461 Name And Address Of Additional Insured Person Or Organization: CITY OF MENIFEE 29714 HAUN RD MENIFEE CA 92586-6540 1. SECTION II — WHO IS AN INSURED of b. If coverage provided to the additional in - SECTION II — LIABILITY is amended to in- sured is required by a contract or agree- clude, as an additional insured, any person or ment, the insurance provided to the organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for `bodily injury' additional insured will not be broader than , "property damage", or "personal and advertis- that which you are required by the contract ing injury caused, in whole or in part, by: or agreement to provide for such addition- al insured; and a. Ongoing Operations c. If the contract or agreement between you (1) Your acts or omissions; or and the additional insured is governed by (2) The acts or omissions of those acting California Civil Code Section 2782 or on your behalf, 2782.05, the insurance provided to the in the performance of your ongoing opera- additional insured is the lesser of that which: tions for that additional insured; or b. Products — Completed Operations (1) Is allowed for the satisfaction of a de- fense or indemnity obligation by Cali - "Your work" performed for that additional fornia Civil Code Section 2782 or insured and included in the "products- 2782.05 for your sole liability; or completed operations hazard". (2) You are required by contract or However, Paragraph 1. above is subject to the agreement to provide for such addi- following: tional insured. a. The insurance afforded to the additional We have no duty to defend or indemnify the insured only applies to the extent permit- additional insured under this endorsement un- ted by law; til a claim or "suit" is tendered to us. ©, Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2013 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. CONTINUED 92-ES-R381-4 025417 CMP-4786.1 Page 2 of 2 2. Any insurance provided to the additional in- sured shall only apply with respect to a claim made or a "suit" brought for damages for which you are provided coverage. 3. With respect to the insurance afforded to the additional insured, the following is added to SECTION II — LIMITS OF INSURANCE: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured will be the lesser of the amount of insurance: a. Required by the contract or agreement; or b. Available under the applicable Limits Of Insurance shown in the Declarations. This endorsement shall not increase the ap- plicable Limits Of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 4. With respect to the insurance afforded to the additional insured, the following is added to Paragraph 3. Duties In The Event Of Occur- rence, Offense, Claim Or Suit of SECTION II — GENERAL CONDITIONS: The additional insured must: a. See to it that we are notified as soon as practicable of an "occurrence" or an of- fense which may result in a claim. To the extent possible, notice should include: (1) How, when and where the "occur- rence" or offense took place; (3) The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the "occur- rence" or offense; b. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to us and to all other insur- ers who may have insurance potentially available to the additional insured; and c. Agree to make available any other insur- ance the additional insured has for de- fense or damages for which we would provide coverage under SECTION II — LIABILITY. 5. With respect to the insurance afforded the ad- ditional insured, the following replaces SEC- TION II —LIABILITY of Paragraph 7. Other Insurance of SECTION I AND SECTION II — COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS: a. This insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured, provided that the additional insured is a named in- sured under such other insurance. b. Regardless of any agreement between you and the additional insured, this insur- ance is excess over any other insurance whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis for which the additional in- sured has been added as an additional in- sured on other policies. There will be no refund of premium in the event this endorsement is cancelled. (2) The names and addresses of any in- jured persons and witnesses; and All other policy provisions apply. CMP-4786.1 ©, Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2013 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.