2019-08-21 City Council REGULAR MEETING - MinutesCity Council Chambers
2984/. Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Greg August, District 1
Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobek, District 3
Dean Deines, District 4
Menifee City Council
Meeting Minutes
Wednesd"y, August 21, 2019
5:00 PM Closed Session
6:00 PM Regular Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present were Councilmembers
Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Mayor Pro Tem August and Mayor Zimmerman. The City Council
recessed to Closed Session for the purposes listed below at 5:00 p.m. Councilmember
Liesemeyer recused himself from the first Closed Session item due to a conflict of interest
regarding property that is in his neighborhood.
Significant Exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code paragraph (2) or (3) of
subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9
1 potential case
Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6
Negotiators: Deputy City Manager Rochelle Clayton and City Manager Armando G. Villa
Labor Assocrafrons: Menifee Mid-Management Em ployee U nit Association
Mayor Zimmerman called the regular meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. City Attorney Jeffrey
Melching announced there was no reportable action.
Attendee Name
Bill Zimmerman
Greg August
Lesa Sobek
Matt Liesemeyer
Dean Deines
District 1
District 3
District 2
District 4
Pastor Tony Truax, Hope Christian Church
Kassen Klein led the flag salute.
rY op
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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5.1. Gene Wunderlich - Housing Update
Gene Wunderlich with the Soutwest Riverside County Association of Realtors
provided a presentation on the history of the housing market in Menifee and the
region. Mr. Wunderlich reported on current trends and what to expect in the
future housing market.
Councilmember August asked questions of Mr. Wunderlich regarding solar
panels and home values and if Mr. Wunderlich has seen any changes after
consolidating the Menifee zip codes.
5.2. State Route 74 Raised Curb Median Project Update
Joyce Snyder, Public lnformation Officer with CalTrans, provided an update on
the State Route 74 Raised Median Project. Ms. Snyder reported on the location;
project need; tentative schedule and the Open House Community Meeting being
held at Heritage High School on Tuesday, August 27,2019.
Councilmember Sobek and Mayor Zimmerman asked questions of Ms. Snyder
regarding public alerts regarding project, where the project is set to begin and
median hardscape.
5.3. Battalion Chief Mike Martinez Recognition
The City Council thanked Battalion Chief Mike Martinez for his heroic actions and
presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation. Battalion Chief Martinez and
Division Chief Kirk Barnett cautioned people to always watch their children near
5.4. Outstanding Citizen of the Month - Luis Hutchins
The City Council presented Luis Hutchins with the Outstanding Citizen of the
Month Award for his services to many Menifee boards and voluntary involvement
with events in the City of Menifee. Mr. Hutchins thanked the City Council for their
recognition and stated it was a privilege to spend time with his children as well as
the youth of the City.
5.5. 2020 Census Proclamation
Mayor Zimmerman introduced Ndubisi Nwafor (J.R.) from the 2020 Census. Mr.
Nwafor reported on the importance of the Census and for residents' participation.
Mayor Zimmerman presented Mr. Nwafor with a Proclamation of support.
Staff requested item 10.6 be removed from the agenda.
The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) as amended.
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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Ken Styles, Menifee resident, stated his concerns for continued illegal dumping.
The City Council thanked him for being a good steward and being the eyes and ears in
the community. They encouraged him to use the City of Menifee App to report any illega!
dumping for staff to be notified and follow up.
Ken Laymon, Menifee resident, discussed his concerns regarding the City's additiona!
1% sales tax, which was voted into law by Menifee residents in 2016.
Audrey Millar, Menifee resident, stated that she would like to bring back bus services for
students to get to schoo! and she reported on her concerns with building a home in the
City and issues with code enforcement. The Mayor directed her to the school board for
her concerns regarding school bus services and to staff for her concerns regarding code
Kassen Klein, Menifee businessman, wished City Manager Armando G. Villa a happy
birthday. Mr. Klein spoke about the perception of the City not being buslness friendly and
the good work the Directors and City Manager were doing.
Mia Henwood, Menifee resident and member of the Menifee Rangers 4H, stated her
concerns regarding the speed limit and the need for a stop sign located on Goetz Road
near Casa Bonita Avenue.
Mayor Pro Tem August reported on the meetings and events he attended:. Demo of Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter jet hosted by Congressman Ken Calverto Celebration of Life for Michael John Judge, former Menifee Police Captain. Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) Luncheon for Murrieta Mayor Pro Tem Randon
Councilmember Deines reported on the meetings and events he attended:o Menifee Munch at Firehouse Subso Ribbon Cutting for Storm Stadium's Diamond Clubo Ribbon Cutting for Schools First Credit Union. 5th Annual Disabilities Awareness Event at the Storm Stadiumo Murrieta City Council Meeting Honoring Mayor Pro Tem Randon Lane
Councilmember Liesemeyer reported on the meetings and events he attended:o Community Services Alternate Event that took the place of the BMX event that
had been cancelled last minute. Murrieta City Council Meeting Honoring Mayor Pro Tem Randon Lane
Councilmember Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended:o Meeting with Susan Holland, Assistant Director of the Riverside County
Economic Development Agency Regarding the New Menifee Public Library. Menifee Munch at Firehouse Subs. Murrieta City Council Meeting Honoring Mayor Pro Tem Randon Laneo Meeting with Residents from Brookfield on project
Menifee Mayor and City Counci!
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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Councilmember Sobek acknowledged the Paloma Valley High School students that were
in attendance.
Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended:
League of California Cities Mayor's Breakfast with Assemblyman Chad Mayes
Community Concert at Silverstar Park Sponsored by Brookfield Homes
Menifee Munch at Firehouse Subs
Community Partners Meeting at Elevation Church
Quail Valley Community Group meeting with Waste Management
Chamber Mixer at Stromsoe lnsurance Agency
Ribbon Cutting for Schools First
Sth Annual Disabilities Awareness Event at the Storm Stadium
Murrieta City Council Meeting Honoring Mayor Pro Tem Randon Lane
New Chamber of Commerce Member Event at Atria Menifee Valley
Mayor Zimmerman announced that he would be attending the State of the City for the
City of Moreno Valley on Thursday, August 22.
9.1 . Approval of Minutes of August 7 , 2019
City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated revised copies of the minutes had been
provided to the City Council. There were no further amendments.
The revised minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) as amended.
Councilmember Sobek requested to pulled item 10.12 from the consent calendar for
separate discussion.
The balance of the Consent Calendar was a roved b the followin vote:
10.1. Waiver of Reading in Full of Any and al! Ordinances Listed on this Agenda and
Provide that they be read by Title Only
10.2. Warrant Register
Ratified and approved the Voucher List dated 812119, the Payroll Register/Other EFT's
dated 7124119 and 7126119 and the Void Check listing PE07l31l19 which have a total
budgetary impact of $3,044,230.96.
10.3. Treasurer's Report - July 2019
Adopted [Unanimous]
Matt Liesemeyer
Dean Deines
Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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Approved the Treasurer's Report for July, 2019.
10.4. Tractor Drawn Aerial Fire Apparatus for Menifee Fire
1 . Approved the purchase of a 101' tractor drawn aerial fire apparatus in the amount of
$1,307,91 1.85 from the County of Riverside; and2. Approved the transfer of $802,000 from the Measure DD account number 105-
4577 assigned for Capital Equipment-Fire Fund Balance to account number 105-
4445-53155 Capital Outlays to increase the budget to a total of $1,308,000.
10.5. Adoption of Official City Seal Ordinance Amendment
Adopted Ordinance No. 2019-282, amending Ordinance No. 2008-2, ratifying the City
Sea! design as adopted in 2009 and establishing the custody and use.
10.6. Resolution of lntention for Annexation No. 2 into CFD 2017-1, Tract Map 28859
This item was pulled from the agenda.
10.7. Certificate of Acceptance for Audie Murphy Ranch Sports Park
1. Approved the Grant Deed for the Audie Murphy Ranch Sports Park, Parcel A of
Lot Line Adjustment 13-003; and2. Adopted Resolution No. 19-820, approving the Certificate of Acceptance.
10.8. Certificate of Acceptance for Creek View Park
1. Approved the Grant Deed for Creek View Park; Lot 68 of Tract 31822-1 in the
Audie Murphy Ranch Development; and
2. Adopted Resolution No. 19-821, confirming approval of the Certificate of
10.9. Certificate of Acceptance of Silver Star Park
1. Approved the Grant Deed and Certificate of Acceptance for Silver Star Park, Lots
109, 1 10 and K of Tract Map 36485-4; and2. Adopted Resolution No. 19-822, approving the Certificate of Acceptance for Silver
Star Park.
10.10. Audie Murphy Ranch Development Areas Designated as "Drainage Area A"
1. Approved two Grant Deeds for areas designated as "Drainage Area A" serying as
a major drainage conveyance for Audie Murphy Ranch Development south of
Newport Road; and
2. Adopted Resolution No. 19-823, authorizing acceptance of real property from
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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Sutter Mitland 01, LLC.
10.1 1 . Fiscal Year (FY) 2019120 Road Safety Equipment Purchase
1. Approved the purchase of a Backhoe Loader from Sonsray Machinery in the not-
to-exceed amount of $122,538.15 including tax and delivery; and2. Approved the purchase of a Road Grader from Sonsray Machinery in the not-to-
exceed amount of $241,704.69 including tax and delivery; and3. Approved the transfer of $600,000 from Measure DD assigned for Capital
Equipment-Roads account to account number 105-4550-53155; and4. Approved Exemption on the purchase from competitive bidding as a purchase
made under a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (Piggyback) with Sourcewell as
allowed under the Menifee Municipal Code Section 3.12.070(6); anO5. Authorized the City Manager to execute the required documents.
10.12. This item was moved to ltems Pulled From Consent
10.13. Civil Pros Agreement for Design Services of the Goetz Road Street Resurfacing
Executed an Agreement with Civil Pros for Design Services of the Goetz Road Street
Resurfacing Project, CIP 20-03 in the amount not-to-exceed $34,300.
10.14. FY19120 On-Call Crack Seal Services and Striping Services Agreement
1. Awarded Contract Services Agreement for FY 2019120 On-Call Cityrruide Roadway
Striping Services, PW 19-01, to the lowest responsible bidder, Superior Pavement
Markings, lnc., in the amount not-to-exceed $150,000; and2. Awarded Contract Services Agreement for FY 2019120 On-Ca!! Asphalt Crack Seal
Services, PW 19-02, to the lowest responsible bidder, Road Works, Inc., in the
amount not-to-exceed $1 00,000.
10.15. Road Works, !nc. Agreement for Crack Sealing Services
Executed an Agreement with Road Works, lnc. for Crack Sealing Services on Various
Streets located east of Goetz Road in an amount not-to-exceed $46,800.
10.16. Road Works, lnc. Agreement for Crack Sealing Services on Newport Road
Executed an Agreement with Road Works, lnc. for Crack Sealing Services for Newport
Road for an amount not-to-exceed $39,800.
10.17. Senate Bill (SB) 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program Funds for the
Scott Road-Menifee Road Missing Sidewalk Project
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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1. Accepted FY 2019-20 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program Funds in
the amount of $183,263; and2. Approved Resolution No. 19-824, authorizing the Public Works Director to execute
Funding Agreements with the Riverside County Transportation Commission for the
Scott Road-Menifee Road Missing Sidewalk Project.
10.18. Senate Bill (SB) 821 Program Funds forthe Paloma Wash Trail Improvements
1. Accepted FY 2019120 Senate Bill (SB) 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities
Program Funds in the amount of $499,765; and
2. Adopted Resolution No. 19-825 authorizing the Public Works Director to execute
funding agreements with the Riverside County Transportation Commission.
10.12 Civil Pros Agreement for Design Services of the Arterial Street Resurfacing
Councilmember Sobek asked if staff could look at Menifee Road between
Newport Road and Aldergate Avenue, and if that section of road could be added
to the proposed contract.
City Engineer/Public Works Director Jonathan Smith stated staff would evaluate
what contract those improvements would be best added.
Executed Agreement with Civil Pros for Design Services of the Arterial Street
Resurfaci P ram PMP 20-01 in the amount not-to-exceed $54 000.
12.1. Dispatch Services Agreement
City Manager Armando G. Villa introduced the item and stated Police Chief Pat
Walsh would provide a presentation on the item. Chief Walsh thanked Murrieta
Police Chief Sean Hadden and Captain Rob Firms and Menifee lnterim Public
Safety Director Dave Brown for their work on the agreement. Chief Walsh
reported on the guiding principles that helped them through the negotiation
process; scope of work; implementation and costs; dispatch personnel; allocation
of fair share costs; equipment and finance.
Adopted [Unanimous]
Lesa Sobek
Matt Liesemeyer
Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Lie , Deines
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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Police Chief Hadden spoke about the partnership and benefit to both cities. He
thanked Menifee staff for all their help.
The City Council asked questions of staff including County dispatch support if the
Murrieta dispatch center ever had technical issues and was not available,
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) grants, overlap of
Murrieta and Menifee services near city boarders, local advertisement for
dispatch positions and qualifications, patrol vehicles anddifferent radio
frequencies, seamless communication between the City of Murrieta, City of
Menifee and Riverside County Sheriffs in emergency situations, dispatch facility
size and future budget considerations.
The City Counci! thanked Chief Hadden, Captain Firms, the Murrieta City Council and
staff. The Council also stated they were looking fonrvard to the partnership and
improved mutual aid.
Authorized the Mayor to execute the Dispatch Service Agreement ("the Agreement")
between the City of Murrieta and the City of Menifee, providing the dispatch services
to the Menifee Police ent from Ju!1 2020 throu 1 2030.
12.2. City Manager Employment Agreement Modifications
CityAttorney Jeff Melching introduced the item. Mr. Melching read a summary of
the contract amendment details as required per Government Code 54953.
The City Council thanked the Mayor for his leadership during closed session
discussions and Mr. Villa for his hard work and dedication to the City.
Approved and authorized Mayor to execute second amendment to City Manager
Em reement.
12.3. Social Media Policy
Mr. Villa introduced Senior Management Analyst lmelda Huerta to present the
item. Ms. Huerta reported on the background of the social media policy;
objectives of the policy; policy applicability; responsibility; assignment of
responsibility; guidelines and public records.
Councilmember Deines requested staff also provide a presentation to the City
Commissioners and Committee Members. The City Council and staff discussed
concerns regarding the consistency throughout the policy, limitations on the City
h Jul
Adopted [Unanimous]
Matt Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
Zimmerman, Aug ust, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines
Adopted [Unanimous]
Lesa Sobek
Matt Liesemeyer
Zimmerman, Au ust, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
Page 9 of 10
Council, permission regarding posting of pictures and accountability for violating
the City Council Policy.
Mayor Zimmerman asked staff if this item could be brought back and give staff
time to revise the policy. Mr. Villa recommended the City Council form an Ad Hoc
Kassen Klein, Menifee businessman, commented on the issues regarding other
Councilmembers in neighboring cities use social media and commented on
conditions he would like to see included in the policy.
Councilmember Liesemeyer made a motion to continue the item and form a
committee to review the policy with Councilmember Deines. Councilmember
Sobek seconded the motion.
Councilmember Liesemeyer stated Mr. Klein's concerns would best be
addressed in the upcoming Ethics Policy.
Continued the item to a later date and formed an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of
Councilmember Lie and Councilmember Deines.
12.4. Menifee Hill Top Walk Program
Mr. Villa provided an introduction on the item.
Councilmember Liesemeyer stated the challenges the City of Lake Elsinore
encountered in regard to the Super Bloom. He added challenges that Menifee
would have regarding finding land and conservation limitations. Councilmember
Deines stated it was a noble idea but the Community Services Department was
already working on activities and events for residents and recommended the City
Council table the discussion for now. Councilmember Sobek discussed her
attendance at the Regional conseryation Authority (RCA) Executive Board
Meetings where they discussed issues the City of Murrieta is encountering. She
stated that the City has other priorities at this time.
Item tabled.
Adopted [Unanimous]
Matt Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines
Adopted [Unanimous]
Dean Deines
Greg August
Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21 ,2019
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Mr. Villa thanked the City Council for their confidence in him.
Councilmember Sobek requested a report from staff in regard to illegal dumping. Mayor
Zimmerman seconded the request.
Councilmember Sobek also requested a discussion item in regard to "Audie Murphy
Day" in conjunction with Community Services events already scheduled. Councilmember
Liesemeyer seconded the request.
Mayor Pro Tem August requested a report from staff about Menifee zip codes.
Councilmember Deines seconded the request. Mayor Pro Tem August stated he would
research the zip code topic and rescinded his future item request.
Councilmember Liesemeyer requested a joint meeting with the Planning Commission
Councilmember Sobek seconded the request.
Councilmember Liesemeyer also requested a discussion item regarding what the City
could contribute to the ongoing school bus issues and street improvements. Mayor
Zimmerman seconded the request.
Councilmember Liesemeyer requested to adjourn the meeting in honor of Jessie
Hernandez, Owner of the Quail Valley Market.
Mayor Zircmerman adjourned in his honor at 8:48 p.m.
hA.Ma n