2019-01-16 City Council REGULAR MEETING - MinutesCity Council Chambers
297'14 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Greg August, District I
Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobek, District 3
Dean Deines, District 4
Attendee Name
Greg August
lvlatt Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
Dean Deines
Bill Zimmerman
Mayor Zimmerman opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Present were Councilmembers Deines,
Liesemeyer, Sobek, Mayor Pro Tem August, and Mayor Zimmerman. The City Council
adjourned to Closed Session for the purpose listed below.
Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9
Tony Falco and Rosa Falco v. City of Menifee
Riverside County Superior Court Case No. MCCI 700399
Mayor Zimmerman opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. City Attorney Jeff Melching
stated that there were no reportable actions out of Closed Session.
Menifee City Council
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
6:00 PM Regular Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
3.'1. Pastor Chuck Jepson, Acts lnternational Christian Fellowship Church
Senior Advisory Committee Member Angela Wojtkowski led the flag salute.
5.1 . Outgoing Commission and Committee Member Recognition
The City Council recognized outgoing Planning Commissioner Mark Doty and
outgoing Senior Advisory Committee Member Ken Woytek. They were each
presented with a certificate of appreciation and the City Council thanked them both
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Page 2 of 13
for their service to the City. Outgoing Senior Advisory Committee Member Darrell
Thompson was also recognized by the City Council for his service, but was not
5.2. TIP Awards
Councilmember Sobek introduced TIP (Trauma lntervention Program). Magda
Stewart from TIP described the work of the volunteers. Ms. Stewart stated that each
year TIP awards community members for work that they do to help the community.
The City Council wanted to recognize them as well. Councilmember Sobek
presented Deputy Frank Rice with a certificate of recognition for his work and
commitmenl to homelessness. Councilmember Sobek presented Fire Engineer Brian
Neely with a certificate of recognition for his compassion for homelessness.
Firefighter Paramedic Brian Chase also received a certificate of recognition for his
contribution to helping the homeless, but he was not present.
5.3. Business Spotlight - Menifee Bicycles
Gina Gonzalez introduced the Business Spot Light Program recipient for the month,
Menifee Bicycles. Ms. Gonzalez presented their history in the City. Menifee Bicycles
has donated bicycles to children. Craig Cooper was presented with a certificate of
recognition. Mr. Cooper thanked the City Council and said that he is blessed to live in
the City of Menifee.
City Clerk Sarah Manwaring asked that the Commission and Committee Appointments
be moved to afier the approval of the minutes. The agenda was approved unanimously
(5-0) with the stated modrfication.
Kelly Robertson and the Menifee Veteran Advocacy Committee presented Community
Service Supervisor Jason Hendrix with a framed recognition for his work helping
velerans and veteran widows. Ms. Robertson reported on the events the committee will
put on throughout the year.
Mark Wade, Menifee resident, asked Council what the owners of the north golf course
are going to do to eliminate the public nuisance. Mayor Pro Tem August asked the City
lvlanager to provide the City Council with a memo update on the north golf course.
Ms. Ivliller stated her opposition for development in the City and talked about the effects
on the environment.
Kelly Robertson, Menifee resident, presented a slideshow of pictures of code
enforcement violations in the Quail Valley area. She said that she had done some
research and found that the City can hire some extra Code Enforcement Officers to help
clean up the area. She presented the City Clerk with some informatron regarding the
violations and how to hire help for enforcement.
l\4enifee l\4ayor and City Council
Regular Meeting [,4inutes
Wednesday, January 1 6, 2019
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Councilmember Sobek reported on the meetings and events she had attended. Santa's Workshop led by the Rotaryo Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce Grand Re-opening. Hospital Advisory Board Meeting. Social Worker Action Group (SWAG) fundraiser at Rubio's Coming Up. Homes for our Troops Community Kickoff Coming Up
Councilmember Liesemeyer asked Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez to
give an update on the animal shot clinic. Ms. Gonzalez said the clinic will provide free
animal microchipping and vaccinations on a first come first serve basis. The event will be
held on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at the Kay Ceniceros Senior Center from g:00 am to
1:00 p.m.
Councilmember Deines reported on the meetings and events he had attended.. Police Chief Workshop
Mayor Pro Tem August reported on the meetings and events he had attended. Crime Watch Annual Dinner this Saturdayo Public Safety Committee
Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he had attended. Santa's Workshop. Wake up Menifee - Chamber Of Commerce. Web Hall Speaking Engagement to Talk About Police Departmento Riverside County Transportation Committee Meetingr Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce Grand Re-openingr Murrieta Temecula Group Meetingo Menifee Munch. League of California Cities Riverside County Division Meeting. Boys and Girls Club Van Donation Ceremony
9.1 . Mayor and City Council - Regular Meeting - Nov 7, 201 8 6:00 PM
The City Council approved the minutes 4-0-1, Councilmember Deines
12.2, Commission and Committee Appointments and Re-Appointments
This item was moved per Council under agenda approval and
modification. City Clerk Sarah A. Manwaring presented the item and
reported that each Councilmember must appoint and reappoint their
members. They did so as follows:
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting I\4inutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Page 4 of '13
Randy Madrid, Vice
Christo her Thomas
Earl Philli
PI nnin
E iration
ion and Trails Comm n
Appointed By
Mayor Bill Zimmerman
I\4a r Pro Tem Lesa Sobek
Councilmember Gre Au ust
Councilmember Dean Deines
Council Member Matt
Martin H. Rosen, Vice
Richard Cro
Altie Holcomb, Chair
Anthon Amorelli
Tom Giedroyce
Committee Member
Arthur Kin Ma
Michael Cano, Chair
Nancy Randolph
Brian Agner
Edward Samuelson,
Vice Chair
Committee Member
Gloria Sanchez, Chair
Helen Alexander, Vice
Linda Blanche
Anne-Marie Novack
Robert Karwin, Chair
Benjamin Diederich January 16,2019 Decembet 2022
January 16,2019 December 2022
Measure DD Overs ht Comm
January 16,2019 January 16, 2021
Senior Advi Comm
Mayor Bill Zimmerman
t\.4a r Pro Tem Lesa Sobek
Councilmember G ust
Councilmember Dean Deines
Council Member Matt
Appointed By
Ma r Bill Zimmerman
Ma r Pro Tem Lesa Sobek
Councilmember Greg
Au USt
Councilmember Dean
Council Member tu1att
Appointed By
l\,4a r Bill Zimmerman
Mayor Pro Tem Lesa Sobek
Councilmember Greg
Au ust
Councilmember Dean
Council Member Maft
January 16,2019 December 2020
January 16,2019
January 16,2019 December 2020
January'16,2019 December 2022
January 16,2019 December 2020
January 16,2019 December 2020
January 16,2019 December 2020
January'16,2019 Decembet 2022
Term Expiration
January 16,2019 Januaty 16,2021
January 16,20'19 January 16,2021
January 16,2019 January 16,2021
January 16, 20 19 January 16,2021
Term Expiration
January 16,20'19 January 16, 2021
January 16,2019 January 16,2021
January'16,2019 January 16,2021
January 16, 20'19 January 16, 2021
January 16, 201 I January 16, 2021Angela Wojtkowski
Liesem I
Appointed By
December 2020
lvlenifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
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By the following vote, the City Council appointed the allarge members to the Senior Advisory
Committee as follows:
Adopted [Unanimous]
Lesa Sobek
Greg August
Deines, Augusl, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
Seni f
Committee Member ointment Date ointed B
Ruth Goulet All Councilmembers
David Morse January 16,2019 January 16,2021 All Councilmembers
The City Council thanked everyone for their willingness to volunteer for the community and said
that there are several other opportunities to do so.
The Ci Council a roved the Consent Calendar as follows:
10.1 . Waiver of Reading in Full of Any and all Ordinances Listed on this
Agenda and Provide that they be read by Title Only
10.2. Warrant Register
Ratified and approved the Voucher Lists dated 1217118 and12l21l'18 and the
Payroll Registers dated 12112118, 12114118, 12124118, 12128118 and 12131118
which have a total budgetary impact of $7,272,634.88.
10.3. Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 201812019
Approved the balance of budget carryovers, as of June 30, 2018 for all ongoing
operating requests as shown in Attachment A, for ongoing grants as shown in
Attachment B and for capital programs as shown in Attachment C, to Fiscal Year
10.4. Annual Report on Receipt and Use ofAB 1600 Development lmpact Fees
Received and filed the annual report on receipt and use of AB 1600
Development lmpact Fees.
Term Expiration
January 16,2019 January 16,2021
Adopted IUnanimous]
Matt Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
Deines. Au ust, Liesemeyer, Sobek, ZimmermanI
Ivlenifee Nilayor and City Council
Regular Meeting l\4inutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Page 6 of 13
10.5. Purchase of AutoPulse Resuscitation System Amendment
Adopted Resolution No. 18-757, approving a budget amendment, to amended
AutoPulse purchase to anclude sales tax for City of Menifee Fire Services and
appropriate the necessary funds.
10.6. Agreement with Mullin360
Approved the Professional Services Agreement in the amount not{o-exceed
$77,300 between Mullin360 Real Estate Services, LLC and the City of Menifee
for completion of a Net Growth Demand (Point) Analysis for an automotive
retail cluster feasibility study in the City of Menifee.
10.7. Agreement for Kay Ceniceros Campus Roof Repair Project
1. Awarded the Agreement in the amount not-to-exceed $69,788 to R&R
Roofing for completion of Kay Ceniceros Campus Roof Repair Project, CIP
'18-07; and,2. Authorized the City Manager to approve unanticipated change order work
related to completion of the Kay Ceniceros Campus Roof Repair Project in
an amount not to exceed $6,978.80 or 10% of the contract amount.
10.8. Public Works/Engineering Request for Proposal on Call List and Fiscal
Y ear 20181 19 Agreements
1. Approved Public Works/Engineering Department (Land Development,
lnspections, and Traffic Engineering) On-Call List for FY2018/19 thru
2021122; and,
2. Approved Agreements for On-Call Engineering Services (Recoverable and
Non-Recoverable) for the Public Works/Engineering Department for
second half of Fiscal Year (FY) 2018/19.
1 0.9. Amendment No.'1 to STC Traffic, lnc. Agreement
Approved Amendment No. 'l to the existing Professional Services Agreement
for FY18/1 9 On Call Traffic Engineering Services with STC Traffic, lnc. to
increase the existing agreement by a not-to-exceed amount of $65,000, for a
revised total contract amount not to exceed $90,000.
10.10. Amendment No 1 . to Agreement with Rincon Consultants
Approved Amendment No. 'l to the existing Professional Services Agreement
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting l\4inutes
Wednesday, January 16, 201 I
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for FYl8/19 As-Needed Contract Planning Services with Rincon Consultants,
lnc. to increase the existing agreement in a not{o-exceed amount of in the
amount $75,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $99,950.
10.1 1 . Acceptance and Approval of Public Street, Drainage, Utility
lmprovements, 10% Bond Rider Endorsement and Warrantee for CUP
1. Accepted Public Street, Drainage and Utility lmprovements for CUP 2016-
078, a development of 1.94 gross acres of land into one parcel for
commercial use located at the southeast corner of Zeiders Road and Cirilo
Road; and
2. Approved the 10% Bond Rider Endorsement and Warrantee for the Public
Street, Drainage and Utility improvements.
1 0. 12. Acceptance and Approval of Public Street, Drainage and Utility
lmprovemenls, 10% Bond Rider Endorsement and Warrantee for Tract
Map 30554
1. Accepted Public Street, Drainage and Utility Improvements for Tract Map
30554, a subdivision of 35.46 gross acres of land into 86 lots for residential
use, located at the northwest corner of Craig Avenue and Evans Road; and2. Approved the 10% Bond Rider Endorsement and Warrantee for the Public
Street, Drainage and Utility improvements.
10.13. Agreement with lE General Engineering, lnc. for Street lmprovements
1. Awarded bid and approved agreement with lE General Engineering, lnc. for
the Adams Avenue Street improvements project, CIP 18-08 (Romoland
Sidewalk lmprovements) in the amount of $448,872.50; and2. Authorized the City Managerto execute change orders(s) for unanticipated
expenditures required to execute the construction of the p@ect, in the
amount not to exceed 10% of the contract amount or $44,887.
Senior Planner Tamara Harrison presented the item. lvls. Harrison
reported on the project location, general plan/zoning; substantial
conformance; change of zone; background; single-story home and lot
coverage requirements; the Planning Commrssion meeting discussion;
and the environmental review.
11.1. Planning Application No. 2018-149, Substantral Conformance
Determination No. 3 for Specific Plan No. 209 (Audie Murphy Ranch) and
Change of Zone No. 2018-158
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Page I of 13
The City Council asked questions of staff
Mayor Zimmerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. City Clerk
Sarah Manwaring stated that the hearing was legally notlced and there
were no correspondence received.
Adrran Peters from Brookfield Residential, representing the applicant,
stated that the trend for new homes is California rooms and larger
garages, and the change will also allow them to plot more single story
Ms. Miller, opposes the project and stated that it would increase traffic
She said she is against development and in favor of more farms.
Mayor Zimmerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:34 p.m
Resolution No. 18-758 approving the substantial conformance
determination was a roved the followin vote
The City Clerk read the Ordinance by title and it was introduced by the
followin vote
11.2. "McCall Square" Change of Zone No. (CZ) 2017-092; Tentative Parcel
Map No. (PM) 2017-091; Plot Plan No. (PP) 20'17-090 (Revision to 2009-
052); Conditional Use Permit No. (CUP) 2017-089; Conditional Use
Permit No. 2018-250; Administrative Relief No. 2018-251; and
Cancellation of DA 2014-069
Planning Manager Lisa Gordon presented the item. Ms. Gordon reported
on the project location, general plan land use, existing and proposed
zoning, Tentative Parcel Map No. 2017 -091 , Plot Plan No. 2017-090, the
storage facility, offsite drainage, two CUPs for Specific Uses,
Administrative Relief No. 2018-251, the Planning Commissron meeting
discussion, the project background and analysis, architecture and
elevations, signs, landscaping, outdoor gathering areas, environmental
review, and the recommendation.
The City Council asked questions including number of parking spaces,
monument signs, landscaping, and phasing.
Ms. Gordon answered that the number of parking spaces was adjusted because
they submitted a shared parking agreement that looked at peak demand and
Adopted [Unanimous]
Matt Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
Deines, August, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
Adopted IUnanimous][/att Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
Deines, August, Liesem r, Sobek, Zimmerman
I/enifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Page 9 of 13
uses; therefore staff was able to reduce the number of spaces. The landscaping
will happen within each phase and the monument sign will be in Phase 2A.
Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow stated that Phase 2 partial
frontage would be improved with Phase 1 .
Councilmember Sobek reported that she had met with lhe developer.
Staff answered more questions from the City Council about the timing of the gas
station and the drive{hru, and asked about traffic by the school.
Ms. Kitzerow stated that they can add to the conditions of approval for the
applicant to develop Phase 'lA and 1B at the same time. Ms. Gordon said that
the school traffic is addressed in the conditions of approval and the applicant will
work with staff on safety measures.
The City Council asked questions about the monument sign at Mccall
Boulevard and Menifee Road, and if they can make revisions to the Plannrng
Commission's recommendation to include signage for the malors.
Mayor Pro Tem August asked about the entitlements expiring. Ms. Gordon
stated that the original shopping center will expire on November 20'19 and after
that they would have to request a change of timing in the development
agreement, or they would have to apply for new entitlements. Mayor Pro Tem
August also asked about the number of storage units approved since the City
incorporated and about fiscal impact for the City for storage. Ms. Gordon
confirmed that there have not been any new approvals for self-storage units
since incorporation. Ms. Kitzerow stated self-storage will generate some sales
tax, although retail would generate more sales tax revenue.
Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 8:'l 1pm. City Clerk Sarah
Manwaring stated that the hearing was legally noticed and there were no
correspondence received.
Dan Stevenson and Dan Long, the applicant, Rancon Group, presented the
poect to the City Council.
Councilmember Liesemeyer asked if there were any confirmed tenants
Brian Bielatowicz, applicant's broker, stated that there will be 7-11 is committed,
and an auto supply retailer, breakfast concept, and a couple other service
relaled tenants that are waiting for the project to move forward. He said in
Phase 2 there is interest from a drug store contingent upon a grocer, which they
do not have at this time.
Mayor Pro Tem August asked about there being a market if there was a
guaranty. He stated that residents have anticipated it.
Mr. Stevenson said it would be ideal, but there are not enough rooftops to
support a market. Mr. Stevenson said they cannot guaranty a grocery store, but
they hope for one.
[,4enifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 1 6, 20'19
Page 10 of 13
The following people spoke in favor of the project: Brian Bielatowicz, Hannah
Georgian, Jordan Cellom, Jim Lytle, Dan Long, and Mike O'Donnell did not
speak, but submitted a written form in favor. The following people spoke in
opposition of the project: Ms. Miller.
Mayor Zimmerman closed Public Hearing at 8:41 p.m.
Councilmember Sobek stated that the community would like to see a market in
that location, but she understands that there needs to be additional housing in
the area first. Ms. Sobek said she appreciales the quality of the storage unit and
that the prolect is looking for more retail. She said she would like to discuss the
corner monument sign.
Councilmember Liesemeyer said he agrees with Councilmember Sobek. He
said that lack of storage is a problem in the community and he also appreciates
the quality of the prolect. He would like to see the tenant identified on the corner
monument sign.
The City Council discussed the signage and with consensus agreed to allow two
major tenants on the corner monument was appropriate.
Councilmember Deines said that the Rancon Group rs a good partner with the
City. He said that the quality of the prolect is there and there is a need for self-
storage. Councilmember Deines said his concern is that there are lots of storage
units in the area. Councilmember Deines said when he was campaigning, he
knocked on a lot of doors in Heritage Lake and since he has been elected, he is
their vorce. He said there are concerns about sales tax and with the City forming
a Police Department, the City will need the sales tax. He said that there will be
traffic, which will be an issue with the school. He said there are worries about
property values and concerns about homelessness being that close to the
elementary school. Councilmember Deines said he attended the first community
meeting with the developers and there was opposition from the residents. He did
not attend the second meeting because he did not know about it.
Councilmember Deines said shopping is a concern for residents in Heritage
Lake. He understands the reason for the project, but his constituents are not in
favor of the project and he cannot support it.
Mayor Pro Tem August said the pro.ject went through the Planning Commission.
He said the storage facility is needed. Mayor Pro Tem August said he would ask
for approval of the poect and to let the applicant have the monument sign.
Mayor Zimmerman said he appreciated the Planning Commission vetting the
prolect. He said it hurts the City to lose sales tax generating opportunities and
this project will help spur the project. Mayor Zimmerman said he has concerns
about seeing just a storage unit in five years with tumbleweeds on an empty lot.
He added he hopes that Rancon will be good on their word to develop the other
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular lvleeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Page 11 of 13
Councilmember Liesemeyer asked about under grounding utility lines.
Ms. Gordon stated yes, it is stated in the City Ordinance. Councilmember
Liesemeyer said that because some lines have to stay on the pole and
the pole will stay anyways, the other lines should not have to be under
grounded. He asked if the condition requirement could be removed.
The applicant stated that they are asking for the distribution lines to
remain on the pole because the 115 lines and the pole will have to stay in
City Engineer Jonathan Smith talked about some of the technical issues
related to the lines. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching reported that it is not
only a condition to the project, but it is a City Ordinance that states the
City Engineer has the discretion to waive the requirement if certain
conditions are met; and it is not included in the current item for Council to
Resolution No. 18-759, adopting the mitigated negative declaration, was
ado ted with the followin
An Ordinance approving the change of zone was introduced with the
followin vote
Resolution No. 18-760, approving the tentative parcel map, Resolution No.
18-761, approving the plot plan no. 2017-090, Resolution No. 18-762,
approving the conditional use permit no. 2017-089, Resolution No. 18-763,
approving the conditional use permit no. 2018-250, Resolution No. 18-764,
approving the administrative relief no. 2018-251, Resolution No. 18-765,
approving the cancellation of development agreement no. 2014-069, and the
modification of the corner monument sign as discussed by the City Council,
were all a roved the followin vote
Adopted [4 ro 1]
Matt Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
August, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
Adopted [4 to 1]
Matt Liesemeyer
Lesa Sobek
August, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
Adopted [4 to 1]
Matt Liesemeyer
Greg August
August, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
Mayor Zimmerman called a recess at 9:19 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 9:31 p.m
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
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12.1. Recognition for Retired Supervisor Marion V. Ashley
Mayor Zimmerman introduced the item stating that he would like the City
Council to do something for the former Supervisor. Mayor Zimmerman
said he is a Dodger fan, so he was thinking about blue stadium seats.
Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks presented a brief report on
the item.
Councilmember Deines said that Supervisor Ashley has done a lot for the
community and he is deserving of the recognition. He added that it would
be nice to have the Council get together when it is installed.
The City Council agreed to purchase and install blue stadium seats in
honor of former Su e rvrso Ashl with the followin vote
12.2 Commission and Committee Appointments and Re-Appointments
This item was moved to the beginning of the agenda.
12.3. Menifee Police Department FY 2018/19 Budget Amendment Resolutions
City Manager Armando G. Villa introduced Assistant City Manager Jeff
Wyman to present the item. Mr. Wyman introduced David Brown, lnterim
Public Safety Director, who is helping the City setup the formation of the
Police Department. Mr. Wyman reported on the background of the
Menifee Police Department and gave an overview of the police
department budget including funding sources.
The City Council asked questions about the police department.
Councilmember Liesemeyer asked about the Police Chief recruitment and
if staff could track the progress of the police department.
Mayor Zimmerman asked for confirmation of the Measure DD Committee
review prior to coming to the City Council. Mr. Wyman said that they did
vet the budget adjustment and unanimously voted to allocate the
available fund balance to the police department.
Resolution No. 18-766, amending the police department budget and
Resolution No. 18-767, amending the Measure DD budget, were adopted
with the following vote:
Adopted [Unanimous]
Lesa Sobek
Matt Liesemeyer
Deines, August, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
lvlenifee Mayor and City Council
Regular Meeting l\ilinutes
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Page 13 of 13
City Manager Armando G. Villa reported on the community meeting regarding the
police chief recrurtment. He said the meeting went well and the recruiter was pleased
with the input. Councilmember Sobek asked how many applications have been
received. Mr. Villa said 22 applications so far and the recruiter anticipates receivtng at
least 50 by the time the recruitment closes.
Councilmember Liesemeyer, stated that substantial conformance should be an
administrative decision at the staff level and he asked for the item to be brought
back to Council. Mayor Zimmerman seconded the motion for the item to be
brought for Council discussion.
Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 9:47pm.
Sa A.M anwanng,Ci le
Adopted [Unanimous]
Matt Liesemeyer
Dean Deines
Deines, Au ust, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman