2020/08/12 IDS Group, Inc. CIP19-16 Lazy Creek, Amendment 1, change to term of service and design DocuSign Envelope ID:5D80D4E4-758D-4070-982E-754F6060A1C8
This is Amendment No. 2 to that certain AGREEMENT for Professional Services
Agreement ("Agreement") made on October 17, 2018 by and between the City of Menifee ("City")
IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT which Amendment is made and entered into on August 12, 2020
20-10 to extend the term of the agreement and modify/update the scope of work as indicated
1. Section 1.1, "Term of Services" is amended to read as follows:
1.1 Term of Services. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the October
17, 2018 and shall end on December 31, 2020 unless the term of the Agreement is
otherwise terminated or extended as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to
Consultant to complete the services required by this Agreement shall not affect the
City's right to terminate the Agreement, as provided for in Section 8.
Section 2. Exhibit A, Scope of Services is supplemented/updated to include
Amendment No. 2 - Exhibit A: Additional Services: Architectural Design/Engineering
Services for the Lazy Creek Recreation Center Improvements Project, which is attached
as Exhibit A hereto. "Amendment No. 2- Exhibit A: Additional Services: Architectural
Design/Engineering Services for the Lazy Creek Recreation Center Improvements
Project" is not intended to replace the original Exhibit A to the Agreement, but instead to
update/modify the scope of work the original Exhibit A to the Agreement.
2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.
DocuSign Envelope ID:5D80D4E4-758D-4070-982E-754F6060A1C8
DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by:
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Professional Services Amendment No.2 with IDS GROUP INC
DocuSign Envelope ID:5D80D4E4-758D-4070-982E-754F6060A1C8
Amendment No. 2- Exhibit A: Additional Services: Architectural
Design/Engineering Services for the Lazy Creek Recreation Center Improvements
Professional Services Amendment No.2 with IDS GROUP INC
DocuSign Envelope ID:5D80D4E4-758D-4070-982E-754F6060A1C8
May 18,2020
City of Menifee
29714 Haun Road
Menifee,California 92596
Attn: Jonathan Nicks
SUBJECT: RFP No.2018-7—Additional Services:Architectural Design/Engineering Services for the
Lazy Creek Recreation Center Improvements Project
Dear Jonathan:
IDS Group(IDS)is pleased to submit our Additional Services Proposal to supplement
our Original Proposal to provide architectural design and engineering services for the City of
Menifee's Lazy Creek Recreation Center Improvements. The rationale for the additional
services originates from the evolution of the project from a remodel and small addition to
the existing recreation center into a separate building and remodel of the existing building.
The original concept would not have involved the extensive requirements as a new
independent building requires. However, the benefits as agreed by the city to this design
option provided a means for the city to keep in operation the existing center without
interrupting services for the community on the front and back end of the project.The phasing
of the project allows the new building to be constructed and once completed the existing
building can be renovated. The functions in the existing center will move into the new
building allowing a virtual transfer with minimal interruptions.
We submitted the project for building plan check to the building department which
has subsequently required civil engineering plans to be completed as a requirement for
permit approval and construction.The existing utilities cannot be documented via existing
records or as built plans.This will require site investigation and survey at an above ground
type of service.Due to lack of information,the utility design will be subject to field verification
and tie into existing utilities.
We have also incorporated into the design supplemental structural, mechanical,
plumbing, and electrical engineering to accommodate the expanded scope of the project.
Due to the addition of a new building, these design services required additional
1 Peters Canyon Road,Suite 130,Irvine California 92606 ♦ T:949.387.8500 ♦ F:949.387.0800 ♦ www.idsgi.com
Professional Services Amendment No.2 with IDS GROUP INC
DocuSign Envelope ID:5D80D4E4-758D-4070-982E-754F6060A1C8
Phase Fee
Task 5:Civil Design
5a.Conduct a Topographic Su rvey-$3,000
We will conduct a field survey of the project site to gather
additional fine topographic data that could be used to prepare
additional civil site plans. The survey will be based on a local
control system since the project is small,and the survey will be
limited to the area where the location of the building is to be
placed inclusive of where electrical utility connections may be
located. The survey will show the topographic features of the site
such as curb,gutter,pavement,and drainage systems. The existing
utilities will also be plotted from existing as built records. The data
gathered from our field survey will be used to generate a
topographic base map that can be used to prepare,civil engineering
and site electrical plans.
5b.Prepare a Precise Grading Plan-$6,000
We will prepare a precise grading plan to facilitate the development
and construction of the new building. The plan will showthe
proposed building,drive aisles,hardscape,drainage patterns,and
other surficial site improvements. The grading plan will provide a
title sheet,plan view grading sheets,a detail sheet,a horizontal
control sheet,and an erosion control sheet.The plan will be
completed at a scale that allows for the greatest amount of detail $15,000
and will be completed to City standards.
5c.Water Plan(Private On-Site)-$3,000
We will prepare a water plan for the proposed onsite water line and
fire line improvements that will service the development. The plan
will provide precise elevations,construction notes,details,water
piping,meter and service connection,and all necessary
appurtenances. The plan will also show the fire lateral from the
point of connection to a location outside the building in thevicinity
of the fire riser within the building.We will coordinate with the
Public Utility Agency to determinethetype of service best suited
for this development and geographical location of the city. The
plan will be formatted to the local Utility Agency standards.
5d.Sewer Plan(Private On-Site)-$3,000
We will prepare a plan for the private sanitary sewer proposed to
service the development. The plan will provide precise elevations,
sanitary sewer piping,clean outs,connections to the city main,and
manholes.The plan will be shown in a plan view only;a profile will
not be provided since it is not required by the city.The scale of the
plan will be formatted to meet the city's requirements.
1 Peters Canyon Road,Suite 130,Irvine California 92606 ♦ T:949.387.8500 ♦ F:949.387.0800 ♦ www.idsgi.com
Professional Services Amendment No.2 with IDS GROUP INC
DocuSign Envelope ID:5D80D4E4-758D-4070-982E-754F6060A1C8
Task 6:Architectural Design
6a.Scope:Remodel Existing Building"Bldg A"Remodel with
Interior non-structural plan changes:Adding DJ Tech Roam and
remodeling new offices and new entry location with reception area
and lobby. $4,120
6b. Added Scope : New Building 'Bldg B" Approx 2,178 SF of new
construction including two meeting rooms,server,storage room,and
two single occupancy restrooms.
Task 7:Structural Design
7a.Scope revision includes scope removal of addition to existing
"Bldg A" $10,000
7b.Added Scope:New Building"Bldg B"Approx 2,178 SF
Task 8:MPE Design
8a.Updated Design for"Bldg A"
1.Relocated existing registers and electrical power plan as
required $5,000
8b.New Design for"Bldg B" Approx 2,178 SF
1.New HVAC system
2.New Electrical System
IDS Additional Services Total $34,120
Credit IDS Original Civil Fee -$13,110
*Remove IDS Original Construction Services Fee -$21,010
IDS Additional Service Subtotal Fee $0.00
IDS Original Total $138,000
New IDS Revised Total $138,000
Please feel free to contact John Silber,AIA,if you have any questions or concerns relating to our Fee Proposal.
*Due to Construction Services being removed and replaced,a proposal will be requested prior to project construction.
IDS up,Inc.
Jo Silber,AM
P ncipal Architect
1 Peters Canyon Road,Suite 130,Irvine California 92606 ♦ T:949.387.8500 ♦ F:949.387.0800 ♦ www.idsgi.com
Professional Services Amendment No.2 with IDS GROUP INC