2018/10/24 American Asphalt South, Inc. Change Order No. 001 - PMP 18-01 Slurry Seal Program 29714Haun Road Mcrilee.CA9251% MENIFEE ® B16726777 Fa,95f679-3&13 II New,Getter.Best, elty,lmenhe,m CITY OF MENIFEE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.001 DATE; 10/24/2018 Page 1 or PROJECT DESC FY 18-19 Slurry Seal Program PROJECT NO: PMP 18-01 PURCHASE ORDER NO: CONTRACTOR: American Asphalt South,Inc. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES AND/OR EXTRA WORK: The Contractor is hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications and/or perform the following described work not included in the Plans and Specifications for this project. ITEM _ UESS:MPIK)N U!M QUANTHY UMTPRIC:E TOTAL 1)The Contractor was directed by the City of Menifee to add several streets to 1 the contract.This resulted in adding 7,100 1.47 $10,437.00 7,100 square yards of slurry to the contract. 1)The Contractor experienced 4,037 additional square yards of slurry beyond 2 the contract estimates. 4,037 1.47 $5,934.39 TOTAL ESTIMATED PRICE FOR THIS CHANGE ORDER: $16,371.39 Thls document shall become an smendmont to tine Contract and all provisions of the Contract will apply hereto.TNs Ctrarge Order concAlates x compinte and flnel resoludnn of all claims of the Conlfmt for eddilio nal lima er addition of oarnpn nea6an mWod to or altectad by work that is the GLINO A of this Chnnea Orda r. CluaVM4 s of khms other then Lump Sum we not to exceed Me amdunta indlGatod JUSTIFICATION: (Be specific on each Item.Aflech supporting documents as necessary) 1)The Contractor was directed by the City of Menifee to add the following streets to the contract:Calle Debres, Park Ave,Cabrillo Dr,Camino Delores,and Calle Thomas.This work was orginally scheduled to take place during the Rustlers Ranch Phase II project. However that project required that the streets receive a full asphalt removal and replacement. Public Works determined that some of the streets(those previously mentioned)did not need a complete removal and replacement of the asphalt and only needed only a slurry application.The slurry Contractor was available now to perform this work and so Public Works directed them to perform this work. This resulted in adding 7,100 square yards of slurry to the contract. 2)The Contractor experienced 4,037 additional square yards of slurry beyond the contract estimates.This did not include any added work to the contractor This was also verified and documented by the Public Works Field Inspector a eddflfomI Working as ■will bo roquIred to porform in In worts. Mr,er wn.,nr.R..,�lAw.win,T�.rr.T"✓'i Fe 'M F rear.FY141e Blum 8,W FrwrnKh,r ord.nwlunP vft r1 1 M EN IFE E 1.6(Awn 7e F b5W9,8 9i5B6 95F67Y 6777'Fwc 95�fi193843 New.Better.Best, cityefineiilee.a, CITY OF MENIFEE Pope 2 of 2 CONTRACT VARIANCE SUMMARY CCO# Description Amount % Additional Time Date Approved 4 ]71.39 3,8396 0 9024/2016 Totals $16 371.39 3,63% 0 Original Contract Amount: $451,295.00 Date Started: September 20.2018 Previous Change Order Amounts: 30.00 Original Completion Date: Oclober3.2018 Current Change OrderAmount $16.371.39 Addltionel Time(Worldng Days) g Revised Contract Amount: $07,886.39 (Revised Completion Date: October 3,2016 AUTHORIZATION BY CITY: Recommended Tor approval Date: R ,PqQwI Manager Dan Sharp Conh4vdn onager Approved Data: l/I� J Sm101 ctnr el Public Woks/City Engineer ACCEPTANCE BY CONTRACTOR: We,the umderalgned Contractor,have given careful consideration to the above described changes and/or extra work and hereby agree that sold work Is a supplement to the c and all provielar s will apply hereto. / Accepted bv: Date: q r `9 Sigrm v. Please print name and atte w:�,.w...,c.a,-.•,�www�+.wa�vw�hnawM�iear-rwt<taewm a•d vroarmnra.,w ae..�c�r„m ad..�i American Asphalt South, Inc. TO: CITY OF MENIFEE INVOICE NO.: 2018-146 ATTN: RUDY LUNA DATE: 31-Oct-18 29714 HAUN ROAD PROJECT: PMP 18-01 FY 2018-19 MENIFEE, CA 92586 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM CONTRACT# WORK COMPLETE TO: 31-Oct-18 OUR JOB# 616-036 - - -- - UNI QUANTITY TO AMOUNT TO PREVIOUS THIS ITEM# DESCRIPTION T UNIT PRICE DATE DATE AMOUNT ESTIMATE 1 MOB/DEMOB LS 20,000.0000 1.000 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2 PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONS LS 5,000.0000 1.000 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 3 BMP'S LS 1,000.0000 1.000 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 4 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 20,000.0000 1.000 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 5 REMOVE STRIPING LS 10,775.0000 1.000 $10,775.00 $10,775.00 $0.00 6 TYPE II RPMS SY 1.4700 258,900.000 $380,583-00 $380,583.00 $0.00 7 12" SOLID WHITE STOP/BAR EA 242.0000 46.000 $11,132.00 $0.00 $11,132,00 8 BLU DOT INSTALLATION EA 11.0000 162.000 $1,782.00 $0.00 $1,782.00 9 "DIP" LEGEND EA 154.0000 0.000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 "DIPS" LEGEND EA 176.0000 0.000 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 11 12"CROSSWALK LS 6.0500 0.000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 "PED XING" EA 330.0000 0.000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CCO EXTRA TY[I RPMS SY 1.4700 11,137.000 $16,371.39 $16,371.39 $0.00 FOR PROPER CREDIT REMIT TO: TOTALS: 466,643.39 443,729 39 22,914.00 ADDRESS AT BOTTOM OF INVOICE 0% SALES TAX: 0.00 0.00 0.00 TERMS: 5% RETAINED: (23,332,17) (22,186.47) (1,145.70) ALL ACCOUNTS DUE UPON RECEIPT.OVERDUE TOTAL PAYMENT: 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO 1.5%PER MONTH, 18%PER ANNUM. ATTORNEY'S FEE INCURRED INCREASE OR DECREASE PER ATTACHED INVOICE: µ IN COLLECTING PAST DUE ACCOUNTS WITH OR T WITHOUT LEGAL ACTION TOGETHER WITH ALL AMOUNT DUE: 21,768.30 COURT COSTS INVOLVED. www.americanasphaltsouth.com Lic.#784969 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 310036•FONTANA,CA 92331 •PHYSICAL ADDRESS:14436 SANTA ANA AVE •FONTANA,CA 92337•(909)427-8276•FAX(909)427-8279 City of Menifee Expenditure Approval Date: to IS Vendor#: 00796 P.O. M _ Project#: Contract#: _ Desc: QV 0 Requestor: jf�; _/�- Acct#1: Dept Head: Acct#2: Finance: _ Acct#3: City Mgr: -- — - $: