2020-03-12 City Council SPECIAL MEETING - MinutesCity Counci! Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Greg August, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING (8:00 A.M) 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the Special Meeting to order at 8:07 a.m 2. ROLLCALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Director of Finance Wendy Preece led the flag salute WORKSHOP 4.1. Strategic Visioning Plan Menifee City Gouncil Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 12, 2020 8:00 AM Special Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk 3. 4. City Manager Armando Villa introduced the workshop item and Senior Management Analyst lmelda Huerta. Ms. Huerta reported on the background and history of the Strategic Plan; goals and priorities; significant updates from November 2019 through February 2020; and public safety, land use and City Hall completed tasks. Mayor Zimmerman asked about an update regarding Economic Development Corridor (EDC) General Plan Land Use. Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow stated the City was conducting a Menifee Specific lndustrial Plan and once it was completed staff would provide a presentation to the City Council. Ms. Huerta continued to report on the infrastructure completed tasks Mayor Zimmerman requested that the Bradley Bridge over Salt Creek be assigned as a priority infrastructure project and be added to the City's Strategic Plan. Councilmember August and Sobek supported Mayor Zimmerman's request. Staff stated the Bradley Bridge would be added to the City's Strategic Plan. Attendee Name Bill Zimmerman Greg August Lesa Sobek Matt Liesemeyer Dean Deines Title Mayor District 1 District 3 District 2 District 4 Status Present Present (left the meeting at 9:31 a.m.) Present Present Present MEN I FEE G1TY O3. dIN Menifee Mayor and City Council Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 12, 2020 Page 2 of 5 lVs. Huerta continued to report on community outreach and workforce and facilities management. Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer stated his concerns with a temporary solution for the public works yard. Mr. Villa stated staff had looked into future locations to screen Public Works/Engineering and Community Services Departments equipment. He said, currently staff was researching screening material for the current location for an interim solution. Ms. Huerta introduced Jim Uhlwith Breaking the Chain Consulting. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring provided Mr. Uhl's biography. Mr. Uhl provided his background and history as a consultant. Mr. Uhl provided a presentation to the City Council about the difference of discussion and dialogue and how to be a better team by working together. The City Council recessed for a break at 9:31 a.m. Councilmember August left the meeting. The meeting reconvened at 9:41 a.m. Mr. Uhl continued with his presentation. Ms. Huerta opened the meeting to discuss the goals and objectives implementation plan. Ms. Huerta started with the Public Safety goals Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer said he would like to add Quail Valley, Fire Station 5 to the list. Councilmember Sobek agreed. Mayor Zimmerman asked staff about the timing on the Audie Murphy Ranch Fire Station. Mr. Villa provided an update and stated staff would evaluate the need and the cost. The City Council and staff discussed future fire station needs as development continues in the City and the need for a citywide needs assessment. Councilmember Deines asked about future police stations. Menifee Police Chief Pat Walsh stated it would be something for the City to look at a later time. Ms. Huerta introduced the Land Use goals. Mayor Zimmerman asked Ms. Kitzerow to provide an update when Council would be able to review the General Plan for the EDC. Ms. Kitzerow stated once the Specific lndustrial Plan was finalized staff would provide a presentation to the City Council. Ms. Huerta introduced the Parks and Trails/Enhancement standards of park system goals. Councilmember Sobek stated the need for a regional park and asked if there was a need for a plan in each district. Menifee Mayor and City Council Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 12, 2020 Page 3 of 5 Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks recommended the City Council and staff revisit the parks master plan in a few years when the City has annexed all the parks into the City's jurisdiction. councilmember sobek asked if it would be a good time to form a nonprofit. The City Council agreed to add a formation of a nonprofit to the Strategic Plan Councilmember Deines inquired about planning for indoor and outdoor community centers. The Council stated they would like to update the Evans Park item into phases. The City Council and staff discussed the option of creating an open space nature park. Mr. Villa presented the idea of creating a program to save funds to purchase open space. The City Council stated they were in favor of the creation of an open space nature preservation park. Economic Development Director Gina Gonzales provided an update on the Cherry Hills Plaza commercial development. The City Council and staff discussed the creation of an incentive program to fast track development. Ms. Kitzerow asked for clarification if the Council would like to add a new item for EDC land use for discussion. Mayor Zimmerman confirmed he would like to see that brought to the City Council including discussion for business incentive districts (BlD). The City Council agreed to consolidate item 2.7, Create Regional Multi-Use Complex, with 2.6., Economic Development Plan. Councilmember Sobek requested an update on the future permanent City Hall Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman provided an update. The City Council and staff discussed an assessment for parking needs at the new City Hall location. Mr. Smith provided an update on Scott Road/l-215 improvements. Councilmember Sobek requested to add the Scott Road interchange grand opening to the list. The City Council gave consensus to add an appendix to the report of completed tasks/projects and remove those completed items from the spreadsheet. Councilmember Sobek asked about the on and off ramps at Newport Road and possible enhancements to make them more welcoming. Mr. Smith stated the Menifee Mayor and City Council Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 12, 2020 Page 4 of 5 Engineering Department was looking into a hardscape and suggested the Public Works Department focus on weed abatement and completion of infrastructure then look at available funds to enhance on and off ramps. Councilmember Sobek requested to add phases for on and off ramp enhancements to the Strategic Plan. The Council agreed. Councilmember Deines asked about the priority list for the pavement management program. Mr. Smith stated staff was working on a priority list and would provide that to the City Council at a future meeting. Councilmember Sobek inquired about the City's drainage and sewer needs in the northern and southern gateways and requested to add it to the Strategic Plan. The Council agreed. The City Council and staff discussed the Holland Road Overpass project and the McCall Boulevard interchange project. Ms. Gonzalez provided an update on a citywide signage program. The City Council and staff discussed the Garbani Road interchange and interim traffic relief options. Mr. Smith stated they could add phases as a line item to the Strategic Plan. Mr. Wyman stated the next issue of Menifee Matters would be released in April and would include information on Capital lmprovement Program (ClP) and Measure DD projects. Mayor Zimmerman requested to add Bradly Bridge at Salt Creek to the Strategic Plan. The Council agreed. Ms. Gonzalez provided an update on Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer stepped away from the dais at 11:39 a.m. and returned to the dais at 1 1:41 p.m. Ms. Huerta provided an updated on the social media policy. Councilmember Sobek inquired about community outreach and stated the importance of the City's youth and the need to recognize achievements of youth and college students. Mr. Wyman presented an update for workforce and facilities management. Deputy City Manager Rochelle Clayton presented an update on staffing efforts Mr. Wyman provided an update on anticipated technology systems and equipment upgrades. Menifee Mayor and City Council Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 12, 2020 Page 5 of 5 5. ADJOURN Mr. Smith provided an update on maintenance equipment needs. Councilmember Deines stated he would like to discuss smart cities and open access to public records for the public as part of the strategic plan. lMs. Kitzerow stated the city had released the Request for proposals (RFp)for the smart cities strategic Plan and recommended adding the item under infrastructure in the strategic plan. The City Council agreed. Councilmember Deines stated he would like to add a line item under technology regarding a more efficient way to serve the public. The city council agreed. Councilmember Sobek stated she would like to bring attention to city beautification and maintaining graffiti cleanup and landscaping. The City Council and staff discussed ways to enhance health and safety in the City. Ms. Gonzalez and Mr. Nicks discussed health provider's participation in the City and Community Service events and partnerships already in place. Kassen Klein, Menifee Businessman discussed the Scott Road flood plain and the Scott Road and Menifee Road intersection improvements that should be on the City Council's radar. charley Black, senior Vice President with Lee & Associates, discussed the importance of having a place to locate desired businesses. Brianna Harnden, resident, inquired about the City hiring an in-house attorney as it relates to AB 5. Councilmember Sobek spoke on the services the City's current law firm, Rutan and rucker, provide and the benefits of hiring a consultant, versus the challenges with an in-house City attorney. councilmember Sobek made a motion to add city Manager comments to the agenda. Councilmember Deines seconded the motion. Motion passed (4-0-1; Councilmember August absent). Mr. Villa provided an update on precautions staff was taking regarding COVID-19 and stated staff had activated the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)to management watch. Mayor Zimmerman adjou rah A. M the meet City Clerk at 12:12 p.m