Commerce Pointe ll Menifee, Inc. Continuation Certificate K09277948CONTIN UATION CERTIFICATE
Premium Amount: $3,339.00
The Westchester Fire lnsurance Company (hereinafter called the Surety)
hereby continues in force its Bond No. K09277948 in the sum of
Four Hundred Sixty Eiqht Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Six Dollars and 30/100
($468.636.30) Dollars, on
behalf of Commerce Pointe ll Menifee, lnc. a California corporation
in favor of City of Menifee
subject to all the conditions and terms thereof through Mav 3. 2021 at location of risk.
This Continuation is executed upon the express condition that the Surety's
liability shall not be cumulative and shall be limited at all times by the amount of the
penalty stated in the bond.
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has caused this instrument to be signed by
its duly authorized Attorney-in'Fact and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this
6 day of April, 2020.
Ma T. Thorsen Attorney-in-Fact
State of Californla
County of Los Angeles
on Ylc'1*before rne,M Here ln*ttNama and Tile of tfie Ofrcet
cML CODE5l{89
personally appeared T. Thorsen
Nane(s) of Slgner{s)
orofierpubllcAnoEry thilsiertiffcabwrlfiesofficercompletng onlyfieldentty oftheindividual thewhosigned documentwhichtocertifcaiethlslshotandaEached,fte ortrrthfulness,accurscy,ofthatvalldity doarmenl
Notary Public - California
Los Angeles Countv
Commission I ZZSOill
I certtff under PEI{ALTY OF pER. L,Ry under thelar,6 of the State of Caffomb thet the br€gotngparagraph Is true and corect
WTNESS my hand and ofictalseal.
l,{y Comm. Erpires Sep 24,2022
Ptace N&ry Seol qzilor S:lriaW Abow
Slgnoturc Pubtlc
@mplating thls ln{annaton wn delar atbtatiotz af the dar:un:rent arfmdurent rcottadment of tfis bm b an uninhnded dw;;;{
Descrip8oa af Alrteched Documcnt
Signer(s) OtrerThan Named Above:
Tltle or Tlpe of Document
d lndMdualtr Trustee
capadfiles) claimed by Slgnedsl
Slgner's NamE: MaEarcta T. Tho$cn
tr Corporate Officer - Tltte(s):tr Partner- B Umtted o General
Slgnefs Name:
tr corporste
El Partner -tr lndlvlduel
Officer-tr Limtted trE Attomey ln Fact
tr Gulrdlan of Consennbr
trl Attomq/ h Factn Guardlan d Conserrntortr Trusteetr Qthen
Slgner ls Representng:&xnmruSr rralrr Slgner ls Represenfing:
tr Othen
@2017 Natlonal Notary Assocla{on
Power of Attorney
Westchester Fire lnsurance Company I ACE American lrx;urance Company
Knov Nl by fhec Preffi, that WBSICHESBR FIRB IN$rIANCB mUPAt{Y urd ACB AMEAICAN INSITRAi{(ts OOMPAT{Y corporadons of thc Commonwcalrh of
Itnnsylvania. do each hereby constitute and apfnint Margareta T. Thorsen of Pasadena, California
instruments amending or allering the same, and consents to the modilkation or alteration of any instrument rcferred to in said bonG or obligations.
In mmeo Whereot WESTCIIES'I'ER FIRE INSURANCE COMI'AIiY and ACE AMERICAN INSURANCfi COMI)ANY havc cach exccuted and attested thesc plesents and aflixed thcir
corporate seals on this lF day of Mry,2[119.
SUurr- ff\. e}rlo/L"s(
l\'U"n \l ( ihk|rrn. j\\trtilt)tSt(t(1:il]\tullhor \l ll:rnr'1 . \ tct l,ttrtdcnt
Uruntyof tlmterdon s\
On thb l?' day of liry, 2[tr9, beforc rre, a I'lotar Public of New Jersey, personally came Dawn M. Chloroq to me known ro be Asshrant Secroar of wE;II)tElrBR FlRt
INSURANCE COMI'ANY and ACE AMERICAN 1NSURANCL COMPANY, the companie; which cxcruted the foreSoing Power of Attorney, and ttr, said Dawn M- Chloros, being by me
duly swom, did deXrse and say that she is Asslstant Secretary of WllSlullS'l'tiR IrIRE INSURANCE COMPANY and ACII AMtiRtCAN INSURANCE COMpANY and knows the
by afihority ofsaid Companies and in deponent's prtrence.
Notarial Seal
TJBtf,(rI'€T JBEFVlt.500?2,m0ffi[tdrrbmr 22.at22 tfu- (,*
\rrrry l\rlirc
Resolutiorls adopted by the &xrds of Dhellors of WESTCIIESTI{{ FIRII INSURANCE COMPANY on December ll. 2OO6 ; ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY on March 20,
entsed ioto in the ordlnary ouNof busines (ech a'Written Commitment"I
O Each of the chalmBn. fte ttsident and the Vie PresllenB of the Oompany ic hereby authorird to qeflte any wri(en commitmnt fm md on behalf of the cornlEny, under the
sal ofthe C0mpeny or others{se.
(2) Eadl duly apfninied attorney-in.lhct of the Cmlnny is hereby authorized to exeole any Writtm Commitmnt fff ard on behalf of the Comprny, unds the *d of the CmtEny or
o{hswir, to the extml tha( sch acdon b aullndzed by the granr of powem pmvided for in sdr fpmn's witten appointmeni as sdr anomylrfacr.
(3) Eadl of the Chaimran, the President and the vie PBidmts of the Company is hereby authmired" for and on behalf of the Company. ro apFnint in uritirE any fEmn dE anorncy-irfao of the &mpany wilh full pnwm andauthoritytoeKte ftr and on behalFof the(bmpany, uder the *alofthe(nn{xnyorothswis,sudlWrinen(rmitmntsoflhe
Company as may be sfrcified in sch u'ritten appointmt. $fiich s?eciliadon may he try genml ty6 or das of Wdnen Commirmnts or by spcifmtion of one or mre ;nnimlarWritten Colmitmnts.
(4) Eact of the Chaimn, the tt6idenl and the vie Prcidflts of theftmpanyishsetyau*prizql,forandonlrhalfoftheCompany,iodeleEateinwdtingtoanyotheromcrofrhe
Cmpany dre authorlty to exeote, for and on behalf of dre Cmpany, under the Compmy s sd or otherube. such Wrirten Cmmitments of the Company s are spedned in sdr
writtendek4Fti(m,whichSectrlcatkln may be try {|eneBl r}fEor clasof Wrinen Comitments or bysfKificationofoneormrefrartiolarwrittenComitmnts
(5) The sigmture of any olier or other pemn exmti]{t any Written Commitment or appointment or dehgatk n pusunt to this Raolution. and the rd of the Company, may lE alllxed tty
facsimlle on sudt Wrinen (hmmitment or wriften apfnintlmt or delqBtton.
the (lompany, and suct Rmlutbn shau no( limlt or otherulr affect the exerclr of any $ch [nwer or aurhority otheRise validly gmnred or vested.'
l. Dawn M. Chlor()s, Assistant Seoetary of WESTCIIIJSI'ER t'lRE INSURANCI, COMI,ANY and ACE AMERTCA\ INSURANCIi COMPA,\Y (he 'Omponies) do hereby ceniry rhar
(D the foregoing Res{iluions adopted by the Board of Diredors of the Companies are truc, correct and in firll force and effccr,(ii) the foregoing Power of Attomcy b true, correct and in Rrll lbrce and el[e,ct.
GirenLurdermyhandandseabofsaidCompaniesarwhirehousestarion,NLttrisflpfi] 6,2020
ffi€$0uulr--Tn e!\fol-e(
I \l I :ltk 11 ^. .\syslJnt \\t'r{:rt}
Ielepbane(!Xl8)9O1I3'193 [rr1908)9O3-3656