PacTen Partners, LLC Continuation Certificate K09122102VERIFICATION CERTIFICATE FOR INDEFINITE TERM SURETY BOND THIS IS TO CERTIIry that Bond No. K09122102 issued by Westchester Fire Insurance Comnanv, in the amount of Two Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Dollars and 00/100 Dollars ($264.000.00), on behalf of pacTen Partners. LLC (as Principal), and in favor of Dept of the Armv Corps of Engineers (as Obligee) , covers I renewal term which begen on the 19 day of November , M, and ends only with the cancellation of said bond or atler l€'gd ttrnination ttereof; md thrt the said bond rernains in e{Tect, su}ject to rtl itr aflroentcnts, conditions and limitations. Signed. sceled and deted* (enter below)Westcherter Fire Insurance Compenv Attorney-in-Fact rc!6na2a*Use current or renewal date. CALIFORNIA ALL-PU RPOSE AC KNOUTLEDGMENT clvlL coDE g 1189 A notary pubtic orother officer completing this certificate verifies onlythe identity of the individualwhosigned the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validfu of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles on (s tr" (zc ) Dste before ms, 9onia Vizcanondo, Notary Public Here lnsert Nome ond Tiile of the Officer personally appeared Margareta T. Thorsen Nome(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis. of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribedto the within instrument and acknowledged tb rne that he/she/they execui6d the same in'his/heritheirauthorized capacity(ies), and that by hislherAheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entityupon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrumenl SONIA VIZCARRONDO Notary Publlc . Califsrnia Los Angeler Countv Commissjon d ZZJrilT B Partner- tr Limited tr General E lndividual tr Attorney in Facttr Trustee o Guardian of Conservator tr Other: Signer is Representing: I cenry under PENALTY OF PER URY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct WITNESS my hand and official seal. El Corporete Officer - Title(s): tr Partner- tr Limited tr General tr lndividual tr Attorney in Facttr Trustee p GuardianofConservator tr Other: 2 l.ty Comm. Expiret sep 24, 7072 Signature. P/dce Notory Seol ond/or Stqmp Above Notory Public OPTIONAL Completing this informatlon can deter olterotion of the document arfraudulent reottochment of this form to an unintended documenl Description of Attached Document DocumentDate: _ Numberof pages:_ Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name;Signer's Name:tr Corporate Officer - Tifle(s): @2017 National Notary Association Signer is Representin g: r: \ -ir u El Et Power of Afforney Westchester Fire Insurance Company I ACE American Irsurarrce Company Know All by ltese hesent$ that WESICHBSIB FInE INSURANCE COMPANY and ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE OOMPAI{Y corporarions ofthe Conunonweahh of Pennsylvania.doeachherebyconsUtuteendappolnt Margareta T. Thorsen of Pasadena, Califomia instrumens amending or altering the same, and consenB to the modificatlon or alterarion of any instrument referred to in seid bonds or obligarions. In Wlless lt/her€of, WESTCHESTER FIRE II{S[.]RAJVCE COMPANYand ACE AMERICAN INSURINCE COMPAI{Y have erch executed and atested rhese preents and afnxed rh€ir corporate seals on this 17t day of May, 2019. Suurr--tn. eruot.sf ltrv.tt \l t lhlr rr n .\\l:l:[tt \NI!{:lr}\t(Ih!il \l ll:rnt1 . l re lfttsdr-nt STATE OF NEWJERSEY CountyofHunterdon ss- On this 17t day of May, 2O19, before rn€, a }{otary Public of New Jersey, personally carDe Dawn M. Chloros, to nre known to b€ Asskmnt Secretary of WESTCHESTER FIRE INSLJRANCE COMPANY and ACE AMBRJCAN INSLTRAI{CE COMPANY, the companles whhh execu.ed the foregping Porryer of Attorney, and the said Dawn M. Chloros, being by me duly sworn, did depce and say that she is Assistant SecaeEry of WES"TCHESTER FIRE INSURANCD COMPANY and ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANV and knows the corporate seals thereof, that the seals dllxed to the fcegring Power of Attomey are such corporate seals and were thereto afflxed by authorlty of sdd Compafiles; and thet she sdd Companl€$ and that the s@ature of Stephen fr- Haney, $$scriH to said Pouer of Attorney is in the genuine handrriting of Stephen M. Hrney, and was therrto srrtucrfbed by auhorhy of sdd Companles and in deponent's Ftsence. Norarial Seal ROSE CURTISION'YFAEEIEwJTEEI h.5{D72400Cor{rtbarrhlr a, aGA \'t:U l\rllr CERTIflCAUON Rcsolutions adryted by the Boards of Direcrors of WESITCHESTER FIRE INSURAN(E COMPANY on Deember lI, 2O(X : ACE AMERJCAN INSURANCE COITIPANY on March 20, 2(X)9: entsed into in fie ordinary olffi of budm (6dr a'Wrins Comiurent-) 0) Eadt of ttE chalm, tE Prsldern ad the vhe Pmdene of dleCompanyhlEby authorlred tos@tedrywrhtacffMritmr fsardmbdraf,ofthccoilpEry.undtrttrffil of the ComFny or otherwls. (2) Eadt duty appointed attornty.in{act of the Company is hereby auttlsked to qmte any wrltrs CommftrEnt for ild on behaf of the Company, under the eal of the cmpeny or orherwis, to the extmr $at $ch adm b authorized by fte gmt of porem prcvlded for in sdr pemn's wrl[en appointmenr as srdl antrney-L]AcL (3) Eadl of ttn chairmaru dt PrECdslt ard th€ vie Prgidmts sf thecomparrytshgrbyauthciad,forardon behatrofth€Comparry,toappointinmiting sy pemo ttr aromey. iDfad of the Cdnpany wlth fr.rll pow andauthtritytoexdte, for md m bdEf,ofthecmpany, unds tlE sdoftheconpanynotlEqdp.$dlwrice{lcofimitlrIlsoft€ Compeny I may be specned in q"h wlnen appdnmeil, whlcb spediedm my be by gpmal rype q .t"* d wdtreo Cmtmnrs s by sptrjft:tim of orE or mre trardfllarWdus Comdtmems. (4) Eadl of the Chairmn, the Prexuent and the Vlce Pmldenb of tlECompanytshffibyaurhorlad,forandonb€hatrof theConpany,bdelegakinwrltlngtoanyo&eroffierof rhe Company the audrorlty to umte, for ild m Hralf of $e Compsny, under the CoEpilys *al or othwise, srch Wrttten CorlmitrlEnts d the Cornpsny as are speciied in sch written delegatbn. whldt spedfotion my be by geneml type or clas of wrltten comitmnts or by specfrcatbn of om tr me perdolar wrimn commitEEnrs. (5) The siSmtureof any oflsoroths person uecudrEmy wrtren CryunImnttr appdnftEfi wdelegftbnplrss* to ftis RmludfrL ard th€sl dthe Compeny, my be afrxed by&cdntb m srdr Wrln€n Cotrmlultstt G wl6m app*rrmrt r daleg2dm. Fl.rBTltEB REsoLvED, ttut ttr futgolrg Resdudm *uU nd be dffid o be m erctrlre semt of the porves and ardnrlty of dcrs, mploym ,rd drer p6soc to act fa atd m betraf of the Company, and udl Rmlutlon shdl mt lltr{t fr otbillse afiecr tr exscix of my sctl pcffitr tr aurhoriry ottrerute vdidly gnnted tr Bted- I, Dawn [1" Chlorm, Assistant Sl€oetary of WESTCHESrcR FIRE INSLJRANCE COMPAM and ACE AMERICAN INLjRANCE COMPANY (dte 'Compani€s") do hercby cerrif that (t) the foregoing Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors ofthe Companles are true' correct and In fi:ll force and effect,(ii) the foregoing Power of Atromey b true, correct and in full force and effect Given urder my hand and seals of said Companies ar Whirehouse Statk n, NJ, rhis Q6fg[g I 6, 2020 Duurr-rin. A$.ICIl-e( *r^pr^d-- (rzt ( ,.* , WFIC- AAIC (rfl. @18) [\N,n U I :hli{(h..\sls:lnt \:rLtlu} IN THE TO llIIS BOND OR NOflIry US OF AJ\Y OTHFT, MAI'|ER PLEASE CONT @ffirs, ffi(:$