Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Rider TR34406 800006225SURETY RIDER To be altached to and lorm a part ol Bond No 800006225 TR 34406 Heritage Lake Badoone - Streets, Drainage, Water and Sewer improvements dated etfective Odober 2, 20'19 executed by (ttlOtlTH-DAY-YEAB) L6nnar Hom€s of Califomia. lnc., as Principal, (PRTNCTPALi and by Atlantic Specialty lnsurance Company , as Surety, in lavor Ol City ol Menifee Four Million Nine Hundred Twontyjour Thousand Seven Hundred Fifry & 00/100 ($4,924.750.00) To One Million One Hundrcd Ihree Thousand Frfty & 00/100 ($1.103,050.00) Nothing herein containsd shall vary, alter or extend any provision or condition oI this bond except as herein expressly stated This rider is eflective November 20, 2020 {i,OITTH.DAY.YEAR) Signed and Sealed Decamb€r 22, 2020 (rroNTH-oAY,YEAR) Lennar Homes of Califomia. lnc. By: {PRINCIPAL) Atlantic Specialty lnsurance Company (SURETY) "s I EAL 986By [rechells Larkin, Attorney-in-Fact S-0443/GEEF 10/9S (oatGEE) in mnsideration of the mutual agreements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing The Perfomancc Bond Amount from: (PBINCIPAL) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed thedocument to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy,'or validity of that document. State of California ) )County of Oranqe on lzJzzlz.czn before me,Kathv R. Mair, Notarv Pu blic DATE [Name of Notary Pubtic and TitJe'Notary pubtic] personally appeared MIechelle Larkin IName(s) or S gne(s)l who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/thei+ authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/thei+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal KAIHYR,MAIH NotaryPubli(- Gltfornia 0rangeCouniy Con,rrission 4 2:93166 MyComm.Erp;eJMa) .t, :J:t Signature of Notary Pu c Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document Document Date Number of Pages Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name lvleche lle Larkin Signer's Name ! Corporate Officer - Title(s)! Corporate Officer - Title(s)ntrnI Partner - lnd ivid u al Trustee Other: ! Limiteo n GeneratX Attorney-in-Fact ! Guardian or Conservator Partner - lndividual Trustee Other: ! t-imtteo ! Generat Attorney-in-Fact Guardian or Conservator Signer ls Representing: /t Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: trtrn Signer is Representing: OneBeacon Power of AttorneyIN5URANCE GROUP KNow AIL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, rhat ATLANTIC SPECIATTY INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corporarion wirh its principal office in Plymouth, Minnesota, does herEby constitute and appojnt: Kari Davis, Tenzer V. Cunnin8ham, Brenda Wong, Martha Gonzales, Joaquin Perc2, My Hua, Mechelle Larkin, Kathy R. Mair, each individually if lhere be more than one named, its true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact, to make, €xecute, seal and deliver, for and on its behalf as suery, any shall exceed in amount the sum of: sixty million dolars ($60,000,000) and the execution of sDch bonds, r€cognizances, contacts of indemnity, and all other writin8s obligalory in the nature thercof in pusuance of these presens, shall be as binding upon said Company as if they had been fully sjgned by an authorized officer of the Company and sealed with lhe Company seal. This Power of A$omey is made and executed by authority of the lollowing r€solutions adopted by the Board of Dfectors of ATLANT]C SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY on the twen(y-fifth day of September,2012: Resolved: Ttat the Presidenl any Senior Vice President or Vice-President (each an "Authorized Office/') may exeete for and in behalf of the Company any a-nd all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemniry, and all other writjnBs obligatory in the natur€ tbeEof, and affix the s€al of the Company thereto; and that the Authorized officer may appoint and authorize an Attomey-in-Fact to execute on behalf of the Company any and all such instruments and to affl\ ihe Compa[y seal thereto; and that the Authorized officer may at any time r€move any such Attomey-in-Fact and revoke all power and authority given to any such Attomey-in- Fact. Resolved: That the Attomey-in-Facl may be given full pov/er and authority to execute for and in the name and on behalf of tbe Company any and all bonds, recognizances, conEacts of indemnity, atrd all other writings obligatory in dre naore thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attomey-in-Fact shall be as binding upoo the Compaly as if signed and sealed by an Authorized Officer and, funher, the Attomey-in-Fact is hereby authorized to vedfy aoy aJfidavit required to be attached to bonds, ncognizatrces, conEacts of indemnity, and all other writings obligatory in the natrlle thercof. This power of attomey is signed and sealed by lacsimile under the authority of the following Resolution adopted by tbe Board of Directors of ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPAIIY on the twenty-fiflh day of September, 2012: Resolved: That the signanre of aI! Audorized Officer, fie signatue of lhe Secrptary or the AssistaDt Seoecry, and the Company seal may be alfixed by facsimile to aDy power of attomey or to any ertificate rilatitrg thercto appointing an Attomey-in-Fao for purposes only of executing and sealing ally bond, undertaking, rccognizalce or other ivrite0 obligation in the natuE thercof, and any such signatue and seal \dherc so used, being hereby adopted by the Cornpafly as the origiDal sigDatue of such officer and the odginal seal of the Company, to be valid atrd binding upon th€ Company with fte same foEe and effect as though manualiy affixed. IN W'rfNESS WHEREOF, ATLANTIC SPECIAI-TY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by an Authorized Officer and the seal of the Company to be affix€d this tweDty-ninttr day of Apdl, 2019. By STATE OF MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COL'NTY Paul J. Brehm, Senior vice Presidenr O0 this t\denty-ninth day of April, 2019, before me personally came Paul J. Brehm, SeDior Vice President of ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individual and officer desoibed in and who executed $e preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execulion of the same, and being by me duly swom, that he is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and ihat the seal affixed to the preceding instrumeot is the seal of said Company and that the said seal and the signature as such officer was duly affixed and subscdbed to the said instrument by the authority and at the direction of the Company. Notary Public I, the undeNigned, Secretary of ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPAI.IY, a New York Corporatioo, do hereby certify tbat the foregoing po$/er of attomey is in full force and has oot been r€voked, and the resolutions set forth above arc now in foft:e, signed and sealed. 5"1"d 22nd 6u, of December .2020. O_v/_7/This Power of Attomey expires January 3l, 2023 Christopher V. Jerry, Seoetary ffi# MANDALYAM{ I.AMERE NOTARY PUBUC " ]{T'INESOTA [,ly colrxrHim Erpros Juruuy 3l, m23 1986 'SEAL 1986