2021-01-20 City Council Item No. 10.12 Public Comment - Slater REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:Don Slater
To:Public Comments; Bill Zimmerman
Subject:bike lane/bike trail
Date:Monday, January 18, 2021 12:46:52 PM
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Should have spent a few more dollars of that Measure DD money to continue the bike laneon southbound Murrieta Rd all the way to the Salt Creek Trail instead of leaving it as a"death trap" for bike riders...Good golly miss molly, without warning, riders are forced into traffic passing the waterreclamation facility. Beware…
The Salt Creek bike trail is a great addition to Menifee. Special thanks to:
Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District
Riverside County Transportation Departmentand the Federal Highway Administration Air Quality Improvement Program
The only negative is the incredibly long wait for the signals to change.
I timed the wait one-time at 60 seconds… 60 seconds, that’s insane…..
I hope they finish all 16 miles before I get too old to ride it… Please hurry…..