2019-05-08 PC MinutesCity Council Chambers 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Robert P. Kanvin, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice Chair Benjamin Diederich, Commissioner Earl Phillips, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner MINUTES REGULAR MEETING ,I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Karuin called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL CONSENT CALENDAR None. City of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 8, 2019 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk 4. 5 6 7 8 Attendee Name Benjamin Diederich Robert P. Karwin Earl Phillips Randy Madrid Chris Thomas Tifle Commissioner Chair Commissioner Vice Chair Commissioner Status Present Present Present Present Present RESULT: MOVER: SECON DER: AYES: ABSTAIN: Accepted [Unanimous] Chris Thomas Ead Phillips Diederich, Phillips, Madrid, Thomas Karwin PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Karwin led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS None. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved with no modifications. PUBLTC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA TTEMS) There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7 .1. Approval of Minutes of March 27 , 2019 3. 10. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS None- DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1. Commercial Vehicle Parking - Menifee Municipal Code Section 12.20.140 Assistant City Attorney Ajit Thind stated this item was an informational item and no action would be taken by the Commission. Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced the item and provided a background of Ordinance No. 2018-255. Public Works Director Jonathan Smith provided the staff report and discussed the purpose of the recent Ordinance amendment and trucks, trailers and commercial vehicle parking restrictions. The Commission and staff discussed parking of commercial vehicles and trailers on rural residential lots by individual homeowners and allowances for truck stops in the City. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Ms. Kitzerow asked the Commission if they would like to schedule a tour of the City's recent developments similar to what the Commission participated in June of 2018. The Commission agreed it was not necessary. Ms. Kitzerow mentioned the grand opening for Barons would be held Friday, May 17 . 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Vice Chair Madrid reported there would be a Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee (MCAC) meeting on May I to discuss the disbursement of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. 13.FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS There were no future agenda item requests. ADJOURN Chair Kamin adjourned the meetrng at 6:29 p.m. 14. tephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes May 8,2019 Page 2 9. Commissioner Phillips and Diederich stated they had attended the Menifee Better Together event. Vice Chair Madrid discussed attending Prayer Day at St. Vincent Ferrer Church.