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2009/01/26 Aire Spring Dedicated Internet Access
FEB—C3-2010 14:29 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX . P.001 � � � � ■ "Carder.Coved Ai 0�e�prin,� • � � "Agent:VVfllfarrt Borger 'Quote iDM 252094 Dedicated Sales Support 880-MO.2699 x270 Agent 10:AA10001 OMR#: Email Tiordors@Mfovpilng.com or fax 888.899-2928 17 ■ ■ �ompsiy Name: � City of Menifee Location#1 of 1 ❑ Zvwae bo for trNs toe■eaa •PhySlal Address: Sjd0 •9111ing Address:prdr Wmo 29714 Haun Drive Ground TRYCAS Me 92588 1t Uea •state �P: Menifee CA g2se6 ■ i . Hiln, •'1.1;.'yy ,'io�' 4s: � fi �Irier Contact: Geefine Wgnftontact: MlstyCheapmpleted CreditApplication d for inlpal radar Procwq 0, Dedicated Inteimst Access Customer Information Order form (ftgUM for WN War 1 ) •Number of Cincultm 1 If Wrl Bonded: ❑Yes ®No Term COrornitment 2-Yaw 'Site NPAIN]OC:961-672 Carrier to Provide Router Yes No ® Router EncapaUlal(ort: 0 Clew HDLC 0 PPP (3 lmt,ppp NumberoflP Addresses Requested:8 Requested Due Sasw.2124109 fifMO ;than10IPadon$MerereQrm&X Ake fpdnyCarMgt@yerSrla/��i•�Il$laillp�r��/yiigq p�installatloniknefrOmos an 1p1asLRaatlon Yolrn wlf►►b■needed) era!dependent on the h aULbUtur•Intervals of Um oWerying carrlatmw Ih■local loop provider. :'Y•: •.ir.LWrrIA � ..f.. .•`0.-:i4Qri:=' 1"'1'� 'J�±� i rt.•.r:::.• 1 �Lvop N►RC.$120.00 9'ort MRG:$Z00.00 RooterMRC: 'Total AARC:920.OD 'c 1=0 NRC:$0,00 •Port NRC:$0.00 Rattier NRt~ Tool NRC:O.aD ■ Tiro tang of Mts Agreem■nd vA be fw■per(od or'2-Yaar UW eowpWUOn Or any Intdal or any twrowal t•m+zoeanffinant,or i!no parr„W above.title ' Agroeenont wUl tenths to AMMIn In ofoet on a mouth to month bash.G■stom■r g%MMCss to M yr■Monthly te RaeundnQ Cnarne■p■e pler.Wt gsmd show for the rm Of thli AprdamorrC Ce•torrr■r�las ofder•d a pOml of•t elrcWte, 8y sbNay lFrla pG rsetR GrAMM aprert6 to a>f apptraa�l■elrceut po►t,tanpttttd Z:ar4 nt r1ARC rhea(n advance,aatl 0ny twepabvereoe cnorpes In attests Cu■somax<strat pNl sfraa tnd�d■pw-aYon of nr•t mOnlhrs$uvic■,srs wssU as an p►RCa not (y paltl N the eve•1 Cualaner teltrllnotas ltia AoreeOmni prior to the end or the kdlbd farm a rlrrr•wad 0WMVWr or h■•5wvloa dltraonun uad Aor t■Well as a y FrffW 1s aQ monthly loop 104d Dort C10A posrJ Gir■lDrlrGr YYpI be F■Dle for papawark to the urrde ��■■Ibr Ura°umber of nio 00 nanaWno lq S,Agn•mar+k or bra avan! A Aver temtt ates thl■AgramMent prior to tlta aubnli■eton of dY>AO canter CrrSlgmer shad be sutgoet to Hue ib>baArq lase:slooa p•rl�ltx slrn4ar dra+fL All ldo•r rnd drrt>It Snasae r9tn ea ern the Local Etrrrhange Canier aftned buVding dernmallton Pohl(Can■r4 AkaSpft!tilt pa■a tluough any ww■asoCalod wi1lt eor6enm gtt0t•dwkh Insie6lo OV14umdon wilb 919 sarvlcea ordered.AiMS10139 may provide Customer with Customer PramTso■�i pRr�rtt(GPiz] q y ou t•t■rrayrptEd ng'�baya'td the Dan (m in all Alrssprin0 puovlded■940l Cant t,vtthhr 3a days of u:murtoaott of Cuafere■r will b■Mad tar tlta Al n■w oast of the Sd�Cer6lonrrrr must velum bra pove,ned by the terms or s 8avlo■Agnem■nt. WhWh may be found at wwrvalr•s rt cgLa Tent�sO^'� to^CatatpAuer by AireSprittg wwwatresPetnOrcomleup.both of which are incorporated Into this:Agm m■nt by thts mftwre rA and tftpro N oriU tls• POYay,wftl}t 4r�rrrerr!represartts tt+v anarc r Y be found d SUPeraedes and merges a0 odor offers,agreemena,Prond•ae.Underslandk►%siNemarrd,reprawnwanns,warranuor<.Ind■r►rNUes end Indvicem•nis b go�nng of thl, Agreement Is vo SWO yponby AjMr Mg l whotnsrwdtten moral.bebveen or Wang Crratom■rand Alrutprkrp as um4 an Alra■prinp'Sa oram,■ p Aprgarrrent Is voidable by AtrosPrdrp U fife text b modtlrad without the WdWn or kdW1 d om arl a an Alves rlh Ofamr, O "'P°jG°■^�°r ago$ etsona. it" ameadra"orMG&RUMna to OrlttiA D 0 �Ocpt•■"my OWWAts■be PWdad heraln.pay greenunt must be in wrung so t:lgntrd by an Atresprin0 a0ioru. 7hls AQreerppnt shalt ao go mm■d by and evnslnnd In■ambnca wilh the iows or the State of Callfomta. CUatorner hereby iaavocably submb to rtr■pa moat JinWicum Or any Dole or r■tlorat CaUd SIMW In Utp:Slate or c2gromla,Counly of Los objeclion ANpel•6r In any auk eetlon.Or Pocooding arlaing out of or miadnp to INS AgmetrM CUslwrl■r horieryy#revoc0txy yyyv■4 Ih■rc/yatt u permin•d by apDllmbl•taw,any OW lion aoh str�Party may fats•now,or hereanar have,to the ley'no Or the vanu•or Mty such suit,asllett Or p�¢�ft teoughl In such court avid any e�■Ira.M any sU'A P►omaln0 brought in auoir■aquaas g been tzrauyht hr an Uxonvudent ronun customer aNa hereby n�pr■casy waives the right to a tree[ Proasdtn9 bought agekral Wstomor fal■ting U Nls agr■amerrtr Upon Oompkbm Of airy inidsl or ltonwl tdtrs by kvy In aMr adon or Provided In wdung 45 days prlOr l0 the requested dl6odnnocilon dace, Custonoar•gm■■that Ait■tt C°mID ertt,any dl■eanrW 'Drl r0g4Aet by Customer must be the roloas■of obinforma n es rterthia on. lie nwy riqu■■E creels rpfpn?yu]—rrom thhd pardet and authorizes A C Z O Aufhorked Sign PWName AlreSpriny Aocaptenas; , 7s>fs Date :Rev 0=M8 TEB-05-2010 14:30 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.002 DEDICATED INTERNET ACCESS T1 CUSTOMER INFORMATION ORDER FO RNq •company Namur Cl of NlenElaa LOCAf1oR v 1 of 1 Thrafral Addraaa: "Suite 'gEdy1FE.RM 29114 Bean Drive NIA Qmund .C4y: "surd; WOOD CA 925" Elle Ra 9514rrzf m brepkelsgorftmpice.conl Sid Repko same same Keth Banhrtt 9:f1-87 W77 kbcnne Wlyotimffee a a- •!s Carrier P9WJdfn Acoesa? is geraer ordemu the loop), YES IM �p •ts CuawmerProvldtn Access?&S cu- --orordarlegloeM y P NO ta "fa We a Collocation Faclift or Med Me Room Order? veg CY NO a ■ eWjv Qn XOU curmEgZ hdvo 9XIStina Vedloated Intemet Access Sendce? YES NO 1llfho is current IRtemet AtovlderJ WA What tYP8 at Internet service to you cuMLntlj have LCft 0St,,Y1,0ljMApj NIA Da youptan oq ke n our currentsorvice aria thle to replace current KEEP RE-LACE 171 'Whattype of Router do ou ou have ICI .altd be fi%4 NOT SURE � e e s so- IMP you Mquirw the Den+amatlon to be axbwWad from the minhnpm point of entry(cols Is where tho Laval Phone Company would Crop off eemice to your building)? YES 13 NO Ell NOT SURS Q "1F es Please-descdhe in detsll w4h the floor,nuke and description of where CU Reed the Aernamaron placed. KR.r. e e e ... . ■ 'Ara you moving? YES ® Np 0 'Do you have a drop dead data? [� NO "If yes.whmi Es 1t?(Intervals under 90r 5 days requite 8 paid expedPoe fee) Ls shore►taw ccnrtructlori at tha site.thetmay cause any delays? #Y7-0E$ rlv � It Is lmpts�nt��the aftsclted Forms be corrtpletetl wltttout delay as your as+der cannot be submitted for provlsloMng without ttds infarmadon. Remember, your order Cannot be sabntitted to the underlying terrier wlthaut complete fochnical lnfomsaumL Order cornmanca only open subMission of your order to our underlying ardor: If uny is this data Cltanan in the future this Pr°�sslrlg tlrnel(nes than in tknegne. nay result In order delay or MMI N.nra rdl. . tea FEB-05-2010 14:30 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.003 lre,y0" /�rinQ a r • >� ! 'Carrier,Airespring ■ $ Agent:WROam Borger *Quote IDft:252094 Mdl=Md Sales Support 7Q7� *A9ent'IQ:AAT0001 OM[21�: f`malt Tlardar:s{ ftmr fa prfng.com or x 8S$899^ 2929 PHYSICAL.LOQ�4TiON 'OOmpamy Noma City of Meaffm +0 Cwtomer Numtwr Loeadon#1 of 1 p ro°D1w""s laaWlan -phyairatAddram: -Sulu *01d9*0W '911NAddre=(V=L-,vV 29714 Haun Drive NIA Ground "City: •slatm •4 Mr. 51sb� •2fp: Menifee CA Q�59t3 a ?•�i:a1i:� •t^�"VrF y..�rb$vt-�i rr � .�•e.:te Y':3 T '. r • r.�'• +. •we.r 'µy, - '•p — ri. :n• - t...,., ••.r i>.•.s'�:.or'.G...��.`'+'•'r,' .m �•.��, U r.? PX"�' ._r-'3?,a�.;''fa�rr r+ .,,;4wtS'rlr��i �a �faM•,'k'r�., r �,J�,:r.'r:'��'• i' �.+^. +:ustor,.�,r Contact -54PEaE G] AIl G 7 Z -G 77 7 Bl1Ung contact �ifi( Cho.,er A,NV.A w a;& Fsf-i 77- 677 $+5'�1ih"rn. !"E'e,'WMA!c4 v.S p DrcA F..Ot C 7I~9 ,? 10 Customor Information Form � Culrerlt Phone BP illl�CN pies ;,.i,..:a�s aiu . uw: (R19oVedlorNut✓alOrdrPra� iarlh4t410rer�:;e•syi..;,;.;.:cs:si. rr4 ,N. � sr .v, r►t�'r„) •INTERSTATE (48•stales) $0.01EW $0.01988 porgy n1 Vtvd C xfltr,ypilcatior, ® DIMC(M usting Form ti LftId57ion to CrvrleQ -INTRASTATE,lwces for CM 30.01540 50 C2734 per m'"uls ® Letter of Agency(LOA) 19 all Vorm •INTRALATA LOCAL TOLL (Rates (1tsCunataHN1°10rd.rRwwuit tRvCutmdjw Csuemllwon]acmwu far CA) $0.01540 $0.02734 Aar minute Nw b-1 "LOCAL(Local calls=dotownad•tay +gee Below WA mom. •outpulssd orr9inating ANI) ■ i i FOR SERV=UT=WG Tim A1Rt. MNQ NETWORK %DW KUNX 'Loop IItFt'dtt NRC: '$$s NPAINXX:INTRASTATE r RUPALATA FtATZS ARE 9ASFD Old OUN%P- 0 apjGwATima ANf S31li:d0 �40 glil-t3T1 "INTERtVAT1CIJAi. port MAC: -Port insw NRC: L£C:Varizoa ® YES .0 (VO -wri.RATE P LAN#8 SF2s.00 50.00 NOW-AGsspdhy cannot evol yrrarmnas anyinara wan t m kam" Actual fnetatfspon Qmaftmos am dapendsaton tho 4atelfatlOn Intarvsls or the urtdortyfny csrfsr and tit■locyl Ipop yrrovldor. Requested Due Date.2_124 tog A/nvs ar111 not oczapf any local ordor*01 IJVP fora d ddo dab/on therr d5 da f177r1r a�ie ordarls►web" Term Comm(pgtont EUCL(End UwCan%r Lk1@) 24-month minimum LNP(Local Ntnnber Portability) $84.43 perclrcult �g per drc* TRO(Trleardal Review Order)Facgity Surcharge., LEC: 0 TROAppiles -. 8■rvIng C.C.:$0.00 -- $0,00 URC promo Zone: FEB-05-2010 14:30 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.004 Inmal Cgrec m L•Isf1Et0 so" $0.00 Ismoo $0.00 50.00 s"O SOAo s0.00 $ixoo 50.00 S0.00 SD.00 trn Add'I•DlrectoryLlsting. $16.00 $15.00 S1S.00 $16.00 S%00 Si5.00 V5.00. $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 S15.00 $15.00 outbound Caller Name $3.00 53.00 S20.00 50:00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 �0 szD r DID r DID T1 er Tl per T1 T1 T1 mw T1 Inbound Callor•Namo $5.00 Mel; 526,00 •S25,00 S26.00 SZ5,a0 E.5.00 -WO-0 520.00 $25.00 $25,00 525.00 T7 parTI ParT1 per T1 giar Tt F&T1 ggT1 per Ti I =Tl eaTi ELv T] per T1 Standard DID Allowance Standard Allowance of up to 200 OW's With up to 3 Rate Cefdwv pervolee T-1.(>appriasta►4lmsprin$oe ) StandardAllowanoe of up t0 100 DV*witb]Rate Corder Darvalce T-1-(2PPSAR so am utherCalAcm DID's-Block or 80 $10.00 $10.00 $3.00 520.00 50.00 $8:00 56.00 5E.00 $B4OO $B.OD $B.00 $8At7 •DID's-Block of 60 $26.00 $25.00 DAYS BIOCk of 100 $50.00 550.00 520.00 $100.00 SZ5.00 $25.00 MOD MOD U5.OD 06.00 $25.00 $26.00 rya aeo-� .stendord DID projeda above 100 DIDs need approval .DIO'S Block of 20 $25.00 350.00 $3.00 s2D.D0 SG 00__ 3BA0- . 38.00_---38.00__ 400 sego ss aD $s.OD DID's-•Bloch of so $50.00 $125.00 DID's Blockof 100 $100.00 $=.GO 520.00 $100.00 525.00 326.00 525.00 525:00 $25.00 525.00 525.00 =00 -DID Local Number Vedtnn-So LAv4134LIF0'NRCIDID Porting(LNP) •LNP Projects Plrat 24 DID!free, Flrnt 100 DIDs tree, Ptrst 100 DIOS Irao. Flrat'100 Dips nee. Fkat 100 OVps tree, -LNP charges am In Involv142 moro than ti0 IC8 for additional ICB for additional ICB for additional !CB roraddtilonal ICB for additional addltlon to DID Mock DIDa mqr have lowar DIOa' DID& D1De Dim pips ohar9ae ICB Wr DID pfting LNP Cancellation Wrhon.5ts NRCJpID Greater than 48•Hre. Laud s-s5 NR=ID ICB ICB ICB ICB $4W per circuit LNP Cancellation Less Vadmn-s6 NIiCWID 1 •than 48 MM Level a.375 NRCMIC ICB ICB ICB IC6 $400 per circult snaAbacktop or Vedaaon-soNRCIDID carrler(aftor �W*13-9300NRCA310 ICB ICB ICB ICB ICe completedPorting.) z4,coa outbwnddoWl ti 24.000 09=nd Low Included Local CallingMlna.Per Month Per Voice Clecuit 24,�000 Oulbound 20.00D Outownd 20,000 Outbound Unlimllotl Local Unlimited lose{ Minutes Oumound a inbound Local Lost Local minutes mpy not be m toed •Excess Calling Zone]-$0.0lhnin :iRO]hacGl Minutes Zone2-=0.02/min $0.01/min SO.Oihn10 farju LItCe89 Loc81 Calling 560 MRC ror20,000 S50 MRO br 20,Oc0 Wiinute Blacks addl4ocal Was. adO lace!nMs. e(tended Wring 5276 par T1 VYN not exwwd 990,NR0 par CLcuk NC for amdard ICB bated RpoC. Free ror up to 2hrs ar wlrkf0 tbtSrcdanl only! wlrinp RBOC WrN"Ired VroAc papa Idot ' item aamoma Include coma. freeTall ra s-601neL $0.45parTF i0.43 rTF 30.49 rTF 50.�3perTF s0A3perTF 50+4.1 free per account a la pwT ; FEB-05-2010 14:31 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.005 The format this Agreement will be fora-period of 2 Yoor Upon completion of any'Inttial orany c+onwmd term commitment,or If ao tam is spovVed above,this Agreement tniil continue to-remain In effect on a month to month basis.Customer contracts to pay the Monthly Recun ing Charges par circuit as listed above for the tams of this Agreehrrent Customer has ordered a total of•q circuits. PfWg Is packaged based on a bundle of 10001•end tong distance services, AD channels must be activated with Alrespring long distance to quardy for this special package pricing. If customer chooses to move long distance services to another provider,Alrospring may charge customer a non-lscoumed price for the dricuits. Dift are for end users only and are not for resale. By signing this Agreement,Customer agrees to•pay all applicable circuit port loop and FWpment MRC Charges In advance,and any usagelovekage charges In arrears. Customer's first bill shall Include•progatioa of first month's swulpe,as well as any NRCs not pmvlously paid. in the event Customer terminates this Agreement prior to•tho and of the Mal.term or any rene"I shereaf(er,or has$atvboe riftOntirrtued for hM=to pay,Customer will be liable for all monthly loop and port circult charges Ibr the number of months remaining in the Agreement, In the event Customer terminates this Agreement prior to the submission of paperwork to the underlying caller Crmlomer shall be subled to the followhhg time:*1000 per DS•tor similar eb ult Aq iocei loop circuit fnstail arg ches are quoMd with lnsW intro Lcoal L,wirange Carriar asslgned buNdIng demarcation poW(Doman),AJmSpdng wfA pass through any oosts.a}sociated With extending wiring beyond the Demar+a In conjunction with the sWces ordered,Alrospring my provide Customer with Customer Promises Equipment (CP4 If service is temnl cal d for any reason,Customer must roman all Alraspring provided eQuipment within 30 days of temrinatbon,or Customer wol be billed for the skill new cost of the pquipmepl. Aimapring will monitor C_udmw monthly call cbftution and identify oxces"imf6c oti inating from or terMitm ing tog Koh Cost Area CWAI,de6i d as high-cost3ATAVOCN s and carta�non-RegUonaI Bel!Cperating Company served telephone numbers.AlmSpdng shall apply a surcharge of up to t$0.04 per minute or use to the number of hminutes by which Custorners I10A and Non•RBOG outbound terrninzatdons and inbound originations exceod usual and customary call patterns for business users('Tice HCA Sumbarge"). Abseprinq will use termtnadng infonnatlon in the call stream data.including any Number Portability Databases available,to determine the lnmhinatlmg location end Operating Company Number('OW). For Jurisdictional determination,If the originating Information(e.g.,Caltimg party number)Is available("Origination lnfozmatlore),Alrespring wAl'use that data and the Termination Information within each call record'to determine Jurisdiction (Interstate and intrgittate). end will cosign each call the applicable fate from CRstornem rate schedule, If the OrIonatlon Information Is not available,not a valid ANI, a Toll Free Number or unable to be delarmined,Avespring Will Consider the c"of "Indeter,� ate Jurisdiction^and will assign Intrastate rates based on the locaWn of the temilnallng ANi. The.latrastate rates provload heratn are vali only for thane cat;•+detemined_to De Inteestate Cells in the State_seed 14"_Physical Location section of Oft agreement.Alternative rates will Apply to intrastate calls for other States. The Intomational Rate Alan Number above mrera to a set of wolf -% dfkc rates defining costs to each infemetional dialed location, All services provided to Customer-by Alre8prtng are governed by the terms of a Service Agreement,which may be found at www.almspring.comrtemzs and Afrespft's Acceptable Use policy,which may ba found at wwwArespdnp r:o W8Up,both Ofwhieh are Incorporalsd Into this Agreement by this raferonee. This Agreement represents the entire-agreement between the Parties and supersedes an0 merges hall prior offers, agregrnerttd, promises, understandings, statements,representations,warranties,Indemnities and lnduc ammnts to the RwWrg of this Agreement relied upon by either Party,whether written.or oral, 'between or among Customer and Aireaptfng as well as Akwpdng%agenb,employees,and/or sales persons. Ibis Agreement Is voidable by Adlespring if the text Is modtiled without the written or Initialed consent of an Alregring Officer. Except as may otherwise be provided herein,any amendments or modifications to.this Agreement must be In rafting and signed by an Af mspring Ofboar. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accotdance with the lava of MO State of CalildrAla. Customer hereby Irrevocably submlts to the personal Judson of any state or rederal court Oft in the state of CelffcfWa,County•of Las Angeles,lWany suit salon,orprnceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement, Cusbaner hereby kmvocably waives,to the fullest aAent'pwmitted by applicable law,any ob]ectlon which such party may raise now,or hereafter have,to the laying of the venue of may such suit action Of-Proceeding brought in such court and-any claim that any such suit,aUlon or proceeding brought in such a court has mete brought in an inconvenient forum. Customer nereby expressly waives the right to a trial by jury In any action or proceeding brought against customer relating to this agreement Upon eomptetlon of any Initial or renewal terra Commitment,any Q%cronneeUon request by customer must'ba provided In writing 45 days prior to the requested disconnection date. Customer agrees that AfreSpring may requostCroditInformatlan IMM third parties and aut horbzas the release of such Information a$part of this application. Company Name:City of MenVee 4rzdVWcg 4 , &RJ;t?- 67- MWNI lh-e-109 Auutor#xed Somfuri Print Nome 7itte Data; �•l.• .i4^.t'�I.ri�iL.."I� r•",n.t .,��1 MR-1 1�t7 lITLI.'�M �' ;r:.�$:m t+��,.?b�'til�::. D ' }�1 r�.�IG:n•.),��:Ir'J.'c'4•�6:I.'re.".'U �i: iPw!✓�����.'�+���a G �t•�D4,.'yC�. • I I r 1 FEB-05-2010 14:31 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.006 'Can -Numv City of Menifee Location#1 of 1 'Phy*ad Addros: 'Salle: 29714•tiaun Difn Gnwltd "0IY: •Srata ' menu" CA 9Z58d Bill Ro0e 951-W2.IM brepkeenonUMpke.Com Hill Borger S51`245.1 tb5 bboneroaatelecom.com iaft Bennett 551.672•g7T/ .Is Cr,� :,vr ProvifteAccess? YES NO 'Is CuetnmerProvl Access? YPS tvD 'isa Coltocatlan or Meet Me Rcam Ord erf YES NO a • 4 p Do au have 2xistift Local Service? YES NO who Is ypur currant Local khan a Carrier LEC? YadZOR 'Will this Service be fora eradjolve dialer,? Yes •NO "Will we be ortrn an numbord? YE9 NO 'If Yes how M -numbers will be orted? 2 'Wi11 this service be ISSN? VES t�G NOtsure WIII you need to out Wse r callerlo? EL YES NO. %HI you neacs-roe on}ys? YES NO 'If Y.how man 20 '{MII yvu require the temarcation to be extended from the minimum polft pied"(This b Wtom N t Sure the LGL'71 Phone[.c would dro off sarvlce to our bulk! ? YE8 ❑ NO K> es ^v ase describe in•dotalj the floor,suito and dosod Lion of where oil need the Demarcation laced. fire you phidng this order because you am moving? '130 you haver a drop dead data?r,w Yl .19 � NO I'll he�i la YES It?M+ar+►ale under 0 NO *+� rnstaA[QNon emehiM ys 48qulm a p +xPoclit• and AftWAriny oanrrar evq t■theronewDon&bVcdcnattheaI-- thatMay cause any delays? YES ❑ TMp C■ e R 7tharebe tin Tell Free? M ..TouPna Is Re wraa Will Toll Free? uYes7au,vroe YES numbers? 1-10aatod ankr Faris aw venal YES NO ❑ 11-20 2t�G ❑ 31� 51.100 'IM� ❑ It is important that the attached totes be completed without delay as your order cannot be submitted for Re tuber,your order cannot be-submitted to the underlying carrier without Coin ete tee grovislonin$ without�� Infonttatlon. on +a n suortttsaion of your order to our underlying carrier. H hilkal lnfonnation.Order procrsalag tftnettnos commence o arry k ails data change In the Uwe this may rssull In order delay or changes In Au&ur&vd R ! 0 P Nome T■ is FEB-05-2010 14:31 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.007 r Account Number. U27M00 I7edli:ated Sales Support 8 41d Ema11t1orders(Ma1ro*Vgng or FOX a 92-2926 Company Name:City of WNW Street Addrew 29714 Haug Drive W.Menifee State:CA Zip:Mae Contact Phone:951.672.6777 F= Type of Buslnees/Otg nkaon:city 010) "1D111MGWrqyRa4ua W ® New ❑ Add p Ci qs ❑ (Delete conrq ❑'state CI us Gm ammept ❑Milltery 13 School Cormnunity/Book Merfto ®include in YAAOW Paget;--Heed'mp(s):Local Govemment ':!•;•.:. :..'....:...::::::•��::. •.�1'. ,•.is�.i.'S•:�� 'fi'. •.1...•..:�.:'.:•. .. � •• '�'>Qden�:`':;is e '�4���:::.��. :•�''; ,ti'`:�';�: . • •ea'�!. �+;ioir•.. .,..ti=;�i :..:..:•,:.,..:it;i' kltt( d NaA18.W lasQng� :' o'r• ' lio Wong, (..aP, , �: `ilstrsdilddl+atii ,'':.:,.`•'• Phbni" y.: r: t� . :I.L'•':.T�C NCo- Noq- :f.:.:en�y, .is ,.ice s'f}.: !:•:: :;� . tea } tuber : rkgd PuhWIwC _ is :' �i'• ;�;t Main 0 ❑ WA CI of Monlfe9 29714 Haun(kiln,Menifeo CA 951.672- Nuuaad h 925M 9777 FAX ® ❑ ❑ City ofManifes Fax same 951- '9- 0 © ❑ © 0 fl C7 13 ❑ C7 ❑ Q Indicate:Main,Additlonal,Cagon,or Toreign. Indicate;Elated,1400•1etad(excluded from printed Directory only).Non-pubtlshed(AWKdod from prkttad Dln dory and Dkedory AssislanCe) BODKS TO BE DEU4irRIED TO CUSTOMER 'Book Type:::,• `:.' Goenmunliy/800k. . ®White Pages 6Monroe '' Qql•' ' Community/a00k ❑Ij ones to Bud new 6 YYeltow Pages 6 Meniko ❑AN Books B Q White&Yeliow 154902 Deliver To. Roceptloolst at•City Hall t anlp • Rare ' I s FEB-05-2010 14:32 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.008 ■ asterAgency: Aire��'prin� gerg Name:V1�ifW Borger Dedicated Sales Sgppon;811"S"M wd-= A or f x U&a99-,w28 ent ID:AATfl001 lase Hobe—LOA mmt bR submltLvd wl"U.060Y ar3 mcarat Phone bill from VMW local rovider. Company: City of Menifee Billing Tolaphorte Number. .959-672�T17 Designated Contact: ntact Phm Number, Kath (Sennett ON Addrea: 14H2un Drive BuJtling: Wte: r N/A A and oom: NIA :'letlifer•; . ate, p'Was CUMbAt-LvCel Service Provider. eNzon BTN#12 W BTN�J3 07 ;The' iNattacheo pago(s)provide a complete listing Of Telephone tines to be switched to Alrespiing. By slpging DGlow,1 am-authorizing AlraWng to become my now provider Of long distance aervioe andkr'kmW toll service Of avaUable and selected by me).I authorize Alrespring to act as my agent to make this ehwWe happen,and direct my local company to work with Alrespring to a8ect the change.i understand I may consult with my currant carrier as to whether a fee will apply 20 change to my preferred cornier. If i later wish to rete4»�my current telephone company,i may be raquirad to pays reconnection Q+args to that company i furihiv xNfy that 1 am at bast uightean years of age,and that l am authodttd fo change telephone compenles for:eMees to the taleptttone nranbon listed above.", am responsible for all valld Alrespring charges for&a usage. tJTHOFtiZEt)Si E=ndoming is dauimant wNl res ;a provider change. ` fre'spdng Acce tatae: ,de; . te: B Rev 1/pg FEB-05-2010 14:32 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.009 MCISAirespring Acd No: lAire 'o' J re spring Order No: Dedicated Salt Sire ntlr 888■38IN2898 wd 270 EmaU t9 orde reporma-WE or Fwc 8884M-202S TN:951-B]2.8�7 IMPORTANT-SUSiely'A SEPARATE FORM FOR arvERY PHYSICAL.LOCATION: LocATpN mpany:City of Menlfee Illing Tolephone Number.951-s'72.un Designated Contact for this form;Receptlon1st Confect Phone Number for this form:9514724M ervlce Addm3s:29714 Haun Drive Ilding:VIA Sine:WA Floor.Ground Room N/a City:menifee te:GA :92US • s • .r' • � � yti or Number Rango 951872.67T7 -- - - __- - IN or Number Range 951-879.3843 ' N or Numbar•Ranga or Number Range N or Number Range rNor Number Range N or Number Range or Number Range -CUSTOXIER INFORMATION CUSTOtICER ACKNOWLEDGES AND At3REr£5 THAT AIRESpiTENC'S SERV1Clr IS INTER NET EAS AND THAT 911 SERVICES ARE DIFFERENT THAN T OF TRADITIONAL WIRELINE SERVICE FOR BASIC B11 OR ISM TO BE ACCURATELY ROUTED TO THE APPROPRIATE EMERGENC RI=SPONOER,THE CUSTOMER MUST PROVIDE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER ASSOCIATED►VIM SERVICE FOR THE REGISTERED ADDRESS,IN Tm IIYSICAL LOCATION SECTION OF THE LOCAL SERVICE 9111971E INFORMATION SIlEET. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE SIP TRUNK SERVICE MAY NOT SUPPORT BASIC 911 OR•E911 DIALING IN THE SAME MANNER AS TRADITIONAL WIRELIWE PHONE$ERVlCE CUSTOMER AGREES TO INFORM OF THE POTENTIAL COMPLICATIONS ARISING FROM BASIC 911 0 .E911 DIALING.SPECIFICALLY,CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO INFORM ALL EMPLOYEES,,GUESTS,AND 0 THIRD PERSON HO MAY USE THE SERVICE THAT OASIC 911 AND E911 SERVICES WILL NOT FUNCTION IN THE CASE OF A SERVICE FAILURE FOR ANY R Ty FOLLOWING REASONS;(A)POWERFAILURES,{B)SUSPENDED Op TERMINATED BROADBAND SERVICE,(C)SI13Pi;N3tON LURE FOR AN OF T 81LU;NO ISSUES,AND/OR(0)ANY OTHER SERVICE OUTAW4 NOT DESCRow HER13N,CI1gTOMER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT FDUE ITOI�ROVIDE A CORRECT PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN THE REQU■1TED FORMAT MAY CAUSE ALL 13ASIC Sit TH t A CALLS E!SE ROUTED AI U IIVCORR>^CT LOCgI. ENtER13ENCY IORVlGE PROVIDER. FURTHERMORE, CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT USE OF THE SERVICE FROMTH LOCA7t I 'OTHER THAN THf:LOCATION TO MUCH THE SERVICE WAS ORDERED,LE,THE"REGI&TERED ADDRESS;MAY RESULT IN BASIC 911 OR E911 CALLS BEING ROUTED TO Tdil~INCORRECT LOM EMERGENCY SERVICE PROVIDER STOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT AMPRING,ITS UNDERLYING CARRIERS,OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTIES INVOLVED IN TH ROUTING, HANDLING, DELrVERY, OR ANSWMING OF EMERGIrNcy 9ERViCES OR 1N RESPONDHVG TO EMERGENCY t:A�,Ls, NOR THErt OFFICERS ,A EMPLOYEES, MAY DI; HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM` DAMAGE, LASS, FINE, PENALTY OR COST (INCLUDING, tMTtIOU LIMITATION,ATTORNEYS FEES)AND CUSTOMER HEREBY WAIVES ANY AND ALL SUCH CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION,ARISIROM Q RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF ALL TYPES OF EMERGJrIVCY SERVICES TO CUSTOMER.CUSTOM F FURTHER AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGE AT IT IS INDEMNIFYING AND HOLDING HARMLESS AIRESPRING FROM ANY CLAIM OR ACTION FOR ANY CALLER PL4CJNC SUCH A CA OUT REGARD TO WHETHER THE CALLER IS AN EMPLOYEE OF THE CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES P AGREES TO HO HARMLESS AND WDEMRESPONSE IFY NT ESPIRING FROMNATIONAL CLAIM OR ACTION ARISING OUT OF MISROUTE$OFANY 911 CALLS,OR WHETHE A t.00A EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTERS OR NATIONAL EArIERGFNCY CALLING CENTERS ANSWER q 911 CALL OR HOW THE 911 CALLS AR HANDLED SY ANY EM ENCY OPERATOR INCLUDING OPERATORS OF THE NATIONAL.-CALL CENTER.THI_LIRgITAMONS APPLY 7O AL CLAIMS REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY ARE BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT,W3REACy OF WARRANT.PRODUCT LIABILITY,TORT AND NY OTH TFIEORIES OF 4tADILITY. AYAt IL17 Y OF 911 AND-9011 SERVICES IS LIMt1ED T•O THE 60 UNL'�p STATES pp AMERICA ay. te: ; UTH IZED SIG U Z (} in this document wilt result in a provider change. raSpring Ac�epbncp; Ile; Data: LC29 Rrav!/09 ;i FEB-05-2010 14:32 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.010 Air4c)rprinQ AIRESP•RINC CREDIT APPLICATION Emil T1oridersWrwpring corn/or fax 88&899-2928 CONTACT & ACCOUNT INFORMATION 'Blling Account Name:City of Menifee "willing Address: Service Address.Of different) 29714 r oun Drive 'City: State: Zip: City., State: Zip: Menlfee I CA 192686 'Billing Contact/ride:Misty Chang Service Address Contact 'Phone:951-67Z6777 Fax#:951-679-3843 Phone: Fax 'Contact E-mail—IMPORTANT Contact E-mail—IMPORTANT Cu!-contact purposesonl :mchen at Ofinenifee.us forcontact v osesonl : 'Exact business name(per Corporate Charter or DBA):City ofMeMfee Corporation ©General Partnership Limited Partnership -0 Sole Proprietorship "p Nonprofit Organization '❑ Home Business 'Incorporation Date: 10/2009State: CA 'Current Carrier.Ve&. REQUIRFO.lndkdeomprasofpeymenteumaW pew Dom 3 rodef h is ewn Yow cunsnt carrier. 'Do you operate a Call Sell/Call Back/Debit Card/Wholesale or offer other telecom services? 0 Yes ®No 'Do you have local services T 1,dedicated LO Y 1,or dedicated PRI T-17 ❑Yes No 'Do you intend to have more than 50 Toll Free numbers on this account? ❑Yes NO �Do you operate a telemarketing business? ❑Yes No 'Will.the service provided by AlreSpring be used for resale purposes?' 0 Yes No iNTERNATIONALOSAGE 'open International traffic? ❑No of , Main Countries Called:Canada CREDIT •_ = e *I. Owner/Partner Name:City of Menlfee social Security#(Not FEIN):_ _- 2. Owner/Partner Namw. Social Security#(NotFEIN);_-_- *Type of Business:Municipality 'Years In Business:less ttaan 1 *Bank Name:Union Bank 'BZ Phone#951.072 7573 'Bank Account#2740028742 `Bank Contact Name: I.ynnea Dunaj *estimated Monthly Usage:31,000 Dun Bradstreet;fav JV/A AUTHORIZATION 1 eortify .#hat alI the irtfomr+ation contained in s applieatlori and any attachme5 are tree and correct_ se co, Is L..J,VnaWm ovided under Al�eSpring General Terms and Conditions. (Please visif WWw,alrroapring,�emw for a complete•and dated dascr,004 of tho te►ms of service.) 1 AGREE TRAT AIR SPRING MAY REQUEST CREDIT rnFoReRATION FROM IRD PARTIES AND I AUTHOWE THE CEASE OF SUCH INFORMATION FAW THE CUSrOPAER"s FWANCWt STITUTiON AS PART OF THIS APPt.ICATION FOR AIRESPRING CREDIT: :;..: of Applleant: Iftnted 1VAMY OfAPPBcant City of Menifee Date: 1 /22 log Agent Misty Cheng= FJnance Director FEB-05-2010 14:32 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.011 CO3 --Re►►.O7107107 AirearprIng OPTIONAL BILLING '& PAYMENT INFORMATION Emall T9orders(g 8ft—p4hg:aorn or fax amesg9-292e BILLING INFORMATION Does your company use a Vendor ID number? 0 No 19 Yes—(D#:FENDING Does your company use GL Codes? '[]No ®Yes—Codes:PENDING Does your company use Location ID numbers? C9 No ❑Yes—(D#: Is,?fur company/organization tax exempt? C]No 0 Yes— Attach Airespring Tax Exemption form(obtain from your Airespring agent) AUTO PAY INFORMATION ELEPTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER APPLICATION BANK INFO.RMAj ION Bank Name: Name of Account Holder; ABA/Routing# Account#: • AUTHORIZATION t am signing up for automatic payment of our Alrespring bill I agree that Alrespring may automatically debit our bank .ac -+nt for amount owed for as long as our company continues to receive sarvi� from Airespring. f can csnrel autorhstlo payment at any time by writing to Afresprinp. I agree to contact Airespring if there are cbanges to our bank account information (The ar►tonraac payment will occur an orabouf dw 150 of each month.) Signature of Applicant: Printed Name of Applicant City of Menifee Date: / / CO3 —Rev arrol/07 0 I TOTAL P.011 3/27/2009 Gmail -Order#10258-Cust#1331304... Bill Borger<bborger0027@gmail.com> Sri sip ;lti BETA Order #10258 - Cust #1331304 - City of Menifee - LOC - New DIDs 5 messages denelle.cabrera@airespring.com <denelle.cabrera@airespring.com> Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at'10:18 AM To: gwentz@cityofinenifee.us, brepke@noriisrepke.com, bborger@aatelecominc.com, kirby.kaneshiro@airespdng.com, denelle.cabrera@airespdng.com, bborger@aateleco 'nc.com Cc: dax@airespdng.com, Cad.Noblitt@airespdng.comP /��J' FOR TRACKING PURPOSES, PLEASE SEND ANY REPLY AS 'REPLY ALL" Dear Mr. Borger, J/� Per your request, here is the new DID range: 24 '"6.2 l C0 NEW DIDNZB Start of Range 9512466210 .246 NEW DID/VZB End of Range 9512466229 - Regards, iA Account-Manager �feFopf one number: 888-899-2789"Exf38& / Fax: 818-786-9225 t 21 Bill Borger<bborger@aatelecominc.com> � �- ed, r 18, 20 at 10:22AM To: denelle.cabrera@airespring.com Stuart, They have 20 did#s here is the range [Quoted text hidden] Bill Borger<bborger@aatelecominc.com> Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:26 AM To: Stuart <Stuart@selectsystems.biz> [Quoted text hidden] Denelle Cabrera <denelle.cabrera@airespring.com> Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 9:41 AM To: brepke@nonisrepke.com Cc:-gwentz@cityofnenifee.us, Bill Borger<bborger@aatelecominc.com>, DAX<dax@airespdng.com>, Denelle Cabrera <denelle.cabrera@airespring.com> Bill, htFn-//mail nnnniP rnm/mailA ii=?P4ik 1 P