2020-05-14 City Council SPECIAL MEETING - MinutesIEEffism f
Virtual Meeting
Via RingCentral
Menifee, CA 92586
BillZimmerman, Mayor
Greg August, District 1
Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobeh Distict3
Dean Deines, District 4
Menifee Gity Counci!
Special Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 14,2020
4:30 PM Closed Session
5:00 PM Special Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Sarah A. Manwaring, Gity Clerk
Mayor Zimmerman opened Closed Session at 4:35 P.M. Present were Councilmembers August,
Deines, Sobek, Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer, and Mayor Zimmerman. There were no public
comments. The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 4:36 P.M. for the purpose listed
Government Code Paragraph (A) of Section 94957
Mayor Zimmerman called the Special Meeting to order at 5:03 P.M. City Attorney Jeffrey
Melching stated there was no reportable action from Closed Session.
Attendee Name
Greg August
Lesa Sobek
Matt Liesemeyer
Dean Deines
District 1
District 3
District 2
District 4
Councilmember Sobek led the flag salute
4.1. 2020 lndependenceCelebration
Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks introduced Community Services
Supervisor Jason Hendrix to present the item. Mr. Hendrix reported on the City's
events that had been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and presented
options to the City Council on how to proceed with the lndependence Day
Celebration 2020.
The City Council asked questions of staff regarding ticket costs, ticket
distribution, monitoring attendance, time frame to make decisions, how to
address the business community and attendance, refunds of cancelled events
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 14,2020
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City Clerk Sarah Manwaring read public comments submitted by email:. Josh B. who was in favor of proceeding with an lndependence Day
Celebration.o Pam Adger who was not in favor of proceeding with an lndependence
Day Celebration.o Alex Knab who was in favor of proceeding with an lndependence Day
Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer spoke in favor of Option 3, firework show only, and
stated he would be in favor of a larger firework show than proposed.
Councilmember Sobek spoke in favor of Option 3 and requested a Press
Release to help residents understand the restrictions and reasons for the City
Council's decision.
Councilmember Deines spoke in favor of Option 3 and the Press Release.
Councilmember August and Mayor Zimmerman spoke in favor of Option 3
Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer stated he would be in favor of raising the budget for
the fireworks. Mr. Nicks stated he would speak to the vendor about options for a
larger firework show.
Approved Option 3, to have a fireworks show only, and provided authority for the City
Manager to execute an agreement with an increased firework budget not-to-exceed
4.2. Animal Services for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
City Manager Armando Villa introduced Community Development Director Cheryl
Kitzerow to provide a presentation on the item. Ms. Kitzerow reported on the
background, Animal Friends of the Valley (AFV) proposal and scope of work,
AFV Joint Powers Authority (JPA) background and cost, County of Riverside
proposal and scope of work, and the fiscal impact.
Councilmember August stated he was not in favor of joining the AFV's JPA.
The City Council asked questions of staff regarding unforeseen charges, true up
costs, San Jacinto Shelter closure, and license fee revenue.
Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer stated his concerns with the travel distance and
sheltering at the Riverside County and San Jacinto locations and inquired how
residents would know where to find their lost pets.
City Clerk Sarah Manwaring read public comments submitted by email:
Adopted [Unanimous]
Matt Liesemeyer
Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines
Lesa Sobek
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 14,2020
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. Gina Collelow expressed her concerns with barking dogs in her
neighborhood.. Nina Medina spoke in favor of Sheltering and Animal Control with AFV. Alex Knaub spoke in favor of the least expensive option.
Kris Anderson, Board Member with AFV, clarified the board members of the JPA
would decide if the City could join and not AFV.
Mayor Zimmerman inquired about the fees to join the JPA. Ms. Anderson stated
there would be an annual bond payment.
Julie Bank, Director of Animal Services with Riverside County Shelter, stated the
County was looking at all options regarding keeping the shelters open, but there
was no certainty. She also stated the County would submit a proposal for field
services if the City was interested, and they were researching ways to bring back
spay and neutering programs.
Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer asked Ms. Bank questions regarding residents
retrieving and surrendering animals and programs and available clinics and
programs. Ms. Banks stated all animals are posted on the website and that staff
was working on an online reporting system. Animal pick up was available by
curbside check-in and officers were returning animals to their homes. Ms. Banks
stated staff initially tries to work with pet owners and provide resources to keep
their pets and offered surrendering pets by appointment. She also stated since
COVID-19 there has been a stop to clinics and programs but when business
could reopen, they were looking at expanding the programs.
Councilmember August inquired about the impact of the City's mandatory
chipping program and condition of animals received by the shelters. Ms. Bank
reported there had been an increase of 23o/o for chipping and there are many
animals taken in from Menifee and are in good condition.
Councilmember Sobek asked Ms. Bank questions regarding penalties and ability
to terminate the contract if the San Jacinto Shelter were to close. Ms. Bank
stated there would not be a penalty to the City and she would have to look at if
there is a time stipulation associated with the termination. She stated the closest
shelter is the Riverside location in Jurupa Valley, and if the San Jacinto location
were to close, the Riverside location would look into delivering pets back to their
Councilmember Sobek stated her concern for space at AFV, inquired about the
fostering program, emergency sheltering services and programs offered. Ms.
Anderson stated there would be enough room for the City's animals, and
explained AFV's efforts during local emergencies and discussed their clinic
services. Monica Wylie, reported on the foster home program.
Councilmember August asked for clarification regarding contracting with AFV
versus the JPA. Ms. Anderson and Ms. Kitzerow provided clarification.
Councilmember Deines asked if AFV had discussed with the JPA having the City
of Menifee join and he asked if Riverside County would approve a 90-day notice
Menifee [Vlayor and City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 14,2020
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if the San Jacinto shelter were to close. Ms. Anderson stated there had been
discussions with the JPA and Ms. Bank stated the 90-day notice could be written
in the contact and the County could do a shorter contract as well.
Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer inquired about the timing to join the JPA. Ms
Anderson stated service would be continued until the JPA was finalized.
Mayor Zimmerman inquired about the timeframe for the City approval. Ms.
Kitzerow stated staff would have to bring this item back to City Council.
Councilmember Deines inquired about the field service contract from the County
Ms. Kitzerow stated the County submitted an informal proposal of $345,280 for
field services.
Councilmember August stated he was in favor of contracting with AFV for
operations only and was not in favor of joining the JPA.
Councilmember Sobek stated she was in favor of combining services and
contracting with AFV.
Councilmember Deines recommended a one-year contract with Riverside County
and revisit the JPA option when the City would not be rushed into a decision.
Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer and Mayor Zimmerman stated they were in favor of
combining services with AFV to keep service closer for residents.
Councilmember Sobek inquired about negotiating with the JPA for a contract
amount of what the City currently has budgeted, $657,301.
Directed staff to n a contract with Animal Friends of the
4.3. Measure DD Repeal lmpact Report
City Manager Armando Villa introduced Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman to
present the item. Mr. Wyman reported on the background of Measure DD; 2016
ballot language; fiscal impact; community impacts and the reduction in the
Menifee Police Department, Fire Department, Code Enforcement Department
and infrastructure and capital improvement projects. He continue to report on
capital projects accomplished with Measure DD funds and additional impacts the
repealwould have to Economic Development.
Councilmember Sobek inquired about the cost to the City for the ballot measure
for the 2020 Election. City Attorney Jeff Melching stated the Riverside Registrar
of Voters provided an estimate of $40,000 to $50,000 for the measure.
Adopted [4 to 1]
Lesa Sobek
Matt Liesemeyer
Zimmerman, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 14,2020
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City Clerk Sarah Manwaring read public comments submitted by emailo Rick Croy spoke in support of Measure DDr Don Slater spoke in opposition of Measure DDo Brianna Harnden spoke in support of Measure DDo Michael Cano spoke in support of Measure DDo Alex Knaub commented on the recommended action of the City Council
Councilmember Deines commented on the importance of Measure DD
Received and filed the report.
4.4. Measure DD Repeal lnitiative
City Clerk Sarah Manwaring reported on the City Council's options in the process
of the initiative petition to repeal Measure DD.
Authorized the City Clerk to prepare Resolutions to submit the proposed Ordinance,
repealing Measure DD, without alteration, to the voters at the City's General Municipal
Election on November 2O2O and back to Council for ado
Mayor Zirnmernran adjourned the meeting at 7:50 P.M.
Adopted [Unanimous]
Lesa Sobek
Matt Liesemeyer
st, Sobek,, DeinesZimmerman,