2019/02/13 Menifee Multifamily, LLC Landscape and Irrigation improvements 0 AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS This AGREEMENT FOR PARK AND LANCAff IMPROVEMENTS ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the Z of -n019, by and between the CITY OF MENiFEE, a California municipal corporation, ("City") and MENIFEE MULTIFAMILY, LLC ("Landowner"). WITNESSETH 1. Landowner and Developer, for and in consideration of the approval of a minor plot plan to install and maintain all landscape, hardscape and irrigation for the Menifee Town Center Apartments (Artesa) in DA3 of the Menifee Town Center in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, California, as shown on Exhibit L of Plot Plan 2018-115 (the "Property"), agrees, at Landowner's own cost and expense, to furnish all labor, equipment, and material necessary to perform and complete all landscape, as it relates to the landscape and irrigation improvements. Landowner also agrees that it shall maintain for a period of twelve (12) months after its Building Permit has been issued or as otherwise required by City's Community Development Director in a good and workmanlike manner, all those landscape and irrigation improvements in accordance with those landscape and irrigation plans for the development of said entitlement which have been approved by City's Community Development Director, and are on file in the Office of the City of Menifee Community Development Department,and to do all work incidental thereto in accordance with the standards set forth in Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 9.86 and Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04, which are expressly made a part of this Agreement, which are attached hereto as Exhibit A to this Agreement. All of the Landscape shall be done under the inspection of and, to the satisfaction of, City's Community Development Director and shall not be deemed complete until approval of the final inspection is made by City's Community Development Director. The estimated cost of the work is TWO MILLION FOUR-HUNDRED SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE-HUNDRED FORTY-NINE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS„($2,462,349.50). 2. Landowner agrees to pay to City the actual cost of such inspections of the Site work as may be required by City's Community Development Director. Landowner and City further agree that if suit is brought upon this Agreement or any security guaranteeing the completion of the Site work, all reasonable costs, expenses. and fees incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligations shall be paid by Landowner including reasonable attorneys' fees, and that upon entry of judgment, such costs, expenses, and fees shall be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. 3. To the fullest extent permitted by law (including, without limitation, California Civil Code Sections 2782 and 2782,6), Landowner shall defend (with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to City), indemnify, and hold free and harmless City and City's agents, officers, and employees, (each, an "Indemnitee") from and against any and all claims, loss, cost,damage, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of Landowner or any officers, agents, employees, representatives, or subcontractors of Landowner [collectively, the "Landowner Entities"]), expense, and liability of every kind, nature, and description (including, without limitation, WI 031858-OOU! 9 21088.2 a0]'09,19 - - 61'fo,109Z8801Z48 1000-8581};o IOz `aolaaala luawdolanaa /CuunwwoD s•.�ji j Xq paluea'S 'aq .�sw ao `uaaq ant,y se awll jo suo!sualxa vans u!yl!.m ao `aw[1 pal,J!3ads ayl u!yl!m uo!laldwoa sv aansui of se a3ua5tl!p vans qvm laom allS ayl alnaasoad of si!t,j ao`sasnjaa `wz)jSau 'saa�oldwa ao sivaie sl!ao`aaumoput,-I.II g •saol3ualuo3gns put, saol3ealuo3 Ilujo awes ayl aalnbaa Buys aaumoput,-j -asuao!l ssau!snq aaj!u;)N jo Xl!D e u!e1u!ew put,u!slgo llt,gs sa!1!lu3 aaumopue-I lle put, aaumopuu-j •lsanbaa s,,Cl!D w oigel!ene �I!pt,aa put, sDwil IIe is uo!leool aanoas put, ajt,s a u! pau!elu!ew aq l lugs luDwaalnbaa y3ns yllm a3uu!ldwo3 Ouilt,alsuowap spao3aa aluladoaddd -bLLt-COL-S1b Ou!Ileo Xq L917 PUB `991' `S9t su01133S `DPOJ sa!lllgTl oilgnd t,ludOjPID 01 mmsind ( 211(I„) suorlela-1 lelalsnpul jo luawlaudaQ eluao•}!lt,D ayl u1oaj pau!elgo aq r Lw sale ARM Su!I!enaad a1elS 341 •alu3s loaaaoo 3y1 Du!waaiap o1 aaumopue-1 jo Xl!l!q!suodsaa ay1 s! 1! leyl poolsaapun s! 11 •saol3t,aluo3gns pus `saoloualuoo `saa,Coldwa aaumopue-1 zlu!pnlou! saaaogLl Ile of p!ud wnwlulw ayl aq ll!m `eiwgj!jLD jo 31e1S ayl•}o suo!lela-1 lu!alsnpul 3o ioloaa!Q ay7 /Cq pau!uualap ss `saRsm �Ulj!gnaad of loafgns Tom lie pus Cud •salmS pmiun ayl uigllm p3,Coldwa aq of pallllua �lle&al pus paluawn3op �laadoad s1 uosaad vans ssalun luawaaagd s!yl aapun paa!nbaa >laom al!S ayl wao•}aad o1 uosaad Cue mollu ao �iiD ulyl!m laom waopad o1 uosaad pue �oidwa ao aaly IOU Ilt,ys aau.mopue-I •laom al!S ay13o 13uewao•}aad ayl of alge3gddt, suollslnBaa pus smel Ieaapaj pue alels 'It,00l ilquoilddr lle y1!m �Idwoo IILgs jaumopue-I Z °Tom miS ayl ;o aauuew pus ssaiSoad ayl l3adsui put, ssassu 'aol!uotu of J!J!gt, ayl aaus!sap s1l ao aoloaa!a luawdolanaa CvunwwoD s,Xl!J ayl molle of aauglslp sl! ao aoloaala luawdolanaQ , jiunwwoD ayl �q Xmssaoau Xlgeuossaa pawaap `slt,!aalew aaylo Xus ao uollt,waoju! 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