Zieders Rd Business Park Inc. & Commerce Pointee II Menifee Inc. Continuation Certificate K09122084!q CONTIN UATION CERTIFICATE Premium Amount: $1.130.00 The Westchegter Fire lnsurance Comoany (hereinafter called the Surety) hereby continues in force its Bond t{o. rogt2zo84 in the sum of 9ne Million Five Hundred Eiohtv Seven Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($1.5s7.000.00) Dollars, on behalf of Zieders Rd Business Park lnc & Commerce Pointee ll Menifee lnc in favor of City of Menifee subject to all the conditions and terms thereof through November 18, 2021 at location of risk. This Continuation is executed upon the express condition that the Surety'sliability shall not be cumulative and shall be limited at all times by the amount of thepenalty stated in the bond. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has caused this instrument to be signed byits duly authorized Attomey-in-Fact and its corporate sealto be hereto affixed this6 day of october,2a2o. ( T. Thorsen Attorney-in-Fact CALIFORNIA ALI.PU NPOSE ACKNOTVLEDGMENT clvtL coDE g 1189 A notary public orother officer completing this cert,ficate verlfies only the identity ofth individual whosignedtowhichthiscertificateis thedocumentattached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California )County of Los On e k zo Dote before me,Sonia Vizcarrondo,Notary Public Here lnsert Nome ond Ti{e of the Officerpersonally appeared Margareta T. Thorsen Nome(s) of Signe(s) SONIA VIZCARRONDO Notary Public - California Los Angeles County Commission I 2256337 My Comm. Expirs5 lsp 24,2017 Plae Notory Seol ond/or Stomp Above I certlfy under PENALry OF pER URy under thelaws of the State of California that the foregoingparagraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and offlcial seal. Signature OPTIONAL Signoture Notory Public Completing this infonnotion con deter olbrotion of the document orfraudurent reottachment of this form to on unintenied docu^"nt Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document; Document Date: 0 lndividual tr Trustee NumberofPages:_ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capaeitlr(les) Clalmed by Signo(s) Signer's Name: tr Corporate Officer - Tlfle(s): El Partner - o Limited El General Signer's Name: El Corporete Offtcer - Tiile(s):tr Partner- E Limlted tr Generaltr lndividusl tr Trustee tr Afiorney in Facto Guardian of Conservator tr Attorney an Facttr Guardian of Conservatortr Other:D other:Signer is Representing a 02017 National Notary Association Slgner is Representing: E H IJEI EI Power of Auorney Westchester Fire Insurance Company I ACE American Insurane Company Know All by The'e hesetrts, thar IflESIICIIBSItsR FIIE INSTRANCB COUP Ny and AG AMEnIC.AN II{SIIRANCB @MpAI{y corporaduE of the Commonwea}th ofPennsylvania, do €ech hereby cansdrute and appoint Margar€ta T. Thorsen of pasadena, califomia each I their true and lawful Attorneyin-Fact to execute urder such designaion ln theh names and to affix their corporaE seab to and deliver for and on theh behalf as sumy instruments amendingordterlngthe same, and onsents to the modtfication or alteration of any inmument referted to in sald bonds or obligations. Is mto.t Wb€Eot WESTCX{ESTER FIRE IIISI RAI{CE CllMPAl{Y and ACE AMERICAN Ii{SURAJVCB COIIIPANY have eacb erecued and atte*ed these prssrts ard amxed theircorponte seals on this l7t day of May, 2OD. Surrn--Yn. eruo,tsf ItN.n \l llhk fi h..\sl{rnr sNrd:tD Sttphr,n \l ll:nt1. \ r'e lt'tsdtnr STATE OF NEWJERSEY CountyofHunterdon ss' On this l?t day of May, 2O19, before me. a l,lotary Public of New Jersey, personally came Dawn I,t- Chloms, ro me knowr to be Assismm secretary of WESTCHESTER FIREINSURANCE COMPANY and ACE AMERICAN INSI'RAIICE COMPANY, the companirs which executed ttre foregoing Power of Anorney, and the said Dawn M. Chloros, belng by meduly swom, did depme and say that she is Assistanl s€cretary of WBS'ICHESTER FIRE INsunANCE coMpAtly and ACE AII{ERJCAN INSURANCE COMPANY and knows the by authority ofsald Companies and in deponent's presence. Ncnarial Seal hosE crrm6lo'TiYAA.ECEVEY r5.5txr72{x)Crrr-riEr]t'-tael CERIIFICATION \lrr)- l|ullk Resolutions adopted by the Boards of Dlrectors of WESTCHESTER FIPG INSIIRANCE coMPANY on txcember lL 2o06 ; ACE AMEtr|ICAN INSLRANCE COMPANY on March 2o,2009: enttred into in the ordinary mrw of budffi (adr a .Wriftfl CmitrnBfi) Eadr cf On Chalmm $e prsld€Rt ed fte vice Pmldffits o{ theCsrpanybtrefu eurhorlzd tosuramyutrittscocm&mnt fmmdmbetufof thegffi$Bny,urderrheffil of the Company d otlrcrwbe. Eadr duly appointed attom€y{n{ad of the company is hereby au6orized to qeare any wrfim Commitmenr for md on betrafi of the company, unds rhe real of the company qro(hffiis, to tle extml tlat sch acion b auttnrired by the grmr of poweB pmvided ft)r ln $dl peMn's wrltten appolntmeil s sudt attomey-iFhct F:dl of the chalrm, the Pcdd$t ard th€ vie Pmidmts d the curpary is lueby audtrixl, for ed m betutrof dE qxnperry. to appoint in wrltirg $y pemn the anomy.ln{ad of ttE Cmparry wlth frrll porE andautluitytoerete fr ad m bdnfoftheCosrpary, rEds tr mtofmco4anycoitr**t*,ruOwritrcl|cmtrlftIrr]rsdrhe Company s my be spec{ed ln sdt wrtten appoimHr, which +ecifiedoo my be by tEEal type tr das of wdsm cmmlttneils a by specific*bn of ffi o mrc pardolarWritts Commitmelrts Eadr of tlE chairlm' dE k6ldeil and the vlce Presldents of ttEcffilpanyishqebyuthorlred,forardmbrtEtrd0Ecompany,Ddelegatelnwridrgtoanyorheromerofrhecmpeny the authortty to exmte, for and m b€tElf of *le cotrpenyl urder tE compan,'s sd m odErwhe $ch wrtnEn CsffnitmeftB of dle compsny as are sped[ed tn sudrutnmdelegation'whidlspedfiethn my be by geneml t1'peor clasof wriften commhmsts u fspcificatlonof mcmrelardohrwrimencommlfimnb- TtE signature of any offer or oths perm ex@dtE ey wrlnen commhment or appointment u delegatbn puMr to thls RmludtrL ard the sal of dr Compmy, my be aftxed byfaccdb m sudr Wrinm corudtnent tr r'rlnen appdrfimdrt u &legation. FURTHERRES0LVED' that ttf, forqDtng Rsdutton stult nol bedmdtobeaerctrsiwcaffintoftlrcporvesandsrhortrydoffie6employeesandotlwpdffitoadftrar6mbehafof the Compaty, ad sidr Reslutbn stul nd lldt or ctrrwie affec the exad* of :ny rucb powc r auhor&y atmrise vdldly grs*ed d r€caed.. L Dawn M. Chloras' Assistant Secr€[ary of WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPAT{Y and ACE AMERICAN INSURANCECOMPA Iy (ttrc'Companies) do hereby certig thar(D the foregoing Resolutions adopred by the Board of Direaors ofthe Companies are tru€, corect and in fr.rll force and effecr,(il) the forcgoing Power of Anorney b true conect end in full force andeffect Given under my handandseals of said CompantesatWhftehouse$arion, NJ, this Q6[6[g f 6, 2020 Cur^:xYn. ghio^s( #r*r'd\- ilrL {/r,,1,^, (l) e) o) (4) (s) WFIC- AAIC (rav. 08-18) Ito,n U (:hk,t1h. .\N{rnt :NrdJr} IN THEEVENT TIIIS SOND OR NOIIFY US OF AtrY PI.I]A.SE CONTAC'T US AT: ffiep