2020-06-03 City Council REGULAR MEETING - MinutesVirtual Meeting Via Ring Gentral Menifee, CA 92586 BillZimmerman, Mayor Greg August, District 1 Mafthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobeh Distic't 3 Dean Deines, District 4 Menifee City Council Regular Meeting M inutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 5:30 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, Gity Clerk MINUTES CLOSED SESSION (5:30 P.M.) Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at532 P.[t/. Present were Councilmembers August, Deines, Sobek, Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer and Mayor Zimmerman. There were no public comments. The City Council recessed into Closed Session at532 P.M. for the purpose listed below. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES Government Code Paragraph (A) of Section 94957 REGULAR MEETING (6:00 P.M.) 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 6:07 P.M. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching stated there was no reportable action from Closed Session. 2. ROLLCALL Attendee Name Bill Zimmerman Greg August Lesa Sobek Matt Liesemeyer Dean Deines Title Mayor District 1 District 3 District 2 District 4 Status Present Present Present Present Present 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1. Kasey CraMord, Elevation Church Due to technical difficulties, Pastor Kasey CraMord with Elevation Church was unable to provide the words of inspiration remotely. Mayor Bill Zimmerman provided the words of inspiration. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer led the flag salute. PRESENTATIONS None. 4. 5. r-M EN ! FEE' U O6 a i-" - \.- 1 Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2O2O Page 2 of 11 6. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 7. PUBLTC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) City Clerk Sarah Manwaring read public comments received by: o The Rotary Club of Menifee. Don Slatero Tamara Harrison 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS Councilmember Sobek reported on the event and the meeting she had attended. Bell Mountain Middle School Drive-by Graduationo Finance Committee Meeting Councilmember Sobek announced there would be a prayer vigil held in the parking lot of City Hall on Friday, June 5, 2020. Councilmember Deines reported on the meeting he attended. Finance Committee Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer reported on the meetings he had attended. Economic Development Meetings. Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Meeting Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he had attended. Menifee Chamber of Commerce Webinar. Animal Friends Joint Powers Authority Meeting. Student of the Year Virtual Recognition. Menifee Chamber of Commerce Wake Up Mixer. League of California Cities, Mayor's Meeting Mayor Zimmerman announced there would be high school drive-by graduation for Heritage and Paloma Valley High Schools on June 4 and 5. Mayor Zimmerman also announced that Parks, Recreation and Trails Commissioner Altie Holcomb would be stepping down and would be recognized during the June 4, 2020 Parks, Recreations and Trails Commission meeting and stated he would like to recognize Mr. Holcomb at a future City Council meeting. 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0)with no modifications. 9.1. Approval of Minutes of May 13,2020 9.2. Approval of Minutes of May 14,2020 Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 Page3of11 10. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer requested to pull ltem No. 10.4 The balance of the Consent Calendar was a the fol vote. 10.1 . Waiver of Reading in Full of Any and all Ordinances Listed on this Agenda and Provide that they be read by Title Only 10.2. Warrant Register ACTION Ratified and approved the Voucher List dated 51812020 and the Payroll Register/Other EFT's dated 51412020, 51612020, 51812020, 51121200 and 5/1 512020, which have a total budgetary impact of $4,724,941.01. 10.3. Treasurer's Report, April 2Q20 10.4 10.5 Ordinance Levying Special Taxes for Community Facilities District 2015-2, Annexation No. 31 ACTION Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-296, amending Ordinance No. 2015-173 and levying special taxes to be collected during Fiscal Year 2020-21 lo pay the annual costs of the maintenance and servicing of street lights, parks, parkways, streets, roads, and open space, the operation and maintenance of storm drainage systems, a reserve fund for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of Menifee Community Facilities District No.2015-2 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 31). 10.6. Ordinance Levying Special Taxes for Community Facilities District 2017-1 , Annexation No. 2 ACTION Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-297, amending Ordinance No. 17-231and levying special taxes to be collected during Fiscal Year 2020-21 lo pay the annual costs of the maintenance and servicing of street lights, parks, parkways, streets, roads, and open space, the operation and maintenance of storm drainage systems, a reserve fund for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 2). RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer , Sobek, Liesem , Deines Lesa Sobek Zimmerman, ACTION Approved the Treasurer's Report for April 2020. Item Moved to ltems Pulled from Consent Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 Page 4 of 11 10.7. Professional Services Agreement for Housing Element Update ACTION Approved a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn, in the not-to exceed amount of $491 ,440'for professional services to prepare the 6th Cycle, 2021-2029 update to the City of Menifee's Housing Element of the General Plan, environmental review to include preparation of an environmental impact report (ElR) addendum or EIR as necessary to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), General Plan Land Use Element and Safety Element amendments and environmental justice policies in compliance with Senate Bill (SB) 1000. 10.8. Senate Bill 2 Funding Agreement AGT!ON 1. Approved the acceptance of Senate Bill 2 (SB2) Grant Funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 20-906, approving an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $310,000 (Grant Amount) to an SB2 funds project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3. Authorized the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the SB2 Grant Funds for which the grant funding is intended. 10.9. Ordinance Approving Change of Zone No. 2016-288 and Ordinance Approving Specific Plan No. 2016-286 ACTION 1. Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-298, approving Change of Zone No. 2016-288 to change the existing zoning classification of the project site from Agriculture (AG) (formerly Heavy Agriculture - 10 Acre Minimum l -2-101 prior to adoption of the City's new Zoning Map) to Rockport Ranch Specific Plan (SP); and 2. Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-299, approving the Rockport Ranch Specific Plan No. 2016-286 to establish the Rockport Ranch Specific Plan for the project site. 10.10. Bond Agreement for Goetz Marketplace ACTION Approved the Bond Agreement for Road/Drainage lmprovements associated with the development of the Goetz Marketplace, located at the northeast corner of Goetz Road and Vista Way. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT 10.4 Citywide Signage Program Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer asked City Manager Armando Villa if there was any further information regarding the Citywide Signage Program. Mr. Villa explained it would take time for the consultant to understand the culture of the City and future needs and anticipates future public workshops. Mayor Zimmerman and Councilmember Deines requested the bid amounts and Request for Proposal (RFP) be in included in the staff reports. Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 Page5of11 11. ACTION Approved an agreement between the City of Menifee and RSM Design for Phase l, ll, Concept Design B, reimbursable expenses, and Phase lll of the Citywide Sign ram for a not-to-exceed amount of 7 500 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11.1. Menifee Police Department Fee Schedule Menifee Police Chief Pat Walsh introduced the Police Department's new Services Manager Danita Robertson. Captain Dave Gutierrez provided a presentation on the item. Captain Gutierrez reported on the background, establishment of fees, fee categories, fee averages, and the fiscal impact. The City Council asked questions of staff regarding the proposed fees. Captain Gutierrez stated that a base line was established to start on July 1, but a fee schedule would be done at a later time and fees may be adjusted. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at6:44 P.M. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the public hearing was legally noticed and there was no correspondence received. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 6:45 P.M. Councilmember Deines stated his concerns regarding document fees for victims and citation sign off. Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer agreed. Councilmember Sobek stated her recommendation would be to approve the report as is. Mayor Zimmerman confirmed the Menifee Police Department fee schedule would be reassessed in approximately a year. ACTION Adopted Resolution No. 20-907, establishing the new Police Department fee schedule. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Lesa Sobek Matt Liesemeyer Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines 11 .2. "Legado Specific Plan" - Planning Application Nos. Specific Plan No. 2017-187 , Change of Zone No. 2017-188, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 37408 (Planning Application No.2018-137), Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.37409 (Planning RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer Dean Deines Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, JLrne 3, 2020 Page6of11 Application No.2018-138), Tentative Tract Map No. 37391 (Planning Application No. 2017-264), Development Agreement No. 2018-277 -Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) (State Clearinghouse #2009091 1 18) City tt/anager Armando Villa introduced Special Project Manager Lisa Gordon. lrtls. Gordon reported on the project location; general plan; zoning; Change of Zone No. 2017-188; Specific Plan No. 2017-187; Tract Map No. 2017-264;Tract Map Nos. 37408 and 37409; development agreement; Planning Commission summary; specific plan purpose and overview; circulation plan; pedestrian network and trails; phasing; open space; recreation and parks; basins; entry signage; Menifee Gateway; architecture; Developer lmpact Fe (DlF) credits and reimbursements; maximum funding of parks; City benefits; Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission summary; Environmental Review; significant and unavoidable impacts; environmental determination and recommendations. The City Council asked questions regarding McCall Boulevard and Encanto Drive intersection improvements, Life Care Center of lt/enifee comments, commercial development, future Planning Commission approvals, housing design guidelines and administrative approvals, park DIF and Quimby credits, off site improvements, electronic billboard, and maximum park contribution. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7:35 P.M. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the public hearing was legally noticed and the City Council received correspondence from Life Care Center of Menifee and Mitchell M. Tsai prior to the meeting. ft4s. Manwaring read public comments received by:. John Tribelhorn spoke in favor of the projectr Ms. Miller spoke in opposition of the project. Donna Williams spoke in favor of the project. Debbi ltllanion spoke in favor of the project. Ron Sullivan spoke in favor of the project. John Whann spoke in favor of the project. Darcy Kuenzi spoke in favor of the project. Paula Kemp commented on the project's proposed community center. f\4ichael Cano spoke in favor of the project's proposed community center. Richard De La Cruz commented on the project's proposed community center Michael Schlesinger, Newport Pacific Land Representative, provided a presentation and reported on the history of the project; goals and objectives; community outreach; theme of Legado; Fleming Ranch plan in 2017; excess contributions for public benefits; public neighborhood parks; public multi-use trails; public community park with walking trails; honoring historic route 395; and project buildout timeline. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 8:16 P.M Councilmember Deines spoke in favor of the project's community center and parks and inquired about interim improvements at the intersection of McCall Blvd and Encanto Dr. Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 PageT of 11 Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer and Councilmember spoke in favor of the proposed project, Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer inquired about RV parking and stated he would like to see some lots have that available. Mayor Zimmerman thanked the applicant for incorporating a community center and spoke in favor of the proposed project. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring introduced the three Ordinances by title. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 20-908, certifying the Environmental lmpact Report and adopting the Statement of Overriding Considerations based upon the findings incorporated in the Resolution and analysis in the Environmental lmpact Report. RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Dean Deines Lesa Sobek Zimmerman,ust, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines 2. lntroduced an Ordinance approving Change of Zone 2017-188 to change the site's existing zoning designation from "Fleming Ranch Specific Plan Zone" to doS Plan Zone" 3. lntroduced an Ordinance approving Specific Plan 2017-187 based upon the findi and conclusions 4. Adopted Resolution No.20-909, approving Tentative Tract Map No. 2017- 264 (TR 37391) subject to the conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions; and Adopted Resolution No. 20-910, approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 2018-137 (TR 37408) subject to the conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions; and Adopted Resolution No. 20-911, approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 2018-138 (TR 37409) subject to the conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions; and RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Dean Deines Matt Liesemeyer Sobek, Liesemeyer DeinesZimmerman, Au RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Dean Deines Matt Liesemeyer ust, Sobek, Li , DeinesZimmerman, Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 Page8of11 12. 5. lntroduced an Ordinance approving Development Agreement 2018-277 lo apply to portions of the Legado Specific Plan subject to the findings and conclusions. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Dean Deines Matt Liesemeyer Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines DISCUSSION lTEMS 12.1. Traffic lmpact Analysis Guidelines Update - Senate Bill 743 Compliance Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow provided a background of the item and introduced City Consultant Jason Pack with Fehr and Peers to provide the presentation. Mr. Peck reported on an overview of the project; an overview of Senate Bill (SB) 743; CEQA guideline adoptions with SB 743 implementation; SB 743 overview; how to conduct Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) assessment; how the City will comply; proposed thresholds; VMT analysis screening criteria; Wester Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) VMT screening tool; Planning Commission recom mendation ; environmental review; and staff recom mendation. The City Council asked staff about the outcome of the tests performed and the outreach efforts. ACTION Adopted Resolution No. 20-912, approving the City of Menifee Traffic lmpact Analysis (TlA) Guidelines threshold of significance for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) to comply with Senate Bill (SB) 743 and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) Guidelines. RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] BillZimmerman Matt Liesemeyer Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines 12.2. General Plan Annual Progress Report ior 2019 City Manager Armando Villa introduced Senior Planner Doug Darnell. Mr. Darnell reported on the General Plan Annual Progress Report requirements; general plan overview; implementation program; compliance topics; housing element; and staff recommendation. ACT!ON Reviewed the General Plan Annual Progress Report (APR) for 2019 as required by state law to show progress toward implementation of General Plan Goals and Policies, RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Dean Deines Lesa Sobek Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer st, Sobek,, Deines Lesa Sobek Zimmerman, Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 Page9of11 and received and filed the Mayor Zimmerman called for a recess at 8:56 P.M. and reconvened at 9:02 P.M 12.3. November 3,2020 General Municipal Election Resolutions City Manager Armando Villa introduced City Clerk Sarah Manwaring. Ms. Manwaring reported on the purpose of the November 2020 election; Resolution for calling the election; candidate nomination period; Resolution for candidate statements; Resolution for arguments, rebuttal arguments, and impartial analysis; and staffs recommendation. The City Council asked questions of staff regarding arguments and rebuttal arguments. ACT!ON 1. Adopted Resolution No. 20-913, calling the November 3, 2020 general municipal election for candidates, a ballot measure and requesting assistance from the istrar of Voters in cond the election Resolution No.20-914 setti ulations for candidate statements. 3, Adopted Resolution No. 20-915, providing for arguments and rebuttal arguments, and directing the city attorney to prepare an impartial analysis for any measures that qualify to be placed on the November 3, 2020 general munr I election 12.4. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget, Classification and Compensation Plan, GANN Appropriations Limit City Manager Armando Villa introduced City Engineer/Public Works Director Jonathan Smith to present the Capital lmprovement Program (ClP) budget. Mr. Smith reported on the CIP goals; capital budget and capital program; funding sources; expenditures; Holland Road Overpass; Bradley Bridge over Salt Creek; McCall Boulevard interchange; Garbani Road interchange; Paloma Wash Pedestrian Trail; Menifee Road and La Piedra Road traffic signal; Murrieta Road 2 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer Sobek,, Deines Lesa Sobek Zimmerman, RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Lesa Sobek Matt Liesemeyer st, Sobek,, DeinesZimmerman, RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Lesa Sobek Matt Liesemeyer ust, Sobek, Liesemeyer, DeinesZimmerman, Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 Page 10 of 11 13. 14 and Sun City Boulevard traffic signal; Murrieta Road and Rouse Road traffic signal, Menifee Road and Garbani Road traffic signal; Scott Road and Leon Road traffic signal; Menifee Road and Scott Road missing sidewalk; Adams Avenue lmprovements phase two, Murrieta Road resurfacing to Salt Creek; Hillpointe Community resurfacing, McCall Boulevard resurfacing, Fire Station No. 68 improvements; Quial Valley Fire Station No. 5 design; and new City Hall at Town Center. The City Council asked questions of staff regarding traffic signal and street improvements, street improvement at lMenifee Road and Garbani Road intersection, a potential new traffic signal near Mt. San Jacinto College, La Peidra and Murrieta Road intersection, and McCall Boulevard and Encanto Road interim improvement. Deputy City Manager Rochelle Clayton provided a presentation on the Fiscal Year 202012021 Budget and reported on the financial uncertainty due to COVID 19; City impacts; forecast revenues; budget assumptions and sources; expenditure reductions; animal control contract update; total generalfund revenues and expenditures; Measure DD funding; the Menifee Police Department budget; fund balance policy; budget summary process. The City Council asked questions of staff regarding the City fund balance, CIP detail pages, grant fund budgeting, cost recovery for Riverside County Sheriff Department, and Measure DD reserve. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 20-916, approving the Fiscal Year 2020121 Budget; and 2. Adopted Resolution No.20-917, approving the Fiscal Year 2021l2l Classification and Compensation Plan; and3. Adopted Resolution No. 20-918, establishing the Fiscal Year 2020121 GANN ns limit. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None. CITY MANAGER REPORTS None. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilmember Sobek requested a discussion item to discuss an affirmation ballot measure for Measure DD. Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer seconded the request. Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer requested the City Council recognize Crime Watch for their service. City Manager Armando Villa stated staff would look into scheduling that for the RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Dean Deines Matt Liesemeyer st, Sobek,, DeinesZimmerman, 15. Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 3,2020 Page11of11 July 1 ,2020 City Council meeting Mr. Villa and Chief Walsh commented on a soft and grand opening for the Menifee Police Department. Councilmember Sobek reminded the public of the prayer vigil that would be held on Friday, June 5, 2020 in the parking lot of City Hall parking lot and that Senator trlike Morrell would be attending. 16. ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 10:25 P.M Manwaring, MMC City Clerk