2018/08/16 CivicPlus CivicPlus Redesign Sales Form CP Redesign Service Agreement for Menifee, CA
CivicPlus Redesign Sales Form
Organization Menifee, CA uRl- https://www.cityofinenifee.us/
Street Address 29714 Haun Rd
Address 2
City Menifee State CA City Menifee
CivicPlus provides telephone support for all trained clients from 7am—7pm Central Time. Monday-Friday(excluding holidays). Emergency
Support is provided on a 24/7/365 basis for representatives named by the Client.Client is responsible for ensuring CivicPlus has current
Emergency Contact&Mobile Phone Michelle Sarkissian/Cell: (951)434-4676
Emergency Contact&Mobile Phone Helixstorm Help Desk/Desk: (951) 225-1456 (Opt 2)
Emergency Contact&Mobile Phone Jeff Wyman/Desk: (951) 746-4579
Billing Contact Accounts Payable E-Mail accountspayable@cityofinenifee.us
Phone (951) 672-6777 Ext. Phone (951) 672-6777
Billing Address 29714 Haun Rd
Address 2
City Menifee ST CA City Menifee
Tax ID# 94-3439857 Sales Tax
Billing Terms Net 30 AAccpount Dalton Piecukonis
Info Required on Invoice(PO or Job#)
Billing Contact Wendy Preece Email wpreece(aDcityofinenifee.us
Phone (951) 723-3714 Ext. Phone (951) 723-3714
Project Contact Michelle Sarkissian Email msarkissian@cityofinenifee.us
Cell: (951)434-
Phone Ext. Phone
4676 Cell: (951) 434-4676
Desk: (951) 723- Desk: (951) 723-3778
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Redesign Service Agreement 1 of 3
CivicPlus•302 S.41h St.,Suite 500•Manhattan,KS 66502•www.CivicP[us.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233•Accounting Ext.291 •Fax 785-587-8951
C;) Redesign Service Agreement for Menifee, CA
CivicPlus Redesign Project Deliverables
ProjectCivicPlus • •ment Services &Scope of •
Website Redesign
All Quotes are in US Dollars and Valid7/30/2018
Design&Project Overview Annual Fee One Time Fee
• New design presented on latest platform
• Redevelop navigation method(may choose top drop-down or other options)
• Design setup—wireframe with 1 design revision
• Sitemap
• Redevelop graphic elements of website(Newsflash, FAQs, Calendar, etc.)
• Project Management
• Testing
• Review
• Content
c Includes migrating of all existing content and retouching of published
pages to ensure new site styles are applied and modules are related to
feature columns, up to 250 pages $9,900
Contact information will be moved to a feature column area if
previously formatted in a right contact layout.
o Ensure modules are related to feature columns
Content Optimization—move text and images out of editor tables into
corresponding widgets to optimize responsiveness
Note: Content will not be rewritten, reformatted or broken up.Additionally, new
pages will not be created.
• Spelling and broken links will be checked and updated by our team where
possible. Additional report will be provided to client
• One(1)four(4)hour block of custom virtual training that will be scheduled
during the project.
Total Investment $9,900
Controlling Documents
1. Performance under this Redesign Sales Form is subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Services Agreement
("MSA")and the original website development statement of work("SOW') between CivicPlus and Menifee, CA.
a. In the event a conflict of terms exists between any of the foregoing documents,the MSA's terms shall control,
followed by the terms in the original development SOW.
Billing and Payments
2. The Total One-Time Fee shall be invoiced at signing &submission of this sales form.
3. Invoicing for the Annual Increase shall begin at signing(subject to proration from signing to Client's next regularly scheduled
annual invoice)and be applied to Client's existing annual billing cycle thereafter subject to a 5%annual icnrease,beginning
with Client's next annual bill.
CivicPlus•302 S.4•'St.,Suite 500•Manhattan,KS 66502•www.CivicP[us.com Redesign Service Agreement 2 of 3
Toll Free 888-228-2233•Accounting Ext.291 •Fax 785-587-8951
Redesign Service Agreement for Menifee, CA
We,the undersigned, agreeing to the conditions specified in this document, understand and authorize the provision of services outlined
in this Agreement.
Client Sign tur Date
CivicPlus Date
Sign and E-mail the entire contract with exhibits to:
Contractsna CivicPlus.com
We will e-mail a counter-signed copy of the contract back to you so we can begin your project.
CivicPlus does not require a physical copy of the contract,however, if you would like a physical
copy of the contract,mail one(1)copy of the contract with original signature to:
CivicPlus Contract Manager
302 S.4'h Street, Suite 500
Manhattan, KS 66502
Upon receipt of signed original,we will counter-sign and return the copy for your files.
CivicPlus•302 S.41'St.,Suite 500•Manhattan,KS 66502•viww.CivicPlus.com Redesign Service Agreement 3 of 3
Toll Free 888-228-2233•Accounting Ext.291 •Fax 785-587-8951
C;) Redesign Service Agreement for Menifee, CA
Addendum to the Redesign Sales Form -Annual Support, Maintenance and Hosting Services
Annual Support,Maintenance&Hosting Service Include the Following:
Support Maintenance of CivicPlus Hosting
7 a.m.—7 p.m. (CST)Monday—Friday Install Service Patches for OS Shared Web/SQL Server
(excluding holidays) System Enhancements DNS Consulting &Maintenance
24/7 Emergency Support Fixes Monitor Bandwidth-Router Traffic
Dedicated Support Personnel Improvements Redundant ISP
4-hour Response During Normal Hours Integration Redundant Cooling
Usability Improvements Testing Diesel Powered Generator
Integration of System Enhancements Development Daily Tape Backup
Proactive Support for Updates&Fixes Usage License Intrusion Detection& Prevention
Online Training Manuals Antivirus Protection
Monthly Newsletters Upgrade Hardware
Routine Follow-up Check-ins
CivicPlus Connection
CivicPlus•302 S.0 St.,Suite 500•Manhattan,KS 66502•www.CivicP]us.com Redesign Service Agreement 4 of 3
Toll Free 888-228-2233•Accounting Ext.291 •Fax 785-587-8951