2019-04-10 PC MinutesCity Council Chambers 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Robert P. Kanvin, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice Chair Benjamin Diederich, Commissioner Earl Phillips, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner MINUTES REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Karwin called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m 2. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair KaMin led the flag salute. PRESENTATIONS None AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved with no modifications. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7 .1. Approval of Minutes of March 13, 2019 Wednesday, April 10, 2019 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk 3 4. 6 \:r' E Title Commissioner Chair Commissioner Vice Chair Commissioner City of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 5. 7 Oi-- Attendee Name Benjamin Diederich Robert P. Karwin Earl Phillips Randy Madrid Chris Thomas Status Present Present Present Present Present I RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER AYES: ABSTAIN: Accepted [Unanimous] Robert P. Karwin Earl Phillips Diederich, Karwin, Phillips, Madrid Thomas CONSENT CALENDAR None PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS None DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1 . Workshop on the Draft Comprehensive Development Code Update Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced the item and provided an overview of the process; code update objectives; project schedule and the purpose of the workshop. Ms. Kitzerow introduced Project Manager Sarah Allinder with Michael Baker lnternational. Ms. Allinder provided a presentation and reported on Title 7 Subdivision Ordinance; stakeholder feedback from the February 2019 workshop; organizational structure; elimination of "schedule" maps; realigned approval authorities; Article 1: General Provisions; Chapter 7.05: Administrative Responsibilities; Article 2: Maps Required; Finance Map process; Article 3: Certificates, Adjustments, and Mergers; Article 4: Design, Dedication, and lmprovements; Chapter 7.70: Parkland ln-Lieu Fees and Article 5: Definitions The Commission asked questions of staff regarding designated authorities; the appeal process; size limitation regarding Tentative Parcel and Tract Maps; finance maps; definitions of points of measurements within the code; state requirements of park in-lieu fees; clarifying definitions in Article 5 and definitions in Title 9. The Commission asked questrons of staff regarding fill (dirt) materials; grading permit process and inspections; compaction regulations; fuel modifications; notice for associated fees; use of permeable concrete; map overlay and reconfiguration of the economic development corridor (edc). Ms. Kitzerow clarified the drafts that have been presented at the workshops are working drafts and edits would still be made. I 10. City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes Apri 10,2019 Page 2 Ms. Allinder introduced Project Manager Dan Wery with Michael Baker lnternational. Mr. Wery reported on the purpose of Chapter 8.26: Grading Ordinance; stakeholder feedback from the February 2019 workshop; organizational structure; significant changes; authority and applicability; permits and procedure; zoning map and upcoming milestones for the City. Resident Jeff Scrape spoke in opposition of the proposed zoning designation for his property. Chair Karwin suggested Mr. Scrape submit a letter to the Community Development Drrector Cheryl Kitzerow. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS lVls. Kitzerow stated Fleming Ranch specific plan had been re branded to Legado and stated the commercial property south east of Newport Road and Town Center Drive resubmitted for administrative approval and could be approve next couple months. Ms Kitzerow also stated the Mill Creek CEQA document would be sent out for its 45 day public review period in the near future. Ms. Kitzerow provided an update on Jamba Juice, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Barons, and the Krikorian project. 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES There were no Commissioner reports. 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Commissroner Phillips inquired about the request for a discussion regarding the Commercial Vehicle Parking Ordinance. Ms. Kitzerow stated she had shared the recently adopted Ordinance with the Commission. 14. ADJOURN Chair Karuin adjourned the meeting at7:17 p.m Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk City of lvlenifee Planning Commission Minutes Aprll 10, 2019 Page 3