2021-01-20 City Council Item No. 5.1 Public Comment - Ashley REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCOMMENTS ON RON SULLIVAN
In the year 2003 Ron Sullivan was appointed by the EMWD’s Board to replace me
as Director representing the Menifee-Perris area. Ron was elected and re-elected
during 4 subsequent elections serving a total of 18 years. EMWD is the largest
water district in the Inland Empire representing about 825,000 people within a
555 square mile service area.
Previously Ron served on the Riverside County Planning Commission for many
years representing Kay Ceniceros’s 3rd District at the same time I was serving on
the Planning Commission representing Supervisor Norton Younglove’s 5th District.
From time I first met Ron we became close friends, even more so now. Being
Ron’s friend is easy. He is highly intelligent, able, friendly, helpful, interested and
caring both about his friends and associates but particularly his community and
Ron has accomplishments are legion and important which made possible the
steady and well-balanced growth throughout the area and the District over the
last 18 years. The Quail Valley and Perris sewer projects, water supply, water
quality, conservation projects, desalters, reclaimed water distribution system,
expansion of water treatments facilities and expansion of the wastewater
treatment plants and much more.
In addition to all of that, Ron represented EMWD on the Santa Ana Water Project
Authority (“SAWPA”) serving as its president. He also made and endured regular
visits to Washington DC on behalf of EMWD that resulted in millions and millions
of dollars in new money for new projects to serve this Community and the area