2020-01-22 PC MinutesI r- E City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Robert P. Kannin, Ghair Randy Madrid, Vice Chair Benjamin Diederich, Commissioner Earl Phillips, Commissioner Ghris Thomas, Commissioner City of Menifee Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 22, 2020 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Gheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk MINUTES 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. SELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Commissioner Diederich made a motion to appoint Commissioner Madrid as the Commission Chair for 2020. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion and it passed with the fol vote: Chair Madrid made a motion to appoint Commissioner Diederich as the Commission Vice Chair for 2Q2Q. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion and it passed with the followi vote 5. APPOINTMENTS TO THE MENIFEE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Kanuin made a motion to appoint himself and Vice Chair Diederich to the Menifee Citizen Advisory Commission. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion and it passed as follows: Attendee Name Robert P. Karwin Earl Phillips Benjamin Diederich Randy Madrid Chris Thomas Title Chair Commissioner Commissioner Vice Chair Commissioner Status Present Present Present Present Present RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Benjamin Diederich Earl Phillips Karwin, Philli Diederich, Madrid, Thomas RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Chris Thomas Randy Madrid Karwin, Phillips, Diederich, Madrid, Thomas \ o6. , REGULAR MEETING 1. CALLTOORDER Chair Kanuin called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLLCALL RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Robert P. Karwin Chris Thomas Karwin, Phillips, Diederich, Madrid, Thomas 6. PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Presentation to Outgoing Assistant Gity Attorney, Ajit Thind Cheryl Kitzerow presented outgoing Assistant City Attorney Ajit Thind with a card and an award of recognition and appreciation on behalf of the Commission and staff. The Commission thanked Mr. Thind for his years of professionalism and support. City Engineer Jonathan Smith presented Mr. Thind with a Menifee street sign with his name on it and thanked him for his service to the City of Menifee. Mr. Thind thanked the Commission and City staff and expressed how incredible it has been working for the City. Mr. Thind said he has enjoyed watching the City grow and making friends at the City. 7. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously with no modifications 8. PUBLTC GOMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) There were no modifications 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1. Approval of Minutes of December 11 , 2019 The minutes were with the fol vote: 10. GONSENTGALENDAR None. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11.1. Baker Medical, Plot Plan No. 2018-189 Associate Planner Desiree Bowdan presented the item. She reported on the project location, project description and elevation, background of the entitlement, general plan land use and zoning, project layout, environmental review, and the recommendation. Commissioner Kanrvin asked questions about access to the project. RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Accepted [Unanimous] Earl Phillips Robert P. Karwin Karwin, Phillips, Diederich, Madrid, Thomas City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes January 22,2O2O Page 2 Chair Madrid opened the Public Hearing at 6:20 p.m. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring confirmed that the hearing was legally noticed and correspondence received was added to the record and was located in blue folders for the Commission's review. Commissioner Kanvin asked questions of the applicant's representative Lawrence E. Cole from Landmark Engineering. Also present was Tony Tonekaboni, project designer, representing the applicant. ACTION 1. Conducted a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 20-480 approving Plot Plan No. 2018-189, a 5,417 Square Foot, 3-Story Medical Office Building on a 0.64-Acre Parcel, subject to the attached conditions of approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions in the staff 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS None 13. COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow wanted to recognize Planning Manager Lisa Gordon, who is no longer working for the City, but Ms. Gordon was not able to attend the meeting. Ms. Kitzerow reported on the following: the Draft Environmental lmpact Review for Legado Specific Plan was out for review and the Commission has received copies; AB 1234 Ethics training was scheduled for January 29 at City Hall at 6 p.m.; and staff is scheduling a joint meeting workshop with City Council to provide market overview retail office and commercial and vehicle miles traveled overview. Ms. Kitzerow invited the Commission to a Active Transportation Plan Open House on January 30 from 4 - 6 p.m. at City Hall. Ms. Kitzerow provided an update on the Krikorian theater and said the project projected complete date is before the end of the year. Ms. Kitzerow ended her comments by saying happy birthday to Commissioner Earl Phillips. 14. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Commissioner Deiderich reported the Menifee Citizen Advisory Committee (MCAC) selected Cal Fire Captain Wendi Miller as Menifee's Citizen of the Year. He said he looked fonruard to serving on MCAC again this year. Commissioner Phillips reported on his attendance at the CERT meeting and stated he will be working with Sun City residents in emergency preparedness planning. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Robert P. Karwin Earl Phillips Karwin, Phil , Diederich, Madrid, Thomas City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes January 22,2020 Page 3 Chair Madrid closed the Public Hearing at 6:25 p.m. 15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS 16. There were no new requests. ADJOURN Chair the meeting at 6:32 p.m. .\\ss:'^'- a. City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes January 22,2020 Page 4 --\ A.