934-WW 6/30/2006 CUP No. 3410 Street Improvement Plans En Encanto Dr RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT RIGHT— OF—WAY LANDSCAPING PLAN Ln CV ETHANAC ROAD HWY 74 MCLAUGHLIN ROAD Cz Ri bardson S RV Sun Ci w 0 o C.U.P. No. 3410 z 0 PROJECT SITE 0 U Q � O w � 0 andsca e m r men ans N z ROUSE ROAD ove U z Iw 26776 Encanto Road HIS. 15, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. -j THOMA5 BROTHERS MAP BOOK un City PAGE 838 COORDINATES C2 AND C3 S , CA 92585 1999 EDITION VICINITY MAP Assessor's Parcel Numbers. NOT TO SCALE 331 -120-018 331 -120-019 331 -120-047 Legal Description : ALL THREE PARCELS BELOW ARE LOCATED IN TOWNSHIP 5S, RANGE 3W, SECTION 15 FOR 33 1 -1 20-018 AND 33 1 - 1 20-01 9 PARCEL 2 LOT 12 TRUMBLE FARMS MD I I/38 Sheet Index FOR 33 I -120-047 PARCEL 3 LLA 41 OG REC 5/28/99 INST 234498 LOT I I TRUMBLE FARMS MB 1 I/38 Title Sheet L=1 Irrigation Plan L=2 Zoning : Protect Identification Numbers: Lot Coverage: - Irrigation Plan L=3 EXISTING AND PROPOSED ZONING TO BE C-P-S. IMPROVEMENT PLAN - CASE NUMBER If 040094 GROSS AREA: 332,070 S.F. = 7.G2 ACRES PROPERTY IS COMPLETELY VACANT. MINOR PLOT PLAN - CASE NUMBER PP 195GO NET AREA: 3 1 1 ,740 S.F. = 7. 1 G ACRES = 1 00% Planting PIan L-4 ZONING OF NORTHERLY PROPERTY IS C-P-S FAST TRACK AUTHORIZATION #2003- 10 BUILDING COVERAGE: 55,880 S.F. = 1 .28 ACRES = 17.9% NORTHWEST - KFC RESTAURANT BNR0401 28, 5XX0481 04 LANDSCAPING COVERAGE: 38, 125 S.F. = 0.87 ACRES = 1 2.2% NORTHEAST - VACANT CUP 3410 CONCRETE/PAVING COVERAGE 210,935 S.F. = 4.85 ACRES = G7.7% Planting PIan L-5 ZONING OF EASTERLY PROPERTY IS RICONCRETE SIDEWALKS: G,800 S.F. = 0. 1 G ACRES = 2.2% EXISTING HOUSES ZONING OF SOUTHERLY PROPERTY IS C-P-S Irrigation Details L=6 EXISTING RV DEALERSHIP ZONING OF WESTERLY PROPERTY IS RR Planting Details L-7 EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARK - ACROSS FREEWAY Specifications Irri ation L-8 g Planting Specifications L-9 Notes: "CONTINUED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PROVIDED BY PER AGREEMENT LETTER DATED " Underground Service Alert O�F-OR y THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CLEARING OF THE PROPOSED WORK AREA, AND RELOCATION Go Call: TOLL FREE COSTS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. PERMITTEE MUST INFORM COUNTY OF CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AT LEAST y 48 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. 1-800 PHONE: (95 1 ) 955-G790 FOR PERMIT CASES (C.U., P.U., P.P., OR VOLUNTARY), CABAZON AND AREA WEST. PHONE: (95 1 ) 955-G885 FOR PARCEL MAPS AND TRACT MAPS. 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG NOTE: SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BENCHMARK: SHEET NO. WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS Q�oF ESS/O+ TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Richard Pope & A s s o c c i a t e s C.U.P. No.3410 I.P. N0.040094 SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OR A ��� �,�� A. OTh,��Fy APPROVED BY: La n d s c a p e Architecture COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE L_1 `9 GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. 0 Urban Design & Planning STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Z W No. 33950 m / u ENCANTO DRIVE OF 9 SHTS THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DATE BY MARK Exp. 6-30-06 m 7Z Ap/40y 181 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 -- ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. APPR. DATE Y Y Pft- phone: (909) 888-5568 fax: (909) 384-9854 �. Qp IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTY T T ALED OT AN R.C.E. 33950 EXP. 6-30-06 ' STA. 700 00.00 TO STA. 709.�51 .88 04-17 DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE sj P0, e-mail: rpa.la@verizon.net FOR DCIERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN 9l CIVI1, O� d FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COUNTY / f FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. DtSIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FOF CAOf Richard Pope, Landscape Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: 26786 ENCANTO DRIVE FILE NO. � . RECOMMEND DATE H: V: SUN CITY,CA.92585 All Work to Meet or Exceed State & Local Codes and Industry Standards. Sprinkler Heads Written Dimensions to Precede Scaled Dimensions. SYMBOL MANUFACTURER MODEL DESCRIPTION NOZZLE RADIUS G.P.M. P.S.I. PATTERN 311 II IAA UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: 1h Rain-Bird 1800-SAM Series 12"Shrub pop-up 5Q 5' 0.10 30 90° The Contractor shall be responsible for locating or verifying locations of all existing utilities, and for protection of same. Damages resulting from Contractor's work with NP cap and 6"Lawn pop-up 5T 5' 0.13 1350 or that of Contractor's sub-contractors shall be restored to original condition at their own expense. City shall have the final say if repairs are to be made by • 5H 5' 0.20 180° 311 3„ 31, Contractor or others. Uk 8Q 8' 0.26 900 4 4 4 Equipment Legend SEE IRRIGATION DETAILS, SHEET L-6 <1 8T 8' 0.35 1350 311 311 ,21 8H 8' 0.52 1800 4 311 4 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 0 10Q 10' 0.39 900 1411 15 1�� 4 Remote control valve m 10T 10' 0.53 135° 19 1Y2' 14 �" New 12'Water Meter m 1 off 10 0.79 180 Rain-Bird PEB-100, size per plan 1oF 10' 1.58 3600 211 - Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer Q Quick coupling valve all, 12Q 12' 0.65 900 111 Febco 825-Y, 1-1/4" Nelson 7644 Acme threads, 3a" ® 12T 12' 0.87 1350 1 Gate valve Automatic irrigation controller ® 12H 12' 1.30 1800 17 4 Nibco T-113, line size © Rain-Bird ESP-40MC, 40 Stations ® 12F 12' 2.60 3600 14 14" 16 21 1Yz" Mainline Purple PVC. SCH. 40 up to 1-1/2", Use With Rain Check p 15Q 15' 0.92 900 18 11Y2/ 20 1Y2' Class 315 2" & up 15T 15' 1.23 1350 Lateral Line Purple PVC. Class 200 3/4"Thru 1-112" 0 15H 15' 1.85 1800 �-Irrigation Sleeve Purple PVC. SCH. 40 at 2% 10-VAN 10' 0.75 ADJ.X Dia. a 15-VAN 15' 0.75 ADJ. El El El of Pipe EXISTING STATIC PRESSURE (psi) : 74 ❑ 15SST 4'x 30' 1.21 SIDE P.O.C. at NEW Ilk METER AND 14 BACKFLOW DEVICE. TEST DATE: April 22, 2004 0 15EST 4'x 15' 0.61 END 4" Prior to installation of irrigation system, the Contractor shall verify static AGENCY: EMWO ® 5004-PC-SAM-N 4"pop-up RAD+1.5 31' 1.40 25 900 pressure at P.O.C. at 74 P.S.I. Should pressure be below that, the PHONE NO.: (909) 928-3777 ® 5004-PC-SAM-N 4"pop-up RAD+3.0 35, 3.33 1800 Landscape Architect shall be notified. CHECKED BY: Rafael p 3504-PC-SAM-N 4"pop-up 1.0 20' 0.77 900 � 3504-PC-SAM-N 4"pop-up 2.0 27' 1.40 1800 11 2 3504-PC-SAM-N 4"pop-up 4.0 31' 2.97 3600 2 1 \22 % 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 \j[1y2`/ 24 1Yz" 12 1%" 24 11y2/ 31, & 9 1 �161� 4 1 24 1� & & 20 1Y2" 18 1Yz" g 1%° 4 4 4 4 111 31, 311 111 111 18 12 4 111 4 ('7 (J 311 I 311 311 311 311 311 1Y2' 4 4 4 4 4 - 411 q16 � 311 311 4 4 L-Lj \` 311 4 3,1 � 11 211 4 311 311 311 3 31, `t 31, 4 n 4 3n 3 4 � 4 q16 11I 111 Jill J111 111 i11 14 4 4 I I 211 2 11 i 111 ITLrL 111 13 14 14" 14ll I 3n &4 14 13 1Y2' 4 4 � �" L-6 1411 I I � ❑❑ ❑❑ 311 Irrigation system is to be installed as non-potable- 4 - - - - - per notes and details on Shee L-6. II �n11 311 1 11 311 1 1„ Irrigation Notes 19 2 4 I 4 � 4 26 1Y2' 3n 3u 31 1 ' 411 1 Mainline and lateral lines shall be sleeved under all driveways and wal a s. 4 4 411 4 ) Y Y Jill 33 5 3„ 411 2) The irrigation equipment is shown in the street/ hardsca a areas for clarificationonly. Actual I 4 p 25 1Y2' q:6 equipment shall be placed within landscape areas. Valve boxes and equipment installed above ground to be placed in shrub/ ground cover areas where possible. 3) All 1800 pop-up bodies shall be SAM-PRS. Sprinkler heads shall be as indicated on the drawings. Six inch (6") pop-up type spray heads shall be installed in all 311 lawn areas. Twelve inch (12") pop-up type spray heads shall be installed in all 4 ground cover/ shrub areas. i R/W n 2 3n ■ I L-6 4Irri ation an 1" 211 W 9 SCALE: 1 " = 20' N 4" L-6 L-6 N 211 Station number 0' 20' 40' 60' 80' Gallons per minute Valve size 1 moil Underground S e ry c e AI rt Detail/section number SCALE: 1 " = 20' Sheet number 20 O�FOR E yo Go Call: TOLL FREE 126 1 Y2" 111 311 „ 311 U � 1- 00 I � 2 4 1 4 2-27-12600 Match Line See Sheet L-3 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG NOTE. SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BENCHMARK: SHEET NO. WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS �oF ESS/0 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Richard Pope & A s s o c c I a t e s C.U.P. N0.3410 I.P. N0.040094 SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN ��F,0��0 A. 0r, F1 APPROVED BY: La n d s c a p e Architecture COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE L-2 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OR A ``99 GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. ' Urban Design & P I a n n i n g STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Z DATE BY MARK APPR. DATE w No. 339 - m ENCANTO DRIVE OF 9 sHTS THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR W Exp. 6-3006 _, l0�/ 181 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 - ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. Y phone: (909) 888-5568 fax: (909) 384-9854 STA. TOO+OO.00 TO STA. 709+51 .�8 04-17 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTY P K LED A. R.C.E. 33950 EXP.6-30-06 e-mail: rpa.la@VerIZOn.net DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN 9T CIVI,- �� FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. CO UN LF FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY F pF CA C , Richard Pope, Landscape Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: 26786 ENCANTO DRIVE FILE N09 RECOMMENDED DATE H: V: SUN CITY,CA.92585 Match Line See Sheet L-2 311 4 111 MAXIMUM WATER ALLOWANCE 311 14 MWA= [(ETo)x(0.80) x (LA)x(0.62)]/(748) i 111 14 MWA= Maximum Water ` "iwance(htmdred ciihic feed t X R/W 311 4 1 11 I - I j x Aj I Jat w 1a ® l u 5 0 ,A 748/" � 311 L-6 Overall Total E.:x"1, = 1,154.02 04, 4 Sprinkler steads SYMBOL MANUFACTURER MODEL DESCRIPTION NOZZLE RADIUS G.P.M. P.S.I. PATTERN V 211 2 lk Rain-Bird 1800-SAM Series 12" Shrub pop-up 5Q 5' 0.10 30 900 Z _ with NP cap and 6" Lawn pop-up 5T 5' 0.13 1350 21 �I L-6 � 5H 5' 0.20 1800 26 1y„ 8Q 8' 0.26 900 111 31I 111 41I 8T 8' 0.35 1350 12 4 8H 8' 0.52 1800 31I 3114 4 0 10Q 10, 0.39 900 m 10T 10, 0.53 1350 180° 10F 10' 1.58 3600 211 ® 12Q 12' 0.65 900 ® 12T 12' 0.87 1350 ® 12H 12' 1.30 1800 31I ® 12F 12' 2.60 3600 4 p 15Q 15' 0.92 900 R/W Irrigation system is to be installed as non-potable Q 15T 15' 1.23 135° 111 311 31 per notes and details on Sheet L-6, 0 15H 15' 1.85 1800 111 23 1y2' 4 4 � 10-VAN 10' 0.75 ADJ. 211 II 1111 15-VAN 15' 0.92 ADJ. 4 4 ❑ 15SST 4'x 30' 1.21 SIDE i II 311 3 ■ 15EST 4'x 15' 0.61 END I 4 29 28 27 / 26 25 24 23 5004-PC-SAM-N 4" pop-up RAD+1.5 31' 1.40 25 900 3u 30 10 1�� L-6 13 1�� 12 1�� 11 1�� 8 1�� ® 5004-PC-SAM-N 4" pop-up 4 g 1' ® RAD+3.0 35' 3.33 1800 11 211 211 p 3504-PC-SAM-N 4" pop-up 1.0 20' 0.77 90° 2 i -� --Q- 3504-PC-SAM-N 4" pop-up 2.0 27' 1.40 1800 3504-PC-SAM-N 4" pop-up 4.0 31' 2.97 3600 22 41I 1 11 1 11 1 11 311 25 1y2' 111 311 1 „ 1 11 II 4 12 311 4 '+311 311 4 1 4 311 311 311 311 311 311 4 4 4 4 4 4 3" 311 4 4 31I L-6 4 311 311 311 4 11 311 311 3 I :7311 4 4 311 4 4 PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATIONS: EXISTING STATIC PRESSURE(psi): 74 VALVE NO.: 3 Irr i a i o n an All Work to Meet or Exceed State & Local Codes and Industry Standards. Written Dimensions to Precede Scaled Dimensions. COMPONENT SIZE GPM LENGTH LOSS/100, NET LOSS Irrigation Notes SCALE: 1 " = 20' WATER METER 1 1/2" 26 - - 1.4 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: COPPER SERVICE LINE 1 112" 50, 2.99 1.5 Station number The Contractor shall be responsible for locating or verifying locations of all existing utilities, and for protection of same. Damages resulting from Contractor's work BACKFLOW PREVENTER 1-1/4" - - 10.0 1) Mainline and lateral lines shall be sleeved under all driveways and walkways. or that of Contractor's sub-contractors shall be restored to original condition at their own expense. City shall have the final say if repairs are to be made by MAINLINE z�� l000' 0.52 5.2 2) The irrigation equipment is shown in the street/ hardscape areas for clarification only. Gallons per minute Valve size . Actual Contractor or Others. CONTROL VALVE 1 112" - - 3.76 equipment shall be placed within landscape areas. Valve boxes and equipment installed above Detail/section number ELEVATION - - - - ground to be placed in shrub/ ground cover areas where possible. Sheet number Underground Service Alert _ LATERALS - - 5.0 3) A111800 o u FOR E ,, EXISTING STATIC PRESSURE (psi) : 74 pop p bodies shall be SAM-PRS. Sprinkler heads shall be as indicated ■ SUBTOTAL: 26.86 e GGo Call: TOLL FREE P.O.C. at NEW 12" METER AND 1 BACKFLOW DEVICE. on the drawings. Six inch 6" pop-up type spray heads shall be installed in all a TEST DATE: April 22,2004 4 9 1 ) p p- p yp p y EMWD Prior to installation of irrigation system, the Contractor shall verify static 25%PRESSURE ALLOWANCE FOR FITTINGS: 6.72 lawn areas. Twelve inch (12") pop-up type spray heads shall be installed in all 1-800 3777 pressure at P.O.C. at 74 P.S.I. Should pressure be below that, the SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE: 30.0 round cover/ shrub areas. 0' 20' 40' 60' 80' 2 2 7-2 60 0 PHONE NO.: (909► 928-CHECKED BY: Rafael Landscape Architect shall be notified. TOTAL PRESSURE LOSS(psi): 63.58 9 SCALE: 1 " -- 2.0' TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BENCHMARK: SHEET ESSIO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT C.U.P. No.3410 I.P. No.040094 WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS PR SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN ��� �� A. 0 T'y,��Fy APPROVED BY: - ._ Landscape Architecture COUNTY O F RIVERSIDE L_3 GRADINENCROG ERMIT `� � �, Urban Design & Planning STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS GRACING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. � Z �. W No. 33950 m ENCANTO DRIVE OF 9 SHTS THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR W Exp. 6-30-06 /Z,/IP1dy 181 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. DATE BY MARK APPR. DATE ` - phone: 909 888-5568 fax: (909 384-9854 ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTYt4 STA. 700+00.00 TO STA. 709+51 .88 04-17 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR K ED A. MA R.C.E. 33950 EXP. 6-30-06 s e-mail: rpa.la@verizon.net DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE T �� • FOR DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY qTF CIVIL O� w l o Richard PO e, Landsca e Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COUN FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. OF CA`\E RECOMMENDED DATE p p H: V: 26786 ENCANTO DRIVE FILE NTO��� • SUN CITY,CA.92585 Planting Legend SEE PLANTING DETAILS, SHEET L-7 SYMBOL QTY. SIZE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SYMBOL QTY. SIZE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME 29 12' Brn. Syagrus romanzoffianum Queen Palm Da 73 5 gal. Abelia grandiflora Glossy Abelia Trunk 80 5 gal. Xylosma congestum Compact Xylosma Compacta' � 22 24" Box Pinus eldarica Afghan Pine 1811 � Flats Aptenia Cordifolia Red Apple � O.C. O 32 24" Box Pinus eldarica Afghan Pine 18" Flats Vinca major Periwinkle G 0.C. FP1 21 24" Box Koelreuteria bypinnata Golden Raintree 12" Max. Flats Annual Color (per owner) O.C. Sod Festuca elatior'Eden' Eden Tall Fescue Planting Notes ... .......... 105 1 gal. Ficus pumila Creeping Fig In addition to specified backfill mix, plants shall also receive Gro-Power 7 gram Planting Tablets at the following rates: - 8' o.c. 3 tablets per 1 gallon, 8 tablets per 5 gallon, 15 tablets per 15 gallon, 16 tablets per 24"box, 30 tablets per 36"box. 18 1 gal. Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's Claw A 1"deep layer of shredded bark mulch shall be placed in all planting beds, except lawn areas. 8' o.c. Plant counts are for bidding purposes only. Contractor shall be responsible for exact count per plan. 2 A 6" Concrete Curb shall be placed between all turf areas and parking areas. q:7) FP1 All above ground utilities and Irrigation equipment shall be screened. 4 �a L-7 " Block Wall v R/W " E I ' F P I All Work to Meet or Exceed State III Local Codes and Industry Standards. Written Dimensions to Precede Scaled Dimensions. E R/W UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: F�Pi The Contractor shall be responsible for locating or verifying locations of all existing utilities, and for protection of same. Damages resulting from Contractor's work or that of Contractor's sub-contractors shall be restored to original condition at their own expense. City shall have the final say if repairs are to be made by I I >a Contractor or others. • 3 I L-7 Parking Area Shading Note: I A minimum of 50% of the ` E parking spaces shall be FP1 shaded with mature trees with in 15 years. " Ll D � FP1 5 Total Parking Spaces (9x20): 91 Total Parking Sq.Ft.: 16,380 B " q17) ® ® ® ® Mowstrip 1 Total Shade Sq.Ft. Required (50%): 81190 L-7 Total Shade Sq.Ft. Provided: 8,457 FP1 " Block S.X . . . . . . . . Wall R/W �Pi Plantming Note: Bike Rack Bike Rack to be 2-3/8" .D. Galvanized, powder coated steel pipe. Bike Rack to hold five bicycles. Game Time: www.garretime.com (800)-543-2232 SCALE: 1 " = 20' Underground S rvice Aler 0' 20' 40' 60' 80• FOR E y0 c* Go Call: TOLL FREE . SCALE: 1 " = 20' 1-800 227-2600 Match Li a See Sheet L-5 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOUVrG­_[____tJ - ry NOTE: SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE �` _ BENCHMARK: SHEET NO. WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS Q�pF ESS�C� TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Richard Pope & A s s o c c 1 a t e s C.U.P. No.3410 I.P. N0.040094 SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN F,� EO A. 03y ql La n d S C a a Arch 1 t e c t u r e ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OR A h�� �- Fyn APPROVED BY: pCOUNTY F RIVERSIDE L-4 GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Urban Design & P l a n n i n g STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Z w No. 33950 m ENCANTO DRIVE of 9 sHTs THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR � Exp. 6-30-06 M rZi�9lby t 181 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 DATE BY MARK APPR. DATE l� p ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. 1 home: 909 888-5568 fax: 1909 384-9854 STA. 700 00.00 TO STA. 709 51 .88 04-17 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTY ALED TH N R.C.E. 33950 EXP. 6-30-06 s P e-mail: rpa.la@verizon.net DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE / FOR DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY qTF CIVIL ��� to (� v o Richard Po e, Landsca e Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COUN FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. OF CA�-�F p p �,3 RECOMMENDED DATE H: V: SUN ENCAA.9 DRIVE FILE NO. SUN CITY,CA.92585 r Match Line See Sheet L-4 N • Planting Legend SEE PLANTING DETAILS, SHEET L-7 R/W I SYMBOL QTY. SIZE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SYMBOL QTY. SIZE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME I I I 29 12' Brn. Syagrus romanzoffianum Queen Palm Da 73 5 gal. Abelia grandiflora Glossy Abelia Trunk ^' G 80 5 gal. Xylosma congestum Compact Xylosma Compacta' 22 24" Box Pinus eldarica Afghan Pine t(D• 1 " Flats Aptenia Cordifolia Red Apple � • • 80.c. 4 O 32 24" Box Pinus eldarica Afghan Pine 1811 Flats Vinca major Periwinkle 7 O.C. 21 24" Box Koelreuteria bypinnata Golden Raintree Max.M Flats Annual Color (per owner) Ma O.C. Sod Festuca elatior'Eden' Eden Tall Fescue ............. �t 105 8" o c 1 gal. Ficus pumila Creeping Fig 18 1 gal. Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's Claw 5 8" o.c. L-7 Detail/section number I . . Sheet number � 2 FP1 N Parking Area Shading Note: Total Parking Spaces (9x20): 91 A minimum of 50% of the Total Parking Sq.Ft.: 16,380 F parking spaces shall be Total Shade Sq.Ft. Required (50%): 82190 FP1 shaded with mature trees Total Shade Sq.Ft. Provided: 8,457 B with in 15 years. F P 1 R/W 3 I G . . . . . . . . . . . . FP1 . . �+ . . . . . . . .0. . . N I N I N N .:•:.:�.:•.... .. N l . . . 1 All Work to Meet or Exceed State & Local Codes and Industry Standards. Written Dimensions to Precede Scaled Dimensions. Planting Notes UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: In addition to specified backfill mix plants shall I r _ Plantming p , p also receive Gro Power 7 gram Planting Tablets at the following rates. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating or verifying locations of all existing utilities, and for protection of same. Damages resulting from Contractor's work 3 tablets per 1 gallon, 8 tablets per 5 gallon, 15 tablets per 15 gallon, 16 tablets per 24" box, 30 tablets per 36"box. or that of Contractor's sub-contractors shall be restored to original condition at their own expense. City shall have the final say if repairs are to be made by SCALE: 1 " = 20' Contractor or others. A 1" deep layer of shredded bark mulch shalt be placed in all planting beds, except lawn areas. Plant counts are for bidding purposes only. Contractor shall be responsible for exact count per plan. Underground Service Alert A 6" Concrete Curb shall be placed between all turf areas and parking areas. �{ O�cOR E YU ICI Go` Call: TOLL FREE All above ground utilities and Irrigation equipment shall be screened. U o' 20' 40' 60' 80, G% 1-800 227-2600 SCALE: 1 " = 20' TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG NOTE. SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BENCHMARK: SHEET NO. WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS ROF ESS�p TRANSPORTATION DEPARTM ENT Richard Pope & A s s o c c i a t e s C.U.P. No.3410 I.P. No.040094 SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN �,DP EO A. OTy ql L� a n d s c a e Architecture c h I t e c t u r e ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OR A �Q QL Fy APPROVED BY: P COUNTY O F RIVERSIDE L-5 GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. ' U r b a n Design & P Ian n i n g STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Z W No. 33950 m ENCANTO DRIVE OF 9 SHTS THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR W Exp. 6-30-06 � / L /O 181 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 DATE BY MARK APPR. DATE ` hone: '909) 888-5568 fax: (909) 384-9854 QQ ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. p / l / STA. 700+00.00 TO STA. 709+51 .V V 04-17 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNT APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTY Q LED A. HM R.C.E.33950 EXP. 6-30-06 a-mail: rpa.la@verizon.net DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE T �� FOR DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY qTF CIVIL O� a Richard Pope, Landscape Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COUN FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUN71 OF CALF p p 26786 ENCANTO DRIVE FILE N RECOMMENDE DATE H: V: SUN CITY,CA.92585 VANDAL PROOF COVER Horizontal separation of 10-foot is required between STRONG BOX, S B B C—3 0 5 5 All spray heads shall have Hon-Potable all non-potable water piping and potable water piping. Covers. Install per manufactures Vertical separation for non-potable piping shall be a REDUCCED KFLOWESSU RE ENTER instructions, model #1800 NP Cover. minimum of 1-foot below potable water piping. COPPER MALE ADAPTER O O 10" ROUND VALVE BOX (1 OF 2) PLANT MATERIAL Non-potable pipe depth from finish grade shall be as listed: BRANDED 'QC' IN 2" HIGH LETTERS: COPPER UNION Constant pressure lines 3-inches and larger: 24 inches FINISH GRADE I � (1 OF 2) OD D� � 1 (��) FINIS GRADE FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH Constant pressure lines 2/2-inches and smaller: 18 inches (GROU D COVER) ® I Roo ® I11 III COPPER go° ELL Intermittent pressure lines: 12 inches 1 1 " (1 OF 4) I I BRASS PIPE SEE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR (TYPICAL) \_7- _ BACKFILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. MIN. 12" POP-UP SPRAY SPRINKLER: RAIN BIRD 1 800 FINISH GRADE LINE SIZE BRASS GATE VALVE WATER SERVICE LINE FINISH GRADE (if applicable) — �' , BRASS FEMALE ADAPTER PVC MALE ADAPTOR 18" MIN. r;- -1 12" MIN. —� (: a: ( I IRRIGATION MAINLINE PIPE PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE IL L_w*. (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) 18" MIN. 12"X12"X 12"CONCRETE PVC MALE ADAPTER PVC SCH 40 ELL PVC IRRIGATION MAIN THRUST BLOCK PVC SCH 40 STREET ELL (TYP.) _ O 2X4 REDWOOD BLOCK 1 CUBIC FOOT GRAVEL FILL PVC PIPE FROM POINT-OF-CONNECTION PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE CONTINUOUS AROUND (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) NON-PRESSURE O LATERAL LINE PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING NOTE: PVC SCH 40 STREET ELL 1 . INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES AND HEALTH CONTROL WIRES TO BE DEPARTMENT. VERIFY LOCAL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SLEEVED UNDER HARDSCAPES. Gate valve shall be marked as non-potable per 2. PLACE BEHIND SHRUBS WHERE POSSIBLE. PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL Specifications. UPON CONNECTION TO NON-POTABLE SOURCE, BACKFLOW SHOULD BE REMOVED. PVC LATERAL PIPE NOTE: PROVIDE CLEAN BACKFILL UNDERR ALL L PIPING. REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW W/ENCLOSURE N .T.S. 7 N .T.S. 5 TRENCHING N .T.S. 3 GATEVALVE N .T.S.-- 1 All valves shall have Non-Potable Control Handles. Install per manufactures instructions, model OUTSIDE WALL #PEB-NP-HAN, size per plans. Quick-Coupling Valve shall have Non-Potable VALVE BOX SHALL BE PLACED Covers. Install per manufactures instructions, 2" ABOVE FIN15H GRADE IN model #44NP. GROUND COVER AREAS, AND 30—INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH I" ABOVE GRADE IN LAWN AREAS. COILED QUICK—COUPLING VALVE: WATER PROOF CONNECTION (1 OF 2) RAINBIRD 44NP 0 ID TAG - PER NON-POTABLE NOTES. ,�i��`i��`i i��`i��`i��. 10" ROUND VALVE BOX WITH COVER: CONTROLLER: 12" X 18" VALVE BOX WITH COVER: '�\�/\\�/\\� //,�,,`i . BRANDED 'QC' IN 2" TALL LETTERING OUTDOOR WALL MOUNT BRANDED 'RCV' & # IN 2" TALL LETTERS PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) ROOF EDGE \ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: 3—INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF RAIN BIRD PEB 3/4—INCH WASHED GRAVEL 3" MIN. PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (CLOSE) AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUTOFF: � PVC SCH 40 STREET ELL RAIN BIRD RAIN CHECK V, PVC SCH 40 ELL — BRICK (1 OF 2) PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE PVC SCH 8C NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) ' ' ' ' " (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) 00� o� 0 �°o oo— BRICK (1 OF 4) PVC SCH 40 STREET ELL SCH 80 NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTH, / 1 .5-INCH PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT — HIDDEN) AND SCH 40 ELL AND FITTINGS I JUNCTION BOX PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL PVC MAINLINE PIPE PVC MAINLINE PIPE PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL PVC SCH 40 ELL WIRES TO REMOTE CONTROL 2" x 2" REDWOOD STAKE W/ NOTE: VALVES PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER STAINLESS STEEL GEAR 1 . FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, SEE INSTRUCTIONS ENCLOSED \--PVC LATERAL PIPE CLAMPS OR EQUIVALENT WITH RAIN CHECK. 1 -INCH PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT NOTE: SUPPORT SYSTEM TO POWER SUPPLY 3.0—INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1 . FURNISH FITTINGS .AND PIPING NOMINALLY SIZED IDENTICAL TO 3/4—INCH WASHED GRAVEL NOMINAL QUICK COUPLING VALVE INLET SIZE. THERE SHOULD BE ONE VALVE PER BOX AND THERE SHALL BE 24" MIN. BETWEEN EACH. AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT OFF N .T.S. 9 N .T.S. 6 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE N .T.S. 4 QUICK-COUPLING VALVE N .T.S. 2 Non-potable Water Notes A. The installation of the irrigation water system shall conform to the regulations for the (1)Tags shall be weatherproof plastic,3"x 411, purple in color with the words G. Warning tape shall be a minimum of 3-inches wide and shall run continuously for the J. All pressure main line piping from the non-potable water shall be installed to M. Adjust spray heads to eliminate over spray onto areas not under the control of the P. Warning tape on non-potable water constant pressure main line piping is only allowed construction of irrigation water systems within the City of Yucaipa and the accom- "WARNING-NON-POTABLE WATER-DO NOT DRINK" imprinted on one entire length of all constant pressure main line piping. The tape shall be attached to maintain 10 feet minimum horizontal separation from all potable water piping. customer. For example: pool decks, private patios, streets and sidewalks. on project-by-project approval from the District Engineering Office. If approved,it panying plans and specifications. side,and"AVISA-AGUA IMPURA- NO TOMAR" on the other side. the top of the pipe with plastic tape banded around the warning tape and the pipe Where non-potable and potable water pressure main line piping cross,the non- must follow these installation specifications. Imprinting shall be permanent and black in color. Use tags as manufactured every five feet on center. Warning tape shall be as manufactured by Thor Enterprises,Inc. potable water piping shall be installed below the potable water piping in a Class N. Contact YVWD District's Engineering Department two days prior to the B. All on-site constant non potable and potable water main line piping installed on this by T. Christy Enterprises or approved equal. (1-800-USA-THOR)or approved equal. 200 purple-colored PVC sleeve which extends a minimum of 5 feet on either irrigation System coverage test at(909)797-5118 and arrange a coverage (1) Warning tape shall be used on all constant pressure mains. project shall be identified in accordance with the City of Yucaipa and the Yucaipa side of the potable water piping. Provide a minimum vertical clearance of 6 inches. test walk through of the system. Valley Water District(YVWD)specifications. 2 One to shall be attached to each appurtenance as follows: H. Warning tape for the constant pressure potable water piping shall be purple in color ( ) 9 Conventional (white) PVC pipe may be used for sleeving material if it is taped (2) Warning tape shall be a minimum of 3 inches wide and snail run continuously for with the words "CAUTION:RECYCLED WATER-DO NOT DRINK" imprinted in 0. Failure to comply with any or all of the above guidelines puts your system in C. Non-potable water piping shall be purple PVC. with 3 inch wide purple warning tape which reads CAUTION: NON-POTABLE the entire length of all constant pressure main line piping. The tape shall be attached (a) Attach to valve stem directly or with plastic tie-wrap or minimum 1-inch high letters,black in color. Imprinting shall be continuos and violation of the YVWD Rules and Regulations,and will result in t WATER-DO NOT DRINK". o the top of the pipe with plastic tape banded around the warning tape and the pipe D. Markin on the purple PVC pipe shall include the following: permanent. termination of service until the appropriate corrective steps have been taken. Underground Service Alert g pp g (b) Attach to solenoid wire directly or with plastic tie-wrap or K. The irrigation system has been designed to and must be operated between the hours of every5 feet oncenter. O�FOR E yo "CAUTION:NON-POTABLE WATER-DO NOT DRINK". Nominal pipe size. I. YVWD District Engineering Office shall be notified two days prior to the start of 9:00 P.M.and 6:00 A.M. unless otherwise directed by Engineer. 3 Warning toe for the constant pressure non-potable water piping shall be purple in e PVC-1120. Pressure rating in pounds per square inch at 73 degrees. ASTM irrigation construction at(909)797-5118 and each workday thereafter until ( ) g p p p p p g p g Call: TOLL FREE (c) Attach to valve cover with existing valve cover bolt. color with the words"NON-POTABLE WATER-DO NOT DRINK" imprinted in minimum designations such as 1785, 2241, 2672,3139. Printing shall be placed continuously completion of project. 1—8 0 0 on two sides of the pipe. ith(d) Attach to the body of the relative appurtenance w a plastic tie-wrap. L. All new common areas where non-potable water is used and that are accessible to the 1-inch high, black letters. Imprinting shall be continuous and permanent. E. All non-potable water sprinkler control valves,isolation valves,quick couplers, general public shall be posted with conspicuous signs that include the flowing wording 2 2 7—2 60 0 and all appurtenances shall be tagged with ideni fication tags. F. Warning tape shall be used on all constant pressure main line piping carrying potable in a size mo less than 4 inches high by 8 inches wide: "NON-POTABLE WATER-DO NOT water. DRINK"OR"AVISA-AGUA IMPURA-NO TOMAR". Each sign shall also display an TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG international symbol conveying the same warning. NOTE. SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BENCHMARK: C.U.P. N0.3410 I.P. No.040094 SHEET NO. WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS QRpF S104, TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Richard Pope & A s s o c c i a t e s SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN ���Qy�� A. 0 q�F APPROVED BY: Landscape Architecture COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE L-6 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OR A �, GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. � � � �% Urban Design & Planning STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Z W No. 33950 m �Z 19�d ENCANTO DRIVE OF 6 SHTS THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR w Exp. 6-30-06 _ 181 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 QQ DATE BY MARK APPR. DATE p STA. 700+00.00 TO STA. 709+51 .88 04-17 ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. hone: 909 888-5568 fax: 909 384-9.854 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTY Q LED A. H R.C.E. 33950 EXP. 6-30-06 a-mall: rpa.la@verizon.net DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN 9p CIVIL FLU FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COON FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FOF CA0\r Richard Pope, Landscape Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: 26786 ENCANTO DRIVE FILE NO. / RECOMMENDED DATE H: V: SUN CITY,CA.92585 ie 4M, it 1 d. L1 0 c ADJUST AFTER BACK i „ S At SETTLING. 'FDT 7RIAN OR ` .�1�,� � �t� .�, �M '��Y( 3! 90 FINISH GRADE y SCARIFY SIDES OF PRLhAttFL BACKFILL NOTE: Q� (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) PLANTING HOLE 1. POURED CONCRETE HEADER BACKFILL: AND ROOTBALL. HOLE DEPTH SHALL BE FORMED ON BOTH SCARIFY SIDES OF 50%NATIVE SOIL NO DEEPER THAN SIDES WITH SMOOTH STEEL PLANTING HOLE. 50%FINE SAND OR PLANTING TABLETS ROOTBALL. TROWEL FINISH ON THE TOP SANDY LOAM PER NOTES. AND 3/4" RADIUS EDGES. BACKFILL TO BE TAMPED FIRMLY INTO PLACE. 2. TOP OF HEADER SHALL BE 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE AND DO NOT FLOOD WATER FOR CURVES SHALL BE UNIFORM 2X DIA.ROOTBALL EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME. 2X DIA.ROOTBALL AND FREE FLOWING. SECURE VERTICALLITY AS NECESSARY. INSTALL 24"DEEP ROOT BARRIER WHEN PLANTED WITHIN 8'OF HARDSCAPE. PALM PLANTING N .T.S. 5 TREE PLANTING INTS1. 3 CONCRETE MOWSTRIP N .T.S. 1 EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL EARTH BERM(REMOVE AT END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD—GRADE AWAY FROM TRUNK.) 1" ORGANIC MULCH MIN. MEDIUM TO HEAVY GRIND. (WIND RESISTANT) FINISH GRADE SCARIFY SIDES OF PREPARED BACKFILL GROUND COVER/ANNUAL COLOR PLANTING HOLE (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) PLANTING (TYPICAL) AND ROOTBALL. HOLE DEPTH NO DEEPER THAN PLANTING TABLETS ROOTBALL. NOTE: PER NOTES. 2X DIA.ROOTBALL I . GROUND COVER/ANNUAL COLOR PLANTING 5HALL BE TRIANGULAR 5HAPED 'ON-CENTER A5 INDICATED IN PLANT LIST. 2. GROUND COVER TO BE PLANTED UNDER ALL SHRUBS A MAXIMUM OF 9" FORM TRUNK, EVEN IF NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON PLANS. 3. MULCH GROUND COVER AREAS AFTER PLANTING U51NG I " DEPTH OF ORGANIC MULCH MIN, MEDIUM TO HEAVY GRIND. NOTE:UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS ROOT CROWN OF SHRUB TO BE BURIED BELOW SOIL LEVEL. (WIND RESI5TANT) 4. GROUND COVER TO ACHIEVE 100% EFFECTIVE COVERAGE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF PLANTING. SHRUB PLANTING I N .T.S.1 4 GROUND COVER PLANTING N .T.S. 2 Underground Service Alert FORE92 y0 o Call: TOLL FREE U O 1-800 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG NOTE: SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BENCHMARK: SHEET NO. WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS Q�OF Ess,oti TRANSPORTATION DEPARTM ENT Richard Pope & A s s o c c i a t e s C.U.P. No.3410 I.P. N0.040094 SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN ��� ��A. Or'S,L�Fy APPROVED BY: La n d s c a 0 e Arc h i t e c t u re COUNTY OF RIVERSIDEENCRO L_7 GRADING ERMIT `9 Urban Do; sign & Planning STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. CO Z W No. 33950 m 181 N. 'E' Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 ENCANTO DRIVE OF 7 SHTS THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DATE 4BYM�ARK APPIR DATE Exp. 6-30-06 m 71 l� O phone: (909) 888-5568 fax: (909) 384-9854 + + ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. * 9 STA. 700 00.00 TO STA. 709 51 .88 04-17 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTY ALED A. HM R.C.E. 33950 EXP. 6-30-06 s e-mail: rpa.la@verizon.net DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE >` � FOR DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN �P CIVIC- ELF FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COUN FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FOF-CA`\F O C Richard Pope, Landscape Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: 26786 ENCANTO DRIVE FILE NO. RECOMMENDED DATE H: V: SUN CITY,CA.92586 $44 2-2"DIA X I 0'LEDGFPOI. d RU.NK 'IT.T��. �B ;eryt \h ILERS .:AWt Ns I < k'A!� i RONI_ S `I O Ri 1,tAC,: 141,1) i'ti k I,1 PR I, 'a IT POSITION FOR A_ MIN'I!VIUNI ''►F fiti :i B F ,Ai3 :ATtO1J�. B;','�t; �� u, 0 I ►z (P ' "A 41� t s" N AID 'AS QNI TLE f. ai AT IT CIE OF UNIFYINCr.?RLJ1;NE A .i-, 1.a_iWER t,kGA NIC, 'AI `LC:HM• I OMt',Ai.'I t ADJUST AFTER BACKFLLI_ I'Rt):' `i7S AS REQUIRED T C BLEAR W AY FOR III I`.I O , 3r_ CONT. (}L 4 -- $. SETTLING. PEDESTRIAN OR VEHICULAR ACCESS. MI�-I�lUM 0 1I AVY GI>IND (WIND RF �ooSISTAN't') O , 6 —� FINISH GRADE _- __._ SCARIFY SIDES OF PREPARED BACKFILL NOTE: PLANTING HOLE (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) 1. POURED CONCRETE HEADER BACKFILL: AND ROOTBALL. HOLE DEPTH SHALL BE FORMED ON BOTH SCARIFY SIDES OF 50%NATIVE SOIL NO DEEPER THAN ROOTBALL. SIDES WITH SMOOTH STEEL PLANTING HOLE. 50%FINE SAND OR PLANTING TABLETS TROWEL FINISH ON THE TOP SANDY LOAM PER NOTES, AND 3/4"RADIUS EDGES. BACKFILL TO BE TAMPED FIRMLY INTO PLACE. 2. TOP OF HEADER SHALL BE 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE AND DO NOT FLOOD WATER FOR CURVES SHALL BE UNIFORM 2X DIA.ROOTBALL EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME. 2X DIA.ROOTBALL AND FREE FLOWING. SECURE VERTICALLITY AS NECESSARY. INSTALL 24"DEEP ROOT BARRIER WHEN PLANTED WITHIN 8'OF HARDSCAPE. PALM PLANTING N.T.S. 5 TREE PLANTNG N.T.S. 3 CONCRETE MOWSTRIP N.T.S. 1 .40 EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL EARTH BERM(REMOVE AT END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD-GRADE AWAY FROM TRUNK.) 1" ORGANIC MULCH MIN. MEDIUM TO HEAVY GRIND. (WIND RESISTANT) FINISH GRADE SCARIFY SIDES OF PREPARED BACKFILL GROUND COVER/ANNUAL COLOR PLANTING H LE (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) PLANTING (TYPICAL) AND ROOT B L. HOLE DEPTH NO DEEPER THAN PLANTING TABLETS ROOTBALL. NOTE: PERNOTES. 2X DIA.ROOTBALL I . GROUND COVMANNUAL COLOR PLANTING SHALL BE TRIANGULAR SHAPED 'ON-CENTER AS INDICATED IN PLANT LIST. 2. GROUND COVER TO BE PLANTED UNDER ALL SHRUBS A MAXIMUM OF 9" FORM TRUNK, EVEN IF NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON PLANS. 3. MULCH GROUND COVER AREAS AFTER PLANTING U51NG I" DEPTH OF ORGANIC MULCH MIN. MEDIUM TO HEAVY GRIND. NOTE:UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS ROOT CROWN OF SHRUB TO BE BURIED BELOW SOIL LEVEL. (WIND RESISTANT) 4. GROUND COVER TO ACHIEVE 100% EFFECTIVE COVERAGE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF PLANTING. SHRUB PLANTING N.T.S. 4 GROUND COVER PLANTING N.T.S. 2 Underground Service Alert O��_ORE y0 o Call: TOLL FREE U 1-800 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG SEAL COUNTY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ' BENCHMARK: SHEET NO. NOTE: ? �} t C.U.P. No.3410 I.P. No.040094 WORK CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS QRpF ESS/off TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 7-1_ Richard Pope & A s s o c c i a t e s SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AN �,� E�A CTyI ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OR A ti APPROVED BY: La n d s c a a Architecture COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE L-7 �� p�- F GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. coo ' Urban DEkSign & Planning STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS w No. 33950 m ENCANTO DRIVE OF, 7 SHTS THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR Exp. 6-30-06 A Ti '�" 181 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 DATE BY MARK APPR. DATE phone: 909 8 -5568 fax: 909 384-9854 ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. l STA. 700+00.00 TO STA. 709+51 .88 04-17 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COUNTY LED A. HM R.C.E. 33950 EXP.6-30-Os •` e-mail: rpa.la@verizon.net DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE ST F ' -: '. rpa.la@ve(izon.net DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN 9T CIVII. �, r FOR: RICHARDSON'S R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COUNT FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY F of CAl�F Richard Pope, Landscape Architect CA# 2664 SCALE: 26786 ENCANTO DRIVE FILE NO. RECOMMENDED DATE "" H: V: "III SUN CITY,CA.92585 Irrigation � - Flo M - PIN N - 1.f11 3em of We* dl in fitnhhsetol $am fflatsaa■I Ms■laM■Il.e 3.fli itee..rllae All work shall be performed by a tenh ft with a C-27 license or greater. The work requtred is iridiabd on MWaiakt and equipment'insWed or furnished that do not meet these standards wilI be rejected and shall be A. Whaler supply: A. Null all assemblies 3WRied herein according to the respective detail drawwings or specifications,using the drawings and Includes,but is net M*W to new irr' in medians arid retrofiEted irrigation remevved from to site at no eMm to the City. Connectiarrs to proposed water meter(meter installation by otters)shall be at the location shown on the best staunuderd practice. SPWM on each side of roabuy,aulornek controller,remote control valves,WO coupler valves,water 2A ff1dasmi ad 31ter Pip and MkW M drawiings.Mirror changes caused by actual site conditions shal I be made at no additional cast to the city. B. Install boddlow assemblies in shrub areas and/cx adjacent to other hardscape items rather than turf c~ias,and electric connections. B. : areas,when poseilMe,and at height required by local codes. 1.flft a"aes*alelMeehp said 1Mi A. All gahrsrriaed steel pipe shell be Schedule 40, ,Coupled,and hot ,and shell cony with the reed&gnats of ASTM Al 20-46 or ASTM A53-67. Layout irrigation system and make minor adjustments required due to differences between site and C. Valves stall be instilled in shrub area whenever possible. A. R is the landscape callroclors raepenekili r to contact the Engineering Dwiohmion Landscape Inspector,48 B. All fittings for pkwjnd siord pipe shall be 150 pound rated phiainiaed meltable iron,'—'ad pattern. drawvinils.Where piping is shown on drawings under pared arm,but running parallel and adjacent to D. Each vetae bolt shall be installed on a foundation of pea gravel,baddill one cubic toot minknum.Valve hours prior to desioed inspection of aR item at eiiiasion(909)350-NO. C. Pipe sines indicated an the dalrrirlMs are nominal WAW dhiarnoter,unless othenrvige risked. planted areas,instal I the pi f»ng in the planted areas. tierces stall be installed with the bat tops one inch above the surface of surrounding finish grade in shrub B. Prior to release of utAtes or maintenance period cwmwcwdW,Mrs Wbafrg Wifiocfions are required: C. Diagrammatic Intent: area,and flush with turf arse. Construction of irrigation system in spen trench condition(prior to badrftNl). Pressure to 150 PSI for air am hire od pmw A The drawings are essentially diagrammatic.The size and location of equipment and fixtures are drawn to - a three(3)hoar continuous period. A. AN bteet pipes and ih'thrps to be IPS standard weight,125 U16,85%red brass,and are to be used as scale where possible.Provi a offsets in piping and changes in equorient locations as necessary to 3AS parwfiar - An Irrigation coverage fit. standpipes on had uffow prewnler. cm Wm with structures and to avoid obstructions or conflicts with otter work A. Controller shall be located behind shrubs and/or adjacent to other hardscape items.Maintenance access PlaMing mckidfrg street trees.Cored the Parks Planning and Landscape Development Section, B. Where galvanized risers and/or fitirps are required,a dielectric union shol I be installed at connection D. Grades: stall be provided. Engineering Division for species and batons. point of galvanized and bronze nmaleriaf. Before starting work,carefully check all grades to determine that worts may safely proceed,keeping with B. The irrigation system shall be programmed to operate during the periods of minimal use of the design - Finish grade prior to seeding. the specified material depths with respect to finish grade. area and at time of leas evaporation and wins/turbigerice,generally 2,00 am to 6:00 an. - ConVWU with appnsvod landscape plans. L44 hplaslre PIP am Fllti■3s - Any special c of appreW attached to project. A. All plants pipe shell bar the knowing mood s: name,MR"pipe size,sdhodule a E Inspection: C. The Controller shall be programmed so tat each valve operates separately. - Final inspection. class,We of material,pressure rating in PSI,NSF not of approval,and the date of adrusiot. Before starting work,careful ly chock all grades to determine that work may safely proceed,lceeptng within C. The owner's ropressiftive and landscape contractor shall be present at this mopection. B. Pressure supply lines 1 Y"or smaller in diareter located downstream from the becidlow preventiondevice the specified material depths with respect to finish grate. i f17 MflMfly S*0l be cuodule 40 PVC.Pura supply line 2"or ,hail be silaor Cues 315 weld PVC A. Waring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route a the pressure supply 1) Prior to all work of this section,carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and verty that all lines wherever possible. 1A rabelrss■■ee fI■IdM■w or Class 200 rubber gmW taw PVC.Solvent weld and ring Mw pipe shall not be used llogellhor on the such work is complete to the point where this Installation may properly commence without c orflicts. B. Where more tha one wire is placed in a trench,the wiring shall be taped together A interests of 12 feet. A. Landscape shall be moinisined in a neat,clean,wood-free and healthy conditiori.This shall include but same pressurized line. 2) Verify that the irrigation hem maybe installed in Pict accordance with all pertinent codes and not tinted to: C. Non-pnissure lines shall be Chu 200 PVC. regulathons,the original design,the referenced starwlords,and the various manufacturer's C. All connections shell be of an approved type and shall occur in a valve box.Provide an 18 inch service - Cultivation Of planted beds at inierwis not to enceed 10 days. D. All/tongs*41 be stands weight Schsdu a 40 and#0 be inociien molded o an improved PVC filing recornmerhdations. loop at each connection. - Rsguler mowing to hhmi ON a lawn height not to enceed 2"(may very per specise). con*ou nd.Threaded plastic fittings shot be Mocha nhsaded. pressure in pounds per square inch(PSI)prig to any work pr 3) Verify .Contact Landscape Architect if D. An aprisia loop of 12 inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directional tum,and - - Regular pruning of plants as n ec omy to and direct growth. E. AN 1w seded nipples stall be stndard weight Scfhedule 80 wilh molded threads raises otherwise specked. one of 24 inches shell be provided A each rernole control valve. c- S oduled maintenance d Irtgeen ti cw*oiw to assure proper appIam n rate of water necomy for F. All solvent comerhiing of plastic pipe and fittings sail be a two-Asp process,using printer and solvent pressure varies from that indicated on piss. E. A continuous non of wire shall be used between the controller and each remote control wive.Under no proper plant growth.Drip WOW nay require spscisNred landscape maintenance are. carnal appNod per manufacturer's specifications.Carnal shall be of a fluid Corrsisiacy,not gel-like or F. Discrepancies: &cumshinces shop splices be used without prior approval. _ - Immediate replacement d plant material as needed due to death,disease,or lack o growth. ropy.Primer and solvent shalt be applied to both meting surisces. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all discrepancies have boon resolved. F. Wire runriirg torn controller to control wiles shall be AWG-UF 600V,No.14 minimum,solid core, - Fortifinflon on a regular acdhsdule as rec Amended. 2A flea t'rosa■ra■�eafeee G. Field Msasuxetnerfs: sln�e conductor capper wire,and Br.(direct burial type). 1.fM thos�ser bel�aeh Illion G. Spore control wires shall be run to valve bore kxeti ns as shown on the plans.Provide an 18 inch A. Controller carts: Booldlow prevanler shall be as shown on drawings. Make al necessary measurements in the field to ensure precise fit of items in accordance with the won loop at calve boat. 'IMersebhtg ><.M original design. - Provide one controller chart(of the the noddy size the Inside of the controNer door will allow)for each i� Filled"tree�. automatic controller.The chart abet M*w the an covered by the controller and sail be pisperod �va 3.ilft from record drawings. A. Gets valves: A. Contractor shal I notify UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT(800)4224133 at least two woriahg days before A. Prior to insahl lion of sprinkler heads,the valves shall be opened and full head of water used to fkah out 1) Gate wives 2"or smeller*4 here scneud'pink and bm bodies. B. Operation and maintenance nhahuele: begiMning t0 dig• the lines and risers. Two individu*bound copies of operation and MA11 nonce nnaewiak shall be delivered to the City. 2) AN gsk valves stall here a nmirh+er i weihing p►eerm of no Was Man 150 PSI and shell conform to B. Dig trenches and support pipe continuously ern bottom of ditch.Lay pipe to an even grade.Trenching B. Sprinider hods sell be installed after flush has bow completed. C. Supply a part of this osnbwtct the follooft items: AWWA. em soation shall follow layout indicated on drawings to the depths below finished grade and as noted. - Two keys for each a►aemete WOW controller. B. Romok control valves: - One valve bore cover wvnahcm. Valdes skit be a show on the drawings.Connect to the in the operating C. Tree roots alai l be protected.Cut no coats over Y"diameter.reroute pipe above or below all roots. 3rfifl WNW so"8>MMe■ Preservation of all roots to take precedence over pipe depth raorement.All trenching to maimize A. The water soft system moll have one rain collection unit connected to the time clock D. Materials list: on In ice• distance from milsting mature trees.Hand digging is required where trenching might impact erasting tree 1) Complete melerW list sheN be to the Cfty's on-site Constrt�tion Manager prig to roots. B. The system shall have one a more rain collection units per time clock and one rain oollection unit per paienfltirng oar weak.CaWeg slats and full descriptive lilenbune moat be tubntited whenever the tree Lfl1l Melee flhashae titres . valves,and will use frr�ation wing. of titans MWent then those specified is reghuesled. A. Valve ttalet shall be fabricated from a durable,wrestler rtsislent plastic nnskrlal,resistant:to slnfight and D. Provide minimum cover of 30 inches over pressure supply lines under pared arum. E. Provide minimum cows of 18 inches carer pressure supply lines 2 Y"in diameter or smaller. C. The rain collection unit shall be wired to the rerlstirig solenoid wires,and allow switch of use of time clock le us 2) Material list shell be subnhaling the fallowing sample: dw"actions of soil. wires from power of weW to part of water saving gym. B. The valve boo cons shall be secured whh a hide latch mecharlsm or bolts. F. Provide minimum cower of 18 inches over control wires. D. The rain collection unit Shall not require any down time field ffsk terwu. 1 Pressure supply lines Lasco Sdnedrle 40 C. The cover and botK shall be capable of suslaMing a food of 1,500 pounds. G. Provide minimum cover of 12 inches over non-pressure lines. 2 Lawn spray head Toro 570-W D. Valve bar Dim Iffilshall be by the sabot as the valve bex ms E. Gab valve bores sfrat be reemd,pla tic braes withbokt-dawn cohort marled"GATE VALVE". ■os1MIN■g A. Sprinkker hands Mall be installed as on the drahwkW. E. Record drawlnnlge for new - Contractor shell pner~rde cahtphutkd s built dhawin8s wrhllcin*0 be F. MR*txstbal Hire barns*All be rldrtgttisr phsslic Mess with bit--dewA salvers mottled with the A. Initial bechfill on all lines shall be of fine granular material with no foreign matter larger then Y"in size,6" B. Spacing d'hseds shall not sued marinum indicated at the drawings or in mainiAsclurers directions. myiar copies of the Food plans and sholl callerm to the fellotiuhg: vow wmmilisalon nuniers slanoflad in 2"No WNW n uniers ruing @poky rosin base point of a above plipe 1) Record accurately on e set of drawMp all ranges in the w * departures cab'astng i colic. B. Bacidill shal I be tamped in 4"layers under the pipe and uniformly on both sides for the full width of the C. Fleet height in reatian to finish grades shall be as indicated on the drawvirhgs at the tints of completion.on from the original ceMnact drawrinugc. trench and the full length of the pipe.Materials shall be sufficiently damp to permit Ovough comhpaction, 2) The changes and do 'ansiees shell be recorded in a WOW and wsrla sot k mariner to the satafediorh 2A A■ualab mobw r free of voids.Baddill Ball be compacted to dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil and shall L11 3yee■thg this%SNE d the Inspectors.Prior to final inspection of work,subenil record r;lrawings to Inspectors for approval. Automatic cahtrol m spit be as Indicated on the draivirigs complete with hoofrup to electrical sources.All conform to adjacent grades. Contractor shell afjrW valves,align sprN*w hods o ach system to maximize coverage to 100 %and 3) Di w*m from twe psnhanaht points of reference(waft,sidswrelk,crxbs,etc.).Data shown on co olWers shall be enclosed in a wncW-reslstsr+t,waterproof encinn,Lebfeur or approved equal,or as rmrrimin morspray prior to plarfing. record drawings abet be econdo day to day a Me project is belt installed.All Nrhlerirp on shown on the drawings.All wiring from electrical meter to pedestal meant controller to be underground and C. Flooding in lieu of tamping is not alloyed without specific prior approval. drawings shell be a mlhimueht of Y"in size. sione throughconcrolepods. D. Udder no circumstances shall truck wheels be used to compact soil. 3.12 WINS*=sh mi" 4) Show locations and depths of the loWnting ores for new systems: LfM E. Provide send backfill a minimum of 6"owr and under all piping routed under paving eras. A. Provide minimum corder of 18 inches on irrigation sleeves to be provided under all paving. - Point of connection for water and electrical service. A. AM eisckial squipxient shell be NEMA Type 3, ft p a ele for aaerior insiallollas. B. See 3.02(Trenching)and 3.03(Milling)for fixtner information. - Routing of spritilder pnassune lines.Diwarsion mwnum 100 fat alog routing,. B. All etectrical work shah conform to local codes and ordinances.Above groh W wires shall be conduit Log PM■0 Gale valves. enclosed. A. Piping under exsting concrete pavement must be installed in sleeves 2 Y times the outer diameter of the 3.13 gte■glareo Mlerttl■g - Sprinfier control vaNros. LIS VbIW Iva M~ pipe which is being sleeved.No hydraulic driving is permitted under any concrete pavement. Upon completion of work,Contractor shall smooth all ground surfaces;remove a=materials,rubbish, Quick coulpling valves. A. Renate control wine*0 be ilea burial A G-UF te,14 pmp a per ma's speckabons. B. Cutting or brealirig of existing pavement is riot permitted without written permission from the owner. debris,etc.;sw&W adjacent streets,curbs,gutters,her~,and trails;and remove construction egWpmaf - Routirtg at couhtrel wrles. B. Connections shall be either agony-select PM type or Scull Leek connectors. C. Install from Mho;premises. pipe with all mrlirmg up for visual inspection and verification. - Electrical service lines. C. Ground wines shall be while in color. Control wires slhakl be allow color for a given controller.Where D. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. - Sprinkler heads. more tun one controller occupies a Single trench,act C0*014er snail here different Color control wires. E. Contractor shall instal I concrete thrust blocking at all changes of direction and terminal points of pressure - Lateral hies. - Related equlpenent(a easy be dinectsd). 2.11 1polrtilehr flheere pipe. 5) Maintain record drawings en sk at all times. Sprknider heads shell be a indicated on the dra ,a gs.Anti-drain valves shell be Installed as required ter F. All liras shall have a minimum clearance o 4 inches from each other and 6 inches from lines of otter trades. 4nststslee elimination of low had drainage. G. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. 1.fli A. The entire sprlider system,including all work done under this contract,shall be guerariteod by the L12 b0gareo sleseae H. Mete al I joints in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recomrnaded methods;allow solvent welds contractor against all defects,fault of malarial,and worleriaship,for one year from the dale of final Irrigation slosm shall be Schedule 40 PVC.Size shell be twice the diameter of the size ol pipe,electrical at least 15 minutes setup time before mowing or handling and 24 hours curing time before filling. inspection. wwft and pipes to be reeved sepaately.SNeving is requiired under sN pared surfam. I. All threaded plastic-to-pbtic connections shall be assembled using Teflon tape. B. The contractor shall instruct the CWs representative in the operation and RuMbe ence of the syalem and L13 titular a■%ogsless J. For plastic-to-metal connections,use non-hardening pipe dope on al l threaded plastic-to-metal shall fuxnnish a coriplsk set of epsratirg inotrntetior>s. The water saving atIvis n shaN be a indicated on the drahwiings.It*0 consist of one main component:the connections,except where rotted otherwise. rain cehlecton unit. K. Piping shall be snaled from side to side in trench bottom to allow for expansion and contraction Underground Service Alert FORE y e o Q Call: TOLL FREE U 1-80© 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG Ct)uwff Co M Y OF RNE ;` 4 BENCHMAW: SHEET NO. NOTE: FINS T ichard � o e & Assocciates C.U.P. No.3410 I.P. No. 94 WOW CONTAINED WITHIN THESE PLANS QRO �o,y TRAN�TAT�O�I aEPART�A EN � p SHALL NOT COtrM/ENCE UNTIL AN �� E�". 0 Th' '�� I�PPROV£D BY: _ A 13 n d s c a p e Architecture COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ENCROACHMENT PEMIT AND OR A y GWMPERNT HAS BEEN IUD. ' ban Design & Planning STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 0R tap•�3 O_ ;one: N. 'E' Stree�t,,�SaCnLpBernardino, CA 92401 ENCANTO DRIVE a 3wTS —30-06 THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE F DATE a. roc �. DATE �',:_ 9O9 8W5568 fax. 9a9 3$4-9854 ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. 1 STA. 700+00.00 TO STA. 709+51 .88 04-17 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGINEER REVISIONS COL/NTY A. R.C.E.339W EXP. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE -mall: r a.lawerizon.net FOR: ��� TER INC. W.O. p rpa.la@ve(izon.net DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN DEED a, D B, CHECKED BY �TF4€lVI \�Q� Ael x Richard P e, Landsca Architect CA# 26M SCALE: . '�R V CENTER W O • RAM coilille� FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. CAL _ � � H: V: 1�7ae f=wCANTO DFi1VE FK.E�. DA SUN CITY,CA.92Mt' Planting Specifications Ert l son" - 1.flhi! ffthe"el bomm ww ' At work shall be po lleni by a conliscler wirh a C-27 kim or greater. work shall consist d hrnisbilhg all All pients aMll be tree to none,and one of each be N@ or lot shall be tad we the rare and size of plants A. Weed Eradiation procedures prior to hydrosseding new areas and planting of ground cover areas Walled C. During the meinilettence period,provide all whalerifg,weeding,fertilizing,cultividl rt and spraying (materials,services,and etlMipsnant necaeery Is cwR*d y aaM all adscape work aB Mdfcated on fM in accahtlm with iM ri■dands of pradoe r-rm i mndo by the American Aaesciollo of Nurseryman,and with bem7ud&grass or other weed irdestations: necessary to Keep the plants and turf in a healthy growing condition and to creep the planted areas neat, drawntgt and haw be No.1 grade,NOW,diseeee free,and have no plVeical damage. 1)' Manuals remove all eAst'y rat vegetation completely(grub out roots)unless otherwise shown on the edged,and attractive.All trees and shrubs shall be pruned as recxssay to encourage new growth and Plant ground cover in areas shown on plans.Ground cover plants(rooted cdttmp)shell have boon grown in plans and legally dispose of it off-sitee. elimieide rank sudter growth.All pruning to be per Nr4A Standards.(Nd wilted flowers and deed tow I A W4 repoBelm an/tfaaea figs,and remsin in those fiats until tra ng. shell be immediately pinched or cut off.Shrubs I not be sheered. A. Irrspectiaa s1reH be perb►med by a City or County Rsprtaonlative at the bllowrilg teats,A 48-hour notice 2) Fertilize all planting ores with urea 35-0-0 commercial fertilizer at the rate d.5 Ibs.(Y lb.)per All trees and shrubs supplied by Contractor shall be d the specified standard height and diameter set by the 1,000 square feet. D. The Contractor shall retain a Certified Arboriat to inspect conditions of mature trees impacted by roadway shell be given prier to wAiclpeled inspections.Notify City or County of commericernew of Wndscaping- American Standard for Nursery Sbdk.The height of to trees shell be measured from the root crown to the lest 3) Water all planting areas thoroughly to a minimum depth of 6"for a period of 2 consecutive weeks to wMening.Arborist shall make monthly report to City or County regarding condition of trees during glue atiapeled taaNne from start b finish. division d the terminal Wader and to dim ale r**I be nteeelared 6 wdae above the crown roots.The trees maintenance period. germinate all residual weed seeds. Inspections shall be ac foilim: shalt stand erect without support.Root bound mdeenal is not acceptable.AN plats of like species shall be of 4) Discontinue wafering for 2 consecutive clays,tlttatapply anon-selective broad spectrum sygemic E. After planting and during to mtthbttenence period,in site event that trees~iron chlorosis symptoms, 1) upon coruhpdeten of findsMhed grade,sal preperation and final rake out. uAftil heignt,spread,and brm. herbicide per maenufocturer's specifications.No wafer shall be applied for a minimum of 4 days apply FE 138 Geigy or equivalent at mnKkctrrer's ncomnended rates. 2) when trees and shrubs are spotted for planting,with the carom of plat"holes for trees and following application of contact weed teller. F. Should the appearance of any plant indicate weeletees,Htet plant shell be replaced immediately with a Z � shrubs. " 5) Allow a sufficient period of time to insure that all weeds are dealt and remove. now MOW plant.At the end d the maintenance period,all plant materials shall be in a healthy,growing 3) Final Inspection when plating and all dher specified were ties been canpleled. A. Topsoll used in the bulditl mating shall be a lawW,fertile,and triable sold and shall be free d weeds 6) Begin the hydroseeding operations or planting on al I areas as specified herein. condition and spaced as indicated on the plans. and seed.Topes!shalt coMonin to Setaen 2.02,Topsail,of these speciticalierns. G. Laws(If applicable)shall be mowed and clippings removal on a weekly bests.Curt lawns at lea 2-Y2 B. All landsdapirmg,IrigMien,and strat tree shall be Wrhslalled and mhatrntainned le acada+ce wish City and All specified materials stall be delivered to the site in the suppliers original unopened coritairers bearing inches during wamn seasons and reduce to 2 lathes during winter or cooler season.Avid rerrtovirtg more Casty Codes,Ordirhenoes,and SblMercf f�,rlamhehls. B. Baddltl rmeleig shall be prepared by blending the*WAN ahehrids and small be used ddring plintng proper and accdrata labeling. �of tine teal area d blade at any one time.Alterrtele mtfrwng paltem to avoid rufrlrtg lawns. C. Material mWhff e d for all plant mat rial shall be#1 as shown in fM pknttng details Nw grade ri to Cafibnhia Nuraay Industry Certfkale area issued by the agricMtnral cammisaioner of On county of origin. 1) 75%approved topsoil am WAbaww" awn H. Trim l edges(if applicable)adjacent to wells,curbs,paved areas,buildings,shrub and tree areas 2) 25%organic soil anendntenht,nitrogen stabilized(wood shavings) Mixing Mixing ofhydroseed: every two weeks,or more often if needed to maintains a neat and sett defined!appearance. 1.M fIBBIB■lae Mixing shall be poffomnsid in a tank,with a bdit-in contlrkJtlus agitation and recirculation system of 1. Damage to planting areas shall be repaired immediately and tr ut the maintenance mainte ance period. 3) 15 pounds Plus'organic fertilizer per cubic yard sufficient operation capacity to produce a hwqpmws slurry of fiber,Minder,seed,fertilizer,and J. Remove watering basil's earl h berms.litter no ckaxrtslemes shall ifle sal be leveled in a MOW that A. All plant materials insiallod and worlsrier4o perbrned under the coraract shall be guaranteed against 4) 2 pounds iron SMlfale water in the desigrntal unit proportions. buries the plarnt's crown route. any and all poor,tunadequale,or inkrior materials,vW or wof ne ship for a period of 365 days from the 5) 'Gro-Pourer'planting tablets per maikAsOxer's K, Miscellaneous Mainlannce Items: date of written final accephrice by City or County. Fiber 1,800 tbs.per acre B. I)ring the guarantee period,any material found to be dad,missing,or in poor condition shah be C. All becidiil msterial shall be bulk misted,not individually mitred at each plat pit. Ecology M-Binder 100 tbs.per acre 1) Depressions caused by vehicles,bicycles,soil settling or foot balk shell be filled and leveled. replaced by the Contractor wifhini 10 days of written notification. Seed(see plant{egpud) (see plant legend)tbs.per acre arm, C. Replecewwt shall be made in accordance writi to original contract drawings and specifications. LW tea+fMal■s,anal Wn Water shah000 2) F�rininate gophers and males,and repair damage as above. D. MaWW and labor W wWW in replacing pleat naeNrial shall be provided by the Contrarsar at no addl bW A- Tree shines be 2'diameter x 10 bet W4 shah grained treated ledpl oie pine. Coat to to City a Cdhdrhty. 'C�o�Power'organic fertilizer 3,000 tbs.per sore 3) The Contractor"I apply'Gro-Power'organic fertilizer at a rate of25 pounds per 1,000 square feet, per acre for a minimum of 2 appik:91ons.The first application shell be between the 251h and 301h day of the B. Tree ties ftl be'Clndh Ties'manufadurod by V.I.T.Co.,Cerrillot,Cgifomia.(714)871-2309,or equal. With 111111111111111110191system operation at pert speed,watrr shall be added to the tank,good recirculation shall be maintenance period and the second application between the 75t1 and ON day. 1 oft im C. Root boners shell be'Reot Beeetei,MWA11111dwed by Disw im Industry,Inc.or equal. established.Materials shall be addled in such a mender fhat they are uniformly blended into the mixture in 4) Debris and trash shall be removed from tine site wn*at a minimum. Contractor shall obtain agronomic sails tags couaring all ptantug areas aka corr>pletlon of firniah grading and D. Arbor Fords shall be-Trunk Cowry-TP 129,n millecttured by Showtow n Ind.,Iic.,or equal. the following sequence. 5) FurtlKx herbicide applications and hand wee ft will be required't rrmyctr weed infestation occurs,to pricer to start of soul prepigion work.Testa shall be performed by an approved agronomic soils 10311ing When tank is fi Redd with water: beat the descretion of the City or County. laboratory and shall kkade a fertility and suitability analysis with written recornmermletions for sal preparation Add bitting ages- Y2 acre requirement i.M Maws eMel fl'Mt ltiaBirN and pleating Mddfll mat.The sells report recoentnemidlons shall take precedence over minimum amendment Add 3-50 lb.bales of fiber Throughout maintenance period,all plantsishWI be maintained in a disease and and fertilizer application rajas specified heroin only wW they viceed to specified min m urns. tine peat free cor ftilt. , - Add seed- Y2 acre requirement licensed peat contra oparater shall be retailed by the Contactor to recotmmtand and apply all e herbicides,and fungicides.All pesticides,herbicdes,and fungicides must be reported to tine k"ecfor,with Lad mop lmpw boomAdd'Gro-Power -Y acre regwrerrwrlt docua'ne taticn slating whits pest and/or ftfngtis was treated.Report Wlitity of materials used in gallons or PW M - The Contactor shall brig all planting areas to fithis W grades,filing as needed or removing surpkis dirt, Agitate mixture at full speed when the tank is flail-filled with water. ounces. rernoving rods and debris over 1 inch in ftWer,and fleeliug to a smasTh wAo m grade.At arm shall Add remainder fiber requirement before tank is Y4 full,and add remainder seed,M-binder,and'Gro-Power Lis cbs op 241 Ihasf MMM slope to drain.Flow linos aMW be a 1106sd to entiOM read chests and/or a sidewalk as shown on the plans per amounts listed above.Slurry distribution should begin irrimedialiely. and as directed.Final grade of all turf and ground covert mess shalt be Y2'below adjacent surfaces alter Area to be hyciroseeded stall be moistened to a depth of 6 inches just prior to application. Liparis,of the work,the a Contractor shall smooth all ground surfaces,remove a materials, Fertilizers and soil� ay Wnckl may aryl or all of the specknhaleriais apectled Isuein and shall be � rubbish,debris,etc.;sweep adjacent streets,curbs,gutters,ssMNways,and trails,and remove construction to ra applied at ke indicated a his plans or in Part 2.06,IWO lahbds W,and Part 3.02,Soil Prspiaab, B. Application: equipment from the premises. heron. &M "hapini" Hydroseed slurry shall be applied under high pressure evenly and result in a uxiiform coat on all areas to A. Fertilaaer:Shell be'Gro-Power Pius'and'Gro Power'20 gram panting tablets as mnenutaciured by A. All landscape moundktg,rough Waft,and finished grading&hell be completed prior to beginning sal be treated.Care shall be exercised to assure that plants in place are not subjected to the direct force of an SoMIMmt Cafibmtie OiVk FortiN2er Co,Inc.,(714)750-31130,or egcwl. application. B. OWic Soil knv* N:Shall be r*ogan loft redwood or ceder wood shavings and shill contain a B. Sal preparation shall begin with r©totill l g of all planting areas under grades of 2:1 to a ntWni Tun deplh Slurry Mall be immedWely removed from walks,pawln iti nt,structures,and grotxid cower areas fltfti are mini mm of 1%amiable nitrogen.Material containing mrnure or pine is tlracaphble. of 8'prior to dlstribukrtg soi I maw. inadvertently sprayed. C. Inorgenic Soil Amendment:Shall be a®riculkural grade iron suMate. C. The following sal arnetdmatts shall be added per 1,000 square feet to all plating areas under grades of All bare spots alhall be reseeded by the Contractor within 15 dip.The Contractor will be responsible for 2:1: all reseeded areas for as long alter seeding as necessary until acceptable germklatlorn and uhaablWimernt 3 cubic yards nitrogen stabilized organic amendment derived from redwood shavk►gs,fir,or ceder is realized. Lye lfapul 3111111vings. sin 1irBftwkg All soil h ipm far bw*ll or as fill sal(if requltred)stall meet the folbwing regtsirernenk:NMI or fill 200 lbs.organic soil a,wiNk wt:'Gro-Power PIM3'(5-3-1)organic feNliasr(to be Incorporated to A. It shal I be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain a balanced watering program to ensure proper growth soh l shall be from a source outside the Braila of the p eject,sntaded by fM Cwkad or and in canhplWa with a mini U, 9'dpMh blow mg leads ft. until final acceptance of the work the rdquironsnta specified herein.The Contractor shalt coordinate with the grading or general centracbr in the calls of fill sal and subunit a written report of a ban agency,per 1.04 Sal Test,rsgisleuad by to Stile irM Pion" B. Immediately alter plating,apply water to each tree,shrub,or vine.Apply water in a moderate strewn in the plating hole until the material about the roots is completely saturated from the bottom of the hole to prior to ml0hreurant of soil.Sell shall have the cams relative aanpoailiorh and strMdure,a friable sandy foam A. Pknnting is trot recentnrhsnded from Daanttber through February in all teas and also is riot r the top of the ground. character,and be free of roots,clods,and siones larger than 1 graft in gra dimension,pock is of ceise fromey throughthroughAugust.The Contractor aasumnes ail mWo sibiiiy for plerting A these times. sand,na dous weeds,sticks,bnmh,and other litter.itshall not be infested with nematodes or other C. Irrigation: B. Trees and Shrubs: undesirable insects and plant diaeaae organisms.Sal shall meet the blowing additional requirerrharts: Plant holes shall be to size as indicated in the detail 1) Contractor shall properly and completely maintain the irrigation system.A balanced water program dug drawings.Before trees are set in the holes,a A. Gradation LWft Senn=65%,Sit=25%,Clair=10%m n*num.The sand,silt,and clay gradation Itmtts water test should be made as follows:all plant holes shall be filled to the brim with water and allowed to small be maintained to ensure proper growth until final acceptance of the work Over watering is as unacceptable as under watering. shall be ore defined in ASTM D422. drabs before any planting is done.lt water does not drain out of hale wfMhirh 24 hours,conduct sail W. 2) All controllers are to have each station individually adjusted on a mionthly basis.System shall be set B. Pernteebft Rork.Not less than 0.5 Inches(13 mm)per hour nor more than 2 Indies(51 mm)per hour Plants shill be parted at ouch a depth tint hate crown roots bear the one relative position to finish grade considering the application rate each area is capable when tested in wxwdrha wilt ASTM D2434 or Holler approved methods. as tihey did to the soils whare they were green.When MWWWw ce Pt hod ends and weleft beein's arts intervals,with the cycle r °f receiving.The system shall opora6e on at�rt yc repealing at a later time to reduce nxhdf. C. AW!cMhboral Mobility.The topsoil shall be eatable to suaW tie growth of plants specified. berms are removed,under no circtimelances shell riot be leveled 61 a manner wheat buries crown roots. 3) Controller stealI be programmed to operate during time of least etwporation and wind turbulence, Beckltll after planing shall be carripecled caMMlly Into place will ut injuring tree roots I tie tree or h oil 0, up to bell of earth mI'roMnd q to raft: generally 2 am to 10 am. I.M No jjhl aromake,ear bap" C. Ground Cover: 3A tlrBhMB■BBaB All seed used for lawn atelier Wonand cover plantings shall be labeled and shalt be furriiosd in sealed Ground cover plots*hail be pianhd in shggarsd hews,every spaced and at intervals called out on the All areas landscaped by the Contractor under this contract shal l be maintained by the Contractor for a period of standard contaivars.Seed shiest has became wet,moldy,or ollarwin donated in traeit or storage will not gran Ion Each plot*0 be plentsd wltlh M piper#smile ansMnt of the tat 3d I in a miow that will not lens than 90 days from the date of written acceptance for start of maintenance. be accepted. insure a mininini ddsfolfternce lu the reef syslethhs.Tea cMttnhgs bell be pliftid sufficiently deep to cover A. Start of maintenance criteria: A. Lawn:Seed mix shall be per plan. all roots.Root crown*aA bar tie sine reWaiiiihip to sell as it did in the tat.Immediately sprinkle 1) Maintenance period shall not start Imtil all elements of the project are completed in accordance with alter each planting until entire area is sod ed to tine full depth of each hole. the contract documents. Note:Thw*ghly blend seed varieties prior to application. D. Mulch:Grotrid Cover and Shrub Ares 2) Paver to remote controllers shall be established prior to the beginning of the maintenance period. Apply mulct in all ground Cover and shrub areas Ater planting to 1 inch depth of medium bwkdtips or 3) Written acceptance by the City or County Representative must be obtained prior to the beginning of LM ti4ie■BIM firalOW P q*lsd My der MM4 shavings of&dkciwd size red to be ali sled by wind. the maintenance period. WSW: Geuntral pt'ecaultichts should be observed when drawing water from sources otter than pressure B. End of Maintenance: mein.Such wale must be free of IrWffies. S M Was liddog 1) On satisfactory completion of the 90 day(minimum)maintenance period,the City's or Cou nty's Seed: Seed as speAW in 2.03 above. Stake trees as per plat"details.No metal wire shall circle any part of any tree. Representative will inspect the project for final acceptance. Mundt: Fiber shall be Produced fruhma cellarleae such as wood sim par pulp or similar organic material and chat be 2) Dgficiencies rioted during inspection Mall extend the maintenance period until all are corrected. of such character tat it will disperse Wt o a unilam skrry who mated with water.Materials which 3) End of rrairitenernce shall occur only on written acceptance by the City or County. nnI tt germituft or growlhh shall not be preset in to maeMre. 4) Pre-emergent herbicide should be applied at end of rmairdenance period after hydro&eed completes Underground S e rV I C e A I E',art Fertilizer: 'Gro-Poway'organic ionizer per 2.01-A,above,or thtj W. germination in at l areas. O ORE yo Binding: Dry powder organic comotialls,Ecology Canlyds M-hinder or equal. o Call: TOLL FREE Agee Aveli ble cram 1110i on Fertiiaer Co.(714)538-35575. U 1-800 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG NOTE s ff CTY COUNTY OF [► _ Bl ram. C.U.P. o 3410 I P SHEET NO. WORK CONTAWD WTHIN THESE Pours ��aF ESS/o,�, TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT A '' Richard P O P & & A S S O C C i a t * S040094 SHALL NOT COMMENCE UN' nL AN o v A. o � `L_a fl d i C a ! A r C h i t_! C t u r ! ENCROACHMENT P€fiMNT AND OR A �t� � r ��s APPRC NEED BY: _rY. p = COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE _ sC'R/UDMrG PERMIT FIATS BEEN ISS4JED. � � � , �� _ �.,-•- r Urban Design & Planning STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS L9 Z xr THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR B,, � � Exp. .633 a /'l /�l - - .- . =— -' 181 N. 'E' street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 - ENCANTO DRIVE OF 9 sHTs ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN HEREON. TE phone: (909) 888-5568 fax: (909) 384-9854 IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING AFTER COUNTY APPROVAL OR ENGININAR utevrBtoNS COUNTY KHP&D A. R.C.E.&IM EXP.6--3o-06 STA. 700+00.00 TO STA. 709+51 .88 04-17 DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE S� ��r email: rpa.la@verizon.net FOR D€TER00" AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLAN DEshloWD BY DFV4W a, CHECKED BY 'rF l f 41 A- f l Richard Po , Landscat^tp Architect CA# 2664 SALE: FOR: RtCn WS R.V.CENTER INC. W.O. COUIN FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY. OF CAL T"' 287M ENCANTO DIM& f NDED DA H: V: SLIN CITY,CA.our M FH—E ,4