2020-04-22 PC MinutesVirtual Meeting City of Menifee Via RingCentral Planning Commission Menifee, CA 92586 Meeting Minutes Randy Madrid, Chair Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Benjamin Diederich, Vice Chair 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Robert Karwin, Commissioner Earl Phillips, Commissioner Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Chris Thomas, Commissioner Stephanie Roseen, Clerk MINUTES REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Madrid called the meeting to order at 6:11 PM. Chair Madrid provided the email and phone number for the public to participate in the meetings and allow for public comments by email and phone due to the COVID-19 emergency. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Randy Madrid Chair Present Earl Phillips Commissioner Present Benjamin Diederich Commissioner Present Robert P. Karwin Commissioner Present Chris Thomas Commissioner Present 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Karwin led the flag salute. 4. PRESENTATIONS None. 5. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) Chair Madrid provided the email and phone number for the public to participate in the meetings and allow for public comments by email and phone due to the COVID-19 emergency. There were no public comments. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1. Approval of Minutes of March 25, 2020 The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2245F464-D8A3-4A9A-A7E4-26DDAD342526 City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2020 Page 2 8. CONSENT CALENDAR None. 9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1. General Plan Amendment No. 2018-207 Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Senior Planner Manny Baeza. Mr. Baeza reported on the project description, background, Specific Plan, General Plan and Circulation Element, and the recommended action. The Commission asked about the Wickerd Road segment east of Haleblian Road. Staff stated there was no change proposed to that segment. Chair Madrid opened the public hearing at 6:21 PM. Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated the public hearing was properly noticed and no correspondence had been received. There were no public comments. Chair Madrid closed the public hearing at 6:22 PM. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 20-844, recommending City Council adopt the third Addendum to the General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Robert P. Karwin AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 2. Adopted Resolution No. 20-845, recommending City Council approve General Plan Amendment No. 2018-207. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Robert P. Karwin AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 9.2. “Rockport Ranch” General Plan Amendment No. 2016-287, Change of Zone No. 2016-288, Specific Plan No. 2016-286, Tentative Tract Map No. 2016-285 (TR 37131) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse No. #2017081069) Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Acting Planning Manager Ryan Fowler. Mr. Fowler reported on the project location, general plan and land use, zoning, project description, change of zone, specific plan, Tentative Tract Map, land use overview, circulation plan, stormwater management, phasing, recreation, entry signage, architecture, relocation of power poles, fiscal impact analysis, Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission recommendation, environmental determination, and recommendations. The Commission and staff discussed drainage, building code standards regarding roof pitch, fiscal mitigation calculated over a 30-year period, phasing and installation of landscaping, and lot sizes. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2245F464-D8A3-4A9A-A7E4-26DDAD342526 City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2020 Page 3 Chair Madrid opened the public hearing at 6:54 PM. Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated the public hearing was properly noticed and correspondence and a Memo from the City’s Engineering Department revising the Conditions of Approval for Resolution No. 20-494 had been received and was provided to the Planning Commission. Jimmy Elrod, representative from the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenter's, expressed his concerns regarding the Environmental Impact Report. Maurice and Keisha, residents of Tierra Shores Community, expressed their concerns with the main access to the community on Old Newport Road and increased traffic. Jim Simmons and Jason Greminger, applicant representatives, provided presentation and reported on the project history, Community outreach, open space amenities, offsite improvements, and project benefits. Chair Madrid closed the public hearing at 7:07 PM. City Engineer/Public Works Director Jonathan Smith reported on the Conditions of Approval relating to traffic concerns and the Traffic Impact Analysis. The Commission and staff discussed the existing house located on the project site and soils conditions. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 20-490, recommending the City Council certify the Environmental Impact Report and adopt Statement of Overriding Considerations. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Benjamin Diederich AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 2. Adopted Resolution No. 20-491 recommending the City Council approve General Plan Amendment No. 2016-287. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Benjamin Diederich AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 3. Adopted Resolution No. 20-492, recommending the City Council approve Change of Zone No. 2016-288 to modify the zoning boundaries of the project site to match the Specific Plan. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Chris Thomas AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas DocuSign Envelope ID: 2245F464-D8A3-4A9A-A7E4-26DDAD342526 City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2020 Page 4 4. Adopted Resolution No. 20-493, recommending the City Council approve Specific Plan No. 2016-286. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Robert P. Karwin AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 5. Adopted Resolution No. 20-494, recommending the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map No. 2016-285 (TR 37131) including modifications to the Conditions of Approval per the Memo provided by the Engineering Department. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Benjamin Diederich AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow stated that City Hall was still open for business during the Stay at Home Order and Covid-19 and provided a presentation on the City's Virtual Permit Center. Ms. Kitzerow also provided an update on the Krikorian Complex Development. 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES None. 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS None. 14. ADJOURN Chair Madrid adjourned the meeting at 7:27 PM. ______________________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 2245F464-D8A3-4A9A-A7E4-26DDAD342526