2021-02-17 City Council Item No. 11.2 Public Comment - Conti REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Rachel Kleinpeter
From:Fabio Conti <fabio@mercatodelsole.shop>
Sent:Wednesday, February 17, 2021 2:39 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:False alarm fees.
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Dear Menifee City Council,
AS a property owner and resident of this fine city, thank you for creating a program where as a party owner the PD will
have up‐to‐date information on all businesses and residents should an issue arise where the safety of others is in
concern. Furthermore, from some one who has experience with other cities and this type of program, I am glad to see
the more than reasonable rates for administering this important program. The registration amount is very fair, as is the
renewal costs. I am glad to see that our city and PD is business friendly and keeping the residents overhead in mind
when making policy decisions.
Menifee’s biggest fan,
Fabio Conti / Conti Santi Properties
Menifee, California
323 363 8677 fabio@mercatodelsole.shop