2010-01-12 Planning Commission MinutesCity of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 12, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Liesemeyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE Chairman Liesemeyer led the salute to the flag. 3. ROLL CALL Present were: Chairman Matthew Liesemeyer, Vice Chairman Chris Thomas, Commissioner Marc Miller, Commissioner Bill Zimmerman (Commissioner Don Vesey absent), Community Development Director Carmen Cave, City Attorney Elizabeth Martyn, City Clerk Kathy Bennett, Senior Planner Lisa Sheldon and approximately 8 member of the public. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Rick Bishop, Western Riverside Council of Governments SB 375 Presentation Rick Bishop gave an overview of SB375 noting it will be particularly important as the City moves forward with the formation of the City’s General Plan. He explained the makeup of WRCOG and what that group is doing to work with SB 375 regionally. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6.1. Minutes of December 22, 2009 Commissioner Miller moved approval of the Minutes of December 22, 2010. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Zimmerman and passed on a unanimous vote of those Commissioners present. 7. CONSENT AGENDA None. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS City of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 12, 2010 Page 2 8.1. Continued Public Hearing on San Marino Final Site of Development Plan – Plot Plan No. 2009-094 For the final site of development plan of Tract Map No. 31831 Chairman Liesemeyer re-opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. He noted this is a continued hearing and again verified the legal publication and that no correspondence was received beyond what was placed in the agenda packet. Senior Planner Lisa Sheldon gave a staff report explaining that Final Site of Development Plans are normally approved administratively, but the floor plan sizes were reduced considerably and the Community Development Director felt that the item should be returned to Planning Commission. She noted staff reviewed for set backs, design and plan concepts. She described each plan and elevation suggested. Commissioner Miller asked for verification on fencing material and wanted clarification that vinyl fencing is acceptable. Staff noted that solid vinyl fencing is acceptable no higher than six feet and when not in public view. Vice Chair Thomas verified that the lot sizes would stay the same as originally proposed. Staff stated they would. He also asked when the project would begin construction. The issue will be addressed by the applicant. Chair Liesemeyer asked if fireplaces would be offered at all on the homes as an option. Staff stated they would not be an option available. Commissioner Liesemeyer asked about landscape plans and staff verified that it would be considered by staff prior to issuance of building permits. Commissioner Thomas asked if the small planned park was on flat ground and it was verified that the land there is flat and the park is approximately ½ acre. Commissioner Zimmerman asked why Plan 5 of the models was across the street and the applicant noted this is not a final plan. A Model Home Plan willl be coming at a time in the future. Chairman Liesemeyer called for public testimony. Lisa Gordon introduced herself as the applicant’s representative. She verified there is no change to the land plan, lot sizes will remain the same; the model complex plans will be considered and filed in the near future; and the developer intends to begin development as soon as possible. She noted the architect was available if the Commissioners had further questions. No further public testimony. Chairman Liesemeyer closed the public hearing at 8:01 p.m. City of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 12, 2010 Page 3 Vice Chair Thomas asked what the houses would be priced. The Applicant stated that it is not yet known but probably in the range of $200,000. Commissioners noted their approval of the newly submitted plans and designs after working with staff. Kevin Crook, the architect for the project, discussed the color themes as Chair Liesemeyer commented on the yellow paint choice. Chairman Liesemeyer stated that if that color could be toned down it would be more acceptable to him. Commissioner Zimmerman moved approval of Plot Plan 2009-094 for development of Tract Map No. 31831. The motion was seconded by Chairman Liesemeyer and approved on a roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Liesemeyer, Miller, Thomas, Zimmerman Noes: None Absent: Vesey Commissioner Thomas stated he would have been happier if the home sizes stayed a little closer to the original plan. 8.2. Public Hearing for Revised Permit No. 2009-145 and Variance No. 2009-162 for revisions to the approved sign program for Countryside Marketplace Director Cave reported that the applicant had asked that this item be continued. The item will return when the applicant is able to finalize all information necessary to bring the item back to the Commission. 8.3 Public Hearing for Heritage Square- 132,580 S.F. Retail Development Change of Zone No. 7501, Tentative Parcel Map No. 34998 Plot Plan No. 2009-051, Conditional Use Permit No. 3549, Conditional Use Permit No. 2009-102 and Conditional Use Permit No. 2009-103 Director Cave reported that staff is requesting continuation of this item as late today staff received a request from South Coast Air Quality Management District requesting a written response to its comments on the EIR at 5:45 that day. Chairman Liesemeyer opened the hearing at 8:05 p.m. and verified the timely publishing of the notice. He verified that no other correspondence was received and the Clerk noted only the letter from SCAQMD. Chairman Liesemeyer called for public testimony. Tom Wallace stated he hoped the area could be cleaned up as the project develops. He stated he has a home near the proposed project and there are a lot of illegally posted signs, trash, etc. Director Cave noted that she would arrange for public works to visit the area and see what can be done at this time. City of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 12, 2010 Page 4 Chairman Liesemeyer continued the public hearing to allow for staff to comment on the request from SCAQMD. 9. NEW BUSINESS None. 10. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Director Cave stated that staff is in the process of presenting an ordinance that will revise current review procedure to clean up the current regulations inherited from the County. She stated the ordinance will remove certain authority from the Planning Director and shift some up to the Planning Commission. The items that can be handled administratively will be detailed along with what items need public hearing and review by Planning Commission. City Attorney Martyn noted the final decision on tract maps will go to Planning Commission and then to the City Council for final approval. Any item that will be first sent to Planning Commission will either be recommended to the City Council for approval or will receive final approval from the Planning Commission. 11. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Miller wished all a Happy New Year and indicated his interest in the work that will be done in 2010. 12. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Liesemeyer adjourned the meeting at 8:12 p.m. _______________________________ Kathy Bennett, City Clerk Secretary to the Planning Commission