2019-10-09 PC MinutesCity Gouncil Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Robert P. Karwin, Ghair Randy Madrid, Vice Chair Benjamin Diederich, Gommissioner Earl Phillips, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Gommissioner Gity of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesd"y, October 9, 2019 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk 1 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER Chair Kanruin called the meeting to order al6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Robert P. Kanrvin Earl Phillips Benjamin Diederich Randy Madrid Chris Thomas Title Chair Commissioner Commissioner Vice Chair Commissioner Present Present Present Present Present Status 6:06 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Kanrvin led the flag salute. PRESENTATIONS None. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved (4-0-1; Commissioner Thomas absent) with no modifications. puBLrc coMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None. CONSENT CALENDAR None. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1. "Forterra Pipe Expansion" Revised Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-199 3 4. 5 6. 7 8. I if,ieNrrEs , -tr-,f orfY 06 Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Senior Planner Ryan Fowler. Mr. Fowler reported on project location; general plan land use; zoning; surrounding land use; background; project description; elevations; landscaping; environmental determination and staff recommendations. Commissioner Thomas arrived at 6:06 p.m. Chair Kanrvin opened the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated the public hearing was properly noticed and there were no public Gomments. Chair Kanrvin closed the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. ACTION 1 . Adopted Resolution No. PC19-466; approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-199. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Benjamin Diederich Chris Thomas Kanruin, Phillips, Diederich, Madrid, Thomas 2. Adopted Resolution No. PC19-467; approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-199. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Benjamin Diederich Earl Phillips Kanryin, Phillips, Diederich, Madrid, Thomas 9.2. Municipal Code Amendment DEV2019-037, Subdivision and Grading Ordinances Ms. Kitzerow introduced Assistant City Engineer Yolanda Macalalad. Ms. Macalalad reported on the project description; code amendment objectives; Title 7 subdivisions; background; organizational structure; summary of contents and significant changes; article summaries; Article 1: General Provisions; Chapter 7.05: Administrative Responsibilities; Article 2: Maps Required; Chapter 7.30: Finance Maps; Article 3: Certificates, Adjustments, and Mergers; Article 4: Design, Dedication, and Improvements; Chapter 7.75: Parkland Dedication and Fees; Article 5: Definitions; Chapter 8.26: Grading Ordinance; background; Grading Regutations; authority and applicability; summary of contents; organizationa! structure; chapter sections; applicability; permits and procedure; grading security; permit denial, expiration, renewal and suspension; import and export of earth material; standards to implement Best Management Practices; grading inspection and completion of work; past public workshops and meetings; legal review; environmental review; and staff recommendations. Chair Kanrvin requested the two different Ordinances be discussed and voted on as separate items. The Commission discussed the proposed Subdivision Ordinance. Commissioner Phillips stated he had submitted his comments prior to the meeting and those were made part of the public record and were under review by staff. City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes October 9,2019 Page 2 Chair Kanrvin opened the public hearing at 6:49 p.m. Ms. Roseen stated the public hearing was properly noticed and there were no public comments. Ms. Kitzerow reported on the memos with minor corrections that were provided to the Commission that would be made part of the public record. Chair Karwin closed the public hearing at 6:49 p.m. ACTION Adopted Resolution No. PC19-468; recommending the City Council repeal Ordinance 460 "Regulating the Division of Land of the County of Riverside", repeal Chapter 9.55 "Parkland Dedication or Quimby Fee Requirments for Residential Development Requirement a Tentative Map or Parcel Map", replace in its entirety Sections 9.56.050(A) and 9.56.050(C) of the City of Menifee Municipa! Code; and adopt Title 7 "Subdivisions" to the C of Menifee Munici Code. The Commission and staff discussed the proposed grading Ordinance; Section 8.26.070 Geotechnical Reports regarding soil testing requirements and Section 8.26.1 10 Permit Expiration, Renewal and Suspension and recommended in Subsection (B) to strike "6 months" language. Chair Kanrvin opened the public hearing at 6:59 p.m. Ms. Roseen stated the public hearing was properly noticed and there were no public comments. Chair Kanrvin closed the public hearing at 6:59 p.m. ACTION Adopted Resolutron No. PC19-469; recommending the City Council repeal Section 8.04.090 "Grading Standards" of the City of Menifee Municipal Code, and add Cha r 8.26 "Gradi Re ulations" to the Ci of Menifee Munici I Code. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1. PC Ad-Hoc Subcommittee Tour - New Haven Ms. Kitzerow reported on the background; location; New Haven Community; layout; discussion items; residential product types; recreation building; open space; and couplet roadways. Brookfield representative Adrian Peters answered questions of the Commission regarding landscaping, couplet roadways, variety of housing and density, architecture, garage door alternatives, options for gated communities, availability of open space amenities, proposed K-5 school and Eden Glen Community. Commissioner Thomas stated he was in favor of layout and more open spaces. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Chris Thomas Robert P. Kanrvin Kannrin, Phillips, Diederich, Madrid, Thomas RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Randy Madrid , Diederich, Madrid, Thomas Ear! Phillips Kanryin, Philli City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes October 9,2019 Page 3 ACT!ON Received and filed summary of tour. 10.2. Planning Commission 2019 End of Year Meeting Schedule Ms. Kitzerow introduced Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen. Ms. Roseen provided the report. Ms. Kitzerow reported on upcoming agenda items for Planning Commission meetings. Chair Kanruin stated he was in favor of canceling the November 27 and December 25,2019 meetings and was in favor of keeping the January 8,2020 meeting scheduled. The Commission agreed. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Ms. Kitzerow shared a portion of video from the City of Menifee State of the City highlighting the development activity and new business openings in the City. Ms. Kitzerow also provided a brief summary of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). Chair Kanruin and Ms. Kitzerow mentioned the Burrowing Owl Report had been received but there were still pending fees for the Krikorian project. 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Commissioner Phillips reported he would be attending a Water Task Force meeting Friday, October 18, 2019. 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING GOMMISSIONERS None 14. ADJOURN Chair Kanrvin adjourned the meeting at7:43 p.m. nie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk City of Menifee Planning Commission [Vinutes October 9,2019 Page 4